Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/119

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Albert, Paul d\ Bishop of Sens

.\III-717d Alberta, province XIH-iS2a; aboriginea II-0U3C; education III-240d; XIII-570d; educa- tional statistics III-231b: XII- 599d; 600a: immigration III- 239c; Indians X-3S4a; mar- riageable age in I-208d: Masses, bequests for X-30d; natives II-o91a; Ruthenian Greek Catholics VI-750a; reli- gious statistics III-242a Albert Alcibiades, margrave XI-

170c Albertario, David, editor XI-

0S4a ALBERT BERDINI OF SAR- TEANO, BLESSED I-261c; VI-2Sob —Code, in Italy VIH-236d;

237a — de Castro-di-Gualteri. See Albert, Blessed, Patriarch of Jerusalem — Frederick Augustus, King of

Saxnnv Xlll-aOla Albert!, family Vl-lOSd; XIII-

405c — Alberto degli. Bishop of Cam-

erino III-210d — Bernardino, Venerable IV-

397b — Francisco, auxiliary Bishop of

La Plata VIII-798C — LEANDRO, historian I-262d;

work XII-3i)7c —LEONE BATTISTA, artist I-263a; XVI-72d; Mantua work IX-r)12c; portrait VIII- 24.Sa; Rimini work IX-566C; Xin-57d; writings VIII-249b — Luigi, theologian VII-285a — Petrus, epithet V-74b — Valentin, theologian XII-Slc — de Prato. See Albertini, Nicold AlbertiUa. See Saxony, Albert

of Albertina, Accademia, Turin XV-

93a — Library, Leipzig IX-020a Albertinelli (Aubertini), Mariotto,

artist II-31Sa Albertini, Francesco, Bishop of T.rracina XIII-373C; arch- confrattrnitv XIV-123C — Jacopo, Bishop of Venice XV-

340d , — NICOLO (ALBERT! DE PRA- TO) I-2f,3b; XII-3fi2b; 36SAd —Paul, Scrvite XIII-737C Alberto degli Abbati, Saint XV-

23c — di Novaro, Blessed, Bishop of

Savona XTII-inOb Albert Odo, of Clunv, poet IX-


—OF AACHEN (Albertus

Aquensis), chronicler I-261d;

on Peter the Hermit IV-546a;

and William of T.\Te XV-639d

— of Aix. .See Albert of Aachen

— of Apeldera, Bishop of Livonia

II-520b — of Behaim, Archbishop of

Passau. VI-707b — of Bodenstein. Abbot of Butb-

felil 11 1 -Sic —OF BRANDENBURG, cardi- nal l-2f,2a: II-73nb; confirma- tion fees IX-KiOb; and indul- gences IX— t41d: at Magdeburg IX-525d: at .Mainz IX-5.52a; and Moritz of Saxony XII- 705a; and Rabanus Maunis's relics XII-617b; and Reforma- tion VII-299b; at .Speyer Diet IV-7nb — of Brandenburg-Anspach, Duke of Prussia, and Lutheranism XII-1S4C: 495d; and Teutonic Order XIV-.542a; Trier XV- 43d; and Wild XV-621b — of Bulsano. See Knoll, Albert

fjoseph) —OF CASTILE, historian I-262b — of Danzig, sword-cutler V-13.5d —of Eyb. See Eyb, Albrecht

— of Helmstiidt. See Saxony,

.\lbert of — IT, of Ortenburg, Bishop of

Trent XV-3r,b — of Padua, theologian IV-127d — of Parma. See Albert. Blessed,

Patriarch of Jerusalem

— of Pisa, general of Friars Minor VI-2S2b

— of Ricmerstorp, university rec- tor XIII-.W4C

— n, of Saxe-Wittenberg XV- 678d

— of Saxony, Archbishop of Mainz IX-.55!d

— of Saxony, physicist. See

Saxony. Albert of

— of Saxony-Teschen, prince


—of Sicily, Saint III-356b —OF STADE, chronicler I-262c — of Stauf, Bishop of Ratisbon

Xll-y.Wb —of Strasburg VII-524a —of York. .See Ethelbert Albertoni, Lodovico, tomb XIII-

171b Alberto Pandoni, Blessed, Bishop

of Ferrara VI-47a — Pio, duke III-374c — Quadrelli, Bishop of Lodi

IX 322d ALBERTRANDL JOHN BAP- TIST 1 -Jlvfd Albert Sigismund, Bishop of

Freising X-632a —the Bear. See Albert I, Mar- grave of Brandenburg — the Bold, Duke of Saxony VI-457b; and Meissen XIII- 499c — the Great. See Albertus

Magnus Albertus, Bishop of Novara

XI-135a — Saint, Bishop of VercelU XV-

349b — Aquensis. .See Albert of

Aachen -MAGNUS, BLESSED I-264a: XII-3.5SC; on absolution I-63c; on adoption I-149b: analogy I-449C; and Arabian philos- ophy I-676a; and .\ristotel- ianism XII-362C; XIII-610b; ascetical theology XIV-61.Sc; and iSaint Augustine Il-lOOa; on Avempace II-150b; and Averroism XII-49C; and Avice- bron II-157b; and Avicenna II-lo7d; bestiary II-530a; Bible commentary XII-363c; biology II-572d; Bishop of Ratisbon XII-658b; and Com- pendium theologiie VII-524a; on confession. XI-626c; on confirmation IV-220b; on con- suljstantiation IV-322d; on creation IV-471b; on Cross IV-531b; and Crusade II-521J); and Dante IV-631a; on demonology I\'-713d; on fos- sils XI— 410b; geographical re- search VI-4.50a ; homiletic work Vn-J46c; idealogy VII-634d; on indulgences VII-7S4d; in- fluence I-265a: on intellect VIII-67c; lay confession IX- 94d; XI-623d; Life I-2r>4b; life theory IX-239b; on logic I-266c: IX-327a; and Mai- monides IX-540c; on matter X-.56b; as philosopher XII- 36.3d; XIII-549a; as physicist X-126d; 127a; on predestina- tion XII-383d; on projectiles XII-SIc; and Pselhis XII- 54.5b: on psvchologv XII-.54fia; Realism I-26f>b; ii SchoListic I-266a: XII-32b; as scientist I- 26.5c; .Sentences, Book of XII- 3f)4a; and Siger of Brabant XIII-784b; on spiritualism XIV-220d; 229d; theology I-266d; XIV-.590d; on Saint Thomas Aquinas XIV-664c; 664d; and Thomism XI V-698d ; on Virgin Mary VII-678d; works I-2r)4d — Magnus Association, in Bava- ria II-3.56d —Parvus. See Saxony, Albert of Albertutius. See Saxony, Al- bert of Al-Beruni, on Manichaeans IX-

.594d Alberus, Bishop of Schleswig XIII ,>t3b

—See A.lnllHTt


2117a; r.ilhc.lral III-.57r,d; fill.) VI-lfi9; Catholic congress (190.5) IV-246a; ecclesiastical

province, map. Vl-facing 188; Lazarists X-361c — Congregation of 11-2700 —COUNCIL OF (12.54) I-267c —(ALBA). JUAN DE, Biblical

scholar I-267c ALBIANOS, Nitrian monk XI-

79d ALBICUS, SIGISMUND, Arch- bishop of Prague I-267d; X-125d ALBIGENSES, heretics I-267d; XIV-761C; Albi, Council of (1254) I-267c; Aries, Council of (353) I-238c; Aries. Council of (1234) I-238c; Aries, Council of (1236) I-727b; Avignon, Council of (1209) II-159d; in Avignonet XIV-798a; and bap- tism, infant I— 445c; and Saint Bernard VI-427C; in Bosnia- Herzegovina II-697b; and CiE- ear of Speyer III-139a; Cathari called III-435a; and Conrad of Urach IV-261a; and Cro- siers IV-516d; doctrine I- 268a; XII-249b; and Saint Dominic V-lOOc; and Eriu- gena V-521d; and Gregory IX VI-797d; history I-26Sb; and Honorius III VII-45Sc; and Innocent III Vlll-lOb; Lateran Council, Third I-268a; Lateran Council, Fourth IV- 425c; liturgy I-269b; and Montfort, Simon de VIII-16C; X-541a; moral teaching I- 268b; Muret. battle (1213) XIII-189b; organization I- 269b; origin I-268b; at Pam- iers XI-436a; and papacy I-561a; 561c; and Peter. Bish- op of Sabina XIII-291b; and Philip II. of France XII-2a; on Purgatory XII-576a; on Resurrection XII-792C; and Waldenses XII-249C; XV- S29c; and Wyclif XV-723d Albilius, Patriarch of Alexandria

I-301a Albini, Filippo, Bishop of Santa

Agata dei Goti Xni-454c — Giuseppe, on blood of St.

Januarius Vni-296b Albinos XII-622a; among Indi- ans VII-747d — (Aubin), Saint, ma^t^T I-253a —Saint, at Vaison XVi-7Sb ALBINUS, English monk I-269d — (Ailbe), Irish monk IV-4Sa — m.agistrate, and Aetius IX-

154d — cardinal, Bishop of Albano

VI-427d — Saint, Bishop of Angers XV-

272a — Saint, Bishop of Embrun VI-

378b — procurator of Judea VIII-350b —Bishop of Quimper XII-611d —Bishop of Rieti XIII-.54a — Bernhard Sigtnund, anatomist

X-132C — Clodius, military leader XI- 739c; and Severus XIII-721b — .See .Ailbe; Alouin; Witta Albisi, Bartholomew, biographer

II-3I6C: 31(,d Albium Intemelium (Ventimig-

lia). town XV-343a Albius, Thomas. See White,

Thomas Albizzi, family VI-109a — cardinal, on exclusion, right of

V-677C — Giovanna degli VI-546d — Maso degli, Florentine states- man VI-108d Alboff, M., author XIII-274b Albofledis, sister of Clovis IV-

71b Alboin, Lombard king IX-33Ra; 338d; XI-5.3b; in Italy II-60,5c; Milan, siege of (.568) X-300c; Pavia. siege of (.538) XI-.592d; at Verona XV-361a Albolderode Abbey. See Reifen-

stcin Albon, Saint, relics XV-271d — Antoine d'. Archbishop of Ly- ons IX-474b Albonese, and Snint Charles

Borromco IIl-r,20d Albornoz, Frias de, at Mexico

Universitv X-2.59d —Gil de. .See Gil de Albornoz


— Jeronimo de. Bishop of Tecu-

man X-186b —Chapel, Cuenca IV-562c Albrand, Stephen, Viear Apos- tolic of Kwei-chou VIII-714a Albrecht, Christian name. See

Albert — Wilhelm, at Leipzig IX-141a ALBRECHTSBERGER, JO-

HANN G., composer I-270a

Albret, Amanieu d', cardinal, at

Comminges XIV-79Ud; at Pa-

miers XI-43r,a

— Charlotte d'.marriage I-292b

— Jean d'. King of Navarre.

See John d' Albret — Jeanne d'. Queen of Navarre,

See Jeanne d' Albret Albright, Jacob, founds sect I-

270b —BRETHREN, sect I-270b; in Indiana VII-742b; in Japan VIU-309C Albrik. See Alberic Albrinck, J. C. III-775C Albrizio, cardinal, and Maratta

IX-636C Albuin I, Bishop of Brixen II-

793d Album, periodical, Italy XI-

684c Albumazar, astronomer XII-55b Albuquerque, university, New

Mexico XI-4b -(DALBOQUEROUE), ALFON- SO DE I-270C; as crusader IV-555b; at Goa VI-604C; Mozambique settlement X- 610b — Bernardo de, at Tehuantepeo

XIV-473d —Bras de, writer XII-308d — Gonzallo de I-270c — Jeronymo de, at Maranhao

Xm-16.5c — Joao ASonso d'. Archbishop

of Goa VI-294d; 604a — Cavalcanti, Joaquin Arcoverde

de, cardinal H26c Alburga, Saint, Abbess of Wilton

XV-('>47d Alburgh, mission III-Slc Alcacer (Alcazar), battle (1578)

XII-.30.3c AlaciEus (Raphael) XII-644b Alcala, Parafan de Rivera, Duke of, Viceroy of Naples V-708a — de Henares, town IX-516a; Irish College VIII-159c; ordi- nance XIV-186d; population IX-51,Sc; wheat granaries XIV-756d — de Henares, Diocese of IX- SLSd; Carmelites III-361d; XIV-516b; Synod (1347) VI- fl58c —UNIVERSITY OF I-271a- XIII-401d; XV-730b; charter XII-766a; on grace IV-239a; (ill.) I-271a; Lilius's calendar IX-250d; and Pamplona XI- 438c; Polyglot Bible XII- 222a; XIII-724b; theology XIV-593a; Thomism XIV- 702a — Gateway, Madrid IX-516c:

(ill.) XlV-faeing 190 Alcalde, among Aj mar4 II-165a — Antonio, Bishop of Guadala- jara VII-»2c Alcamo, Cielo d'. See Camo,

Ciclo dal Alcaniz, and Calatrava Knights

III^1.50c ALCANTARA. MILITARY OR- DER OF I-L'Tld: XIV ISla; and \-,-,7l)a; rule II-.||-,la: nn.l.r Spanish Crown XIIl-:!.-,:)d: hiatus XIV-188a — Pedro d'. X'icar Apostolic of Ma,lr-,s IX :,1.5c


of Alcantara. Saint —town I-271d Alcantarines. See Friars Minor,

Discalced Alcaron. Pedro Antonio de,

writer XlV-L'Olb Alcazar, battle. .See Aleacer —Seville Xni-74.5d; (ill.) XIII-

746; Anima Christi I-51.5d;

Carrefio's work III-377d — Luis de. Biblical commentator

IV-160d — de Hercules, Tarazona XIV-


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.