Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/203

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Broad Church Party, in England

I-.iOSc; IX-399b; in United

States XII-494d Broadsides Xl-tmOb Broad Tower, Lincoln XIII-182b Broad v. Pitt XIII-657b Broadway, Worcestershire, mon-

astcrv 1I-447C Broca. Paul, physician VII-60Sd Brocade, in altar cloth I-359d Brocard. .sVc Burchard Broccaid of Emtagh IX-336a;

Xl\-724b Broccan, Saint. See Brogan Broccardi, Dorothea, and Mari-

anus of Florence IX-662a Broccen, Saint. ,See Brogan Brochan, Saint. See Brogan Brochois, Paul, martyr X-3(i2c Brochures periodiques d'action

religieuse, XlH)77d Brock, fannly. Marjland II-22flb — Dominicus, .Alcxian I-307b — John. See Poulton, Ferdinand —Thomas, sculptor XIII-647a Brockelmann, Car!, orientalist

XI-TO3a Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold, en- cyclopedia V-41l>b Brocquiere, Bertrand de la, and

Philip the Good IV-5.54b Brod, Andreas von, and Jacobel-

lui. VII -.-.s.-.d Broder, Anthony, martyr VIII-

u;7d Broderick, John, founder III-

4.");ib —J. M., Eg.\-ptologi3t XI-304d Brodsky, Bobumil, writer IV-

lilldc Brodzinski, Kazimierz, poet XII-

19SC Broehun, Libertus de II-492a Broek, Joachim George Le Sage

ten, journalist \TI-:i91b; .\I-

— Th. van den, missionary VII-

i94c; ;i9.5c

Broens, Lambert, in Wisconsin

VIl-191a Broet, Paschase. See Brouet BROGAN, SAINT II-795C — Cloen, Saint, Abbot of Rostuirc, on St. Hrigid II-7S4b; hymns III-.504b: and St. Ultan XV- 124d — of Breaghmy, Saint XIV-724a — of Clonsast, Saint Vni-639a Brogard, missionary X-709d Brogiani, Dominique XII-112C Brogillum fBreuil) VI r.7a Brogitarus, ehieftiiin VI-336b Broglie, al.hev Xl-lN7a — Achille-Victor, Due de II-795d —Albert de, writer Xl-iw7b — AUGUSTE - THEODORE - PAUL DE n-79,od; on Penta- teuch Xl-li.'itd; on religion, comparative I-)i23a —Charles de, founder XIII-

.3nr,d: :M)>.a. —JACQUES - VICTOR - AL- BERT, DUC DE I-S9b; II- 79(;a: XI'<',7tib; and Dupan- Imip V-202d; and Liberalism IX-21.!a —MAURICE-JEAN DE II-79(ib; exiled II-:i9sa; at Ghent VI- 543c; on Julie Billiart VIII- 560c; at Paris council II- 396d; X-<)96b; and Van de Velde VI -.54 3d — Victor-Franfois, Due de II-

7yilb Brogne, abbey ^'I-4^l.5d; X-

n79d Brogny, hospital II-707d —JEAN - ALLARMET (ALOU-

ZIER) DE, eardinal ll-797a Brogoris, chieftain VI-3:i6b Broguenard, Prince of Wales

X 11-77.38

Broin Bearg, hospital VII-480C Brollo, Basilic. .See Glemona,

Ha-sile di- Brom, Gisbert VI-351b; on Vati-

,an In.lexes XV-287b Brome, Adam de, and F^lward II

XI 309a

Bromfield, Edmund, Bishop of

l.landaff IX-31fib —William, surgeon X-133b Brompton Oratory. See Oratory

of St. Philip Neri. England,


Bromsebro, Peace of (ir)4.5) IV-

728c Bromwich, Andrew, confessor


on pilgrimages XII-87c; Thom-

ism XIV-702C Bronckhorst, Otto von. Vicar

Apostolic of Northern Ger-


798a;Vn-2(l3d; 745d;X-518d;

at I.ouvaiii CollcKO I-425c; in

Vancouver XV^i2d Bronescombe, Walti


Brongniart, Alexander, palaeon-

tolosist Xl-HDc Bronislava, Blessed XIII-791a;

feast XIII-77C Bronner, Benno. See Molitor,

Wilhelm Bron of Killaspugbrone, Bishop

of Elphin V-.395b Bronski, Kristofar, writer XIII-

2rt9c Bronzino, D. See .\Ilori. Angiolo — the Younger. .See .\llori, Cristo-


79Sb; Brooke, Ehzabeth III-380a — Monica XH'— 142d —Robert IV-4()7c — Stopford, on Irish poetry VIII-

12Sc: Ferguson VIII-128b BROOKES, JAMES, Bishop of

Gloucester II-79Sb Brook Farm, community IV-

lS2b; XIV-li9b BROOKLYN, DIOCESE OF II- 79Sc; 3.iSa; XlV-39Sb; Alban- ian Orthodox VI-774b; Armen- ian mission XIII-81d; Bacon II~191b; cathedral II-801b; cathedral rectory (ill.) II-799b; charitable institutions XII- 247a; erection VII-517d; Greek Catholic missions VI-752d; Italians VIII-206a; St. Joseph, Sisters of VIII-512d; Maronite mission XIII-85a: orphan asy- lum (ill.) II-799b; Polish popu- lation (1907) XII-211a; Poor of St. Francis, Hospital of XII- 258a; pooi^relief III-603c; pro- cathecfral II-357d; Redemp- torists XII-685b; Sacred Heart confraternity XIV- 123b; sem- inaries XIII-698d; 700b; 700d; statistics II-801d; XI-31b; XV-176d; synods (1894-1898) II-SOlc; SvTo-Arabian Ortho- dox in VI-773C; Syro-Catholics XIII-86b; temperance union XIV-491c; Truth Society XV- 7Sd —Benevolent Society II-800a —College XI-32c; XIV-102a Brooks, family, Maryland II-

229b —Cecilia, Visitandine II-232d — Erastus, senator, and Hughes

VII-516d: 518b — Ferdinand. See Green. Hugh — Robert, missionary II-229a Broom, plant. See Juniper —Herbert .\II-396c Broome, William, and Pope XII-

2r,<.)b Broomfield, Edward XI-300d — Thomas, merchant III-682d Broomhead, Jane V-736b Brophy, J. J., at Bathurst II-

349d — John P., and summer school

XIV-335b Brorbey, Anthony. .See Brookby Brosch, Maurice, historian XII-

129a Brosella (Brussels) III-21b Brosig, Moritz, composer X-658d Brosius, F. K., missionary VI-; 47sb — F. X., n-70r,b Brosse, Guillaume de, Bishop of

Sens Xlll 717d — JEAN-BAPTiSTE DE LA 11-

si>2a — Joseph de la. See Ange de St.


— Notre-Dame de la. See Notre-

Dame de la Brosse — Salomon de XI— 18.5d Brosses, Charles de, on fetishism

VI-.53a; X-717b

Brotas, Brazil, college VII-286c;

monastery II-449c Brote, Christopher, and Mechtel


Brotherhood of the Cross VI-90c

Brotherhoods, in charity III-

593b; of Greek Ruthenian

Catholics VI-749b; medieval


Brothers, Lay. .See Lay Broth-

— religious, address I-13Sd

—Richard Vll-7(12d

BROTHERS HOSPITALLERS OF ST. JOHN OF GOD II- S02b; VII-4S3a: XII-75Sa; 76Ic; statistics II-802d; vows XI 1-4. 52a

— of Penitence. See Fratres Saccati

— of Prayer. See Twelve Broth- ers of Praver

—of St. Alexius. See Alexians

— of St. Barnabas. .See .\postles of the Poor Life

— of Santa Maria of Evora. See Aviz. Order of

— of the Christian Schools. .See Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools

— of the Militia of Christ. .See Knights of the Sword

—of the WiU of God. See Wil- fridians

Brother Sock. .See Conrad of Brunilelsheiin

Brou, church II-H.5d

Broue, Pierre de la. Bishop of Mirepoix I-n.5b: IV-96d

Brouet, Paschase, missionary XIII-402d: in Ireland VII- fi43a; .XIV-92d; and St. Igna- tius Loyola VII-r)41a; XIV- S4c

Brougham, Henry Peter, on Bourdaloue II-71Sa; Queen Caroline II-60a; on Greenough V. Gaskell XIII-6S7d; on Plun- ket XII-170c; and Newman X-800C

—John, actor VIII-142b


Brouillet, J. A. B., Vicar General of Walla-Walla, and Blanchet II-594a; XIII-666c; and Ew- ing VII-745C; and Bishop Junger XIII-666d; in Oregon XI-291a; among Sahaptin In- dians XIII-327a; in San Fran- cisco XIII-440C

— Nicolle de Moet de. See Moet de Brouillet

Brouillettes. .Sec Druillettcs

Broun, Gilbert, abbot X-779c

Broussa, Diocese of, Assump- tionist institutions II-10.5c; Catholic population I-791C

Broussais, Francois-Joseph-Vic- tor, physician X-1.39d

Brousse, Jacques VIII-53lc

Brousseau, M. J. O., founder XI- 361c; 699b

Brousson, Claude, preacher VII- .534d

Brouwer, Adrian, and Teniers XIV-.5l)7d (BROWERUS), CHRISTOPH



Brouwers, J. XI-681a

Brow, Sign of the Cross XIII- 7s6a

Browers, Theodore, in Pittsburg XII-121C

Brown, Aaron Venable, governor XIV-.5t19d

— David, commentator IV-162C

—Edward O. IV-2.50d

— Elmer Ellsworth, on Jesuit edu- cation Xn-tj55c

— Francis, on Hebrew metre XII- .54 Ic

— Frederick, and Beardslev II- 3fi3d

— George, Benedictine III-3.57a; VIHti7d

— George Hilary, Bishop of Liver- pool IX-314C; XIII-39fld; and Goss VI-fi«3b

— Henry Kirk, sculptor XIII- 647c

— Jacob, major III-3C

—James V-47Sb

— James, Bishop of Shrewsbury XIII-7.59d

— John, abolitionist XV-171b; 456c

—John, physician X-133d

—Margaret II-703C

—Maurice, in Dubuque V-180d

— Robert, botanist V-421b

—Robert, Puritan IV-239d; XII- 5Slc

—Thomas, bishop XI-122b; XIII-102C

— Thomas, philosopher, and Asso- ciationism XII-32c; 33a; on causality III-465b ; on common sense IV-167c; on sensualism XII-2Sd

— Thomas Joseph, Bishop of Ncw|)ort and Menevia XI-18b; and Newman X-798C

—WILLIAM, admiral II-804a; XV-232a

— William, martyr V-476c

— William Henry, President of llshaw XV-234a

Browne, A. J. .See Bourne, Ansel

— Antony, and Battle Abbey II- 350c


—Francis, and Brinkley II-788C

— George, Anglican Archbishop of Dublin I-322a; V-175a; VIII-102b

—Henry XI-682c

—Horace A., colonel III-<i84b

— Humphrey, martyr V-478b

— James, Bishop of' Ferns VI-46C

— Robert, Bishop of Cloyne IV- 72d

— Sir Thomas V-465c

—William, poet V-464d

— WiUiam Hand IX-757c

Brownel, Thomas, martyr V- 47Sb

Brownell College, Omaha X-730b

Browning, Elizaheth Barrett V- 46tic

—Robert, V-4(i9c; on Agricola I-507a; on Dante I\'-632c; and Patmore XI -.547a

— ruling \'ll-74d

Brownists IV -239d: XI-9ria

Brownlee, WiUiam, and Brccken- ridge XI-2."ic

Brownlow, William Gaimaway, governor XIV-510a; on the Union XIV-.509d

— William Robert, Bishop of Clifton IV-5.Sd; and De Lisle IV-699a; and De Rossi IV- 741a; and Northcote XI-lUc; Roma Sottcrrauea III-518a; 707b

Brownrigg, Abraham, Bishop of Ossory XI-:i44b

Brown-Sequard, Charles-Edou- ard, phv.siologist VII-254d; X- 138a; 13Sd

Brownson, Henry F., lawyer IV- 250a; 250b; on Cuniminga IV- 567d

—ORESTES AUGUSTUS III- la; XI-693C; 694c; on Burnett III-83d; conversion II-706c: and Cumniings IV-567d; on,in..- \ni-6S0b; la- bour ... -- Ill-lb; on ont..l.... I.I \l .7c; philo- Boplie ii I. I I, II. J lll-3a;por- trait 111 Ja, i. Unions views Ill-la; on .Spiritualism XIV- 230a; on state education XIII-.583d


Brownson's Quarterly Review III-2b

Brownsville, town. Texas ni-3c; battle nsc,.-,) XIV .54fid

—VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF ni-3b: Xl\ .5i:ic: X\ 1 soa: andCrpus Cliristi. DioieM- „f XVI-:(.5a; Polish population (1907) XII-211C

Brown University II-280a; IV- llllc; Xlll-22d; XV-196d; medical school I-461a

Broyer, Vicar Apostolic of Samoa XIII-121a: XIV-138a

Bru, Saint. .Se. Brieuc

Bruay, town, patron 1 11-21 la

Bruce, Alexander Balmain, com- mentator IV 161b; on St. Au- gustine n-llJ3b

— Augustine, Abbot of St. Jamci XV-721d

—Edward VII^84c; in Ireland Vlll-lOld

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.