Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/125

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so ex : ... . . ) IR A AIA I– The life of 3abu Harish Chandra Mukerjee, the founder of the Hindoo Patriot. pp. viii. 56. Efāzēļ zi -v-v-a |Calcutta, 1887.] 8°. 14127. b. 38. chandra Mukhopidhyāyer jīvanī.]

Wú rit: Gi: [Krishnadasa Paler jīvanī.] The life of Kristo Das Pal, the late editor of the Hindoo Patriot.

1890. 8°. pp. 64. t'alcutta, 14127. b. 45.(2.) RAMAI PANDITA. See HARAprasana SAstri. zrzTiè vifg(.'** ***J*i I [Rainäi Panditer ])harmamangala. An article on the poet Ramai Pandita [1897.] 8°. 14133. f. 18. An ancient and his Dharmamangala.] – শূন্যপুরাণ। [Sūnyapurāņa. Pauranic poem, edited, with an extensive intro duction and glossary, by Nagendranātha Vasu.] pp. iii. 71, 176. কলিকতা ১৩১৪ [Calcutta, 1008.] 12°. 14129 bbb. 3. dra Tarkavāgīşer jīvanacharita. RĀMAKAMALA VIDYĀLANKARA. The Prakritibāda, or an Illustrated Etymological Dictionary of the Sanskrit and Bengali languages . . . Fourth edition, thoroughly revised, improved and enlarged by Ramesha Chandra Bandyopadhyaya. pp. x. 1678, 16. Calcutta, s z NG [1888] 8°. 14133. b. 13. RĀMAKINKARA SIROMANI. See Krishşa Mısra. zstājosETETTI FtūKE I [Prabodhachandrodaya nātaka. With a Bengali translation by Ramakrishna [1855.] 16°. 14079. a. 4. প্রভাবতী । story of Siromani and others.] RĀMAKRISHNA GANGOPĀDHYĀYA.

  1. TTssize of:Tiri [Prabhavati. A

domestic life.1 pp. 130. af ze zi s ze : [Calcutta, 1897.] 12°. 14127, cc. 10.01.) RĀMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA, Son of Khudi[Life..] See AksHAYAKUMÁRA SENA. &ślরামকৃষ্ণ পুথি etc. Rámakrishna-punthi. 1901.] 8°. та та [Life.] See BHUDHARA CHATTopADHYAYA. 3ii{T-i: [Sādhudarsana.] Pt. i. [1888.] 12°. 14127. a. 35. See HARANACHANDRA Rakshita. *[for 3 Æ og= | [Kāminī o kāñchana. A story, illus- | trating the religious teachings of Râmakrishna.] [1908.] 12°. 14128. a. 28. 14127. bbb. 5.(2.) —l:A.M.AKUMAIRA 2:20 RĀMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA, Son of Khudi[ Life.] See RAMACH ANDRA DATTA. শ্রীশ্রীরামকুষ্ণ পরমহংসদেবের জীবন রক্তস্ত । [IRamakrishna-jivana-vrittánta.] [1890.] 8°. 14127. b. 45. (1) তত্ত্ব- প্রকাশিক । অর্থাৎ শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণদেবের **Toso | [Tattva-prakasikä. A collection of 300 teachings of Ramakrishna, compiled and explained Third edition.] কলিকতা ১৩১৪ [Calcutta, 1008.] 14123。ff。18。 тата (continuel). by his disciple Rāmachandra. pp. ii. vii. 450. 8°. RAMAKRISHNA VIDYABHÜSHANA. See SAYAşa শঙ্করবিজয়ম | Sanskrit text, with a Bengali translation and preface by Rāmakrishņa Vidyābhūshaņa.] [1882-83.] 4°. 14048. е 11. RĀMĀKSHAYA CHATTOPĀDHYĀYA. V c2=|t=H তর্কবাগীশের জীবনচরিত ও কবিতাবলী । [PremachanA life of Premachandra Tarkavågisa, Professor of Rhetoric at the Caleutta Sanskrit College.] pp. ii. 116, x. zofaz z1 obrSo Calcutta, 1892. 8o. 14127, b. 38.(3.) AcHĀRYA. [Şaňkaravijaya. —— [Second edition.] pp. iv. 168. zÉfaizFIz! Sv-Sv [Calcutta, 1896.] 8°. 14127, bb. 4.(2.) কলিকতা ১৩০৬ 14127. аа. 16. — [Third edition.] pp. 7, 215. [Calcutta, 1901.] 8°. প্রেমচন্দ্র তর্কবাগীশের জীবনচরিত ও কবিতাzĒ . . . Life and Slokas of Prem Chandra Tarkavagisa. By Rai Ramakhoy Chatterji Bahadoor. [Fourth edition.] pp. ix. 319. *f**, si [Cal cutta, 1906.] 12°. 14127. aa. 34. পুলিস & Câî[<!!*Fl | [Pulis o lokarakshä. A history of Police administration in Bengal from the commencement of the British rule.] pp. ii. 157. Calcutta, 1892. 12°. 14125. a. 20. RĀMAKUMĀRA CHAKRAVARTī zāzātā tā zifaA social tale.) zāfāzī, El to 5 [Calcutta, 1896.] 8°. 14127, ee. 5.(2.)

    • T*f- zz | [KaşyapaA collection of incantations and pre

Tāfe, l [Thākuradādār paritrāņa. pp. 187. RĀMAKUMĀRA DĀSA. tan tra. scriptions for the cure of various ailments, and the averting of various calamities. Compiled and Q