Louis XIV had given him in 1699. Father An-
selme's writings are some odes printed in the "Ke-
i-ueil de rAcacl^mie des Jeux Floraux de Toulouse";
"Panegyrics of Saints and Funeral Orations at Paris
In 1718 ' (3 vols. 8vo., with his portrait); "Sermons
for Advent, Lent, and Various Occasions" (Paris,
1731, 4 vols. 8vo. and 6 vols. I2nio.); divers dis-
■sertations inserted in the ".Meinoires de I'Acad^mie
(1(S Inscriptions" from 1724 to 1729.
La Grande Kncyc. Ill, 128. JoHN J. a' BeCKET.
Anslo, Rever, Dutcli poet and convert, b. at Amsterdam in 1022; d. at Perugia in 1669. His parents were Meiinonites. He was baptized on the 16th of November, 1040, and lirought up a mem- ber of the same sect. He had already gained fame as a poet, and had been rewarded by his native city, with a laurel crown and a silver tiish, for a poem m honour of the new town liall. A poem inscribed to Queen Christina of Sweden, a great patroness of letters, entitled "The Swedish Pallas", brought him a golden chain. In 1651, he was received into the Catholic Church, together with forty-three others, as is shown by MS. records of the Society of Jesus (Lit. annua; Soc. Jes., in the Burgxmdian Librarj' at Brussels, VI, No. 21818b i° :HX), u° 1651). He pro- ceeded to Rome, where he became secretan' to Cardinal Capponi, and received from Pope Inno- cent X a gold medal for his poetical labours. In 1655 ho was presented to Queen Christina, to whom he dedicated new poems. His collected works were published in 1713, the finest being a tragedy, "The Parisian Blood-Bridal" (De parj'sche bloed-brui- loff), dealing with the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 'liiUM in Kirchenlti.: Id., in the Diet»ctu- Warande {waaieT~ ilami; Id.. Spirgel tan Nederlandtche LeUirrn (1-ouvain, 1877, 11. HI).
Fr.\nci.s W. Cirey. Anstey, Thomas Chisholm, lawyer and politician, son of one of the first settlers in Tjismania, b. in London, England, 1816; d. at Bombay, India, 12 .\ugust, 1873. Educated at Wellington and the Uni- versity College, London, he was called to the Bar in 18.39. One of the earliest converts of the Oxford movement, he was shortly after appointed professor of law and jurisprudence at Prior Park College near Bath, and became an ardent champion of thp rights and interests of the Catholics of England and Ireland. Joining O'Connell's forces, he resigned his professor- ship and devoted himself entirely to politics. In 1847 he was elected member of Parliament for Youghal, where he was prominent in the opposition to Lord I'almerston's foreign policy and advocated the repeal of the Irish and ."scotch unions and the repeal of the currency laws. He retired from parliamentary life in 18.52 and in 18.54 was nominated -Attorney- General of Hongkong, but in the course of the radi- cal reforms he inaugurated he came into collision with Sir John Bowring in 1858 and was suspended from office. Anstey's representations were brought to the attention of Parliament in 18.59 but he was unable to obtain public redress, whereupon he re- tired to India and took up the practice of law at Bombay. His success was great; he filled a tem- porarj' vacancy on the bench in 1805, but again was comiielled to resign his post on account of the oppo- sition excited by his vigorous denunciation of com- mercial abuses m the Bengal government. He then returned to England in 1866 and in a tract entitled .\ Plea for the I'nrepresented for the Restitution of the Franchise" he advocated universal suffrage as a panacea for the ills resulting from class legisla- tion. In 1867 he published an attack upon Dis- raeli's Refonn Act of that year. In 1808 he re- t\irned to Bombay and resumed his practice and on bis death was deeply lamented by the natives, whose causes he had always forwarded. He was accu.sed of lack of moderation in his methods but never of lack
of intelligence or honour in his purposes. Among
his numerous pamphlets were: "A Guide to the Laws
affecting Roman Catholics " (1842), and "The Queen's
Svipremacy considered in its relation with the Roman
Catholics in England" (1850). He also contributed
many articles to the Dublin Magazine, just then
started under the direction of Newman, O'CJonnell,
and Henry Bagshawe.
TabUl (Ixjndon, 16 Aueimt, 1873); Weekly Reoisler, ibid.; Hansard, Parliatnenlary Debatet (1847-52).
Thomas Walsh.
Antediluvians (from Lat. on/« = before, and diluvium = {\ooi\; people who lived before the Flood). In the Pentateuch. — From Adam to Noe the Bible enumerates ten patriarchs. A genealogical table of them is given (Gen., v). Their names, lifetime, and age at which they begot their successors are systematically stated. The modern theory of the composition of the Pentateuch assigns the Chap- ter in which this table occurs to the documentary .source commonly called the "Priestly Code", or by abbreviation, P. (See Pentateuch.) In the narrative of this code the table of the ten patriarchs is said by critics to have followed immediately after the Hexahcmcron of chapter i. The account of the Creation concluded or began, as they maintain, with the phrase: " are the generations of the heavens and the earth" (Gen., ii, 4). The list of the patri- archs begins: "This is the book of the generations of .■\dam". The thread of the same narrative is said to be further continued in chapter vi. 9, by means of the .same "These are the generations of Noe". The intervening chapters, critics hold, belong to an older account of the primeval time. Critics allege that among the names of the ten patriarchs there are six that occur also in the list of the descendants of Cain. The table of Cainites is given in chapter iv, ver. 17-18. The si.x names, supposed to be the same in both registers, are Cain or Cainan. Henoch, Irad or Jared. Mav-iael or Mahilecl. .Mathusael or .MatluLvala, and Lamech. The different manner in which .some of the names are spelleil in the parallel list is held to be in.significant. .\s the table of Cainites in chap- ter iv is assumed by critics to be from an older docu- ment than that of the .Vdamites in chapter v, the inference was obvious that the names of the latter table were taken from the former. For this infer- ence critics find a support in the meaning of the names Adam, Enos, and Cain or Cainan. The names .\dam and Enos mean " man "; Cain or Cainan means "the one begotten" or "the son obtaineil" cf. iv, 1. Thus we would have the parallel .A.dara-Cain, Enos- Cainan, namely, man and his .scion.
The Nu.muer Ten. — In fixing upon the number ten as the number of patriarchs the author may have followed some ancient anil perhaps widely spread tradition. The list of the ten natriarchs with their abnormally long lifetime resembles that of the first ten Babylonian kings as rccortled by Bcrosus, Euse- bius, Chron. Arm., I, i, t. XI.X, col. 107-108. .Ac- cording to Vigourou.x, "Dictionnaire de la bible", the tradition of ten ancient ancestors is found also with other races; e. g. among the Hindus, with their ten Pitris or forefathers, comprising Brahma and the nine Bram.idikas; among the ancient Germans and Scandinavians, with their belief in the ten an- cestors of Odin, etc. But it is equally possible that the number ten is simply due to a systematic method of computation. Thus the pre-hisloric age from Adam to .\braham was to comprehenii twenty gen- erations, ten from Adam to Noe, and ten from Sem to Thare. .\ similar systematic arrangement we have in the genealogical table of Christ in St. Matthew cont;iining three times fourteen generations. The following table contains the names of the patriarchs with their respective ages according to the Hebrew text, Septuagint, and Samaritan Bible; also the