Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/265

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generally thoroughly clean the ears. Then keep things clean and watch closely to see that all the parasites have been killed and it does not start up again.

Sore Eyes. Caused by colds settling in the eyes. It is first noticed by inflammation and often is followed by a sticky discharge which sometimes closes the lids completely. It is best to bathe the eyes in a weak solution of peroxide in warm water. Another bath that is good is composed of a solution of water, two ounces; sulphate of zinc, four grains; or water, two ounces; boric acid, four grains. Bathe the eyes twice daily.

Sore Hocks. Caused by improper conditions in the hutch. Wet hutches, or those improperly bedded, cause it. However, this trouble is rarely met with under the hutch construction methods of today. It is best to bed the solid floor hutches where it occurs with plenty of sawdust and straw or marsh hay and rub camphorated oil on the sore hocks. Some people have a shoe made of leather which