Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/82

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A816710 — A816766
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816709 (con.)

hire. West Publishinq compaay; 13Dec76; 4816709.


Indiana code. Vol. 6. Edited under the direction of the Indiana legislative Council- 1725 p. 4ppl. au: State of mdiaoa. NM: tables. © State of Indiana; 13Dec76; 4816710.


Hinnesota practice. Vol- 7-9- By Henry W. acCarr. 3 »- sm compilation 6 additions, d Uest Publishina company; 22Dec76: 4816711.


Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 537. 1391 p. UH: compilation, revisions & additions. 6 West Publishinq Company; 16Dec76: 4816712.

A8 16713.

Supreme Court reporter. Vol. 95. 136(1 p. NH; compilation, revisions £ additions. 3 West Publishing COiKpany; 20Dec76; 1816713.


West's 4nnotated California codes. Vol. 37-37B: government codes. 3 v. NH: compilation, revisions & additions. & West publishinq Company; 20Dec76; 4816711.


South western reporter, second series. Vol. 539. 959 p. NH: compilation, revisions £ additions. a aest Publishing Company: 22Dec76; A816715.


west's Pacific digest. Vol. 7-74. 2 v. NH: compilation, revisions £ additions. O West Publishinq Company; 22Dec76: 4816716.


West's Federal practice digest, 2d. Vol. 22-21. NB: compilation, revisions fi additions- @ West Publishing Company; 16Dec76: 4816717.


Indiana code. Vol. 1-6. Edited under the direction of the Indiana legislative Council. 4ppl- a u: West Publishing Company, employer for hire. NH: statute, sections headings. Q West Publishing company: 13Dec76; 4816718.


Total communication utilizing the simultaneous method. By Candy Uaight smith- 58 p. 9 candy Haight Smith; 28Dec73; 4816719-


Mathematics for carpentry. Compiled by apprenticeship and Training Department, United Brotherhood of carpenters and Joiners of 4merica. 5 p. (carpentry instructor's manual) 4ppl. au: William Konyha 6 James Tinkcom. S United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America; 20Dec76; 4816720.


Blueprint reading. Unit 12, pt. 1. Compiled by 4pprenticeship and Training Department, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of 4oerica. 36 p. (Carpentry instructor's manual) 4ppl. au: William Konyha £ James Tinkcom. € United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America; 20Dec76; 4816721.

48 16722.

Castle Metals quik guide alloy steel bars. Folder. 4ppl. au: A. M. Castle and Company (castle Betais) e A. a. Castle and Company: 1IIot76: A816722.


Practical linguistic guide for American tourists in the U.S.S. R. : how to learn aussian and love it. By 4rsen luanovsky. 18 p. 4rsen Inanovsky; 29Hov76; 4816723.


In pursuit of images. By Efren Convento Ramirez. 1 v. @ Efren Convento Ramirez; 23Dec76; 4816721.


Kelp me. Holy Spirit. By Glenda Fulton Davis. 2 p. © Glenda Fulton Davis; lJan77; 4816725.


A Proposal for the organization and development of the Quad-Cities aetro- politan Riverpoint Center. Author: Michael J. Kinney, architect: Edaard W. Angerer. 23 p. Add. ti: Quad City Riverpoint Center: a proposal for the organization and development of the Quad-Cities Metropolitan Riverpoint Center. e aichael J. Kinney 6 Edward H. Angerer; 1Jul76; A816726.


Book of song lyrics. By Richard 4. Dortch. 23 p. e aichard 4. Dortch; 1Dec76; 4816727.


Who's number 1. Created by aichael J. Corgnati. 1 p. 6 a.J.C. Productions; 3Jan77; A816728.


The Optimal control of a homopolar motor- generator using electrical brush mechanical load variation. By Richard Conrad Saanson. 212 p. e Richard Conrad Swanson; lDec76; A816729.


Television comes of age: continuing trends in viewer attitudes and prefe- rences, 1976. 152 p. e KPH Associates, Inc. £ McHugh and Hoffman, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816730.


language arts curriculum guide. K-6- 1 V. ^ Board of Education, City of Summit, Neu Jersey; 7Sep75; A816731.


These, too, shall be loved. By Flower A. Ncwhouse. 101 p. e The Christward Ministry; iaNo»76; A816732.


The Way of discipleship to Christ. By Stephen Isaac. 61 p. e The christward Ministry; 11Dec76; 4816733.


Rediscovering the angels, combined with Natives of eternity. By flower 4. Newhouse. 5th combined ed. 156 p. e The christward Ministry; 30Apr76; 4816731.


Polyelectrolytes. Edited by Kurt c. Frisch, Daniel Klempner £ 4ngelos V. Patsis. 225 p. e Technomic Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4816735.


Webster's intermediate dictionary; a new school dictionary. 910 p. Appl. au; G. and c. Merriam Company, Frederick c. Mish £ Philip ». Cummings. NM: revisions. G G. and C. Merriam company: 6Jan77; 4816736.


Webster's new collegiate dictionary. 1536 p. Appl- au: G. and c. Herriam Company, Marre W. Kay £ E. Ward Oilman. Na: revisions. 3 G. and C. Merriam Company; 7Jan77: A816737.


Moses Hazen and the Canadian refugees in the American Revolution. By Allan Seymour Everest. 2 17 p. o Syracuse University Press; 13Dec76; 4816738.


Test papers and answer book for use with ninth edition of Mosby's Comprehensive review of nursing. 39 p. Appl. au: Dolores Frances Saxton, Patricia Mary Nugent fi Phyllis Marion K. Pelikan. NM: revisions 6 new text matter. O The C. V. Mosby Company: 1Jan77; 4816739.


Mosty's Comprehensive review of nursing. Editor: Dolores Frances Saxton, assistant editors: Patricia Mary Nugent £ Phyllis Marion K. Pelikan. 9th ed. 609 p. 6 The C. V. Mosby Company; 1Jan77; 4816710.


aarlin, 1851-1976. Issued by Marlin Chamber of Commerce, Bicentennial Heritage Committee, compiler; Celeste lupinacci Kotter. 386 p. e Marlin Chamber of commerce; 17Dec76; 48 16711.


"Pulling the plug" — mercy or murder? filmstrip and discussion manual on current affairs. 1 v., insert £ filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording in box. NM: new textual £ pictorial matter £ compilation of textual £ pictorial matter. e The New York Times Company; 10Nov76; A816712.


Nuclear power: is it safe? filmstrip and discussion manual on current affairs. 1 V. , insert fi filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording in box, HBi new textual fi pictorial matter £ compilation of textual £ pictorial matter. 6 The New lork limes Company; 10Dec76; A816713.


The '76 Presidential election; filmstrip and discussion manual on current affairs. 8 p. £ filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material in box. NM: new textual £ pictorial matter £ compilation of textual £ pictorial matter. e The New lork Times company; 100ct76; Aai6711.


Women! Unit 2. Project editor E program guide writer: Marion Wilson. 16 p. £ 3 filmstrips. 4ccompanied by sound recording in box. 4ppl- au: Prentice-Hail Media, Inc. O Prentice-Hall aedia. Inc.; 21Jan77: A816715-


women! Unit 1. Project editor £ program guides: Marion Wilson. 52 p. £ 3 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording in box. 4ppl. au: Prentice-Hall aedia. Inc. e Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 21Jan77: 4816716-


The Story of Western International Hotels. By Sidney Z. Copeland. 100 p. e Western International Hotels; 22Dec76; 4816717.


4nn Eilbeck Mason of Araby in Haryland- -Gunston Hall in Virginia. By Mary louise 4sbury Briscoe. 8 p. O The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Maryland, Southern Maryland Regional Committee; 28Dec76;



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