Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu/661

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(1571) the seat of a famous confraternity of the Rosary. There are also churches dedicated to St. Andrew, St. Augustine, St. (ieorge, Sts. Micliael and Peter, and St. Joseph. The Plant in-Moret us Museum e.xliibits the work-shop and residence of that great family of (•ccle.siastical printers (purchased in IJ>76 hy the nuinicipality ) cjuite as they were in the si.xteenth and .seventeenth centuries. In the various rooms may be seen copies of old mi.ssaLs and breviaries, <()rres|>onilcnce of learned men (St. Charles liorromeo, Baronius), jxirtraits of famous editors (.\riius Montanus, Justus Lijxsius) employed by Plantin and Moretus, drawings by Kubens, en- gravings by famous masters, artistic bindings, and specimens of all the most perfect work done for this establishment of learned printers during their flourishing period. Altogether it is a "unique picture of the dwelling and contiguous business premises of a Flemish patrician at the end of the sixteentli centurj-".

The Catholic jxipulation of Antwerp and arrondisse- ments is:U4,S17 (census, 1900). '1 he city contains 34 Catholic churches and chapels, 2 Protestant churches, and 2 synagogues. There are 7 religious orders of men and 30 of women. The chief educa- tional institutions are the Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Trades, Normal School, Royal Athen- a'um. College of St. John Berchmans, Institute of St. Xorbert, College of Xotre Dame and Trades Institute of St. Ignatius, both under the Jesuits. There are in addition boarding schools and day schools under the following religious orders: I'rsu- lines, Sisters of Our Lady, Sisters of the Teminck Foundation, Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Ladies of Christian Instruction, the Apostolines, Annunciates, Sisters of Marj' and Sisters of the Heart of Mary. Among the charitable institutions are a Beguinage; a house of the Little Sisters of the Poor, with about 400 inmates; the mother-house of the Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, for the protection and reclama- tion of women. There are orphanages for boys and girls, two sailors' homes, an asylum for the in- sane, a number of hospitals, e. g. St. Elizabeth's with a capacity of 400 and Stuivenberg 500. In Antwerp also is situated the mother-house of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

Besides the work.s quotetl in the text sec G^naro, Anvera ix travers Us lioea: the histories of Belgium by N.vmache, PiRKS.NK. MERTE.V8 and ToRFs; Moke, Lfs gplendeura de t'art en Bflgique: ItODINSON, Antwerp: An Ilitlorual SkeUh (Lon- doD. IU04).

Thomas J. Shahan.

Anunciacidn, Frat Domingo de la, a Dominican missionary, b. at Fuenteovejuna, 1.510; d. in Me.\ico, 1.591. In the world his name was Juan de Ecija; his father was Hernando de Ecija. At the age of thirteen he asked to be admitted into the Order of St. Francis, but was refused. His father having died, he emigrated to New Spain (.Mex- ico) with his elder brother, Hernando de Paz, who bo- came secretary of the first royal auiiivncia. Pros- perity spoiled Hernando, but the younger brother, Juan, kept aloof from the temptations of wealth and ambition, and entered the Order of Dominicans in 1531, or 1532. He assinned the name of Domingo de la Animciacion, under which he thereafter was known. He was one of the most zealous instructors of the Mexican Indians in the sixteenth century. During the epidemic of 1545 he attended to the natives un- ceasingly, regardless of him.self, and administered the eacraments, from .Mexico as far south as Oaxaca, wan- dering on foot from village to village. In 1559, Fray


Domingo, with three other priesta and a lay brother, all of the Order of St. Dominic, accompanied Don Tristan de Arellano y Luna on his disastrous ex- [wdition to Florida. .Shipwrecked, deprived of al- most every resource, he sulTered the worst. All at- tempts to penetrate inland failed, and the survivors had to go back as Ijcst they could. After his return to .Mexico he contimied tis teacher among the Indians, but was twice prior of the convent of .*^anto Domingo at the capital, once prior of the convent of Piiebla, four times msister of novices, and definiilor in various provincial councils. In 15S5 he became blind antl died si.x years later, univei^ally regretted for his virtues and untiring devotion to the cause of religion and education, chiefly of the Indians. His elder brother, Hernando, finally induce<l by him to abandon the life of di.s.sipation he had l^een leading, also became a Dominican, and rose to a high posi- tion in the order. Fray Domingo de la .4nuiiciaci6n has left, as far as is known, only one litcrarj* monu- ment, which is very rare. It bears the title: "Doc- trina Xpiana Breve y Compendiosa &ca &ca" (.Mexico, 1.565), and is a dialogue between master and pupil on the Christian doctrine, in Spanish and Mexican.

The bioKraphy of Fray Domingo is ba^ed almost exclusively upon the work of Fray AoUHTf.s- Davila Padilla: Hialoria de la Fundaci('m y discorgo de la prmineia de Santiago de Mixico de la orden de Preduadores (first edition, Madrid, 1506; second, Brussels, 1625; thinl, with a different title, Yalladolid, 1634). The book is exceedingly rare. That the Doctrina Xpiana was said to be printed in 1545. instead of 1565. is an error due to Padilla. That error was repeated by Nicolas A.n- TONio, Biblioteca ftiepana A'm-a (1G70); by Leon y Pinelo, KpUume de la Biblioteca Oriental y Ocndental (Madrid, 1738), II: and BtRIftTAl.N de Socza, Biblioteca hiapano-americana aetentrional (Mexico. 1816). to be finally corrected by Garcia YcAZBALCETA, Bibliogrolia mericana del Siglo XVl (Mexico. 1886). in which book the fronti.spipco of the Doetrina is

fiven. with numerous data on the life of the author. On the lorida mission see Documentoa iniditoa de Indiaa; BrcK- ingiiam-Smitii, Cotecciiin de Documentoa para la lliatoria de la Florida; CXrdenas y Zcano (pseudonym for I-llircia). Knaayo cronoU'igico para la Hiatoria de la Florida; Ger(jn' DE Mendieta. Hiatoria Ecleaiuatica indiana (publistied by Ycazbalceta); Woodbdry-Lowery, Spaniah Settlementa in the United Utatea, I.

Ad. F. Bandelier.

Animciacion, Fray Juan de la, b. at Granada in Spain, probably 1514; d. 1.594. He went to Mexico, where he joined the August inians in 1.5.54. He was several times prior of the convents of his order at Mexico and Pucbla, and twice definidor. He died at the age of eighty. He was also rector of the college of .San Pablo. Fray Juan lx?longs to the class of religious so numerous and .so little known, or at least considered, who in the sixteenth century devoted themselves with special attention to the literary and religious education of the Indians. He

f)ublisfied in Mexico three books, which are of at east linguistic vahie to-day, and were originally useful for the instruction of the aborigines of Nahuatl stock. The earliest, that of the year 1575, is a "Doctrina Cliristiana" in Mexican (Nahuatl) and Spanish. In the same year he published "Ser- mones para publicar, despcdir la Bulla de la Sancta Cnisada," in Mexican and Spanish. He was then sub-prior of the convent of St. Augustine in Mexico. Finally, in 1577, there appeared, his "Sennonario en Len^a Mexicana . . . con un Catecismo en lengua Mexicana y Espafiola, con el Calendario." Very few copies of these works are known to exist.

De Grijalva. Crt^ica de la Orden de San Au^juatin, en lag

F-orinciaa de la \ueta EapaiUi (Mexico. 1624); Leon t INE1.0. Epitome de la BHilioleca oriental y occidental (edition of 17.38; hrst ciliiion. 16'28); Nicolas Antonio. Biblioteca Ilitpana Nova (1670 and 1783); BfcRisTAiN DE SoczA. Bib- lioteca hiapano'amrricana aetentrional (Mexico, 181C); \*caz- BALCETA, Bibliogralla mexicana del Siato XVl (Mexico. 1886)

Ad. F. Bandeliek. Aod. See MoABiTEs. Aosta, The Diocese of. — An Italian diocese, suf-