Page:Canadian Alpine Journal I, 1.djvu/276

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Active Members. (a) Those who have made an ascent of not less than ten thousand feet above sea-level in some recognized mountain region; their eligibility for election to be decided by the Executive Board.

(b) Those who for eight years prior to the date of organization have been annual visitors to Canada's mountain regions and have contributed to a knowledge of the same by means of scientific or atristic publication.

(c) Except as hereinafter specified, Active members only shall be entitled to vote.

(d) Active members may obtain life membership by the payment of fifty dollars, and shall thereafter be exempt from the payment of all dues.

Associate Members. Those who are unable to qualify as Active members, but, owing to the objects of the Club, desire to affiliate therewith and lend a helping hand towards its maintenance.

Graduating Members. Those who desire to become Active members, but are not yet qualified. They will be given two years to qualify, but such probation is not renewable.

Subscribing Members. Those who are unable to take an active part in the outdoor work of the Club, but desire to keep in touch with it by receiving its publications and exchanges.


5. (a) The officers of the Club shall consist of a Patron, a President, Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, who shall be elected to office biennially.

The President and Vice-Presidents shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

(b) Officers of the Club shall be elected from the Active membership, but, if it be distinctly in the interests of the Club, as determined by the Executive Board, they may be elected from any other grade except that of Graduating or Subscribing membership, and for their term of office shall be vested with the powers and privileges of Active membership. In such case, however, the election must be by a two-thirds majority of the recorded vote of the Club.


6. (a) In addition, there shall be elected not less than three advisers, who, together with the officers, shall constitute the Executive Board of the Club. Their tenure of office shall be governed by subsection (a) of section entitled "Officers." Only residents of Canada shall be eligible for office upon the Executive Board.

(b) Advisers may be elected from any other grade, excepting that of Graduating or Subscribing membership, and for their term of office shall be vested with the powers and privileges of Active membership.