Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/118

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Alamannians. .See Alamanni Alamannicus, Alexander, theolo- gian V-74C Alamanus, Louis, aee uoms ai

lemand , ,.

Alaminos, Anton de, discovery

III-222C Alammelech. See Elimelech Alamo, Texas, mission Xlll- 4'i5b- XIV-547b; 548d; mis- sfon chapel (ill.) XIII-425a Alamun, King of Toledo XIII-

  • J85b ,^^ .i^rj

Alan, Carmelite UI-Z55A —family name. See Allen —Lord of Galloway, tomb V-191C Alana, Jose Xavier de, mission

Aliaf^n'spain XIV-177C Alania Sih- of \l-<lj/a





—OF WALSINGHAM, architect

Alanus, Venerable, Bishop of Au-

xerre XIII-71Sb —Abbot of Farfa \II-447d —Abbot of Saint James XV-721C — ab Insulis (de Insulis). See

Alain de r Isle ^ „ ,

— de la Roche. See Alanus de

— DE RUPE, orator 1-2466 Alapanis, chronological table 1-

Alarcon, Diego de, theologian

XV-275C , ,,,

—Hernando de, explorer IV-



— Prospero Maria, Archbishop of

Mexico V1I-505C Alarcdn y Mendoza, Juan de. Sec

Ruiz de Alarc6n y Mendoza.

AlfrTs,'*baltIe (119.5) III-150c;


Alaric I, Visigothic kins; .\V-

476d; at Cosenza lV-4ll.ia;

and Oalla Placidia Xll-142b;

and Innocent I \III-lla;

at Lateran I-364b; at Nola

XI-S9d; at Padua XI-3!>ba;

at Pozzuoli XII-331b; at

Rome III-700b; ^Il-^plb;

XIII-167d; at Simgagha XIV-

iSb; and Stilicho VII-460d;

at Thermopyte XIV-629d

— n, Visigothic king XV-477a

Breviarium IX-207d; and

Saint Caesarius IIl-13oc,

Clovia's expedition I\-< Id

Alashan Mung-ku, tribe X-4!>uc

Ala-Shehir (Philadelphia), town

ni-)S9d; XI-793a ALASKA I-246c; aborigines, lan- guage 1-4 lib; area I-2«'d: boundary dispute XV-179a; chmate I-247c; education 1- 247d- French Americans VI- 273b-, gold-fields I-247b; gov- ernment and revenue 1-24 ic; history- I-240c; liquor traffic laws XIV-491a —Mi^iom I-249b; 249d; IV- 719a-, Jesuit (1912) XIV-103c; map I-24Sd; Protestant I- 2494; Russian I-249b; \I- 772c — Prefecture Apostolic I-2o0c; sta- tistics XV-177C

religion, I-248d; resources 1-

247b; Russian colony I-412c; seal (ill.) I-246c; seal of con- fession XIII-661d; statistics XV-177a; tribes I-248a; United States purchase I-246d; X\ - I66d „ , „

—Russian Orthodox See of. Sec

Alcutia and Alaska Alassada (Alexandria) lll-32d ALATRI, DIOCESE OF l-l.')2a;

Sivlin 1, rL-licH X1V-31C Alaunium (Aulun), town I-490a Alava, Alvara de, university pro- fessor XIII :i93b Alaya (Coracesium), town I\-

Alaydon, Jean-Baptisle, Mauriat X-71d

Alb., 1-23C

ALB (Alba), vestment I-251b: .W-.ssb; 3S8a; and amice I-428d; Anglican rubric XIJ}- 90d; Armenian church XIII-

80c; of Boniface VIII VIII- 732a; and cincture III-'7ba; and colobium sindonis XII- 713c; colour I-252b; for cross- bearer IV-539a; deacons IV- 608c; in Eastern Rite XV- 388b; form I-252a; (ill.) I- 251b; material I-252b; origin I-251c; ornamentation Irf^^*; Ornaments Rubric XIII- 90d; and surplice \I^.-344a: symbolism 1-25 le I ^J,"??!^: S'yrian Rite, East XIV-416b; use I-251d ^ .

Alba, monastery. See Weissenau —song VI-570C — Duke of. See Alva

Tuan de. See Albi, Juan de

Albacchi, Melchiore, Piarist

XIII-5S8b , ^ „,.

Albach, Abbey of, reform X\-

6S3b . . , ,,.

Albacina, Constitutions of 111-

321c; 321d Alba de Tormes, Carmelites XIV-51Cb; 516c; St. Teresas tomb XIV-516C Albadia, ecclesiastical province

XI-148a Alba Grffica (Smederevo) II-407C —Julia See Gyula-FehSrvir Albalat, Andres, Bishop of Val- encia XV-252a; 252c Alba Longa (Albano) XIII-166b Alban, Kingdom of XIII-614b ALB AN, SAINT I-252d; relics I-172a; shrine XII-95a; XIll- 702a — (Albinus), Saint I-253a Albana, river VI-433a Alband, Saint, Bishop of Toul

X-680b , . . ,,,

Albanel, Charles d', mission 111- 233b; IX-689C; Ne-w France XIV-439b; Ungava XV-127D, Wisconsin XV-662C „co«,.

ALBANENSES, heretics I-253D,

Albanes, chronicler VI-351C Albanese. See Albamans ALBANI, family I-255b —villa I-255C — ALESSANDRO, cardinal I-

Albanopolis, St. Bartholomew's martyrdom II-314a

Alban Roe, Venerable. See Roe, Bartholomew

Albans, Saint. See Saint Albans

Albanus, name X-674a

Albany, town, N. Y., charter V- 130d; population XI-31a

DIOCESE OF I-256b; bishops

I-257C; cemetery I-258c; chari- table institutions XII-247a; churchesl-257b; colonial period I-256c; Dominicans XII-370b; French Canadian parishes VI- 274d; German Catholics VI- 480a; ItahansVIII-206a; Ken- wood convent VII-134C: Poles XII-211a; statistics I-2oSc; XI-31b; XV-176d; Temper- ance union XIV-491C — John Stuart, and Beaton 11-


Set Stuhl-

— AliNIBALE, cardinal I-255c; collection XV-295a; SMana in Cosmedin XIII-170b; and Winckelmann XV-651a

— Filippo I-255d

— Francesco. See Clement XI

— GIAN GIROLAMO, cardinal

—GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, cardinal, I-25.5d

GIUSEPPE, cardinal I-255a

— Scipio, biographer Vin-344a ALBANIA I-253b; abduction I-

— Church in: Christian Brothers in VIlI-60c; ecclesiastical or- ganization III-454d- Jesuit missions (1912) XIV-103C; protectorate of missions All- 491b- Saint Alexander Orosci, abbey of I-284d _, , . .

—Geography. See under Turkish Empire (in Europe)

—History: insurrectionists 11- enoc; Serbs and Croats XIV- 50b; Stephen Duachan con- quers XIII-733a; Turkish pos- session XV-97b , .

Religion I-254a; statistics 1-


AlbaniJB, nation. Glasgow Uni- versity Vl-.-)7sd .

Albanian College, bcutari XU- 230c; 45Sb

—League I-2.54d ,

Albanians (Albanese), in Asia Minor I-7Sfld; in Bosma II- 694d; in Bova II-72-lb; eth- nological classification^ XII- 62Cc; evangelization X-211c; in Greece III-97C; Greek Rile VI-752b; history I-2r,3c; in Turkish Empire XV -100b;

ALBANO I-25.5d; XIV-324b; basilica I-255d; oatacombs III-127b; Vl-lt'.llc; Desidenus (Victor III! at XV-41()d; Gui- bert of H:iv.nna al VII-04b; map VI 11 facim: 241

— Antonio Sisto, Hisluip of SRo Luiz dc MaraoliRo XllHfi.5c

— Reale (Regalis).

weissenburg ,.,tt ,n.j

— Romana I-251b; Xin-104d Al-Bashir, periodical II-393d Albasin, siege (1684) III-6/9d;

(1689) III-683a Albaspinseus, Bishoo of Orleans.

See Aubespine. Gabriel de 1 Albategnius (Al-Battam),Massah Allah, astronomer II-21d; Xll- 49b Albati. See Penitents. White AI-Battani. See Albategnius Albelda, convent X-721c Albemarle, town XI-109a; XIV-


258d; cathedral (ill.) VIII-

facing 224 , , c

Alber, Bishop of Wloclawek. See

Adalbert, —Erasmus II-316C — Johann Nepomuk VIII-81a — Matthaus, and Zwingli IX-

452a. See Adalbertus Albera, Salesian XIII-399c Alberbury, England, Grandmon-

tines in VI-726C Alberdingk Thijm. See Thijm Alberetti, coin X-336a Albergaria, canomcal. See rro-

ALBERGATI, N1CC0l6, car- dinal I-238d; III-391a; at Basic II-330b; 337b; at Ferrara VI~47b; H2c -

Albergheria, dell', church, Paler- mo XI-419C

Albergonius, Scotist XIII-612d

Alberic, Dominican inquisitor

—I, Duke'^of Spoleto XIV-233c:

262a; coins X-334b — n, Duke of Spoleto XIII-168C;

XIV-233C; and Odo of Cluny

V-786b; IX-160a: XIII-l<2b;

and papacy VI-243d; VIII-

426a; XIV-262b —Bishop of Bourges VIII-13a —Bishop of Cambrai III-210a —Saint, .\bbot of CIteaux II-

— Bishop of Como iy-l?4a —Bishop of Rimini XIII-SSc —Count of Tusculum II-429a —Bishop of Vestervig XVI-l ic -Abbot of V6zclay ^III"' /'*„, — de Besancon, poet Vlll-ib'lc —OF MONTE CASSINO, car- dinal I-259a; as hymnodist VII-603a .

—OF OSTIA, cardinal I-259b; XI-346C; Albigensian mission I-T.Sc- in Denmark IX-434d —of Reims xni-7S4b .

—of Three Fountains, chronicle I-53.5b; nn jubilee VIII-fl32c Alberini, Giovanni, tomb XIII-

Albero, Bishop of Metz IX-

Albers, P., church historian VII-

Albert, Saint, archpriest IV-107b ^I, Duke of Austria. See Albert

I. Emperor of Germany

— m, Duke of .Austria XV-417d;

Vienna University XV-421a — V, Duke of Austria. See Albert

II. Emperor of Germany

— VI, Duke (Archduke) of Austria

VI-267C ^,,„ „.

—HI, Duke of Bavaria XVI-3b

— IV, Duke of Bavaria II-354d;

XI-416a — V, Duke of Bavaria II-354d; and Baden-Baden II-195a; and Saint Benno's rehcs II-481d; and Society of Jesus V-369a —Duke of Bohemia VIII-697d — I, Margrave of Brandenburg II-738d; XIII-499b; Witten- berg XV-678d — King of the East Angles. See Ethelbert , „ , j

— Prince Consort of England XIII-494C; Christmaa tree III-728C — I, Emperor of Germany II- 123c; VI-494a; and Boniface VIII II-664d; chancellor V- 364d; death II-220d; Salzburg feud XIII-413a; Steinle's por- trait XIV-285b; tomb XIV- 216a „ ,,,

— n. Emperor of Germany VI- ■b- VII-55'2a; and Hussites

— bk MONTREUIL, Archbishop of Trier I -2590 ; XV-43a; Bal- deric on 11-21 xd

ALBERONI, GIULIO, cardinal I--2r,(la; ,,11.1 rhilip \ M\- lS4b; I'iacenza College^ XI-- 70b; at San Marino IV-.JIO, XIII-149b; Spanish grants

Alber'o of Chiny. Bishop of Ver- VII-352a; XV-351b

VII-5S8d; Jewish policy VIII- 395b; and Kannthia V 111- 607d; Margrave of Moravia X-562d; and Sigismund of Hungary XIII-7S5b —Duke of Haag VI-234d — Count of Hohenberg Xlll-

219a „ „

— n. King of Hungary. See

Albert II, Emperor of Ger-

— n, Count of Lurn VI-654C —Count of Manafeld. and Luther XII-704c; and Smal- kaldic League XIV-5Sb — n, Duke of Mecklenburg X- lOSc; as Swedish king XIV- 352a ,, ^ ..

V Duke of Mecklenburg A-

lOSc; Rostock University XI1I-205C „, ,, V,

Vn, Duke of Mecklenburg

X-108d .^. ,,-v

— in. Prince of Monaco X-447l> — n, Count of Namur X-679b —I, Duke of Saxony XIII-499b —Duke of Wurtemberg XV- 716d ^.„. ,

—biographer of WllUam of

Maleval XV-633C —hermit III-205a —Abbot of Afflighem I-180a —Archduke of Austria, governor of Netherlands I-590a; X- 762b; and Carmelites IX- 319a- in Catholic League IX- lOla; death XIV-661a;_ eccle- siastical restoration X\-701c: and Mohna X-436c; periodical literature XI-671a Prince-Bishop of Bamberg 11-

— Bishop of Bobbio. See Albert, Blessed. Patriarch of Jerusalem

—Bishop of Freising X-631C

—BLESSED, Patriarch of Jeru- salem I-261a; II-606C; Car- melite Rule II-364b; III- 355b; feast XIII-74a

—SAINT, cardinal. Bishop of

— JaLBRECHTIH. Archbishop of Magdeburg I-260C; and Utto

—Archbishop of Mainz. See Adalbert I , . , i. ty

—Abbot of Maria-Laach IX- 6,50b ,,. ^,..

—Bishop of Prague IV -516d

— (ALBRECHT), Bishop of Riga

—III", ' .Vrchbishop of Salzburg

—Abbot of Wal<lsa.sson XV-530d — Etienne d'. Bishop of C lermont

ichoolmaster XIII-

— Gabriel,

.569a — Louis d*


cardinal, tomb XlII-

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