Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/85

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Tuesday 29th Last night or rather this morning, Mr. Taft died of his wound and was buried this afternoon.

Thursday 31st Lee and myself went to Murphey's again. found the Indians had robbed our tent of a rifle all of my clothes (except a pair of drawers) my journal since I left New York and a variety of other things

Friday, Nov ist Morse was accidentally shot in the neck (with a pepper box) . left Murpheys. went to McKinneys^^ from there to the diggings for which Fairbrother had searched in vain slept at McKinneys

Saturday 2nd Went to the diggings again in the morning then returned home by way of San Antoine We have walked this week over one hun- dred miles

Monday 4th Packed our donkey and Started again for the diggings # camped on the Calaveries — Had to make two trips from our old camp and one from Murpheys got up all our plunder as the Western men call it — tent up and pretty fairly settled by Monday nth.

Wednesday 1 3th Commenced building a log Cabbin, Lee cutting the prin- ciple part of the timber and I putting up building chimney, &c

Saturday 24th Moved into our cabbin although not quite done it is much more comfortable than the tent with the rain pouring upon us as we have had it two nights this week — consider the rainy season fairly set in

Saturday Deer 7th Cabbin quite finished with table, four stools and sundry other furniture not as pretty but quite as useful as any in the States

Tuesday loth Cut wood for good fires — The snow that fell more than a week ago to the depth of three or four inches is still on the ground.

Wednesday i ith and Thursday 12th out prospecting — from all appear- ances we shall not make a fortune in this place, but we have comfortable quarters for winter and a pretty fair stock of provisions and must remain

Tuesday 24th Have not been able to find anything that will pay, nearer than three miles from here so have concluded to put up another cabin near the place (About one and half miles from McKinney's)

Wednesday 25th Clear and plesant

Thursday 26th Went down to McKinneys ground our Axes and hatchets and made a slight commencement toward building a cabin

Wednesday Jany ist 1851 Keeping New Year day on pork & beans (not very dissipated) The new cabin is nearly framed although the first timber we cut is so large that we cannot get it up so that labour is lost. We are obliged to walk some three miles every morning to our work — and have lost a day and half by having our timber too large The weather is very warm and plesant — all the rain and snow we have had this season will not amount to a week

Friday Jany 3D Moved part of our things to and pitched our tent inside of the new cabin