Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/214

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made from the pelts of the domesticated rabbit. The American Blue rabbit makes a wonderful set of furs, and muffs that cannot be equalled.

The Black Giant and the White Giant also make excellent furs. The pelts of the Belgian hare and the Steel Gray Flemish make fine collar and cuff ornaments for dresses and suits.

The expense of tanning is very slight. There are a dozen ready made preparations on the market which for about fifty cents will tan as many as a dozen skins with very little work. It is not necessary to give a recipe for tanning, as anyone who keeps rabbits can secure these preparations from the dealer from whom they buy rabbit supplies, or by reading the advertisements in rabbit or pet stock journals. They are much superior to the home made preparations because they take away the drudgery in tanning.

The possibilities of the use of pelts in the home cannot be over estimated. If you could see the fur hat that a California woman