Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/138

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Babylas's tomb II-17Sd: St. Barnabas I-570d; II-300d; basilicas I -365c; Byzantine conquest III-108d; IX-174d; Cffisarian era III-740b; Chair of Peter III-552a; Chris- tian possession IV-547b: Chris- tian, term used I-56Sa; Chris- tianity introduced I-567d: 570c; Cyprus IV-590a; Daphne grove of I-570b; destruction XI-715b; Eudocia's statue V- 597b; founded VIII-386d; St. Paul at I-570d; XI-d70c; Per- sians capture Ill-lOSa; XI- 716d; 717d; St. Peter at III- 554a; XI-747c; Roman occupa- tion I-570d; siege of (109S) I- 210d; IV-546d; VI-625a; XIV- 442c; St. Simeon's relics XIII- 795c: synagogues IV-776C; XIV-380C; Theodosius XIV- 578b; Turks capture Ill-llOd; IV-545d

Antioch, School of, cbristology X-756a; c.iescsis V-703b; XI- 461c

— on the Chrysonhoas VI-469C

Antiochus, Saint, martyr XIII- 667d

—Bishop of Capitolias III-309d

— Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX- 472c

— Bishop of Memphis X-177a

— Bishop of Ptolemais VII-444a; vni-454d; XII-553b; XIII- 742b; 742c

— Macedonian general I-567b

— Roman general I-669b

—Bishop of Rhesaina XIII-19a

— I, King of Commagene XI 11- 422a

— n. King of Commagene XIII- 422a

— HI, King of Commagene XIII- 422a

— rv Epiphanes Magnus, King of Commagene Xni-422a

— I Soter, King of S.\Tia XIII- 690b; Berosus II-514a; and Galatians VI-336C; as King of Persia XI-713d; Stratonicea XIV-315b

— n Theos, King of Syria XIII- 690b; Laodicea VIII-794b; as King of Persia XI~713d

— Ill the Great, King of Syria XIII-690b; AtabjTion XIV- S52b; coin (ill.) VIII-390d; Etea V-371b; Gaza VI-!O0c; Jerusalem VI-432C; VIII-348b; Jewish policy IV-776b; VIII- 200d; 3S7b; Larissa IX-4b; Magnesia XIII^72a; Phar- salus XI-790C; Roman war XIII-166d; Sanhedrin XIII- 444d; Thermopyte XIV-629d

— rv Epiphanes, King of S^Tia XIII-690C; as Antichrist I- S60d; Assideans I-800b; be- trothed V-165d; coin (ill.) Vlll-SOld; Daniel's prophecy IV-622b; death IX-498b; Ga- briel's prophecy VI-330b; Jeru- salem VIII-348b; Jewish pol- icy VIII-200d; 387c; IX- 493c; offerings I-455c; Pelu- sium XI-610d; Tarsus XIV- 461b; temple of Jerusalem I- 361b; IV-673d; XIV-502b

— ^V Eupator, King of Syria XIII- 690c; deposed I-273d; IX- 494c; Jerusalem XIV- 502c; Jewish policy VIII-3S7d; mur- der IV-707a —VI Theos IV-707C; IX-494d;

XIII-690d — VII Sidetes, King of Syria XIII-fi90d; coinage XI-153c; Demetrius Nikator IV-707c; Dora V-133b; Jewish policy IX-49.^.a — Vni Grypus, Kjng of SjTia

XIII-69(ld ■ — IX Cyzisenus, King of Syria

XIII-ll9nd — X Eusebes, King of Syria


^XI Epiphanes, King of Syria,

XIll I'.niid — XII Dionysus, King of Coele-

S\Ti.i:in(lI):ii.ia3Cu3XIII-691a — XIII Asiaticus, King of Syria

XIII 1191a — Monachus V-16c — of Ascalon, philosopher V-276b

— of Laodicea, philosopher VIII-

794b —OF PALESTINE I-574c Antiope, Titian XIV-745a Antioquia, Diocese of II-612d; X-116c: 117b: university XV- 202b Antipapistisches Journal, period-

iral VII-122b Antiphon£e majores. See O An-

tiphons Antipas, Saint, Bishop of Per-

gamus XI-229C; 666d — Tetrarch of Galilee VII-290d; Diocaesarea IV-798C; Hero- dias I-178b; VII-292a; John the Baptist VII-291a; VIII- 489d; Livias IX-315b; St. Manahen IX-583C; residence XV-464Fb; Tiberias VII-291a; XIV-716a Antipater, Bishop of Caunus III-


—father of Herod VII-2S9c;

VIII-388a; Idumean governor

VII-638d; Palestinian governor

VIII-348d; Seleucus XIII-

690a: town called after I-574d

—son of Herod VII-290b

— Jewish delegate to Sparta XIV-

209d — Macedonian general XIV-633a —OF BOSTRA I-574d; II-70Sb ANTIPATRIS, See of I-574d Antipatros, Bishop of Rhosus

XlII-2(;d Antipendium I-353c; Florence

(ill.) I-3,i3 ANTIPHELLOS, See of I-575a ANTIPHON I-575a; 510b; Ad- deus and Maris, Liturgy of I- 136d; St. Ambrose I-390a: Ambrosian Rite I-399c; 401a; VI-717d; automelodic I- 579d: Bangor Antiphoner III- 498a: Breviarv II-772b: chant I-577d: XII-144d; idiomelo- dic I-579d; introduction XII- 144b; of Introit VIII-Slc; of Invitatorium VIII-89b: of Le Puv XIII-409b: in Little Office IX"-294d; Mass XII-144C; O Antiphons XI-173b; paschal poetry, Hebrew primitive I-579c ; Rite XIII-278a: ' I-326c:57,ib; 11- 149b; XI-220a; XII-718c; XIII-4n9a: YorkUseXV-73.5c — Communion. See Communion

.\ntiphon —IN GREEK LITITRGY I-576a —IN TETE GREEK CHITRCH I- .57,Sd; Anglican prayer I-576a: Diodorus and Flavian V-8a Antiphonar. See Antiphonary Antiphonarium. See Antiphonary Antiphonarius Missse IX-299c Antiphonarius Officii IX-299C ANTIPHONARY I-576d; IX- 300d; abridged I-577c; Amala- rius of Metz I-376C; Bangor H-249b; XV-381C; contents I- 577d: Coptic IX-303C; XVI- 28c; Dominican Rite XIII- 76a: hymns in VII-596a; Lucca I-579a; meaning I-576b; melo- dies I-577d: Metz I-578c; monastic XI-lS4a: Pius X's reform I-579a; primitive I- 579c; Ratisbon edition I-577a: revisions I-578d; Roman VI- 718a; (term I-579a: use of I- 577c: Vatican edition I-577b; Vexilla Regis XV-396C —GREGORIAN I-579c: 57Sa; authenticity I-580a; 581c; fac- simile I-facing 578 Antiphoner, monastic I-15a — . book. Sre Antiphonary Antiphon of the Bema, East

.Syrian Rite XIV-116a — of the Mysteries, East Syrian

Rito XIV-41.')b . — of the Sanctuary, East SjTian

Rite XIV-41.';a Antiphons, Greater. See O Anti-

ph<.rs AntiphriE, bishopric XV-60a ANTIPODES I-.5Sld; contro- vcr.iv VI-MOc; Co.sma3 Indi- conleusles on IV-404d; Vcr- giliua of Salzburg on XV-3.'i4a Antipolo, T>ilKrimage IX-599C ANTIPOPE, list I-.')82b; Nnta- lius X-449a

XII-718c: XII-175b;

Ruthenian Virgin Ma

Antiprobabilism XIV-609c

Antipyrgos, bishopric XV-60a Antiquior, Carthusian III-390c Antiquities, Museum of, Turin

XV-93a Antiquity of the World. See

World, Antiquity of the Antiquorum fida relatio. Bull of

Boniface VIII VIII-532C Antisco, Jane de VI-729d Antiseptics, Semmelweis XIII-

712a: use of X-142b Anti-Slavery Society, French VI-

175c Antisthenes, Cjiiic philosopher

IV-5S2C; V-558C Antitactse, Gnostic sect VI-599a Antithesis. Gunther VII-86b;

Hegel IV-772a Anti-Treating League XIV-489d Antitrinitarians XII-709b; XIV-

113c Antitype V-695a

Antivari, town, Nikita captures X-530d: Turks capture I-582C ANTIVARI, ARCHDIOCESE OF I-,582b; Scutari XIII-648b; Servia XIII-732b; Vatican Council representative XII- 424b ANTOFOGASTE, VICARIATE

APOSTOLIC OF I-5S3a Antoine, Christian name. See

Anthony — Dominican, founder XI-69SC — Pere. See Sedella, Antonio de — Boniface d', Camaldolese III-

207c; 208a

— C, economist I-490a: XII-

278d; on population XII-280C

—PAUL GABRIEL I-583b: Con-


XII-442C; Thomi8mXIV-703a

Antoinette, Brideau. See Marie

Antoinette Brideau — Mother Mary, VII-706a — of Orleans-Longueville III-

190d Antoine de Vend6me, King of

Nav,irre XII-7()7b — Gallus, Blessed XI-48d Antolin, Saint. See Antoninus,

Saint Antolinez, Agustin XV-259d Antolinez de Burgos XV-258d;

259d Antologia, periodical, Florence

III-312C Anton, Christian name. See An-

— C. A"., on Hebrew metre XII- 541b

— Leopold, Freiherr von Fermian, Archbishop of Salzburg XIII- 414c

—Paul, Pietist XII-81a

— Raymond, Bishop of Eichstadt V-SOb

— Sigismund, Bishop of Triest XV-45b

ANTONELLI, GUCOMO, car- dinal I-5.s3d; and Dutch min- istry VII-391c: influence XII- 135c; Leo XIII IX-169d; M4rode X-209b; Montalem- bert X-515b: and Pie XII-76b; portrait I-5S4a: Saxe-Weimar Eisnach XIII^96b; Vatican improvements XV-301b

— LEONARDO, cardinal I-584b; and Benedict XIV II-435a; Carroll XV-457c

— NICOLO MARIA, cardinal I- 5S4C

Antonia, mart\T IV-295b

— tower. Jerusalem VII-426d; vni-349a: 355a; XII-404C; destruction XII-404C: ground- plan (ill.) XII-405; and temple XIV-504b


—SILVIO, cardinal I-.5S4d; Geru- salemme revised XH-7fi.8d; and Union of Brest XV-ISlc; school inspection Xlll-WSa

Antonians I-.i." abbots in It- alv I-2nc; fli:ildean I-566a

—Srr nisciplcs of St. Anthony _

Antonianus, Hisliop of Musti X- t'..'i9a

Antonia of Florence, Blessed Ml 2.Mb


— Joseph I-5S.5a

Antonii, Nicholas, Bishop of

Arges XIII-22Sb

Antonin, Saint XI-136b

Antonina, wife of Behsarius XIII— 793c

Antonine Column, Rome XIV- 711c

Antonine of Florence. See Anto- ninus, St., Archbishop of Flor-

Antonines I-555d: and St. Vin- cent de Paul XV-437a Antoninos, in Ephesus legend V—

497a Antoninus, Saint, missionary' in

Auvergne IV-53d -SAINT, Archbishop of Flor- ence I-585d; XIV-606C; Bol- sena, miracle of XI-333a; on commandments of the Church IV-154d; on Eugene III V-600d; Hallev's comet XII- 159b; history VII-375b; Im- maculate Conception VII— 680a; Paschal Tide XI-517c; pedagogical work of XII-365b; Pisa, Council of XII-114b; and political economv XII- 215a; 419d; as Probabilist XIV-701a; Summa historialis VII-375b; Summa of theol- ogy XII-364a; 364b: XIV- 592b; 612b; XIV-702c; and Thomas Aquinas XIV-670b; 671a; virgins, consecration of XV^59c; Zenobius, life of XV-755d —Saint, Bishop of Meaux X-

9Sb —Saint, of Pamiers XI^35d; 436c; Xlll-lOSd; hospital, Palencia XI^!8d; tomb XI- 418a — Roman senator VII— 480d —Bishop of Modena X-414b —Bishop of Rho.sus Xni-26d — and Faustina, Temple of, graffiti

VI-71Sd — Martyr. See Antoninus of

Piacenza — of Grade, and Gregory III

M-789a — of Piacenza VIII-254d; Ca- pharnaum III-309c; chalice, description of III-561d; on crown of thorns VIII-773b; at Haceldama VII-103d; on Sarepta XIII-477a; on Virgin Mary's birthplace XV-464Fb —PIUS, emperor, I-586d; IX- 739b; and Aristides VII-"lld; and Aurelius II-109a; Chris- tianity I-5S7c; chronology IV- 13d; column of XIV-34b; GaetarestorationVI-333b; and Justin Mart.\T Vlll-SSld; law reform I-587b; orphans, pro- vision for XI-323a; religious policy I-7S8d; rescript I- 587c; slavery IX-66c; and Thessalonians XIV-633d Antonio, bishop, papal legate

XIII-255d — missionary' II-480b — Bishop of Muro-Lucano X-

646b — Caetano, Vicar Apostolic of

Colombo IV-124d — Diotallevio d' XIV-235a —Nicolas, on \"d.squez, XV-275d — Pietro, architect XIII-246a — Salvo d', artist X-217a — Bettini, Blessed, Bishop of

Foligno VI-125b — Correa, Blessed XIV-109d — de la Madre de Dios. iSrc Anthonv of the Mother of God — de S. Maria, bishop XllUC.ic — de S. Maria, missionary VI-

29:id —del SS. Sagramento Xni-4n2c — de S. Juan Bautista XIII-102b — di Gesu, Bishop of Linares IX-

2li5d — Fatati, Blessed, Bishop of

Tcramo XIV-5Md — Fernandes, Blessed XlV-IlOa — Francisco, Blessed XlV-llOa — Gonzaga of Mantua, Blessed

1 liilc — Grassi. Blessed \I 273b -MARIA ZACCARIA, SAINT 1 .\ssa; 11 :iii2a: 3i'.9c: XII- 7,^2b: and .Xnii.'liial.-. 1 ISia — of Montefeltre, and Lrbino XV-221d

Large type indicates titles of articlca; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illuatrationa.