Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/852

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Fall River, Diocese of, 771b, ajter Boston omit Hartford; 771c, for Brighton read Boylston; 771d, for The Dominican Fathers read The Dominicans, Fathers; after Sisters of St. Francis add Sisters of the Sacred Hearts

False Decretals, 7S0c, for to Rothade read of Rothade

Farfa, Abbey of, 786a, for orfeverie read orf^vrerie Faribault, Jean-Baptiste, 787c, for private read

civil Famese, Alessandro, 789a, for Vignolo read Vignola Faroe Islands, 789c, for Schonhaar read Haarfager;

7S9d, for WiTTMAN read Wittmann


Fathers of the Church, 15c, for were almost read hved

most ly Faustus of Milevis, 19b, for Manich^ans read Man-


Fear, 21b, after conditions insert comma; after is otnil

comma Feasts, Ecclesiastical, 23a, for and Duplex read

Christian Feilding, Rudolph, 26c, for Pentasaph read Panta-

saph Fenelofl, Francois, 37d, for France Pere Quesnel

read France, when Pere Quesnel Feti, Domenico, 52b, for labour, the unique read

labour of this unique; 52d, for pittore read pittori;

for Italiana read Italia Feuillants, 65b, for Henry III read Henry IV; 65c, for

Avranche read Avranches Fida^as, Simeon a Cascia, 68b, /or Cassia reorf Cascia Fiesole, Diocese of, 71a, for Venerable read Blessed Finland, Grand Duchy of, 77c, for Jyavskyla read

Jyvaskyld; for Witmann read Wittmann Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 85a, for Eshe Hall read

Kshe; S5c, before place omit fixed Fitzpatrick, Willi.uii John, 86d, for daughters read

daughter; /or their father's read her father's Fitzralph, Richard, S7a, /or 31 July, 1346 read 8 July,

1347; S7b, for 1357 read 1356 Fogaras, Archdiocese of, 123a, for Szamos Ujvdr

rend Szamos-Ujvdr Fontenelle, Abbey of, 129b, for eighth read ninth Forbin-Janson, Charles, 133d, transfer illustration

to Freppel, Charles-Emilb, VI, 278a Forgery, 135d, for "de crimine falsi" (ff. XLVIII)

read "de falsis" (ff. XLVIII, 10); 137a, for Pen-

nachi read Pennacchi Formosus, Pope, 140d, for Udes read Eudes Fouquet, Jehan, 161d, before Melun insert Saint

.\si)ais of; 162a, after frontispiece omit and minia- tures; 162c, /or Emil read Emile France, 194b, for Menip^e read M(5nipp6e; 202b, for

decree read degree Frances of Rome, Saint, 206a, for on 9 May read

on 29 May; /or Palaez read Pelaez Francis Caracclolo, Saint, 218c, for PisteUi read

PLselU Francis de Sales, Saint, 220b, for prophesy read

pro]3hecy Francis of Assisi, Saint, 225d, for praesepio read

presepio; 227d, in caption, for Honorius IV read

Honorius III; 228b, for Potesta read Podesta;

caption facing 22S, /or town read Monte Subiaco Fraticelli, 249c, fur Pragonen.sia read Aragonensia Free Church of Scotland, 2.'iSa, after Edinburgh insert

(Ilasgow; 2.").sl), for twenty-four read sixty-four Freiburg, 2(i7il, for lectures read lecturers; 269a, for

recognize i-iiid reorganize French Catholics in the United States, 277b, for

Pierre Broussard read Robert F. Broussard; for

Bougy . . . from Wisconsin read Bogy . . . from

Mis.souri Freppel, Charles-Emilb, 27Sa, transfer illustration

to Forbin-Janson, Charles, 133d Friars Minor, Order of, 285a, for Benedict XIII read

Gregory XII; 287c, for 1907 read 1902; 295d, for

1704 read 1904

Frontenac, Count Louis de Buade, 310b, for St- Germain-en-laye read St-Germain-en-Laye

Gaboon, Vicariate Apostolic of, 329a, for Manda read Monda; for Esteiras read Eshiras; /or BaUcalai read Bakalai; 329b, for of the Cathohcs among the freed negroes read by the Catholic negroes; for 1884 read 1848; for 1848 read 1884; 329c, for Esteiras read Esterias; 329d, for Esteira read Eshira

Galien, Joseph, 341d, for G. B. Wilhelm read B.


Gall, Saint, 347b, for Poncelot read Poncelet

Galla, Vicariate Apostolic op, 348c, for Hcalal read Walal; 34Sd, for 125 read 25

Galveston, Diocese of, 372b, for Shelly read Shelby; 372c, after Dubuis, omit C.S.C; for 1894 read 1892; 372d, f<}r BislKip Dufal read Bishop Dubuis

Galway and Kilmacduagh, Diocese of, 374a, 6e/ore Dr. Faliy insert in our day

Garlick, Nicholas, Venerable, 3S6a, for Robert Syinpson read Richard Sympson

Gaspare del Bufalo, Blessed, 390b, for most . . (C.P.P.S.) read Most . . (C.PP.S.); 390d, for Rocca read Lugo; 391a, for Kaspare read Kaspar

Gaza, 40()a, for Gen., .xxi, 33 read Gen., xx, 1, 2

Geissel, .Johannes von, 405d, /or Kaiser — Dom read Kaiserdoin

Geography of the Bible, 433d, Amphipolis, for Acts, xviii read Acts, xvii; 434a, Anania, for II Esd., ii, 32 read II Esd., xi, 32; 435a, Baalmeon, for Jos., xvii, 17 read Jos., xiii, 17; 435d, Betlichar, for I Kings, xvii, 11 read I Kings, vii, 11; 436d, Casaloth, for Jos., xix, 8 read Jos., xix, 18; 437a, Cellon, for Judges, ii, 13 read Judith, ii, 13; 437b, Charan, for Judges, v, 9 read Judith, v, 9; 437d, Dabereth, for Jos., xix, 21 read Jos., xix, 12; Dabir, for Jos., xi, 22 read Jos., xi, 21; 438b, Edema, for Deut., ix, 23 read Jos., xix, 36; Eleph. for Jos., xviii, IS read Jos., xviii, 28; EUasar, for Gen., xiv, 19 read Gen., xiv, 9; 438c, Engannim, for Jos., xix, 31 read Jos., xLx, 21; 438d, Ensemes, for Jos., . . .; xviii, 7 read Jos., . . .; xviii, 17; Esaan, for Jos., xv, 22 read Jos., x\', 52; 439a, Gaas, for Jos., ii, 9 read Judges, ii, 9; 439d, for Gortyne read Gortyna; 440a, Hadrach,/or Zach., xi, 1 read Zach., Lx, 1; 441c, Jim, for Jer., xxvi, 18 read Jos., xv, 29; 442a, Machbena, /or II Par., ii, 49 read I Par., ii, 49; Machmethath, /or Jos., xvi, 7 read Jos., xvi, 6; for Magdalgal read Magdalgad; 442c, Merala, for ,Tos., xi, 19 read Jos., xix, 11 ; 443a, Noa, /or Jos., xix, 23 read Jos., xix, 13; 443c, Phes- dommim, /or I Kings, xvii, 11 read I Kings, xvii, 1; 446c, Thyatira, for Apoc, ii, 20 read Apoc, ii, 18

Geography and the Church, 451a, /or Ferre read Ferrer

Gerbert, Martin, 470b, for "Histoire gen(5rale de la nnisique" read "Storia della Mu.^ica"

Germain, Saint, 474a, for Thesauruis read Tliesaurus

Germans in the United States, 477a, for 176,767 read 216,000

Germany, .502c, for Weissenberg read Wcisserberg; 504b, after belonged omit largely

Ghirlandajo, 54t)b, for scale, is treated read scale, treatetl; for of Sistine read of the Sistine; ,547a, omit (background of the picture . . . Louvre); /or "pretti" read "putti"; 547c, for Loudi read Londi

Gibail and Batnin, 548c, for Bkorkey read Bkerkeh