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Ch. IV.]

"Well, some geraniums are red, aren't they?"

"I don't deny it. And what then? I suppose you'll be telling me some of those flowers are geraniums!"

"Of course that's what I should tell you, if you'd the sense to follow an argument! But what's the good of proving anything to you, I should like to know?"

100. "Boys, you've passed a fairly good examination, all things considered. Now let me give you a word of advice before I go. Remember that all, who are really anxious to learn, work hard."

"I thank you, Sir, in the name of my scholars! And proud am I to think there are some of them, at least, that are really anxious to learn."

"Very glad to hear it: and how do you make it out to be so?"

"Why, Sir, I know how hard they work——some of them, that is. Who should know better?"

Extract from the following speech a series of Syllogisms, or arguments having the form of Syllogisms: and test their correctness.

It is supposed to be spoken by a fond mother, in answer to a friend's cautious suggestion that she is perhaps a little overdoing it, in the way of lessons, with her children.

101. "Well, they've got their own way to make in the world. We can't leave them a fortune apiece!