Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/288

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A825032 — A825076
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A825031 (con.)

Johnson, Blrqit A. Blass, Stephen fi. Cahir, Hilliam ». Gaqe, Hilliam F. Hanks, Elizabeth Kimmell 6 Dorothy Rapp. 41 p. (A Survey of materials for the study of the uncooBoniy taught languages) Q Center for Applied Linguistics; 10 Dec 76; AB25031.


Doctor's reportsi depression. 21 p- Add. ti: Doctor's report: depression- Appl. au; DeLamar Gibbons. uaz com- pilation, e DeLamar Gibbons; 150ct76; A8250 32.

A8250 33

Pennsylvania profiles. By Patricjt H. Beynolds. 1 v. »H: additions. 6 Patrick M. Eeynolds; 27Jun76; A825033.


Air washer huaidificatiou/dehumidi- fication nomograph. Ball chart. 6 Betz Entec, Inc.; UOct76; A825034.

A8250 35.

Sacred songs for children. Book 2. Edited by Irma Lee Batey. 46 p. Appl. states all material neu except p. 24, 28, 29, 30, 33 6 36. C Irma Lee Batey; 1l4Jun76; A825035.


Ionizer control. Sodel no. 020-2. 2 p. Extranuclear laboratories. Inc. : 17Dec76; A825036.


ELFS quadrupoie nass filter. Model no. 4-162-8 6 others. 2 p. © Eltranuclear Laboratories, Inc.; 17Dec76; 1825037.


SpectrEL GC/MS/DP system. 2 p. @ Extranuclear Laboratories, Inc.; 2Auq76: 1825038.


Old-age, survivors and disability benefits under the Social Security act, including changes effective January 1977. 1 V. e Hilliam M. Hercer, Inc.; 13Jau77; A825039.


12 ideas for getting more time for selling. Folder. 8 Cleoprint, Inc.; 10Jan77: 1825040.


7 keys to persuasive selling. Folder- 9 Clemprint, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1825041.


Be glad when the customer ob-jects. Folder. e Clemprint, Inc.; 17Jan77; 18250 42.


Welcome the customer cordially. Folder. e Clemprint, Inc.; 24Jan77; 1825043.


you can improve your selling perso- nality. Folder. S Cleoprint, Inc.; 31Jan77; A825044.


1 Smile goes a long way toward making the day happy and productive. Folder, e Clemprint, Inc.; 10Jan77; A825045.


Let's give new ideas a chance to work. Folder. e Clemprint, Inc.; 24Jan77; A825046.


Customers, how to "turn them on" and "turn them off", and other titles. By Carl Heyel. Folder. (The Better-work supervisor. Jan. 3, 1977) Ippl. au: Clemprint, Inc. 6 Clemprint, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1825047.


How's your attitude?, and other titles. By Carl Heyel. Polder. (The Better-work supervisor, Jan. 17, 1977) Appl. au: Clemprint, Inc. 8 clemprint. Inc.; 17Jan77; A825048.


How to make "colloquialisms" work for you, and other titles. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 265) Clemprint, Inc.; 3Jan77; A825049.


Even police departments are voting for plain English, and other titles. Polder. (Letter perfect, reference 266) e Clemprint, Inc.; 10Jan77: 11825050.


Just what he needed all along!, and other titles. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 267) e Clemprint, Inc.; 17Jan77; A825051.


Ever get your metaphors miked up?, and other titles. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 268) S clemprint. Inc.; 24Jan77; A825052.


Hailgrams to the rescue!, and other titles. folder. (Letter perfect, reference 269) 8 Clemprint, Inc.; 31Jan77; 1825053.


South African gold mining securities, ADR dividend schedule; international research information report. Dec. 20, 1976. By Christa Costello. 8 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. 8 Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. ; 27Dec76; 1825054.


South African gold mines; information report, Dec. 1976. By Andre Sharon 6 Christa Costello. 1 v. Ippl- au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. 8 Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc.; 23Dec76; A825055.


Tips and thoughts on humanizing work. By Loretta Fleming. 22 p. MM: additions. 8 Loretta Fleming; 18Dec76; A825056.


All strange away. Text by Samuel Beckett, illustrated by Edward Gorey. 1 V. Samuel Beckett; 7Dec76; A825057.


Listen to Lee. Barrator: Sister Gertrude Cormier. 1 v. 8 Education Center; 1Har76; A825058.


The Lift off. By Sister Gertrude Cormier, Don Glen Sandy £ Anne E. Green. 112 p. 8 Sister Gertrude Cormier, Don G. Sandy £ Anne Green; 1Bar76; 1825059.


Countdown to communication; a guidebook on language development, birth through pre-school years. By Sister Gertrude Cormier £ John P. HUrphy. 95 p. S Sister Gertrude Cormier £ John F. Murphy; laar76 (in notice: 1973) ; 1825060.


All American Elvis: the Elvis Presley luerican discography. By Bon Barry, pseud, of Bonald Barry Klugman. 221 p. Appl. states all new except for pictorial matter which is newly compiled. 6 Ronald


1 Practical process for nuclear fusion. By Jonathon Eberhart S John P. Hawker. Sheets (2 p.) 6 John P. Hawker; 2Dec76; 1825062.


Family day care: resources for providers. By Elizabeth S. Squibb, illus.: Job anna Hagner, photography, chap. 5: Ed Keren, photography, chap 9; Miriam Eabiroff. 103 p. 8 Betsy Squibb; 9NOV76; 1825063.


The Joy of saving tax dollars. Britten by Balph P. Magnotta. 1977 ed. 66 p. 8 aalph F. Hagnotta; 31Jan77; A825064.


Canadian 1. A. directory, 1976. 49 p. 8 Alcoholics Anonymous Borld Services, Inc. ; 10Dec76; A825065.


100 ways young people can make money. By E. J. Boods, pseud, of Gene J. Bakabayashi. 57 p. 8 Gene J. Bakabayashl (E. J. Boods, pen name) ; 29Sov76; A825066.


Painting Dresden flowers with Jayne Houston. 80 p. 6 Jayne Houston; 1Jul76: A825067.


Bhat did it cost? 8 p. Appl. au: Jerry H. Davis. 8 L. H. Company; 9Dec76; A825068.


Ihornton Hilder: 1897-1975. Special session no. 260: annual meeting. Modern Language Association of America, Dec. 27, 1976, New york. Edited by Dalma H. Brunauer. Kit. 8 Dalma U. Brunauer; 29NOV70; A825069.


Quality control and performance appraisal. Vol. 2. selected by the Journal of nursing administration editorial staff. 48 p. HH: compilation. Contemporary Publishing, Inc. ; 10Oct76; A825070.


Two better ways to treat the hyperactive G.I. tract. Folder. 8 B. P. Ischer and company. Inc.; 3Jan77; 1825071.


Ethaquin (ethaverine hydrochloride) helps stimulate a warmer feeling. Folder. 8 B. F. Ascher and Company. Inc.; 3Jan77; 1825072.


The "Aqua-rack." a new approach to strength development. Britten £ illustrated by Eichard J. Murphy. Sheets (38 p.) e Bichard J. Murphy; 151ug76; AB25073.


Smokers. 1 p. Appl. au: Catherine J. Van Sloan. 8 Catherine J. Van Sloun; 2Dec76: 1825074.


Personalized financial counseling. 13 p. e Crocker National Bank; 29Nov76; 1825075.


The pesticides market in Europe, December 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: E201 pesticides market in Europe. 8 Frost and

Sullivan, Inc.; 1Dec76; A825076.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.