Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/213

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A821989 — A822037
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A821988 (con.)

years, 1685-1976; a qeneaioqical 6 pictorial treasury. By 'Esther Gambreii Devioey. 2 77 p. C Esther Gaabrell Beviney; J10ct76; A821988.


Graduation gold- By OODald E. uildmoo. 6"* p. MB: p. 5-211 £ compilation of prev. pub. uaterial. e Donald E. uildnon: 30Dec76: 4821989.


Learninq disabilities: educational stcateqies. fly Bill Bay Gearheart. 2nd ed. 258 p. C The C. V. Hosby Company: 17Jan77: A821990.


Psycholoqical dimensions of Near Eastern studies. Edited by Leon Carl Brovn £ Noroan Itzkoiiitz. 382 p. {Princeton studies on the Near East) NM: neii text £ revisions, e The Darwin Press, Inc.; 13Jan77; A821991.


Craftinq Hith newspapers. By Vivienne Eisner £ Billiam Shisler, drawings by Guy Brison-Stack, '*8 p. © Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.; 30Dec76; A821992.


Gen identification. By fiobert Rebster, editor: Edward U. Egan. 130 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1973 under the title Gems in ieweiry. NH: revisions £ additions. © Sterling Pablisbiag Company, Inc.; 26Jan77: A821993.


Coo-Aush-Altee country. By Charles E. Johnson. 207 p. S Charles £. Johnson; 16Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A82199H.


First families and town histories of Hinds County. 3y Sallye Pleasant Billiams. 1 v. C Sallye Pleasant Uilliams (in notice: Hrs. John C. Billiams) ; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1975) ; 4821995.


florentiae tile. no. 106008. Kit. Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 29Dec76; A821996.


Kimono print. No. T06005. Kit. © Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 29Dec76; A821997..


California tile. Bo. T06006. Kit. e Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 29Dec76; A821998.


Giant berry. No. T06013. Kit. Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A821999.


Hosaic. No. T06015. Kit. 6 Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A822000.


Hanchu pillow. No. T06016. Kit. Emile Becnat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A822001.


Fabulous aran afqhan. Kit. Appl. au: Emile Bernat and Sons Company. © Art Needlecraft, Inc.; 1tjan77; A822002.


Swiss provincial. No. T050it3. Kit. e Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A822003.


Greek Isle pattern bricJt cover doorstop or bookend. No. T050t4. Kit. © Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; AB22004.


Cut glass. No. T05037. Kit. Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A82200 5.


Bittersweet luggage straps. No. T050it5. Kit. © Emile Becnat and Sons Company: 30Dec76; A822006.


The Parlor clock; no. S9225. Songs my mother taught me; no. 39226. Kit. Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 29Dec76: A822007.


Quilt pattern tennis raquet cover. No. T08501. Kit. © Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 29Dec76; 4822008.


Irish accent. No. T05038. Kit. e Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76; A822009.


Beading for meaning. By Kaye Furlong. 42 p. Frank Schaffer; 94ug76; A822010.


Bord endings. By Annette Taulbee, illus. : Susan Byono. 42 p. O Frank Schaffer; 94ug76; A822011.


a. S. geography: know your states. By Joan Geraann. 44 p. © Prank Schaffer; 22JU176; 4822012.

48220 13.

Hho, what, when, where, why; reading comprehension worksheets. By Mary Needham 3yek, graphics by Sue Byono. 42 p. e Frank Schaffer; 22Jul76; 4822013.


Read carefully; reading comprehension worksheets. By Susan fiyono. 45 p. e Frank Schaffer; 22JU176; A822014.


Math skills: dot-to-dot. Graphics by Sue Byono. 44 p. Appl. au: Frank Schaffer. © Frank Schaffer; 22Jul76; A822015.


Dinosaurs! By Janice Carson. 42 p. 8 Frank Schaffer; 9Auq76; 4822016.


Hath mysteries; subtraction. Book 2. By aacy Hyek, graphics: James L. Hyek. 44 p. Frank Schaffer; 9Aug76; 4822017.


Plays for two. By Annette laulbee, illus. by Susan Byono. 44 p. 6 Frank Schaffer; 22JU176; 4822018.


Beading stamps: cut and paste. By Frank Schaffer, graphics by Sue Byono. 42 p. O Frank Schaffer; 22Jul76; 4822019.

A8 22020.

Prefikes, suffices and syllabication. By Sherril Brooksby, illus. by Susan Hyono. 42 p. 8 Frank Schaffer; 9Aug76i A822020.


Math mysteries: addition. Book 2. By Mary Hyek, graphics: James L. Hyek. 44 p. © Frank Schaffer; 94ug76; 4822021.


Images of life and the world as I see It; poetry of Baiter Scholz. 7 p. Add. ti: Thoughts and images of the world as I see it. e Baiter Scholz; 27Jan77; 4822 022.


Idaho's gold road. By fl. Leigh Gittins, illustrated by Greg Pole. 165 p. © H. Leigh Gittins; 13Dec76; 4822023.


Bell System practices, 4T and T Company standard. Section 795-114-100, issue 8, Jan. 1976. 148 p. O 4merican Telephone and Telegraph Company; 3aay76; 4822024.


Bell System practices, AT and T Company/BIS standard. Section 751- 100-110, issue 4, Mar. 1976. 43 p. e American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Jun76; 4822025.


Bell System practices, AT and T Company/BIS standard. Section 751- 100-310, issue 1, Feb. 1976. 6 p. © American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Jun76; 4822026.


Bell System practices, 4T and T Company standard. 4ddendum 000-200-0 11, issue 1, Hay 1976. 1 p. © American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Jun7D; 4822027.


Bell System practices, 4T and T Company standard. Section 005-111-101, issue 1, Sept. 1976. 44 p. O American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 24Nov75; 482 20 28.


Bell System practices, AT and T Company standard. Section 005-10 1-111, issue 11, Jan. 1976. Folder (4 p.) e American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 17Hay76; A822029.


Bell System practices, AT and T Company standard. Section 005-101-112, issue 7, Sept. 1975. 48 p. C American Telephone and Telegraph Company; 24Nov75; 4822030.


Black urban report, 1976. 56 p. ©J.E.E.G., Inc.; 15Nov76; A822031.


The Fahamme inter-racial review, November 1976. 48 p. J.E.E.G., Inc.; 17Dec76; A822032.


Ono Americana annual, 1976. 56 p. English £ Spanish. © J.E.E.G., Inc.; 30Dec76; A822033.


Catawba Industrial Rubber Company, Inc., industrial rubber products. Catalog 4. 178 p. 4dd. ti: Catawba rubber, A. O Catawba Industrial Bubber Company, Inc.; 27Jan77; A822034.


Decimal equivalents of fraction, wire gauge* letter and metric sizes. 1 p. ©John S. Swift Company, Inc.; 27Jan77; 4822035.


Decimal equivalents and tap drill sizes of wire gauge, letter and fractional size drills. 1 p. © John S. Swift Company,

Inc.; 27Jan77; 4822036.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.