Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/287

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A824989 — A825831
JAN.-JUN. 1977


CoiL5« oagoets and cings: Hicbaei Faraday's world. By Haocy Veqiaha«  Illustrated by Christopher Spolleo. 59 p. C on illus. ; Christopher Spolleo; lltDec76; A824989.


year after year. By Bill Binzen. 1 v. NH: majority of photos. Bill Binzen; 17Dec76; »82a990.


naoaXau's faailyi an elephant herd. Written G photographed by Jan Thiede. «6 p- on text & photos: Jan Thiede; 10Dec76; A824991.


Ob. no, cati By Janice Hay Odry, illustrated by Hary Chalners. 1 >. e on text; Janice Hay Odry; 31Dec76; A824992.


Ob, no^ catl By Janice Hay Odry. illustrated by Hary Chalmers. 1 v. on illus.; Hary Chaliers; 31Dec7e; A824993.


Edqeaont. By Harjorie Ueinaan Sharuat. illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. 1 v. on text; Hariorie Veinaan Sbaraat; 31Dec76; A82499l4.


Edqenont. By Harjorie Ueinaan Sharnat, illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. 1 v. on illus.; Cyndy Szekeres; 310ec76; A824995.


The Hississippi run. By Paul Darcy Boles. U3d p. Paul Darcy Boles; 7jan77: A824996.


The French husband. By Ethel Edison Gordon. 257 p. C Ethel Edison Gordon; 3Jan77; A824997.


The Golden boneyconb. By Kaaala Harkandaya. II69 p. Kanala Harkandaya; 3Jan77: A824998.


Haud Gonne; a biography of Teats* beloved. By Sanuel Levenson. 436 p. O Saiuel Levenson; 28Dec76: A824999.


Pcoblens in exposition for the practical stylist. By Sheridan Ba'ker £ Dvight Stevenson. 149 p. Prev. pub. as Problems in exposition: supplementary exercises for the complete stylist and the practical stylist. NH: additions t revisions. Thomas I. Crovell Company. Inc. ; 3Jan77; A825000.


Dun and Bradstreet's Guide to iTour Investments*. 1977-1978. By C colburn Hardy. 22ad ed. 249 p. Thomas I. Cronell company. Inc.; 3Jan77; J825001.


Air pollution control and design handbook. Pt. 1. Edited by Paul H. Cheremisinoff & aichard A. Toung. b07 p. aarcel Oekker. Inc.; 27Jan77; A825002.


Glass: structure by spectroscopy. By J. Bong £ C. A. Angell. 864 p. Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 24ilov76: A825003.


Viscoelastic fluids: an introduction to their properties and behavior. By Bonald


Clancy's oven cookery. By John Clancy £ Frances Field, illus. by Harika, pseud, of Harika Cberkoss. 260 p. C on text; John Clancy E Frances Field; 290ct76; A825005.


Clancy's Oven cookery- By John Clancy fi Frances Field, illus. by Harika, pseud, of Karika Cberkoss. 260 p. on illus. ; Harika (Harika cberkoss) ; 290ct76; A825006.


The Naked investor: cautions for dealing yitb the stock market. By Robert Heller. 260 p. Heller Arts, Ltd.; 10Jan77: A825007.


Dun and Bradstreet Principal inter- national businesses, 1977: the morld marketing directory. 4390 p. English. French, Spanish £ German. Bradstreet, Inc. ; 30Sep76; A825008.


The Family in today* Frances Lomas Feldman. O Family Service Assoc 15Dec76; A825009.


Contemporary authors; a bio-bibliog- raphical guide to current authors £ tbeir works. Vol. 21-24. Editor: Christine Hasso £ other editors. 969 p. Appi. au: Gale fiesearch Company. NH: revisions G additions. O Gale Besearch Company; 8Sep76; A825ai0.


Echocardiography: a teaching atlas. By Joel H. Felner £ Robert C. Schlant. 562 p. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976); i825011.


Introductory laboratory manual of microbiology for health related pro- fessions. By faculty. Department of Microbiology. Brigham Young University. 2nd ed. 105 p. O Burgess Publishing Company; 10Jan77; A825012.


Laboratory experiences: an introduction to biology. By fiichard G. Boss £ fiamab K. Ross. 2nd ed. 165 p. Richard G. Boss £ Saaah K. Boss; 5Jan77; A825013.


Physical science laboratory manual, pt. 2. By staff. Department of Chemistry. Appalachian State University, editor; D. a. Sink. 2nd ed. 74 p. Staff. Department of Chemistry, Appalachian State University; 4Jan77; A825014.


Experiments foe general chemistry. Pt. 1: Chemistry 11BL. By A. A. Bussell & E. D. siebert. 90 p. A. A. Bussell £ E. D. Siebert; 5Jan77; A825015.


Experiments and exercises in college physical science. By Raymond Appel. 2nd ed. 148 p. O Baymond Appel; 6Jan77: A82S016.


Laboratory manual of animal biology. By L. a. Sanford £ C. B. Summerour. 179 p. O L. G. Sanford £ C. B. Summerour; 11Jan77: A825017.

Fetterman. 56 p. Keyed to the textbook consumer credit, by Elsie Fetterman £ Buth Jordan. C Elsie Fetterman; 7Dec76; A825018.


Exercises for retirees. By Ann Johnette Peery. 29 p. C (Ann) Johnette Peery; 9Dec76; J82S019.


Help yourself to a job. Pt. 3. Britten by Yvette Dogin. 4th revision, 1976. 76 p. O Finney Company; 60ct76; A825020.


A Guide to fetal monitoring. Authored £ compiled by Harshall Klavan £ Hary Ann Boscola. 60 p. O Harshall Klavan; 15Hay73; 4825021.


Youth and the law. By Bertram L. Linder £ Edwin Selzer. 64 p. O Oxford Book Company, Inc.; 4Nov76 (in notice: 1977);


By Bertram L. Linder O Oxford Book notice: 1977) ; Dun and



World War 2. By Edwin Selzer. 64 Company; 4Nov76 )ney world. 3y


id ed. 409 p. on of America;


Sales plan, 1977. Corporation; 10De< 24 p. The 6; A825024.


Hanuf acturer's shipment reporting system, monthly statistical report, November 1976. 1 v. Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A825025.


Labor relations in the Federal Government, a practice guide. Prepared by the Committee on Collective Bargaining in the federal Service of the Federal Bar Association, editor in chief: Nolan Sklute £ other editors. 188 p. NH: additions. O Federal Bar Association; 7Jun76; A825026.


Forms and procedures for title 7 litigation; an equal employment oppor- tunity practice guide. Prepared by the Committee on Equal Employment and Collective Bargaining of the Federal Bar Association, editor in chief: Thomas H. Pbelan £ other editors. 156 p. NH: additions. O Federal Bar Association; 2Jun76; A825027.


A Complete Insurance program packaged especially for sporting goods stores. Application: SHP insurance. 5 p. Onico American Corporation; 19Aug7S; A825028.


Languages of eastern Asia. By Dora B. Johnson, fiirgit A. Blass. Stephen B. Cahir, Billiam B. Gage. Billiam F. Hanks, Elizabeth Kimmell £ Dorothy Bapp. 39 p. (A Survey of materials for the study of the uncommonly taught languages) O Center for Applied Linguistics; 10Dec76i A825029.


Languages of the Middle Bast and north Africa. By Dora E. Johnson. Birgit A. Blass, Stephen B. Cahir. Billiam B. Gage. Billiam F. Hanks. Elizabeth Kimmell G Dorothy Bapp. 42 p. (A Survey of materials for the study of the uncommonly taught languages) Center for Applied Linguistics; 10Dec76; A825030.


Languages of south Asia. By Dora E.


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