Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/86

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Sunday 5th Heavy rain in the afternoon and slight rain Monday eve- ning 6th

Wednesday 1 5th. Cabin finished except a few httle affairs. Weather has been clear and warm. No water to wash our dirt We have not made two dollars since we left the Calaveries — There have been three parties out after the Indians, all unsuccessfull. The Indians have swept nearly the whole country, of Mules and horses and are decidedly hostile

Tuesday Feby. 4th Finding that we were not likely to have water enough to do anything in the way of dry digging, packed up and moved down to our old place on the Calaveries

Monday 1 7th Bought Shepardson & Taf t's Cabin provisions &c and moved in — Lee is disabled with a felon and I lame with Rheumatism. continue work until

Thursday 20th ObHged to lay by scarce able to move

Tuesday 25th At work again. Lee still unable to do anything — We have had two days of slight Showers since we have been here days warm and nights cold — makes ice half an inch thick

March 9th Went to McKiney's returned on the loth We have had a little more than a week of rainy weather this Month

April 2 ed Wednesday Started for Murphey 's by way of Angels, Carsons Cayute Flatt, Dusty Bar. returned to Carson's in the evening. Watkinson joined us at Angels, Left Carson's in the morning and went to Murpheys by way of Douglass Flatt Left Murphey's on the morning of the 5th Fri- day returned to Angel's remained all night with Watkinson at Young's and returned home.

Saturday 6th Considerable rain fell this week. raised the stream carried off our cradle &c.

Sunday 27th Weather has been tolerably clear and pleasant since Monday, the rainy season is probably over — Flowers commenced blooming the latter part of Feby and now the whole country is covered with the most beautiful variety

Tuesday 6th May — Early in the morning Lee and myself started for San Francisco. by half past ten we had walked to the Calaveries Ranch — some twenty two miles — took dinner — and about two O clock the Stage from Mokelume passing we rode the remainder of the distance to Stockton (thirty five miles) $8." where we arrived at Sundown — About twelve O clock we were alarmed by fire, and before morning all of the business part of the City was burnt down. After breakfast left the Phoenix Hotel, and dined at the Stockton House on the opposite side of the slue

Wednesday 7th In the afternoon four O clock took the Steam Boat, CM. Webber for San Francisco, one hundred and twenty miles, fare ten dollars