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West Virginia

Population, 1,135,206. Number of physicians, 1608. Ratio, 1:706.

Number of medical schools, 1.

MORGANTOWN, Population, 2779.

West Virginia University College of Medicine. Organized 1902. A half-school. An organic department of the university.

Entrance requirement: A four-year high school education, though applicants not thus qualified are admitted as special students.

Attendance: 18.

Teaching staff: 7 professors, who take part in the instruction offered, two of them giving their entire time to this department.

Resources available for maintenance: The department is carried by the university. Its income in fees is $1000 (estimated).

Laboratory facilities: The school is fairly equipped to do elementary work in anatomy, chemistry, histology, pathology, and bacteriology; less well in physiology. There is no library, no museum, no charts, no models, or other teaching accessories. The work and interest are limited to routine.

The school has an "affiliation" with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, an independent institution over which West Virginia University has neither control nor influence. [See Maryland (2).]

Date of visit: March, 1909.


Population, 2,356,874. Number of physicians, 2518. Ratio, 1:936.

Number of medical schools, 3.

MADISON: Population, 28,438.

(1) University of Wisconsin College of Medicine. Organized 1907. A half-school. An organic part of the university.

Entrance requirement: Two years of college work, including sciences, rigidly enforced.

Attendance: 49.

Teaching staff: 23 instructors, who take part in the work of the department, of whom 17 give their entire time to it.