Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/179

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299d; of St. yEthelwold I-511C; (ill.) Il-facing 404; of Jumi^gea IX-024C BENEDICTION OF THE BLES- SED SACRAMENT II-!65b; Anglican Church XIlI-g2a; and artokhisia l-7.jl.ld; by bishop II-405C; candles III- 247c: deacons office IV-651b; derivation XV— JG4b: Dominus vobiscum V-114c; Easter hymn XI-222b; in English-speaking countries II-4(3oc; and exposi- tion II-4God; genuflexion VI- 425a; hiatorv II-405d: humeral veil VII-o42c: hymns XIV- 445b; Josephintst regulations II-128C; in London Mission XV-594b; O Salutaris Hos- tia II-465C; XI-334C; osten- sorium I-358b: Ritualist's use of XIII-92d; in Rome II- 4G5c; Sacris Solemniis XIII- 321d; Salve Regina XII- 275d; service II-46ob; solemn I-35Sb; surplice XIV-344a; Tantum Ergo II-J6oc; in United otatcs II-235d: usages, obligatory II-4G.^b; Viaticum , XV-.^99b; and Virgin Mary, devotion II— 466a; zucchetto XV-765d Benedictio Panls, in Mozarabic

Mass X-019d Benedictus, Jacobus de. See Jac-

opone da Todi BENEDICT JOSEPH LABRE, SAINT II-442a: in Coliseum IV-lU2a; at Moulius X-603d; relics III-141c — LEVITA (THE DEACON) II- 466c; IV-392b; XV-391b; capitularies III-310b; 311b — of Aizenay, Saint IX -4 13c —OF ANLANE, SAINT II-467b; X-474C; at Aachen I-3a; and Adoptionism I-15Ud; IX-473a; Benedictine reforms II— J45a; candelabra III-24SC; "Codex regularum" II-80d; on cowls IV-463b; general chapter VI- 412b; and lay abbots IX-92c; Menard's life of X-17Sb; at Micy XI-319b; Montpellicr honours X-546c; and Primer XII-42.5b; Smaragdus's life of XlV-.iSd — of Arezzo, Blessed, and Porti-

uncula Indulgence XII-2S6d ^-of Assisi, Administrator of

Patna 1-3 lOd — of Aviz, Saint, Knights of. See

Aviz. Order of — of Benevento Ill-lSb; 18c — of Munstereifel —OF NURSU, SAINT II-4G7c;

in Ambrosian Canon I-4U2a — in Art: Basle antependium I- 366a; Bernini's statue (ill.) XlV-facing 322; Seitz XIII- 688a — and St. Augtistine II-80c; Barkworth's vision of II- 296d; birthplace XI-lOlc; in Bobbio Canon III-500C; Cal- met's work on III-lS9d — Churches: Africa XI-566b; Aus- tralia XI-566a; Canada XI- 565b; England XI -563c; United States XI-o65c — convent founded by I-7c; Complin IV-187a; XV-381b; on cowls IV-463b; feast III- 163b: as hermit VII-280c: on humility VII-.'J44c; Lauds IX- 38c; and St. Maurus XI-319d; XIII-719d; of. See Saint Benedict. Me<tal of: and medical study X-125c; mis- sion II-456C; monasticum X- 473c: 488c: at Monte Cassino X-526d ; Order of. .See Benedic- tine Order; on patristic study Vl-lb; patronage XI-.566C; and Plaridua XII-142d; and Portiuncula chapel XII-2,S6a; on pciitulancy XII-319b; pov- erty XII-32.5a; profession, reli- gious XI I-451c; relics VI- 102d; religious life XII-751c: 7.54b; rcsponsorium XII-7S7dj 788a: and St. Ilomanu.? XIII-l«3c; scapular XIII-508C; .513c: scriptorium I-696c; Subiaco XI'V-321b; SynaxisXIV-383a:

vision of God II-471d: and 'ft'illiam of St. Thierry XV-63Sa —OF NURSIA, SAINT, RULE OF II-l3Ga; Xn-7G0d; abbot I-16b; II-43Sa; 472b; analysis II— J37d; as ascetical theology XIV-61Sa; Autun II-144c; Aviz II-162a; binding power II-440b; XII-761d; Bobbio II-60od; Cassian III-404C: Celestine Order XVI-20a: characteristics II— 439b; civiliz- ing influence II-440C; deans II-43Sb; Deo Gratias IV-737c; Chrodegang Il-Sla; St. Clare IV-4d; Condat XIII-341c; diet II^38c: 439b; facsimile II-43Gb; St. Francis of Rome XI-lSSc: German s\nod II- 658a; gifts forbidden V-603d; Glastonbury VI-5S0a; Gott- weig VI-682C; grace XIV- 55.5b; Gregory the Great VI— 781a; hospitality II-43Sd; VII- 476b; hours, canonical I-105c; VII-500d: XIII-72C; Humil- iati VII-543b; humility II- 43Sa; importance XII-761b; itinerarium VlII-255d; labour II-438C; I.6rins IX-lS9a; les- sons, canonical IX-197c; libra- ries IX-229a; Mart^ne on IX- 721b: Mechitari3tsV-237a; X- 103a; Monte Cassino X-474a ; 527a; Nocturns XI-87d; None XI-98b: obedience Il-440a;X- 461b: Office, Divine Vn-502a; OlivetansII-504c; poverty X- 4G0d: Port-Royal Xn-295d; practice II— 140b; prayer II- 438b; VI-J24C; Prime XII- 424c; prior XII-427d; psalter II-769d; 772b: on reading IX- 33a: 229b; Sarabaitesin XIII- 46Sb: silence XIII-790b; Syl- vester Gozzolini XIV-372d; Te Deum XIV— 168c: Templars XIV-}93b: text II^36a; Trap- pists XV-25b; Vallumbrosans XV-263b: vows II-13Sa: 439d; on washing of feet XV-557c: week, liturgical XV-576a

—OF PETERBOROUGH II- 472d; "Gesta Henrici" XIII- 116d: Rolls Series XIII-120b; on Urban III XV-212b

—of Poland XI 1-7 Id

— of St. Andrew, chronicle I- o33b

—OF SAN PHILADELPHIO II- 472d: church. New York XI- 565b: "Roman de Rou" XI- lOfia: and 'Wurzburg VI-518d

— of Sansetun, Bishop of Roches-

I ter II-472d

— of the Passion, Mother. Sec Brem. Ehz.abeth

— Ricasoli, Blessed, sanctuary XV-263a

— the Deacon. See Benedict Levita

— the Moor, Saint. See Bene- <li. t of Snn Philadclnhio

BENEDICTUS (CANTICLE OF ZACHARYi n-173a: Abraham in l-o2c; .j.jb: Bangor Anti- phoner ni-198b; Breviar\- II- 772b: III-302a: on Candlemas III-246C: Celtic Rite III-499b; character III-498b: IX-534b: funeral service III-75b: in Gal- ilean Rite VI-361C; St. James, Liturgy of I-572d: Mozarabic Mass X-619b; name X-674b: Little Office IX-294d: Office of the Dead III-74b; and Sanctua XIII-433c;434a;TenebrsBVII- lG3a; in Turin Fragment III- 496b

— Bishop of Capua III-319d

— Bishop of Cervetri XII-290d

— Bishop of Porto XII-290b

—Bishop of Sutri X-750d

— Maronite Orientalist. See Am- barach. Peter

— a Castro, Blessed, martyr XIV-KWd

—Chorus (Bangor) XV-.5S6b

— Deus, Bull, of Benedict XII n-430c; VIII-551d; of Pius IV XIII-141b; XV-35b: of Pius V IX-22Rd


— sit Pastor ille bonus. Brief of Clement VIII .XV-I31d

Benediktbeuren, Abbey of. See


Benediktusstimmen XII-575a

Benedimos, Athenian martyr II- 43c

Benefetto, anti-bishop of Termoli Xn-fll8a

BENEFICE II-}73c; abdication I-31a; acceptance I-94b; and advowson I-169b: Agde decree I-206c: age for I-207c: 209b; amovability I— 437a; Anglican Church I-170a; annates I- 537c: and apostasy I-f>25d: Avranches regulations II-IG2d: in Austro-Hungary II-130c; auxiliary bishops II— 14Gd: be- stowing of VII— 462c; bulls of promotion III-57b: eathedrat- icum III-440d; 441d; and celi- b.acy III-t87b; census III- 533c; chaplains III-5S0a; char- acteristics II-473C; charitable subsidies XIV-322c: civU con- stitution regulations Xlll-lla; civil courts I-<>51b: 651d: Clement VI's appointments IV-24C; clerks II-177a: colla- tion I-537c; II-475a; and coii- fessions I-G57b: congrua IV- 251b: Council, Congregation of XIII-142a: creation II-174c: dataria XIII-152C: deposition II-liGc; III-.-)29b; IV-738a; desertion IV-7.50b; dismembr.a- tion II-474d; division II-474b; in England I-.')08b: exchange XlV-lb; excommunication, ef- fect V-683c: cxpcctativc V- 712c: extinction II— 47.5a; ex- traordinary requirements 11- 476b: gratuity of II— 475d: hereditarv succession IX-132C: history II-473d; hospitals as VII-4S3d: illegitimacy, dis- ability n-oSOb; income XV- 627b; "In Commendam" VII- 719a; and institution, canonical Vlll-fioc; intrusion VIII-S2C; investiture VIII-84C: .S4d; Lat- eran decrees IX-17b: 165b; minor clerics X-333c; modifica- tion II— 474d: obligations II- 476b: option right XI-264b:

Farish as XI-500a; patron of n-506c: XI-.56()b; peers II- 477a: pension XI-645C: plural- ity II— 175d: VII-37c: prebends XII-371b; precaria II-474a; priests XII^07a: provision XII -516b; qualifications for IV-209a: and regale, droit de XII-712d: requisites n-47.5d: residence XII-78.5d ; 78Gb : XV- 192b; revenues I I-176c: XIV- 297a; simoniaeal collation XIV-2a; Spain I-647d: sup- pression II— 17.5a; title I-312c: Trent discussion XV-32d: 33a: 35b; university students XV- 192b: in United States II- 474; vacancy II-476b; vacancy annates I-538a: Vienna discus- sions XIII-596c: women^s ju- risdiction XV-697d; Worms regulations IX-16d Beneficiary, hoiu-s, canonical VII-501a; requisites XV-73a: as trustee XV-72C Beneficium VIII-780C — Manuale I -437b — novEe audientiae I-G55c BENEFIT OF CLERGY II-476d; bigano' ca.'^cs' II-565b: privi- leges IV— 49c: women II-477b: XV-695C Benejaacan (Benejaakan) VI-

435b Ben Elia, Aaron, Rabbi, exegete

V-702C Berieme Indians X-372d Benemerenti Medals IV-fi70a Benen, Saint. .See Benignus,

•Saint, of .Armagh Benenanus, Bishop of Milevum

X-3IMC Benenatus, Bishop of Asti II-18b —Bishop of Perugia XI-736d —Bishop of Pesaro XI-7.39b Benencasa II-31.5C Beneplacitum Apostolicum IV-

61b — regium, Portugal XII-301a:

.301 c: 302a Benesche (Oryrynchus) XI-378a Benet, Bishop of Clovne IV-72d

— Biscop, Saint. See Benedict

Biscop, Saint — College, Cambridge III-215a BENETTIS, JEREMLAH Il-I77c Bene Valete, in Bulls III-54a:

Benevent, ,\bbey of XII-594d

Benevente, of San Juan de Cuyol-ro.jd

— Alvaro de, \'icar Apostolic of Kiang-si III-675b

Benevento, town VIII-221b; bat- tle (1266) I-224C; IV-19c: VII- 58a: IX-575d; X-685d; XIV- 264a; Leo XIII governor of IX-169b; mint X-334c; Napo- leon seizes ilMltil X-t,91d. Tal- leyrand . .1.1;,. i,» MV-jr,.-.a

—ARCHDIOCESE OF 11- 177c; Adrian IV at I-l.->7d; .atl.ciral II-178a: cathedral (ill.) VIII- 224

—Councils II-47Sb: (1087) II- 47Sb: (1091) II-478b; III-15c; VII-323C; on Ash Wednesday ceremony I-775d: on Holy orders XIV-320b; (1108) II- 478b; (1117) II-478b; (1693) II-431d; (169S) II-431d

— Holy See regains IV-37b; X- 690a: under interdict IV-18c: Leo IX at IX-161d; map Vlll-facing 244; Orsini's epis- copate II— 431c; and papacy XlV;263b; Redemptorists at I-337d; St. Sophia monastery 1-71 la; Telese under XIV- 47lid: Victor III at XV-410b: 410d

—Duchy of IX-339C; Salerno un- der XIII-396C Beneyentum (Benevento) II-

Benevolence, Catholic teaching

I-370a: in Confucian system

I\"-22Ga: Herbart's philosophy

Vn-24,sb Benevolent Irish Society III-

710d — Society for the Aged and Infirm

Poor, London III-5Goc; IX-

352c Benevoli, Oragio, musician IV-

12.Sa Benezet, Saint, founder II-781d;

XIII-3.54C; XV-494b Benga, Biblical writer XV-374a —tribe VI-329a; fetish VI-57d Bengal, kingdom VII-725a —province in-152b: VII-72fia:

in Marco Polo's Book XII-

218c — Vicariate Apostolic of III-153c;

VI-G03c: Augustinians III-

153b; Protestant mission III-

153c; Society of Jesus XIV—

103c — Eastern, province IV-601b;

VII-404C; 726a — Hurkaru, publication VIII-

G2fib Bengali, version of the Bible XV-

374a Bengel, Johann Albrecht, Bibli- cal critic IX-462C; XIV-532b;

on Antichrist I-56Ic: Mille-

narian views X-309d; Pietism

Xll-Sld; Synoptics XIV-392a;

New Testament V-290d; on

variants IV-.501a; on Virgin

Mar\ '.s father .\V-464Ec; and

Zinz.ndorf I-.50.5d Benger, Michael, Redemptorist

author XII-6S7a Benghazi, sanjak of Tripoli II-

489b; XV-59a; 59c; 59d Bengt, Bishop of A'bo VI-76d Bengtsdotter, Ingeborg II-782a BENGTSSON. JONS OXEN-

STJERNA ll-47.Sc: political

activili.s XI\-:(49a Benguela. lown Xll-312a: Prot-

cstanl niiHsii.ns l-ls7d: 188a BENGY, ANATOLE DE II-479b; XI 241a: 490b Benhadad. .~:. . Bencdad Benham, William, on Plymouth

lircihrpM XI1-173C Beni, S(,utli .America, missions I-

GSlb; 74()a Benigni, Uinberto, on liturgical

commission II-777a; "Ras-

segna sociale" XI— 685a Benignity, fruit of Holy Ghost


Roman numeral indicates voltune; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.