Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/259

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Catholics I-382d; iy-215c: VI-74i->d; 748c; hands, imposi- tion of VII-698b; heretics 1- 45a; St.HUaryIV-218b; history IV-217a; holy oils VII-422b and impediment, matrimonial VII-897d; Innocent I. Pope IV-219a; insane VlII-42c; in- stitution IV-220a; XIII-299b; 299c; Ireland IV-221a; Jesus- Maria XIII-402C; Laodicea. CouncU of IV-21Sd; St^ Leo I IV-219a; Lingard IV-219C, Lutheranism IX-462b; AlU- 300c; matter IV-215d; minister IV-215d; XII-406b; 4I7c; Mozarabic Rite X-622b: names X-G75b; obligation IV-216b, 339d; Ordo Romanus Xl-28ob- Patristic teaching I\-217a. Plymouth Brethren XU-l'Ja, in Pontificale XII-23ld; among Protestants IV-222a; recipient IV-'16a- VI-426C; registers, parochial XII-721C; requisites XIV-586b; reticence regarding V-33a; rite IV-215c; Rome III-343a; Scholastic teaching IV-219d; Scripture IV-2I1D: sponsors IV-216C; symbolisni 3CIV-375a; Syrian Rite, East XIV-417b; TertulUan IV- 218a; XIV-522d; 5241; Theo- doret. Blessed IY-219b^ St. Thomas IV-216a; 220d; Trent, CoS^cif of IV-216d; XV-33a: United States IV-221d; as Viaticum XV-397C; Wa es IV- 221b; witnesses Xy~oU?' Worcester, Synod of IY-221C Confirmation in Faith, defect of

Vlll-173b .

Confirmatum est, canticle l-399a Confiscation, in I/eland I-112b, Porto Rico XII -29.3b; See Laicization; Monasteries, Sup- pression of . > .1-111 Confiscator (secularization) Xlll-

Confitemini Domino (Psalm cxvii) VII-472d; (Psalm cxxxv) XII-177C; 7S7a CONFITEOR IV-222C; Ambro- sian rite I-400d; breast, strik- ing of II-751a; Carmelite rite XIII -74a; Dominican rite XIlI-76b; and forgiveness of sins XIII -650c; genufiexion VI-424d; Sarum Lse XUl- 480a; Ser^-ite rite XIII-78a.

■ Sign of the Cross XIII-78oc; Viaticum XV-398d

Conflans, town, Bl. Madeleine Sophie Barafs tomb II-284b, Sacred Heart convent yl-b27a; VII-135a; Treaty of (146o) III-69C: IX-370C

Conforti, Adriana xni-463a

Conf. Pont., abbr. I-24a

Confractorium, in Ambrosian Rite I-4()2b; VI-7S0a

Confratemita della Morte, Rome

CONFRATERNITY IIV-223c; XIV-70b; affiliation I-692d; and Association, Pious ll-bO, definition XII-420a; in early Churchl-770a;erection,canon- ical I-692d; under Italian government VIII - 236b; of penitents XI-638a; poor, care of XII-239b; precedence Xll- 371d; purgatorial \?,<j' ".' ' ^.^ XII-572d ; scapular X II I-o09d ; Tnd sodalities XIV-120d; tax exemption III-441c; and third order XIV-637C , of Priests. .Sec Priests, Confra- ternities of . Confratres, Benedictine II-4o3d ConfrSrie de la Passion Vll-69a;

X-348d . ,

CONFUCIANISM IV-223d; I- 779b; XIV-279C; China III- 668b; XII -410b; Chung- yung IV-224d; and Christian civilization IV-227d; divina- tion IV-224d; doclnne IV- 225b; histon- IV-227c; Japan VIII-30.5d; "3nb; XII-410C; Li ki lV-224d; .Mencms X- 179a; poHtics lV-22ic; pun- ishment IV-22.5C; ntcs IV- 226c; Shao-king IV-224d: She-king IV-224d; statis- tics XIV-270b; 281d; and Tao-

ism XIV-447d; texts III-667d; IV-224C; virtue IV-225c; 22ba; Y-king IV-224d

Confucius IV-223d; XIMlOb; XIII-310d; birthplace 111- 604d; and Buddha III-29a; honours xni-37a; and Lao-tze III-66Sa; XIV-447a; binism XII-410b; Spring and Au- tumn Annals in-664c; wor- ship, Chinese XIII-37d; Tao- ism XIV-448b

Confutatio primatus pap» vii-

Co'ng'. Diocese of XV-81a; .\bbey XV-Sla; Abbey (ill) IV-facing

-fcr3Sid;Xni-19Mrfi IV-facing 532; inscription IV-

_^arW cross IV-66d; (Ul.) IV-

Congested Districts Board, Irish

vni-ii3c „ , ,

Congo, Belgian. See Congo Inde- pendent State

—Diocese of. See Angola and Congo

— French. St

— Portuguese


XVl-S2d; 1V-23.-.C — Association, International. Me International Congo-Associa-

> French Congo iSce Portuguese

— Germanica VII-3a — Immunitatis VII-692C Congregation, of Cambndge Uni- versitv III-212d; consistorial I-325C; general, in canoniza- tion process XIII-145a; gen- eral, of Society of Jesus XIV- 82c; of Oxford University 1- 75Sd; XI-366c; parochial I\ -


239c; .\ustralia II-118a; bap- tism II-264C; of Baptists II- 278d; Connecticut iy-2.i4d; Xl-617a; Illinois VII-e.i8a; India VII-72SC; Indiana \ II- 742b; Iroquois missions V'U- 170c; Louisiana IX-3S3b; Mas- sachusetts XI-616d; Nebraska X-733a; New England IV- 240a; New Hampshire X-789b ; XI-617b; North Carolina -Vl- 110c- Paris XI-491a; Persia XI-725b; and Presbytenanism XII-392d; Rhode Island XIU- 2b- Savoy Declaration IV- 240b; Sioux niissions XIV-19b; South Carohna XlV-lbOa; South Dakota XI V-162b; Ten- nessee XIV-510d; and Uni- tarian Controversy XV7l55d, Wales XV-537a; Washington XV-561d; women in ministry XV-696a ,. „. u

Congregational Methodist Church X-41b; coloured X-241C

—SINGING IV-241b; women

— U^on of England and Wales IV-240d .

Congregations, Rehgious Xll- 757b. See Religious Life

—Roman. See Roman Congrega- tions , -.,

—Secular. See Secular Congrega- tions „ „

—of State. See State, Congrega- tions of



228b ^ ,.

—Church in IV-234d; evangeliza- tion XIV-660b; patroness XI- 566b- Premonstratensian Ab- bey XII-390C; vicariate cre- ated IV-235d; map I-facing

— Jlimate IV-231c; commerce IV-229d; 232a; customs IV- "-^r«^^^" C^g^o.^nego«Urituum

9Slr- fetishism VI-55b urieuuiiniiiJ w«mii<!.

23 Ic; fetishism VI-55b

_30graphy IV-231b; Congo, ITpper XVI-82d; exploration IV-228b; Kassai VIII-609a; Katanga XVI-68C; Kivni XVI- 84b: Kwango VIII-711d, Rla- tadi XVI-68d; Stanley Falls XIV-247b; Ubanghi XV-115a; Welle XV-579d; XVI-69C —History: annexation treaty IV-230d; arbitration lV-2JUa, and Belgium IV-23pc; Berlin Act IV-229a; Brussels Act IV- 230a; cannibalism IV-236C; founded iy-22Sb; "d France IV-230b; Leopold II iy-232d, natives, treatment of IV-234a . neutrality IV-229C; slave trade IV-230b; Stanley IV-22Sd; treaties IV-229C — language IV-231d -Leuislation IV-232d; conscrip- tion IV-233C; courts IV-232d; Domaine de la Couronne IV- 233b; Domaine National IV- 233b; domanial Pohcy IV- 233a; fiscal system iy-233b, postal conventions lV-23Ua; taxes IV-233C; Terres Domani- ales IV-233b; worship, freedom ofIV-230a ^ ^

-Missions IV-234d; Capuchin III-324d; Carli III-349a: Car- melite III-362a; Cav-azzi III- 468c; Franciscan VI-293C; Jes- uit IV-441d; VI-450d; XIV- 103c; modern IV-235a; Prot- estant I- 187c; IV-236b: Sw-ed- ish Protestant XIV-350b; Re- demptorists XII-686a; Scheut- vcld. Congregation of Vll- 167d; statistics IV-237a —minerals IV-231d; polygamy IV-236C; population IV-231d; , products IV-231C; religion, na- tive IV-236C — Reform Association l\ -233d Congregaciones Marianas. See

Virgin Mary. Sod,ality of Congregatio I lOd — DE AUXILHS IV-238b; Alvar- ez l-:;7:-;d; I'..U:irmine II-412c; liiijju II il't^b; censure, pro- iicl ..f Il-l'iJb; Coronel IV- 3S6c; Lemos lX-148b; Molina VI-712b; X-436b; on predes- tination XIV-701d

^jrienuiiiuu* »»• tj^,~

— Sancti Ambrosii ad Nemus

See Ambroaian Brothers Congress, of United States XV- 164b ; Catholics XV-559b ; chap- lain II-800a; immigrants .\- 296b; Mass, attendance at V- 183c; and itemperance move- ment XIV-491a; Thanksgiving Dav XIV-556a; Washington "haner abolished XV-558C —Library of, Washington, U. o. ci^"GR^SSEif.CATHOLIC IV-242a; Argentina 1V--4JD, Australia IV-250d; . Austna IV-244C; 249a; Belgium IV- 243a; 249b: Cercles d'ouvriers cathiliques IV-^3c; Charit- able Societies, Unioii of IV 247d: Comit^scathohquesIV- 243d Denmark IV-244c; 248c-, Detroit II-234d; development IV-244b; educational lV-24/a, 248c; Ems V-409b; England IV-249c; Eucharistic lV--'4 la. V-592d; France IV-243b; 24od; Germany IV-242b; 24/b; XII- 139d; history iy-242b. Hoi land IV-249b;. Hungary IV- 249b; International lV-^440, Italv IV-244d; Jeanne d Arc Federation IV-247a; J.eunesse catholique IV-246a; Lmz IX- 274d; Munst«r XV-<54D, na- tional IV-245d: psnabr^ck XIV-270C; 274c; poh '^"l IV-- 246c; 248c; religious iy-245a. SiUon IV-240b; social IV-- 247d; sociological , IV-24ha. Spain IV-249b; XIV-189d, Switzerland IV-248d; temper- ance XIV-485d; United Catli- olic Workingmen s Lnion IV- 248a; United States IV-249d, Uru^ay XV-231d; Vienna (18.53) XV-754a; Vienna (190.5) XII-139d; Volksverein I\ - 244b; women's movement iv-

-Eucharistic. See Eucharistic

Congresses „

—Peace. See Peace Congresses Congresso, of, K??}"", 52"P-S^^:

Congress Poland XII-lS2a Congreve, Richard V- 169b — Wilham, Pi.sitivist Xll-33d CONGRUA IV-251b; of parish priest XI-500a; in Portugal XII-305C; See Stipend CONGRUISM IV-251d; Bellar- mine IV-252a; Determmists IV-252b; free will and grace XIV-585d; Jansenist theory iv-252b; and Molinism IV- 252b; X-140b; and predestina- tion XIV-701d; Su4rez' teach- ing IV-252C; XIV-319d; sys- tem VI-713a ^ , , Congus, Archbishop of Armagh

I-730a Coni. SceCuneo. Conibo Indians I-681a; XI-444d,

XIII-470d; 73Sc; XIV-24d Conicari. mission XIV-13a;14ob CONIMBRICENSES iy-252d CONINCK, GILES DE IV-2o3b;

.\I\-.y,ltc; W)7b .

— Oeter de, Flemish patriot 111-

5c: VI-9.1C Conjuration. .See Occult Art_ Conkling, Roscoe, lawyei

Conian, Joseph John. See Chry-

sostom. Brother Conleth, Saint, Bishop of Kildare

lI-7S4d; IV-94C; VIII-637a;

638c . . » T,r

Conlon, James, pioneer priest IV-

Comny, John, Bishop of Killala Vlll-IUlb , ,■ t

Conn George, Vicar Apostolic ot Kilcbn.l X-564C; XIV-92a; XV-21'Jc . ,

Connaissance des temps, period- ical XII-73d . ^ Connary's Field. .See Achonry Connaught, evangelized Xl-oooc, invasion Athenry ll-43a: residence XII-656d; transplan- tation to I-112b: 113a —Jean de. See Saxe, Jean de

(Counnout) „ .

CONNECTICUT IV-253c: A. PA" I-426d; area IV-2o3c, Baptists II-279d; Bohemians II-621a; charities IV-256cj charters XV-105b: colonial charter IV-254a; Congrega- tionalism IV-254d; Constitu- tion adopted IV-254b; corpo- rations, ecclesiastical iy-<!Ooa, education IV-256d; emigration IV-254C: French .\niericans VI-273a; French Canadians VI-273d: French societies \ I- 276b; Greek Catholics \I- 747b; history, early VII-144a, Hungarians VII-545d; Irish VIII-136a; liquor traffic^laws XIV-491a;


■il 1-iv

617b 6111).



version of

-^Tnri-123d:'xiil-137aTc;n. sistorv XIII-139C: 140a; Holy Office XIII-137d

Cathoho.vl--....-.,.. , IV-254a: religious VO^ IV-- 254d; Ruthenian Greek Gatn- olics VI-74Sa: seal (ill.) IV- 253d; settlers IV-253d: slavery abolished XV-169b; Slovaks XIV-55C: statistics iy-25ib. XV-176a; tax exemption IV- 256a: temperance movement. Catholic XIV-491b: women 3 status XV-696b: worship, free- dom of IV-2.55a —Catholic, periodical \II-145c,

-RisMve^, in Ohio iy-254a Connell, John XI-21b ConneUan, Thaddeus, the Bible XV-:l73d Connelly, Cornelia, founder Vll-

Connemara, Kingdom of XV- Conney, Bernard, martyr VIII- CoilStr, Hyacinth, Dominican Con" of'^^he Hundred Battles

vni-99a; 120a . . ConnoUy, John, physician VUl-

-JOHN, Bishop of New York IV-2.57d: in Brooklyn II- 799c; on Irish in Unitca States VIII-135a: portrait Xl-22a

^^^I^IiTmeral iodicatea volume: arabic7page; a, h^C d, quarter of page.