Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/214

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A822078 — A822077
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A822037 (con.)

chart. 1 p. 6 John S. SHift Company, Inc.: 27Jan77; 4322037.


Dixie aubber. Inc., industrial rubber products. Cataloq A. 178 p. Dixie Eubber, Inc.; 27Jan77; A822038.


Norden POP-UM computers; technical summary. Folder. United Technologies Corporation: 16Nov76; A822039.


Norden PDP-11?! computers; configuration guide. 18 p. © United Technologies corporation: 9Dec76 ; 48220110.


Horden PDP-II/3'IH. 6 p. 6 Dni ted Technologies Corporation; 13Dec76:

A8220 41.


Norden PDP-IIM computers; configuration uorlcsheet. 8 p. 6 United Technologies Corporation: 9Dec7S; S8220U2.

A8220 43.

Norden PDP-11H computers: PDP-im product catalog. 55 p. 6 United Technologies Corporation; 6Dec76: 4822043.


Meditation for inner peace (a personal hou to system) 3 p. 4ppl. au: Janes a. Hesterly. 6 James a. Hesterly; 25Jan77; 4822044.


The Complete cellist. Boole 2. 4 concise 2-wolume ed. of the interna- tionally famous method by Budolf aatz. compiled 5 translated by Lev Aronson, edited by aartin Silverberg, pref. by Gregor Piatigorsiiy. 140 p. originally pub. in 32 volumes in Yugoslavia. NH: revision, abridgment, ney original music examples 6 pictorial matter. 6 Tetra Music Corporation; 15Jan77; A822045.

48220 46.

Angry candy. By John Pauker, with an introd. by Jim Villani. 34 p. Beprinted from Pigiron magazine, Sept. 1975. 6 on pictorial matter; John Pauker; 234pr76; 48220 46.


The Guide to dining out: Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe. By Stuart J. Steckler, forenord by Hardy Price. 1977 ed. 89 p. e The oryx Press; 23Dec76; 4822047.


Hiking trails and wilderness routes of the Chiricahua Mountains, Coronado National Forest, 4rizoQa. By Eichard Taylor, photos, by author unless noted, section maps by Eber Glendening. 179 p. e cachor Taylor: 18Jan77; 4822048.


The Sensuous woman reborn. By Dot Patterson. 1 75 p. ^ Crescendo Pub- lications, Inc.; 1Dec76: 4822049.


The Numbers game calculator and tips about the game. Appl. au: Andre £. Etienne. S Andre E. Etienne; 24Dec76; A822050.


Directory of producers and drilling contractors: Oklahoma. 1977. 1 ». Appl. au: Ross G. Sloan. 9 Midwest Oil Eeqister; 21Jan77: A822051.


Beginners teach yourself guitar method and song folio. lip. 8 Hilliao J. Smith Music Company, Inc.; 28Jan77; A822052.


4nd some obiter dicta. By Robert Heich. 24 p. © 4merican Opinion; 23Nov76; 4822053.


The Opportunities Industrialization Centers: a decade of community-based manpower services. By Bernard E. 4nderson. 1 56 p . (Manpower and human resources studies, no. 6) © The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania; 28Jau77 (in notice: 1976); 4822054.


4n Update on Celanese, January 14, 1977. By Ulysses 4. yannas. 6 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. C Dreiel Suraham and company. Inc.; 19Jan77; A822055.


The Fundamentalist and evangelism; address delivered on June 21, 1976, to the Horld congress of Fundamentalists meeting at Usner Hall, Edinburgh. By Jack Van Impe. 20 p. Appl. au: Bob Jones University Press, Inc. NM: cover 6 front matter. 9 Bob Jones University Press, Inc.; 22Dec76; 4822056.


Sport of softgolf rules and basic fundamentals, 1976. By Baymond F. Baldorossi £ Blanche N. Baldorossi, assisted by Toni czajkowski, sketches by John Czajkowski. 21 p. © Eaymond ?. Baldorossi 6 Blanche N. Baldorossi; 29NOV76: 4822057.


Mister Dooley's dilemma, a Christmas puzzler. 4rtwork by Mary Vandervort. Folder. 4ppl. au; Hilliam Shortz. a Hilliam Shortz; 17Dec76; 4822058.


Lifting, moving and transferring patients; a manual. By Marilyn Jean rresen Eantz 6 Donald Clay Courtial, with 250 illus. by Eichard Pearce. 138 p. e The C. V. Mosby Company; 4Jan77; 4822059.


Mental retardation: social and educational perspectives. By Clifford James Drew, Michael L. Hardman 6 Harry Pollei Blubm, with a foreword by Burton Blatt. 248 p. e The C. V. Bosby Company; 24Jan77; A822060.


Study guide for Spanish 2. By Maria Lina Garcia & Jo Hillocks. 23 5 p. Add. ti: American School study guide for Spanish 2. Based on the textbook Nuestro mundo, by Zenia Sacks Da Silva. Appl. au: American School. © American School; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4822061.


fun dance rhythms. By 41ma Beaton. 366 p. © Brigham Young University Press; 23Dec76: 4822062.


Annucil review of English books on 4sia , 1975. By 4nthony Ferguson. 173 p. a Brigham Young University Press; 28Dec76; 4822063.


Eummaqe, a general linear models data analysis system, November 1976. By Del T. Scott, Gale E. Bruce, Melvin W. Carter, with assistance from Brian L. Joiner, Thomas A. Byan, Jr. 6 John J. Biorkowski. 1 V. © Brigham Young University, Department of Statistics; 19Jan77; A822064.

A822 065.

Hayes phonetic alphabet to begin reading. No. W300. Written 6 illustrated by Helen S. Hansen. 1 v. © Hayes School Publishing Company, Inc.; 26Jan77; 4822 065.


Honey managenent; liquid duplicating masters. Mo. 4-31. By Sharon Smith. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. © ESP, Inc.; 2SJan77; 4822066.


Crime and punishment; liquid duplicating masters. No. SS-19. By Carol Greenwald. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP. Inc. a ESP, Inc.; 25Jan77; 4822067.


Notes for the week of January 17-January 21, 1977. By J. Brauman 6 others. Multiple volumes. 4ppl. au: 4SSU Lecture Motes Service. C 4SSn Lecture Notes Service, a division of the Associated Students of Stanford University (in notice: ASSU Lecture Notes Service) ; 23Jan77; 4822068.


Health: the family planning factor. By Erik Eckholm 6 Kathleen Newland. 30 p. 4ppl. au: WorldWatch Institute. e WorldWatch Institute; 29Jan77; A822069.


Morning dew; poems. By Hemant Kulkarnl. illus. by Prema Kuratti 6 Sneha Kulkarni. It. 6 Creative Arts Enterprise; 30Dec76; 4 822070-


Combatting rape: a ten-year plan of action. Prepared for the Women's 4genda of the Women's 4ction Alliance by Feminist 411iance 4gainst Eape. 1 v. © Feminist Alliance Against Eape; 204pr76; 4822071.


The Value of music to the troubled child. By Dorothy Gilles. 27 p. Add. ti: The Value of music to troubled children. 6 Dorothy Gilles; 25Sep76; 4822072.


Music for special children. By Dorothy Gilles. 65 p. NM: editorial revision, additional text, compilation E bibliog- raphy. © Dorothy Gilles; 25Sep76; A822073.


Social graphics bibliography. Editors: Barry M. Feinberg 6 Carolyn 4. Franklin under the direction of 41bert D. Biderman. 106 p. 6 Bureau of Social Science Eesearch, Inc.; 3Sep76 (in notice: 1975); 4822074.


Stereotypes, distortions and omissions in U.S. history textbooks. 143 p. © Council on Interracial Books for Children, Inc.; 20Jan77; 4822075.


TV and movie screen yearbook. No. 26. Editor: Liz Dagucon, art editor: Beth Zuckerkorn, photo editor: Olivia 4therton. 90 p. © Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 25Jan77; 4822076.


Lecture — laboratory biology guide. Pt. 2. By Dan Collins, Theresa Arasim 6 Kent Beppond. 2nd ed. 141 p. © Burgess

Publishing Company; 13Jan77; A822077.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.