Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/81

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A816669 — A816709
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816666 (con.)

Edited by Barren G. French. 2nd ed., rev. 259 p. e Barren French; 194pr76; 4816668.


The Life and tiies of an involuntary qenius. By indrei Codrescu- 192 p. e Andrei codrescu; 16Apr75; AB16669.


sonnets to Eurydice. By Eiou G. Eideniec. 6i4 p. C Eion G. Eidenier; 7Sep76: 4816670.


Good causes and warm corners. By Patricia Hees 4riBstronq. 68 p. Patricia Hees Arnstronq; 150ct76; 4816671.


Explorinq our national parks and monuments. By Devereux Butcher. Neu fi rev. 7th ed. 373 p. C "jevereui Butcher; 3Sep76: 4816672.


Counselinq Mith Mexican Aaerican youth; preconceptions and processes. By Richard S. DeBlassie. 173 p. 6 Bichard B. DeBlassie; 15Feb76; 4816673.


Rural Virqinia. Britten by Billiao Earl Bestbrook, Jr., photoqraphed by John Hurt Bhitehead, 3rd. 1 v. e yilliam Earl Bestbrook, Jr. £ John Hurt Bhitehead. 3rd (in notice: Bill Bestbrook 6 John Hurt Bhitehead); 15No»7ll; A816671I.


4 Point of pride; the University of Portland story. By Janes T. Covert. 328 p. e University of Portland Press; 22NOV76; 4816675.


Sundoqs. By Barbara Parkinson Sollenberqer, photos, by Kent Sollen- berqer. 1 v. Kent Sollenberqer; 274pr76; 4816676.


Even the Gods can*t chanqe history; the facts speak for themselves. By Georqe Seldes. 352 p. C Georqe Seldes; 110ct76: 4816677.


Beyond qames and scripts. By Eric Berne uith selections from his major uritinqs, introduced by Claude M. Steiner £ Caraen Kerr. 352 p. HBi introd. £ compilation. Claude H. Steiner; 15Dec76; A816678.


Ghost to»ns of Idaho. By Donald C. ailler. 102 p. e Donald C. Biller; lDec76; A816679.


Steam locomotives of the Frisco line. By Lloyd E. Staqner. 122 p. e Lloyd E. Staqner; 1Dec76; 4816680.


The Potato cookbook; from thinninq to sinninq deliciously, from soups to desserts. By G»en Bobyns. 133 p. Nil: pictorial matter, additional text 6 editorial revision. S Guen Bobyns; 3Dec76; 4816681.


Aycock Broun' s outer Banks. Edited, introd. £ photo captions by David Stick- 206 p. NM; articles, introd. 6 photo, captions. C Dare County Tourist Bureau; 21NOV76; A816682.

qenerations. Vol. 1. Compiled 6 uritten by naxine Burkett Seltzer. 196 p. NB: manuscript. S Haxine Burkett Seltzer; 15Dec76: 4816683.


Yazoo: its legends and legacies. By Harriet Causey DeCell £ Jo4nne Shirley Prichard, with an introd. by Biilie Horris. 515 p. NH: major portion of text, photos. £ art iiork. -3 Jazoo Delta press, owned by Harriet DeCell 6 JoAnne Prichard; 19Nov76; 481668U.


Power and politics in the community colleqe. By Nary Lou Zoqlin. 166 p. ETC Publications; 150ct76; 4816685.


Metropolitan Museum journal. Vol. 10, 1975. Uanaqinq editor; Leon Wilson 6 other editors. 129 p. Appl. au ; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, employer for hire. t) The Metropolitan Museum of Art; 17Sep76; A816686-


Old Virginia houses — Shenandoah. By Emmie Ferquson Farcar £ Eoilee Nines (Emilee Mines Cantieri) 217 p. e Emilee Hines Cantieri £ Emmie Ferguson Parrar; l6Nav76; A8166e7.


Stormwater modeling. By Donald E. Overton 6 Michael E. Meadows. 358 p. 4cademic Press, Inc.; 2ilNov76; 4ei6b88.


Current topics in cellular regulation. Vol. 11, 1976. Edited by Bernard L. Horccker 6 Ea^l B. Stadtman. 251 p. C Academic Press, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4816689.


Proteolytic enzymes. Edited by Laszlo Lorand. 939 p- (Methods in enzymology, vol. U5, pt. Bj *3 4cademic Press, Inc.; 17Dec76; 4816690.


Paperbound Books In Print; base vol. 1977. 306 1 p. Appl. au; a. R. Bowker company. 8 lerox Corporation; 28Dec76; 4816691.

48 1669 2.

Bhite Falcon; an Indian boy in early 4merica. By Eileen Thompson, illustrated by Leonard Everett Fisher. 303 p. O Eileen Thompson; 7Jan77; 4816692.


The Hocus-pocus of the universe. By Laura Crafton Gilpin. 73 p. Some prev. pub. in Chelsea 32. 4uq. 1973 £ others. NM: additional poetry. O Laura crafton Gilpin: 7Jan77; A816693.


Tweed's New York; another look. By Leo Hershkowitz. 109 p. NM: text. C Leo Hershkowitz; 7Jan77; A816694.


The Creativity question. Edited by Albert Bothenberq £ Carl Bansdeil Hausman. 366 p. NM: pref., introd., compilation, abridgment £ editorial matter. C Duke University Press; 15NOV76; A816695.


Inn perspective; a guide to New England country inns. By Jane Anderson, drawings by Peter J. B. Vercelli. 269 p. C Jane Anderson; 22Sep76; A816696.


Bildflower perennials for your garden; a detailed guide to years of bloom from America's long-neglected native heritage. By Bebe Miles, illustrated by H. Peter Loewer. 294 p. O Bebe Miles; 220ct76: Aai6697.


Bildflower perennials for your garden; a detailed guide to years of bloom from America's long-neglected native heritage. By Bebe Miles, illustrated by H. Peter Loewer. 294 p. on illus.; H. Peter Loewer; 220ct76; 4616698.


The Life of Byron. By Countess Elizabeth Harmau Pakenham Longford. 237 p. li Elizabeth Longford; 280ct76; 4816699.


Birthdays: their delights, disappoin- tments, past and present, worldly, astrological, and infamous. By Linda Rannells Lewis, woodcuts by David Frampton. 237 p. Excerpts from chap. 6 prev. pub. in The Atlantic monthly. NM: approx. 60X of text. 6 Linda aannells Lewis; 120ct76; A816700.


Aeroacoustics. By Marvin E. Goldstein. 293 p. McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 23Dec76; 4816701.


It's the Easter Beagle. Charlie Brown. By Charles M. Schulz. 1 v. Based on the Lee Mendelsoa-Bill Melendez television production. Appl. au: Random House, Inc., employer for hue. o on new text £ illus.; united Feature Syndicate, Inc.; 8Har76; AS 16702.


Abraham Lincoln and 4merican political religion. By Glen E. Thurow. 133 p. .3 State University of New York; 17Nov76; 4816703.


Reformers in search of yesterday; Buffalo in the 1890's. By Brenda Kurtz Shelton. 2115 p. e State University of New York; 130ct76; 48167011.


Elephants and other land giants. Editor: Eleanor Graves £ other editors. 128 p. (Bild, wild world of animals) Bastd on the television series: Bild, wild world of animals. Appl. au: Time-Life Films, Inc., employer tor hire, e Time-Life Films, Inc.; 19Ju;76; 4616705.


Mexican political biographies, 1935-1975. By Hoderic Al Camp. 1I68 p. a Arizona Board of Regents; 105ep76; 4616706.


Friars, soldiers, and reformers; Hispanic Arizona and the Sonora mission frontier, 1767-1856. By John L. Kessell. 3K7 p. O Arizona Board of Regents; 16JU176; A81fc707.


cumulative book index; a world list of books in the English language, 1975. Edited by Gary L. Ink, assistant editor; Leslie Dunmore-Leiber, indexers; James P. Dedonato, Brien R. Downes, Cheryl R. Ehrens, Hilda S. Kinqes £ Nancy C. Bong. 2593 p. Add. ti: CBI, 1975. O The H. W. Bilson company; 1UDec76; A816708.


Indiana code. Vol. 7; general index. Edited under the direction of the Indiana Legislative Council. 1789 p. Appl. au:

west Publishing Company, employer for


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