Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/129

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I-397b: None I-400a; obla- tions I-tOIc; Offertory I-401b; IX-i4d; XI-21Sb; 210a

Ambrosian Office. Divine I-39!)a; IV-479C; .\-52b; Holy Week I-399c; Lenten I-399c

— ordeal I-395b: ordinations I-403c; origin I-395d; IX- 797c; Pater Noster I-402b; pax I-402c; Pentecost I-39&b; pontificals I-397c; Preface I- 401c: Prime I— 400a ; psallendfe I-399d; Psalms XII-542b; Psalter I-399a; psaltery I- 390a; Responsoria I-399c; rit- uals I-397c; XIII-90a; and Roman Rite I-395a; 396c Sacramentary I-396d; 397a saints I-39Sb; Sanctus I^Old San Michele di Venegono Sac- ramentary I-397b; San Satiro Sacramentary I-397a; services, occasional I— 403a; Sest I-400a; Terce I-400a; Tridentine rule I-395c; variations XI-220d; Vespers I-400a; XV-3S2a; vigils V-t>4Sa

— manuals I-397a

— missals I-397b

— psalters I-397a

—pontificals I-397a

— Rite. See Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite


— Oblxites of St. .■imbroae, foundation III-623b

—Oblales of SI. Charles, London I-JOoc; XV-572d; 594d; 673d; foundation IX-606d; organiza- tion I— lOob; Raives, Henry XII-669a; Taunton, Etbelred XIV-466b

—Oblates of St. Hilary XII-76b

— See Annunciates of Lombardy

Ambrosian Sacramentary I-396d;


o'.lbd; ap.joat astasia I-600b;

on authority, papal XIII-o31c;

on damnation IX-256d; on

hierarchy, early VII-342b; on

Romans, Epistle to XIII-lo7b Ambrosio, Bishop of Cranganore

and .Mylapur XIII-3S3c — Femandes, Blessed XlV-UOa Ambrosius, name X-674b — ad-nemus. See Ambrosians — Camaldulensis. See ,'\jnbrose

of Camaldoli — Catherinus, Thomist XIV-

702c — -Ste Aiubrose Ambry. See Aumbry Ambulacnmi, Carthusian III-

3S9b AMBULATORY I-106c; of apse

I-660b; of baptistery II-27Bd;

of basilica II-326a; early V-

260a Amdain, abbey. See St. Hubert,

Abbey of A. M. D. G., abbr. I-23c Ame, Saint, Abbot of Remire-

mont XIII-34ob — Saint, Bishop of Sens XIII-

717a Amedeo, Christian name. .See

.\madeu3 — Giovanni Antonio. .See Ania-

<leo, Giovanni Antonio Amegalarus, chronological table


Amelgerio, Bishop of Civitate XIII-153C

Amelia, Saint. See Amalberga, ?it., widow

— Alessandro Gerardini d*. Bishop of Lucera I,X-4Q8c


— of Brunswick, Golden Rose \I-029b

AmelU, Pietro. See Amelias

Amelineau, Emile-CIement, Cop- tic research XI-30.>a; on Saint George VI— 4.>4a; Gnosticism, theory of VI-,593b; on Pach- omian monasticism XI-381d: on Tentyris XIV-.512C

Amelio, d', philosopher XIII- 4.53b: work of XI-6!>4d

Amelius, Peter, Ordo Romanua XI-2S8a; XIII-216b

Amelli, Church historian VII-

— Ambrogio, on Biblical Com- miaaion II-557C

AMELOTE, DENIS, scriptural

scholar I-407a Amelung, family, and Osnabriick

XI-341b Amelungsbom, monastery III-

19c: VII-12i)a Amempsinus, chronological table

I-o52c Amen I-t07a: in Bulls III-o.5c; Christ, application I-407c: after Communion I— 408d; after Consecration I-40Sb; litur- gical use I^07d; IX-307b; Mass, papal I-40Sd: origin I^07a: in Scripture I-407b; Synagogue XIV-3Sld — Eg\ptian deity. See Ammon AMENDE HONORABLE I-409a Amendment, Act of XII-256b;

XV-12SC Amendments, to Constitution of

the United States XV-16ob Amenemhat I, pharao, Ethiopia

V-56Gd: teaching V-349b —in, pharao XI-7S9a Amenemopet, pharao XI-789b Amengol, Saint, Bishop of Urgel

XV-223C Amenhotep I, pharao V-339c; in

Ethiopia V~566d — ni, pharao VII-306b: VIII- 194b; XI-147c; and Radash- man-Bel II-183a; record XIV- 478a — rV, pharao V-339d; 345d; VII- 306b; VIII-194b; and Asiatic kings Il-llb; and Burna- buriash II II-183b; hymns V-349a: record XIV-478a: religious reforms XII-410c; solar worship IV-^13b Amenmeses, King of Egypt

V-340d Ame - no - minakanushi, deity

Vin-304b Amenophis (Amenothes). See

Amenhotep Ame-no-Tokotachi, deity VIII-

304c Amenpach, Vitus, capitularies

III-311C Ament. See Mflt Amenti, Egyptian eachatology

V-347d Amerbach, Bonifacius, humanist

IX-JoOa — ^Johaon, and Heynlin VII-319b — VEIT I-409b Ameretat, in Zoroastrianism II-

15oa AMERICA I-409b —Chirch I-41od; 41Sc; and Alexander VI I-290b; 290c; 413d; Catholic population I- 416a; Charity, Brothers of III-605a; Charity, Sisters of III-606c; Christian Brothers VIII-60d; dioceses tabulated V-5b; Dominicans XII-368Ec; 368Ha; Friars Minor VI-298a; Hungarian Cathohcs VII- 545a; Maronites IX-684a; negro missions X-376c; Oblates of Mary Immaculate XI-186b; papal infallibility XV-305a; Pious Society XII-107a; Poor of Saint Francis Sisters XII- 257d; Precious Blood con- fraternity XII-373C; Presen- tation Order XII-397d; see, oldest V-llla; Servites XIII- 737a; vicar Apostolic, first III-40C — Education: education higher I-757c; school, first classical I-461C — Ethnology: aboriginea I-409c: 409d; 410c; 410d; 411a; 411d: X-376b; negroes 1-4 15c; III- 397d; XII-627b — fauna I^20b; Freemasonry

IX-780d — Geography: Clavus IV-lOb; discovery XV-3St>a; maps I- facing 408; facing 410. See under United States, Canada, etc. — History: Augsburg, merchants II-75a; Cabot III-126d; Cab- rillo III-12.Sc; Charles V III- 627a; colonies I-^19c; Colum- bus IV-14.3a; English coloni- zation I-41.5a: English juris- prudence IX-71a; Eric the Red 1-4 17a; expedition of 1266 I-»20c; French coloniza-

tion I— 414b; independence I- 415d; Irish immigration II- 703b; Moravians II-61»d; namcl-133b;412a; XIII-34,5c; XV-386d; 3S7a; 531a; Polish immigration XVI-7d; Portu- guese colonization I-413d; Ver- razano X-364a

— hospitals VII-4S7d; leprosy IX-182C

— Literature: drama, first I-461c. See under United States, etc.

— polyandry IX-ti49c

— Religions and sects: Greek Catholics VI-744d; 772b; Lutherans IX— 460d; statistics XIV-279a; 281b; 2Slc; Unita- rians XV-15Sb; load

— witchcraft XV-677b

—Latin. See Latin America

—PRE-COLUMBIAN DISCOV- ERY I^ltld; A. lam of Bremen on l-41(jd; Ari Thorgileson 1-4 17a; St. Brendan II-759a; Greenland 1-4 17a; 420c; Hcl- luland I-tlSd; Hiatoria Xor- wegise I— 122b; Karlsefni I- 41Sa; Leif the Lucky I-417b; location I— 119a; maps I— 421a; Markland I-il9b; Norse dis- coveries I-416d; Northmen expelled I— 422c; political con- ditions 1-4 10b; Skrajlings I- 418b; Ubygdear I-422a; Vin- land 1-4 17c

— Catholic Knights of. See Cath- olic Knights of America

America, periodical. New York XI-696a; XlV-llOd

— periodical, Shenandoah VI- 747d

American Academy, Rome I-8Sd

— and British Archeeological So- ciety. See British and Ameri- can .\rchiEoIogicai Society

— and Foreign Bible Society II- 546a

— Baptist Home Mission Society II-2S0b

— Baptist Missionary Union I- lS7d; II-2S0b

— Baptist Publication Society II-2S0b

— Bible Society II-545a; schisms from n-546a

—Bible Union II-546a

— Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Africa I- lS7d; Central Turkey I-136a; Persia XI-724d

— Catholic Historical Researches, periodical XI-096b; XVI-12d

— Catholic Historical Society XVI-42d

— Catholic Quarterly Review, pe- riodical VII-310a; XI-696C; XV-682d

— Catholic Review, periodical IV- 57b

—Celt, periodical, IX-493a; XI- 69.3c; 693d

— Christian Convention, Japan VIII-309C

—COLLEGE, Louvain I-424d; X-375b; XII-230C; 458b; XIII-700a; America, priests in I-425C; foundation XIV- 208c

—COLLEGE, Rome I-423b; X- 375a; XIII-1.3.5a; 164d; alumni association I-424b; Devereux XVI-33d; foundation VII- 518a; (ill.) I-facing422; Italian government I— 424c; McCloskey IX-488a; ordination, first I- 424a; Spalding liams II-707a

—COLLEGE, SOUTH, Rome I-425d; VI-381d; XII-136d; (ill.) I-42.->d

— Colonization Society, organized (1817) XV-169C; work of IX- 21fid

— Copyright League XVI-52a

—Dante Society n-(>32d

— Episcopal Church. .s'f'e Prot- estant Episcopal Church

— Ethnology, Bureau of

—Fur Company X-517b; XIV- 19a

— Indians. See Indiana, Amcr-


Americanism XIV-537b; 5S3a; IX-172b; Hecker VII-187c; Leo XIII IX-171C

American Museum, periodical III-346d

— Orthodox Messenger VI-773b: XIV-.53C

— Party. Sec American Protective Association

— Philosophical Society, Phila- delphia XVl-47a

—PROTECTIVE ASSOCIA- TION I-426c; activity centres I-426d; failure I-128a; bill, forged I-427a; foundation I- 426d; growth I— 427a; Indian missions VII-746c; member- ship I— I27c; opposition to I— 427b; political interests I- 427d: publications I— 427a; pur- pose I— 426c; success I— 427c; in Wisconsin X~319d

—Republicans VIII-678b

—Republics XI-597b

— Review of History and Poli- tics, periodical XI-696b; XV- 541d

— Robert College, Constantinople XV-102b

— Russian Messenger, periodical VI-749C

—Secular Union XIII-676c

— Standard Revised Version, glosses VI-5S7C

— States, International Confer- ence of XI-o97b

— System XV-166C

— Temperance Society XIV- 4.S3b; 4'J()d

— Tyler-Keystone, Masonic pub- lication lX-784a

— Unitarian Association XV-156a

— Waldensian Aid Society XV- 530b

America's Certificate of Baptism I-421C

Americ de Plaisance XIV-635b

Amerigi. See Morigi, Michelan- gelo

Amerika, periodical VI— 4S3d

Amerikai Magyar Szovetseg, or- ganized VI1-546C

Amerikai Nemzetor, periodical VII-546d

Amerikanski Slovenec, period- ical XIV-56d

— Srbobran, periodical XIV-54b

Amerikansky Pravoslavny Viest- nik, periodical VI-773b

— Russky Viestnik, periodical VI-749C; XIV-54a

Amerique, tribe I-412c

Amerling, Karel, writer IV-600d

Amesbury, Benedictine convent n-1.54c; VI-131b; Asser I- 798c

Amesha-Spentas I-481a: II- looa; lV-eS6a; XIV-751d

Amess. .Sfc .\iiiice

Amet, Frangois ^■II-284a

Amethyst iiii Bihlei XIV-305b

Amethystizontes carbuncles XIV- 306b

Amette, Leon, Archbishop of Paris II-.358c; IV-245d; V- 594a; XI-484d; XVI-18a

Amezaga, Mathias, abbot XIII- 118d

Amharic, dialect V-o71a; XIII- 709c: versions of the Bible XV-368b

AMHERST, FRANCIS KER- RIL, Bishop of Northampton I-128a — Jeffrey, poneral VIII~14Sd — Mary Agnes, .^ister XII-509b —William KerriU I-42Sa — William Pitt, Lord, embassy

III-683b Amheuser, Gabriel XII-121b A M H N, on letters commenda- tory Am Hof, \icnna. Jesuit College


I-42.Sb Amiata, monastery XV-518a AMICE I-42,8b; XV-388a: an- athema I-456c; Armenian Church XIII-SOc; cross-bearer IV-539a; Dominican Rite XIII-76b: Franciscan Rite XIII-76d; history I-428c; (ill.) XV-390b; at Mass X-20d; XII-232d; papal I-428d; pur- pose I-»28b; Servite Rite


Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.