Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/133

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Andrew IT, King of Hungarj' Vir-4:iNb: .'.,'>na: crusade IV-

r.riild; VII-4.57C; and St. Eliza-

h.'ih V-:jS^ib; VII-189a: and

Emeric of Hungary VIII-16a;

and Hermann of Salza VII-

26Sa; and Vincent of Kadlubek

XV-439a — in, King of Hungary II-664d;

IV-5Ub; VII-550d — archdeacon I-4o7d —Bishop of Flaviaa VI-99b —Abbot of Melrose X-171b —Bishop of Oria XI-302a —Bishop of Rhestena XIII-19a — Bishop of Samosata XIII-

422b; and St. C.vril X-7o7a —Bishop of Tius XIV-747a — .\bbot of Vaux-de-Cernav XV-

31BC —Abbot of Wigraoro XIII -3SSc — James Osgood, Methodist

bishop X-23Ud —John Albion, governor III-93b — AVELLINO, SAINT I-472a:

.\n'-.-,,->7d; and St. Ch.Trles

III-li24d — BOBOLA, BLESSED I-472c — CORSINI, SAINT I-472d — of Austria, cardinal. Bishop of

Constance IV-287d; tomb I-

.514d —OF CffiSAREA, bishop I-

473a; 701b; III-133d; Apoc- alypse, Commentary on XI-

2140 — of Colaczy I-474c — of Colossus (of Constanti-

ilOBle). Scr Andrew of Rhodes —OF CRETE, SAINT I-47.ia;

Aagelic salutation Vll-Ula;

St. Anne, feaat of conception

VII-677b; Assumption II-6b;

canon I— 47.3c; a.s hvmnodist

in-121c; VII-.599C: on Mary's

Nativity XV-464Fc — of Faenza, Abbot of Monte

Cassino X-.527d — of Hungary, prince, and Naples

X-i-,s.-,d — of Jerusalem. See Andrew of

('r.n,; -OF LONGJUMEAO I-474a;

on embassy III~670a —of Newcastle, epithet V-74c —of Oporowa, Bishop of

Wloolnwek XV-681C —of Perugia, missionary VI-294C —of Perugia, Bishop of Gaitun

IIi-i)7()b — of Posen, .\rticles of Constance.

IV-2s'lb -OF RHODES I-474b; XIII-

2,ia: at Ferrara VI-47C; 112c -of Slagelse, Saint XVI-72b -of Strumi, abbot XV-203b —of Vallombrosa, Blessed XV-


Indrews, family, Baltimore II- 231c; and Catholic University ni-4.5.-id

—Emily Augusta XI-546d

— Lgjicelot, Bishop of Winchester X-370b; on Antichrist I-.Mlc; on deposing power XI-I7Sd; influence I-.503d; and oath of allegiance XI-17Sd; on Roman Catholic Xni-123b

-O., bencfacti.m III-456a

-WILLIAM EUSEBIUS I-47.5a; and Dcnman IV-722c; Ortho- dox Journal XI-67.3c; Truth- teller .\I-69.3a; XIII-120d

Indrews's Constitutional Precep- tor I-47.5b

^drews's Orthodox Journal XI- (■.73c



Indrian, Carlos, geodetic re-

s.:irrh VI-i:.2d

Indriatis, rolKction XIII-2fi7a Udrieu, Paulin-Pierre, cardinal, of Bordeaux XVI-

isa Vndrijaseyic, Dominicus, Bishop

of Snutari XIII-fi48b ^ndrocles, prince V-490c ^ndromaque (Racine) VI-196c;


Indromeda, meteors II-27b;

nehula II-26d \ndromeda (I-ope de Vega) IX-

3.vid \ndromede (Comeille) IV-374d

Andronicus, Saint, martvr I\'- 607b: XIV-4.Wb

—apostle VII-333a; 334d

—Bishop of Sardes XIII^72b

—Apostle of Slavs XIV-15b

— I (Commenus), emperor III- 110a; 111b; Latins, massacre of IV-304a

■ — 11, emperor III-112a; VI- 765d; and reunion II-.381a; Tralles XV-ltJd

—III, emperor Ill-llld; 112a; VII-302b; Notitia episcopat- uum XI-125a

— rV. emperor Ill-lUd; 112a; 112d

— of Rhodes, and Aristotle I- 717c; eclecticism V-276b; XII- 31c; metaphysics X-226a

Andros, island, West Indies, statistics (1901) II-204C

—Diocese of IV-581b; VI-742d; XVI-34b

— Sir Edmund, governor IV- 732d; V-130d; X-791C

Androutsos, publisher VI-772a

Andfijar (Diturgis) VIII-267b

Aneb (Aneb-u). See Memphis

Anegada, island, ecclesiastical government XIII-191C

Aneitumese, versions of the Bible XV-374a

Anel, Dominique, ophthalmology X-135d

Anem ^■I-434a

ANEMURIUM, .See of I-475d

Anencletus. .SeeAnacletus;Cletu3

Aner VI-434a

Anerbenrecht I-227c

ANERIO, FELICE I-475d; IX- o35d; X-601b; XI-432a; chants I-579a; Medicean Grad- ual XII-146b; Te Deum music XIV-170C


Anes, John, Archbishop of Lisbon IX-28.3a

Anet, chateau of, architect XI- 321b

Anethan, Anna Margareta von Vll-4i;3d

— Hugo Frederick von VII-463d

Anexicrates, at Salamis, siege of XIII-31I3C


—Frances VIlI-419d

Angaput wizards XIII-751a

Ange, Pere. See Joyeuse. Henri <lc

Angecourt, Perrin d* (ill.) VI- 193c



— Gardien, periodical XV-400a

ANGEL 1-J76c; Abraham's vi- sion I-51c; of the Abyss I- 596c; as Divine agents I-477d; of the Agony I-224a; 477a; XIV-505b; Apocalypse I-596c; archangels I— 478c; Archontic teaching I-697b

— in art I-363d; 485a; in Ambro- sian Basilica I-389c; Fra An- gclico I-484a; Boccaccio II- 660d; Correggio I-318c; Ghirl- andajo VI-.'J46d: Verrocchio (ill.) XV-442a

— astronomy II-21c; avenging I-479a; Avicebron's teaching II-156b: Babjionian concep- tion I^SOc; 480d; Biblical evolution I^81c; Book of I-733d; of Bottomless Pit I^79b; in Canon III-264d; Cerinthus' teaching ni-539b; Chapel of the. Nazareth X- 72fic; cherubim I-478a; III- 646a: Christ t\-pified bv XI- 81b: choirs I-47.8b; in Clem- entine Epistle IV-16b; coin XIV-304a; in Colossians IV- 132a; communion of saints IV-171d; court of heaven IV— 446c: and creation IV-471c; XIV-584d: critical view of IV-494d; cult I-477d; 485d; and daemons IV-710d; Daniel's vision I-476d: dominations I— 478c; Duns Scotus' teaching V-19nb: 197c: of Ephesus XIII-611b; XIV-727c; essence and existence V-544b: Essene V-547b; \'I-408b; in Euchar- istic prayer XIII-432d; Exo-

dus I-479d; of the Face I- 604d; fall I^7Sd; IV-764a: 764b; feasts, in Coptic liturgy XVI-28d; in Gnoaticism I-

173d; II-327b; \' 71h: , d

and bad I-47^d '^ ' ' VI-720b; of Ci- ' ,•! ' I

479c; .571d: 1:11:1.1 :,:j,.|

VII-19d; Hcii.j.i,, l;,,,,K .,1 I-602c; hierarchies I-47Sb; of His presence I^77a; inter- cession I-477d: VIII-71C; in- vocation I-486a; in Irvingite Church VIII-175a; of Jehovah I-4Slc; Jewish I-173d; Josue's vision (ill.) VIII-525d; Jubi- lees. Book of I-604d; VIII- 536b: judgment, participation in VIII-551d; knowledge of XIII-611a; and man V-28b: marriage with daughters of men IV-716a: Mohammedan belief VIII-191a; X^26b; on monstrance I-358b; month X-543b; of the Mount III- 24c; national I-477b; nature I-12.5d; number I-478c; Office of XII-426b; Origen's teaching XI-310a; in papal arms VII- 24 7d; in Passion of Christ XIV-505b; Pauline teaching IV-132b; of Penance. Clem- entine I-62a; powers I-47Sc; Preface. Roman IX-793c; principalities I-478c; proba- tion of IV-765C; as prophets XII-474a: Pseudo - Areopag- ite'a teaching V-14c: reason XII-674b: redemption IV- 784d; of the Resin-rection XII- 790b: Sabaoth XIII-286d; Sadducees XIII-323c; Saint Marv Major I-485c; San Vitale mosaic (ill.) I-485b; 486a; of the Schools X I V-674d; Scotus' teaching V-196b; 197c; sera- phim I— 478a; as spirits XIV- 221a; as substance XIV-323a: in Septuagint I-479c; seven I-477a; 47Sa: 69()c; Simonian doctrine Xni-797a; Sweden- borgian teaching XIV-3.56a; of the Testament XIV-597c; in New Testament I^81b; in Testament of I-132b; in theology XIV-585a; Thom- istic teaching VII-763b; XIV- 699c; 700b; thrones I-47SC; Tobias' vision XIV-751d: 752d; veneration of I-152c; II-.364d; VIII-71a; XV-710a; virtues I-478C: votive Masses. Gloria VI-584b; Zend-Avesta I-4Sla: 481b; Zoroastrian I- 4Slb; n-I.V2d: l.)4d: l.S.'ia ANGELA MERICI, SAINT I- 4Sld; X-2llL'a; uiiraruious cure I-!s_'b; i.nrlniit I-l.s2a; and Ursuliues X-082b; XV-227d;


482b; XIV-622b; XVl-44d;

mystical marriage IX-703b:

stigmata XIV-295b — of St. Teresa, Carmelite. See

Mudd, Angela Angelarius, Saint, Bishop of

Canosa II-29.5d Angel Choir, Lincoln XII-738C Angelelmus, Blessed, Bishop of


I-4S2d — GIROLAMO DEGLI I-4.82d;

XlV-UUa Angelica, library. Rome I-394c;

IX-232b: XIII-lOOc; 170c —school. Rome XIII-165C Angelical Hymn. See Gloria in



—of St. Paul, founded I-.';88b

Angelic Doctor. .Sec Thomaa

Aquinas. St. —Night. Srr Holy Saturday Angelico (Minerva), college, Rome Xni-16.'-.b; 369a: XIV- 7n2a; sf.qii.slratcd XV 7.Wb —FRA (GUIDOLINO DI PI- ETROl I ls3b; Annunciation. Florence (ill.) I-facing 482; Christ. Head of (ill.) VIII- facing 3.84: Sts. Cosmas and Damian (ill.) IV-404: Goodly Fellowship (ill.) XII-477d; St. Lawrence (ill.) IX-faeing


90; Orvieto cathedral XI- 331d; Our Lady, Help of the Sick XIII-513a: paintings, religious XI-399b; St. Peter Martyr (ill.) Xl-facing 772; portrait I-483b; St. Stephen (ill.) XIV-287b; as Thomiat XIV-702C: tomb XIII-172d; Vatican XV-280a; 283b — da Fiesole. .See Angelico. Fra Angelic Pastor XIV-477d —Salutation. See Hail Mary Angelina of Marsciano, Blessed

VI-217d; XIV-642C; 643d Angelini, Giuseppi, sculptor X-

684a Angelique, Mere. .Sec Arnauld,

Jacqueline-Marie-Angi^lique — Roussel (Mary of the Holy

Ghost), martyr XIV-517b Angelis, Bernard de, Jesuit XIV-

— De, Archbishop of Athens II- 47a

— Filippo de, canonist IX-65c; at Vatican Council XV-304b

— Francesco degli. See Angeli, Francesco degli

— Guido ab, writer VII-44oc

— Jerome de. See Angeli, Giro- lamo degli

Angelita, work on litanies IX- 2S9d

Angelites. See Tetradites

Angelo, Bishop of Morocco X- 574d

-Bishop of Taranto XIV-451a

—Michael, of Naples XV-523d

—Vincent d'. Naples X-6S3c


— CLARENO DA CINGOLI I- 484d; XVI-20b: Fraticelli VI- 24.5b; on Franciscan Rule VI- 211c: Hi.storia III-320C

Angelopoli. .Sec Tlascala

Angeloptes, Joannes, Bishop of Kavcnna XII-666a

Angelovich, Anton, Bishop of Przemysl XII-533C

ANGELS, early Christian repre- sentations I-485a

— church of, Assisi XV— 42Sc

— Hymn of the. See Gloria in excelsis

—Chapel, St. Sulpice XI-402a

Angel Sodality V-.'i3d

ANGELS OF THE CHURCHES I-4S6a: 47sb; III-749C; VII- 338b

— of the Seven Planets X-426c

Angel's Rule. See Pachomius, .St., Rule

ANGELUS I-486b: attitude VI- 425c; clapper I-349b; as cursus IX-21d; evening I-4S6c; Fran- ciscans VI-293b; history I- 4Sfic: indulgence I-486b; VII- 789b: midday I-487b: morn- ing I-4S7a; origin II-650a; present usage I-486b; in Rome II-422a; at Saintes IX-6d

Angelus (Millet) X-311c; (ill.) X-facing 312

— periodical. Cincinnati XI-695a

Angelus, Saint, feast, Carmelite Rite XIII-74a

— See Mason, Richard Angelus a S. Francisco

—grandfather of Isaac II III- 110a

— Isaac, Notitia Episcopatuum XI-12.5a

—BELL I-487d; midday ringing III-187b: St. Mark's convent, Florence (ill.) I-488a

— Cerletus. See Angelo Carletti di Chivasso

— de Mattia, Franciscan XIV- 647d

—Francis of St. Teresa XV- 34.5d

— of Chivasso. See Angelo Car- letti di Chivasso

— of St. Joseph, martvr III- 36.5b: VIII-107b

— SILESinS (JOHANNES SCHEFFLER) I-lssd; VI- .522c; Xin-.525d

Angennes de Rambouillet, Claude d'. Bishop of Le Mans Vll-227a

ANGER I-4S9a; 656c; XI- .534c: XIV-61(ia: Aristotle's teaching A'I-148b; character III-585C; as sin XIV-5C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.