Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/851

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Diocese, Ic, jm 320 rmd 321

Dionysius Exiguus, 11a, for Dioclction read Dio- cletian Discernment of Spirits, 28b, aper soeking its good

insert semicolon; ajicr mentioned omil semicolon,

insert and Dispensation,43a,/or OF MATRiMONYreofZ Canonical;

Marriage Dispersion of the Apostles, 46d, before this feast

insert on Divine Word, Society of the, 54b, /or 467 read 69,498 Doctor, 74b, for O'Fiehely read O'Fihely Doctrine, Christian, 87c, for 1852 read 1851 Dongan, Thomas, 130d, for Lesler read Leisler Dorothea, Saint, 135d, for Montau, Saint read

Montau, Blessed Douai, Town and University of, 140a, for Francis

read Jolm Baptist Dowdall, James, 145c, for 20 September, 1600 read

13 August, 1599; for In the summer of read On 31

October Downside Abbey, 149d, for 1340 read 200 Doyle, James Warhen, 151a, for Rathconrogue read

Rathgarogue Drane, Augcsta Theodosia, 153c, for Babbicombe

read Babbacombe Drumettes, Gabriel, 164c, for 1060 reatl^ 1661 Dryden, John, 169a, for Zavier read Xavier; 169c,

after (Edinburgh, 1882-93) insert The best text of

the poems is the Oxford edition by John Sargeant

(Oxford University Pre,ss, 1910) Dubois, John, 178d, for Trusteeism read Trustee

System Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan, 187b, for Sadlier read

Sadleir Dunkeld, Diocese of, 193d, for 1127 read 1107 Duns Scotus, John, 19.5a, after cult us immemorabilis

insert The Decree recognizing this cultus was issued

on 11 January, 1907 Dupin, Louis-Ellies, 204d, for demi-Pelagian read

semi-Pelagian Duquesnoy, Francois, 206c, before baldachinum

insert decorations of the Durand de Maillane, Pierre Joussaint, 206d, for

Jolssaint read Toussaint Eadfiid, 224a, for Lindisfarne Gospels, read Lin-

disfarne, Ancient and Monastery of Easter, 225b, for Quartodecimans read Easter

Controversy; 22Sa,/')r Dizionariq read Dizionario Easter Controversy, 230a, for following read on or

following Ecclesiastes, 246b, for As the inspired read Though

the in.spired; 24Sc, for shilful read skilful Ecclesiastical Art, 256d,/or Ivories read Ivory; 258c,

259a, for civory read ciborj' Echtemach Abbey, 270c, omit and the Diocese of

Trier Ecthesis, 278b, omit Heraclius, Emperor Edinburgh, 284c, for nineteenth read eighteenth Edmondsbury, 293b, for Edmondsburj' . . . Ed- monds read Edmund.sburv' . . . Edmunds Egypt, 335c, for '£7X07^ read'EK\y^; 339b, .3.39c, for

Ahniosis read Amosis; 34.3b, for 487 read 490 Eichendorff, Josef Karl Benedikt, .364a, for Fr.

Schlegcl reaii F. von Schlogel; /or adopted son read

steps/ in Eichstatt, Diocese of, 365r, for Kaste read Kastel Eligius, Saint, 386a, Jfor 660 read 659 Elined, Saint. 3S6d. for province read county Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint, 389c, for solider read

soldier EUwangen Abbey, 393a. for 894 read 887 Elphin, Diocese op, 395a, for Ratherroghan read Kathcroghan

Embroidery, 401a, for Greek read Greeks

Emigrant Aid Societies, 404b, for Filician read Felician

Emmerich, Anne Catherine, 406d,/or twenty-eight, year read twenty-eighth year

Enciso, MartIn FernAndez de, 412a, for Terra read Tierra

England, 431b, for 23,386,.593 read 32,.527,843; 432b, for claims read claim; 447c, for to a daughter read to a niece; 464a, for Smollet read Smollett; 466, in caption, /or Biscombe reail Boseombe

Englefield, Sir Henry Charles, 472b, for Andrian rciiil Andria

English Confessors and Martyrs, 475d, for Water- ings, 1 July, 1541 read Waterings, 12 July, 1541; 476b, after Dorchester insert and Lawrence Hum- phrey 1., Winchester; after Winchester insert An- thony Page p., 20 April, York; for Lampton, . . . 27 Julv read Lampton, ... 24 July; 476c, for Dowdall 1., 13 Aug. read Dowdall 1., 20 Sept.; 478a, for Robert Shelley read Richard Shelley

Ephesus, Council of, 492d,/or Mitylene read MeUtene

Epiphany, 505d, for may assign read many assign

Emin, Saint, .524a, for Mernoc read Ernan

Eschatology, 533b, for Particular read Divine; .534a, /or General read Divine

Espousals, 542d, after Spain insert and Latin America; 543a, for unless read even though; after leaves the matter to the confessor insert though many hold that in virtue of the " Ne Temere" informal espousals are invalid in foro interno as well as in foro externo; o/(fr marry each other omit on or within some definite date

Etherianus, Hugh, 555d, 556a, 556b, for Hugh read Hugo

Ethics, 5.59d, for 1694-1747 read 1694-1746

Ethiopia, 570d, aft-'r husband iruiert See also Egypt, —V. The Coptic Church

Eucharist, 579c, after (about 1079) insert This point isdisjiuted. Of the 144 sermons usually ascribed to Hildebert only four can be proved to be his. Sermo Ixxiii, in which the term transubstantiation occurs, was most probably written by Peter Co- mester. (See Hildebert of Lavardin; Haur^au, "Notices et extraits de la bibliotheque nationale", XXXII, ii, 107-166); caption facing 592, for Sym. boUcal Painting read Symbol of the Consecration

Europe, (i07b, /or North Cape (71°, 12', N. lat.) read Kniv.skja?rodden (71°, 11', N. lat.)

Eustachius, Bartolomeo, 627b, for descriptions read description

Eutychianism, 635b, for to mean hypostasis read to include hyposta.sis; for Julians read Julianists; 635d, for As Philoxenus read Though Philoxenus; for must be read must not be; 636a, for Theodosius read Philoponus

Evangelical Church, 644b, for Wicheren reml Wichern

Evolution, (;.")(id, (i57a, for Down read Downe

Excommimication, ()87b, o/(cr paragraph (7) i7>serl The regulations governing excommunications have been renewed and .somewhat extended by the Motu Proprio "(Jujintavis diligentia" of 9 October, 1911; 687d, for attain rend attaint

Exeter, Ancient Diocese of, 708d, for Warclhurst read Warclwast; 708d, 709d, for Grandis.son read Grandi.son

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 713c, for Cor- nelion rend Cornillon

Eyck, Hubert, 732c, /or St. Bavons read St. Bavon

Ejrmard, Pierre Julien, 735c, for Oblalee read Society

Faith, Protestant Confessions of, 760e, after Prince of Anhalt insert George, Margrave of Brandenberg