Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/46

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1452 to 1808.

June 3 LiNDLEY, Charles, and Ridge, John R.

The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California Bandit. By Yellow Bird.

June 6 Zakreski, Alexander

An improved Topographical map of the Northern and Middle Mines compiled from the most recent and authentic surveys showing a practicable Route for the great Atlantic & Pacific Rail-Road through the Sierra Nevada at Fredonyers Pass with a faithful delineation of the Course of Rivers, Mountains, Ranges & location of Cities Towns Roads Mines etc.

June 9 Emmert, Paul

A Panoramic view of the city of Honolulu. Oahu. Sandwich Islands, with its public buildings principle mercantile Houses & private residences. (Lithograph engraving.)

June 9 Bonestell & Williston

California Characters, by Whittlestick, and Mining Scenes, and Sketches, by an old Miner.

June 20 Douglas, I. W.

California Vaquero Scene (Wood cut engraving.)

July 18 BocHSA, Nicholas Charles

Anna Bishop's Operatic Library. Der Freischutz or The Seven Bullets.* Grand Romantic Opera. In three Acts. The Music by Carl Maria von Weber, Translated from the original German into English and performied for the first time in California at the Metropolitan Theatre, San Francisco.

Aug. 22 HuTCHiNGS, James M.

Hutchings, California Scenes, The Mammoth Tree. (Wood engravings.) Aug. 25 Hittell, John S[hertzer]

The evidences against Christianity, or Dare you look on the other Side? Aug. 25 *Hittell, John S.

Werther and Preciosa, Translations from the German of Goethe and the

Spanish of Cervantes.

Sept. 20 Stone, John A.

Put's original California Songster. The Land of Gold. Original Songs as sung by the Sierra Nevada Rangers, with unbounded applause throughout the State.

Sept. 21 BocHSA, Nicholas Charles

Anna Bishop's Operatic Library— Judith, a grand opera spectacle in six

tableaux, Dramatized and the music selected from Verdi's celebrated Sacred

Operas, Nabucco, I Lombardi, Joan of Arc etc. Oct. 20 Barber & Baker

Miners Life. (Lithograph engraving.)

Oct. 26 *YouNG, J[acob] C.

Pocket AEsculapius or Medical Companion, being observations on Man- hood in its premature decline, embracing critical and practical treatises on venereal diseases impotency and sterility. The proper study of Mankind is Man.

Nov. 25 Murray, John Frederick Alexander

Wood cut or stamp with the likeness of John Frederick Alex. Murray and the word Murray imprinted above and "Venerial Prophylactic" below.