Page:Canadian Alpine Journal I, 1.djvu/277

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Canadian Alpine Journal


7. The Executive Board shall have the general charge, superintendence and control of the affairs, interests and property of the Club. It shall pass upon the eligibility of all proposed members and shall arrange and direct the working details and publications of the Club. The Executive Board shall have power to make by-laws for its own government, not inconsistent with this Constitution, which by-laws shall be submitted by the Board at the first annual meeting thereafter,


8. Every nomination for membership must be made by not less than three members of the Club. Such nomination, with a statement of the qualifications of the proposed member, shall be submitted to the Executive Board, which shall pass upon the eligibility of the candidate. A ballot containing the names of such candidates as have been approved by the Executive Board, together with a statement of their qualifications and the names of their sponsors, shall be sent by the Secretary to each Active member. Such ballots as are returned to the Secretary within six weeks after they were sent out shall be canvassed by the Executive Board and the result declared in the minutes of the Board and in the next circular issued to members. A majority of the votes cast shall elect.


9. The election of officers shall take place at every alternate annual meeting. Two months before such meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five Active members. This Committee shall prepare a list of candidates for the ensuing term and report it to the Secretary.

A ballot containing these nominations shall be mailed to each Active member at least six weeks before the date of election. At the meeting appointed for the election, these ballots shall be cast and the result declared. In case of a failure to elect, the existing officers shall hold over until their successors are elected.


10. (a) Annual dues for Active members shall be five dollars.

Annual dues for Associate members shall be twenty-five dollars.

Annual dues for Graduating members shall be two dollars and fifty cents.

Annual dues for Subscribing members shall be two dollars.

(b) Members in arrears for two years, to whom have been mailed the usual notice for dues and a final notice, shall forfeit membership.


11. The headquarters of the Club shall be at the city of Winnipeg.