Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 11.djvu/424

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Gattamelata by Donatello on the piazza del Santo; the statue of Petrarch; and the tomb of Antenor, the legendary founder of the city.

Padua (l'alat<ium) was the chief city of the Veneti, who were continually at war with the Gauls; the Veneti, therefore, were naturally friends of Rome. In 302 B. c. Cloonymus, King of Sparta, sailed up the Po with a part of his fleet; but the Patavians drove him bai'k with severe loss. The city long enjoyed inde- pendence, and obtained Roman citizenship only in 49 B. c. I'mlcr the first emperors, Padua was one of the most heavily-taxed cities. It had a flourishing wool industry, and its people were famous for their orderly conduct. Latin literature also flourished among them (Livy, Ascanius Pedanius, Thrasea Paetus). With the growth of Aquileia the importance of Padua waned; it was destroyed in 408 by Alaric, in 452 by Attila, and in 601 by Agilulfus, King of the Lom- bards. In the tenth century it was har- assed by the Hunga- rians, especially in 903. In 1087, with the consent of Henry IV, Padua made it- self a free commune; and in the time of Barbarossa it was among the first cities to establish the Lom- bard League. It was at war with \'enice in 1110 and 1214; with Vicenza in 1140,1188, and 1201 ; and with the Ezzelini. Ezze- lino IV succeeded in obtaining the sover- eignty in 1237. For eighteen years he ex- ercised a most inhuman tyranny; among his victims was the prior of Santa Giustina, Arnaldus, who died after an imprisonment of eight years. In 1256 an army of crusaders, sent by Alexander IV, captured the city, which Ezzclino attempted in vain to recapture.

The city once more flourished; but internal discord developed anew, and wars with neighbours began again, with the result that Padua, following the ex- ample of other cities, offered the lordship to Jacopo Carrara in 1318. In 1320, however, Padua was com- pelled to receive an imperial vicar; and the attempt of Marsilio I of Carrara, son of Jacopo (1328), to rid him- self of that functionary, turned only to the advantage of the Scaligeri (Alberto and Mastino), which family were driven from Padua in 1337 by Marsilio, succeeded by Ubertino. The latter greatly increased the territory of the state, and was succeeded by Marsilio II Papa- fava, and by Jacopo II (1345) a protector of letters and of the arts, assassinated in 1350 by Gulielmo, natural son of Giacomo I. Francesco I, captain of the league against the Visconti, succeeded, but was un- successful against Venice and was compelled to accept a humiliating peace; in 1378 he assisted the Genoese in the war of Chioggia. He was more successful, however, against the Scaligeri, from whom he took Feltre, Bclluno, Treviso, and Ceneda (1384). His son Francesco Novello (1388) voluntarily submitted to the Visconti of Milan; but was imprisoned, to- gether with his father, who had withdrawn from the government. Francesco Novello escaped from prison, and in 1390 reconquered Padua; and in 1403 he waged war against the Visconti and took Brescia and Verona. In 1404 he made an attempt against Vicenza that brought upon him a war with Venice. After a long Biege, father and son went to Venice, to obtain favour-

able conditions of peace, were detained and put to death (1405); the rule of the Carrara thus came to an end, and Padua fell to Venice. In 1509 the Emperor Maximilian I took the city from the Venetians; the Venetians having retaken it, the town was besieged again by the imperialists, who had already taken a bastion, when the explosion of a mine drove them back; thenceforth Padua followed the fortunes of Venice.

Padua is the birthplace of: the poetess Isabella An- dreini; another poetess Gaspera Stampa; the jurist Jacopo Zabarella, his son Cardinal Francesco Za- barella, and his nephew Bartolommeo; Ottonello Des- calzo; the man of letters Cesarotti; the naturalist Donati; the mechanician Giacomo dell' Orologio; the painters Francesco Squarcione (Paduan school), Stefano dall' Arzere; G. B. Bissoni; Campagnola, Girolamo Padovano; Mantegna; Alessio V'arotari (II Pado- vanino); the female painter . Domenica Scanferla; the sculp- tor Tiziano Aspetti; Blessed Pellegrino Manzoni (d. 1267); Blessed Compagno (d. 1264), and of Blessed Cardinal Bonaventura da Pa- duva (d. 1385).

P a d u a gave a number of martyrs to the Church: St. Ciiustina, Virgin; St. Da niel ; and the Bish- op Maximus. The first bishop is said to have been St. Prosdocimus, who cannot have gov- erned the diocese earlier than the beginning of the third century, when the See of Milan was created, even if Crispinus, at the Council of Sardica in 347, was the twelfth Bishop of Padua. After the destruction of the city by Attila, the bishops resided on the island of Melamocco, and took part in the schism of The Three Chapters; Tricidius (620) returned to Padua, which had again grown up. Among the other bishops were Gauslinus, who, in 964, found the relics of the third bishop St. Fidentius; Blessed Bernardo Maltraverso (1031); Pietro (1096), deposed by the Council of Guastalla; St. Bellino Bertaldo, killed in 1147 by Tommaso Capodivacca; Gerardo Marostica (1169), a pacifier. On account of the tyranny of Ezzclino IV, the see was vacant from 1239; Pagano della Torre (11302) built the episcopal palace; Ildebrandino (1319), Pontifical legate on various occasions; Pileo da Prata (1359), founder of the Collegio Pratense; Pietro Barba (1448), Pope Paul II; Fantino Dandolo (1449), formerly a high functionary of Venice; Jacopo Zeno (1460), the biographer of his uncle Carlo, who commanded in the war against Genoa; Nicol6 Ormanetto (1570) ; Giorgio Cornaro (1697) held important charges under the re- public; Carlo Rezzonico (1743), Pope Clement XIII; Francesco Scipione Doni dall' Orologio (1807). The provincial Synod of 1350 was important.

The diocese is suffragan of Venice; it has 321 parishes, 570,200 inhabitants, 1 Catholic daily paper, and 1 weekly Catholic publication.

Cappelleiti, Le Chiese d'llalia, X; Idem. Sloria di Padua (2 vols.. 1S75-76); dall' Orologio, Dissert, sopra Visloria di Paaom (9 vols., I'adua. Ib02-lsl;i); Sabtori, (iuida star. ddU Chiese di Padom (Padua. 1SS4); Vehci, Sloria deali Ecelini (Bassano, 1779) ; CiTADELLA. Sloria della dominarione carrarese in Padom (2 vols., Padua, 1842); Volkmann, Padua ala Kunststatte (Leipzig, 1904). U. BeNIONI.