Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/136

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It is the Office of Bishops to admonish their Subjects, especially those appointed unto the cure of souls, of their duty.

Whereas it is properly the office of bishops to rebuke the vices of all who are subject to them, this will have to be principally their care, that clerks,[1] especially those appointed unto the cure of souls, be blameless, and that they do not, with their connivance, lead an unseemly life. For if they suffer them to be of evil and corrupt manners, how shall they reprove the laity for their vices, who can themselves be by one word silenced by them, in that they suffer clerks to be worse than they? And with what freedom shall priests be able to rebuke laymen, when they have to answer silently to themselves, that they have committed those very same things which they rebuke? Bishops shall therefore charge their clerks, of what rank soever they be, that they be a guide unto the people of God committed to them, in discourse, conservation, and knowledge; being mindful of that which is written; Be holy, for I too am holy.[2] And, according to the words of the apostle: Let them give no offence unto any man, that their ministry be not blamed; but in all things let them approve themselves as the ministers of God,[3] lest that saying of the prophet be fulfilled in them, The priests of God profane the holy things, and violate the law.[4] But, in order that the said bishops may be able to execute this with greater freedom, and may not be hindered therein under any pretext soever, the same sacred and holy, œcumenical and general Synod of Trent,—the same legate and nuncios of the Apostolic See presiding therein,—has thought fit that these canons following be ordained and decreed.


If any, being prohibited, or interdicted, or suspended, advance unto Orders, they shall be punished.

Whereas it is more beseeming and safe for one that is subject, by rendering due obedience to those set over him, to

  1. Or "clergy."
  2. 1 Peter i. 16.
  3. 2 Cor. vi. 3, 4.
  4. Ezek. xxii. 26.