Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/135

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fastings, prayers, almsgivings, or by other works also of piety; and that, therefore, the best penance is merely a new life; let him be anathema.

Canon xiv. If any one shall say, that the satisfactions, by which penitents redeem their sins through Christ Jesus, are not a worship of God, but traditions of men, obscuring the doctrine of grace, and the true worship of God, and the benefit itself of the death of Christ; let him be anathema.

Canon xv. If any one shall say, that the keys are given to the Church, only to loose, not also to bind; and that, therefore, priests, when they impose punishments on those who confess, act contrary to the end designed by the keys, and contrary to the institution of Christ; and that it is a fiction, that, after eternal punishment has, by virtue of the keys, been removed, there for the most part remains a temporal punishment to be discharged; let him be anathema.


Canon i. If any one shall say, that extreme unction is not truly and properly a sacrament, instituted by Christ our Lord, and promulgated by the blessed apostle James, but only a rite received from the fathers, or a human invention; let him be anathema.

Canon ii. If any one shall say, that the sacred unction of the sick does not confer grace, nor remit sins, nor alleviate the sick; but that it has already ceased, as though the grace of cures were of old only; let him be anathema.

Canon iii. If any one shall say, that the rite and usage of extreme unction, which the holy Roman Church observes, is repugnant to the declaration of the blessed apostle James, and that it is therefore to be changed, and that it may, without sin, be contemned by Christians; let him be anathema.

Canon iv. If any one shall say, that the presbyters of the Church, whom the blessed James exhorts to be brought to anoint the sick, are not the priests ordained by a bishop, but the seniors in years in each community, and that for this reason a priest alone is not the proper minister of extreme unction; let him be anathema.