Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/122

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ALEXANDER-ALFARO Alexander, Sir William IX-756d; XI11-626c; in Acadia I-91a; XI-136a William Menzies, on demoniac possession IV-713c -a S. Elpideo. See Alexander of San Elpido -BALAS, King of Syria 1-285a; IV-707b; IX-494d; and Jona- than Machabeus I-94a; rebel- lion of Syria XIII-690c -Bey. See Scanderbeg -BRIANT, BLESSED I-296c; martyrdom V-294c; XII-636d; tortured II-788c -de Marchia. See Alexander of San Elpidio -Euphratensis. See Alexander of Hierapolis -Jannæus VIII-388a; at Beth- aran II-315b; Gaza VI-400c; at Gerasa VI-469b; at Hese- bon VII-298b; at Hippos VII- 362c; and Hyrcanus IX-495b; at Pella XI-608d -Jonathan. See Alexander Jan- næus -Land (Northern Territory) XI- 115b -Lysimachus I-285a NATALIS (NOEL ALEXAN- DRE), historian I-296d; XI- 89a; XII-368Ga; and Daniel IV-626d; on Donation of Con- stantine V-119c; Gallicanism IV-435a; VI-355c; historical work XII-368Gc; homiletic Jansenism VII-447a; work VIII-291a; XV-445d; Pisa, Council of XII-114b; Proba- biliorism XII-442c; respectful silence XV-445d; Thomism XIV-703a; Zaccaria'a edition XV-741a -Newski, Grand-duke of Nov- gorod XIII-375a -OF ABONOTEICHOS I-297c; VIII-93b; and Marcus Aurelius II-110a _ of Albano II-539a --of Alessandria, Franciscan VI- 283d; XIV-232a; St. Bona- venture II-653d -OF ANTIOCH I-285a; and Innocent. I VIII-11d -OF APAMEA I-285b com- of Aphrodisias, philosopher VIII-67c; Averroes II-151b; birthplace XIV-283b; mentary I-717c; eclecticism V-276c; XII-31c; and logic IX- 326a; Nourrison on XI-134b OF BASILINOPOLIS I-285b; II-329b --of Battenberg, Prince of Bul- garia III-47a; and Russia XIII- 250d; and Serbs XIII-734c -of Bergamo, Saint II-489d of Bonini, works 1-29sb -OF BYZANTIUM. See Alcx- ander, Saint, Bishop of Con- stantinople -of Eumenia, Saint X-523a -OF HALES, theologian I-298a; VII-524a; XIII-299b; 302a; 549a; on absolution I-63c; on adoption I-149b; on angeis and Bonaventure II-157b; II-619b; 650d; 651c; 653a; on Church III-797c; on con- fession XI-623d; confirmation consubstantiation IV-220b; IV-322d; Cross IV-531b; death VI-385c; Francis, rule of St. VI-213a; Immaculate Concep- VII-679a; tion, controversy indulgences VII-784d; on lay confession XI-623d; man IX- 581b; Mass X 22d; matter X- 56b; ontological argument I- 519c; on Peter Lombard XIV- G06c; predestination, theory of XII-383d psychological teach- ing I-298d; rule, interpretation of VI-213a; Scholasticism XII- 32b; 766a; XIV-590d; and Scotism XIV-591c; on IV-476a; XV-15a; synderesis IV-271a; temporal jurisdiction III-797c; theological system 1-298b; XIV-590d; and Thom- as Aquinas XIV-591a -of Hierapolis (Euphratensis) I- 285b; VII-322b soul -of Jerusalem. See Alexander, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem 106 of Juliers, Bishop of Liège IX- 236d of Lycopolis I-299a; IX-468b; 59Uc of Miletus (Polyhistor) I-185c of Miszin, bishop XV-681d of Neckam. See Neckam, Al- exander of --of Saint John of the Cross VI- 1044d --of San Elpidio, Bishop of Melfi VII-285a; X-165a of Tralles, physician X-124b SAULI, BLESSED I-299b; XI- 593d; and St. Charles III- 623b; Puget on XII-557d -Severus. See Severus, Alex- ander -the Good, Moldavian prince XIII-225c -THE GREAT, King of Mace- don I-285a; and Alexander of Epirus IX-588c; Alexandria I- 209d; Ammon, worship of I- 430d; on amulet I-443c; at Ancyra I-513a; Aristotle I- 713c; Avesta II-152b; burial place IV-664d; Byzantine ro- Callinicus III-123c; mance III-183b; chronology IV-13d; conquests I-784d; Cyzicus IV- 59Sc; Daniel's prophecy IV- 622b; Darius II-8a; deified I- 650b; era of III-740b; V-334d; Gabriel's prophecy VI-330a; Gaza VI-400c; Gordian knot VIII-561a:Hellenism VI-735d; in India VII-724d; Issus, bat- tle VIII-201c; and Jaddua XI- 253d; at Jerusalem VIII-348b; and Jews 1-185c; VIII-200d; 386d; Judea, annexation VIII- 544d; in literature III-123c; XIV-354d; and Myndus X- 660d; Persia XI-713b; Phoeni- cia XII-42a; Priene XII-405d; Sagalassus XIII-324c; at Sa- maria XIII-416c; Scandina- XIV-354d; vian literature statue, projected II-48a; at Tarsus XIV-461b; at Telmes- sus XIV-478d; Tenedos XIV- 506d; Termessus XIV-517d; Thebes XIV-562c; tomb IV- 664d; Tyre XV-111a -the Oracle-Monger (Lucian) I- 297d -Zabinas IV-707c; XIII-690d Alexandra, virgin, martyr XIV- 579c -empress VI-454a -mother of Mariamne VII-289d -Queen of England, pectoral cross IV-534a -Feodorovna, 251a empress XIII- -Salome VII-638d; VIII-388a; IX-495b ALEXANDRE, JACQUES, scien- - tist I-299b -Noël. See Alexander Natalis -de Sainte Thérèse, Carmelite VII-219b anti- Alexandretta (Cambysopolis Is- sus), town, Syria III-216c; XIII-26c; XIV-399c; battle IV-792c Alexandria, mission, Virginia, of America United States XV-457c ALEXANDRIA, town, Egypt I- 299d; Amru takes III-105b; St. Anthony I-554b; quities, Christian X-617c; Ari- us at I-708d; 718d; astrology II-20c; Bible, translation of XIII-723a; XV-367b; Bruche- ion destroyed I-303c; cemetery V-592c; Codex IV-80c; Con- cra of V-19b; stantinople V-333d; 334d; ghetto IV-776b; Gnosticism VI-598b; Hellen- iam III-113c; Jews I-185c; IV-157d; V-351c; Latins cap- ture XV-215d; medical school 11-20c; X-124c; Mohamnic dans capture 1-303c; Napoleon X-689a; and No-Ammon X- 671a; and Pergamon I-303b; Persians capture XI 771d -philosophical school V-276c; edu- cational system I-761b; cma- nationism V-398a -pillaged (1365) VII-479b; sen- ate V-354d; Serapeum XIV- (260) V-623a; 578c; siege in the Zenobia's rebellion Bruchium I-457c -CHURCH OF I-300d; V-350d; XIII- VI-758d; VII-324c; 535d; and Abyssinian Church I-76d; Apostolicity I-634d; 640d; IX-673c; ascetics I-770a; St. Athanasius II-37d; Bar- nabas, Epistle I-639a; II-300b; and Bobbio II-605b; bread un- leavened I-349d; canon, New Testament III-276d; 277c -Catechetical School II-35d; IV- 45c; V-301c; VI-tb; Didymus the Blind IV-784a; exegesis V-703a; and Origen XI-306c; Pantænus XI-446d; Pierius XI-437a; Trinitarians XV-54c -cathedra III-554b; Catholic schools in XIII-565d; and XIII-537a; Constantinople I- Coptic patriarchate, map facing 180; deacons IV-650c; decline I-642a; III-101a; XIII- 536c; Easter V-228d: episco- pate, early V-352c; VII-342d; Ethiopian Church V-570d; fast days I-314b; Gospel, attitude VI-661a; Gospel, reader of VI- 660d; Greeks, Orthodox I- 306c; V-232a; VI-744a; 744b; 758c; XI-330a; Jacobites I- 301c; 302c; V-355d; Julius I VIII-561c; jurisdiction, early VI-756c; Latin patriarchs I- 300a; 302c; and St. Leo V-21b; map V-following 612; Melchites I-301c;VI-755d;X-160c; 160d; Na- Monophysites VI-762d; tivity ceremony III-725a; Ni- cene canons VI-756d; persecu- tion (248) I-617b; V-11b; IX- 739b; and St. Peter III-554a; primacy IX-18c; Propaganda XII-457d: rank I-301a; rights XI-549c; Roman Basilica XV- 8b; Uniat Copts, Diocese of V-356b; XI-551c -COUNCILS OF I-300c; (231) I-300c: (306) I-300c; (321) I- 300c; Arius I-719a; (326) I- 300c; (340) I-300c; XI-281d; (350) I-300c; (361) II-34b; (362) I-300c; 710b; II-18a; IV-62d; X-162c; XII-174b; XIII-533d; (363) I-300d; II- 40a; (364) I-300c; (370) I- 300c; (399) I-300d; (401) Origenism condemned XIV- 625d; (430) I-300d; (633) I- 300d: (1898) on clerical celi- bacy III-48Sc -DIOCESE OF, Canada I-302d; XI-256a; XVI-34b; map X- facing 546; Polish population (1907) XII-211b; statistics, full III-238b -DIOCESE OF, United States of America X-710b; statistics XV-176c -ad Caucasum III-32d -ad Issum III-216b -Minor III-216b Alexandrian Codex. Alexandrinus See Codex -cycle, embolism V-400a; Exi- guus advocated V-11a -LIBRARY I-303a; IX-227d; XIII-178b; destruction I-303c Alexandrians, pseudo epistle to I-614a; immanence, theory of VII-682b Alexandrian Version, New Tes- tament XIV-533d -Version, Old Testament. See Septuagint Alexandria of Troas. St. Paul's mission XI-570d Scabiosa, Cambysopolis known as III-216c Alexandrine Codex. See Codex Alexandrinus -LITURGY I-303d; VI-763b; 774c; Aquileian Rite XVI-3d; Canon, Roman III-258c; 26-4d; Confiteor IV-222c; Coptic lit- urgies 1-305d; dismissal VIII- 253d; epinikion XIII-433a: Ethiopic liturgies I-306b; evo- St. lution IX-310c: Mark 1-304b; VI-775d; and Mass 1-305c; Preface XII- 385d; Surplices III-264d; texts VI-763c; uses I-306b; IX-313b -Version. See Septuagint Alexandrinum, mosaic X-584d and Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.): Alexandrinus, Peter, Bishop of Alexandria XI-708b Alexandrists XII-53b Alexandrou (Alexandroukambou- sou, Cambysopolis) 111-216c Alexei, metropolitan of Moscow, writings XIII-268c Alexi, Alexis a Sancto Andrea, theologian XIII-588c -Johann, Bishop of Armenopolis I-740a Alexiad (Anna Comnena) 1–531a; III-116b ALEXIAN NUNS I-306d ALEXIANS I-306d; Aachen I-2c; approved XII-752b; charitable work III-599a; (ill.) I-307a; United States VI-482b Alexianus. ander See Severus, Alex- Alexios, Agallianos, and Beccus II-381b ALEXIS, SAINT I-307d; patron of Alexians I-307a; Konrad of Würzburg, on VIII-691d; le- gend VII-199b; legend, origin of V-282d; Gaston Paris on XI-498d; Waldes influenced by XV-528b -(1875), Oblate of Mary Immac- ulate, murder of X-383c -(1246), Dominican in Russia XII-368Dd -son of Peter the Great XIII- 247d; 248a -Alexius, and Luther IX-439c Saint. of --Brothers Alexians -Willibald, novelist VI-526d See -FALCONIERI, SAINT 1-307c; and St. Juliana Falconieri VIII-55Gb; Servants of Mary XIII-736a; Servites XIII-- 736c --Mikhailovitch, Tsar of Russia XIII-247a; and Catholicism XIII-256a; and the Church XIII-262d; and Patriarch Ni- kon XI-77c; and Peter the Great XIII-247a Alexius, Xaverian superior XV- 729b -I (Comnenus), Byzantine em- III-110a; XIV-442c; - peror and Anna Comnena I-531a; Athos, Mount II-48c; Bogo- mili repressed II-612b; Coin (ill.) III-110c; Corycus for- tress IV-402b; and crusaders IV-546c; Guiscard defeats V- 209a; VII-73c; and Godfrey of Bouillon VI-624d; and heresy VIII-29c; hospital founded VII-481d; and Isaac, Prince IX-622d; Italos refuted by VI-676d; Leo persecuted by III-554d; Nicæa ceded XI- 44a; Notitia episcopatuum XI-125a; and Paulicians XI- 584d; Peter the Hermit XI- 775d; and Raymond IV of and Saint-Giles XII-669d: Robert of Flanders IV-545d; Rome, union with IV-545d; and Tancred XIV-633b; and Trebizond. emperor of XV- 28d; and Urban II XV-211a; and Venice XV-336d -II (Comnenus), Byzantine em- peror III-110a: death III-111c -III (Angelus), Byzantine em- 111c; and peror III-110a; Dandolo IV-619d; and Inno- cent III IV-549c; and Isaac Angelus IV-304a -IV, Byzantine emperor III- 110a; crusades IV-304a; VIII- 16a; deposed IV-550a -V (Murtzuphlos), Byzantine emperor III-110a; deposed IV- 550a; usurps throne IV-304b -Delgado, BLESSED, Jesuit martyr XIV-1098 Alexus. See Filliucius Alfama, Order of St. George of X-306b; XIII-350d Alfant, Bishop XIII-713c of Cavaillon Al-Farabi, philosopher I-675b: XII-49a: XIV-217b; emana- tionism V-398d Alfaro, Uruguayan missionary, killed VII-4178 -Eloy, revolution of V-279d -Pedro de, missionary VI-294a: in China III-675a illustrations.