Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/215

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made from the pelt of an American Blue rabbit I am sure that you would be more than surprised. Such articles as this sell in the exclusive fur shops for a fancy figure, concealed under such a high-sounding name as French Blue Fox.

The pelts of the New Zealand Red rabbit make the finest "red fox" furs you ever saw, and about ninety per cent of the Red Fox furs you see walking down the street are made from the lowly New Zealand Red.

The fact that it is possible to can rabbit meat for future use, makes it possible to take a large number of pelts at the proper season without wasting the carcass of the rabbits. The rabbit pelt is prime from November to March and should not be taken off when the hair is rough or when the animal is moulting, as it will be worthless for fur purposes.

The point is that all pelts should be saved and either tanned or sold. They add a nice percentage to the income.