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Resources available for maintenance: The department is maintained out of the general funds of the university. Its budget calls for $40,625.

Laboratory facilities: Though temporarily housed, the laboratories, complete in number, are admirably equipped with respect to both teaching and research. A successful effort has been made to provide facilities worthy of students on a two-year college basis and of teachers deserving opportunities for progressive work. The department lacks only a building which shall bring its parts together.

Date of visit: May, 1909.

MILWAUKEE: Population, 337,117.

(2) Milwaukee Medical College. A stock company, organized 1895, and now nominally the medical department of Marquette University.

Entrance requirement: A four-year high school education or its equivalent.

Attendance: 168, 91 per cent from Wisconsin.

Teaching staff: 67, of whom 30 are professors, 37 of other rank.

Resource available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $22,680.

Laboratory facilities: Meager facilities are provided for the teaching of pathology and bacteriology; there is the usual chemical laboratory; anatomy is better than ordinary. Experimental physiology and toxicology are taught at Marquette College near by; the equipment is alight.

Clinical facilities: These are extremely weak. The school adjoins Trinity Hospital, which is practically part of the same corporation. It has 75 beds, largely occupied by pay patients and given up almost wholly to surgery; teaching is limited to amphitheater clinics; weekly clinics are also held at the County Hospital, five miles distant.

An ill equipped dispensary in the college building has an attendance varying from ten to twenty a day. A card index is now kept.

Date of visit: February, 1910.

(3) Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons. Organized 1895. An independent institution, nominally the medical department of Carroll College.

Entrance requirement: A four-year high school education or its equivalent.

Attendance: 60, 85 per cent from Wisconsin.

Teaching staff: 66, of whom 26 are professors, 40 of other grade. No teacher devotes his entire time to the school.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $8675 (estimated).

Laboratory facilities: The school occupies an attractive building which contains an