Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/264

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Swollen Teats. Should be treated with camphorated oil or unsalted butter. Must not be rubbed hard or squeezed.

Pot Belly. A very serious disorder, especially in young stock. Caused by improper feeding, which causes the belly to swell to abnormal proportions. Is often fatal. Can sometimes be remedied by cutting green food out of the ration and feeding very sparingly for a while. A pinch of flowers of sulphur in the oats once a day for three days after resuming feeding will generally bring about the desired result.

Ear Canker. Starts with a creamy discharge in the ears and soon ends in a canker in the ears. Often causes the ear to droop and drag. It is caused from dirty hutches and by a tiny parasite which eats the inner lining of the ear. Can be cured in a couple of days by pouring a little camphorated oil in the ear. This will soften the canker and by taking an old pencil or blunt stick and placing cotton on the end saturated in the oil, one can