Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/341

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Florentius, Saint, Bishop of Ca-

hors lll-141b „, ... —Bishop of Chius. 1117621a —Bishop of V-<44b —Saint, Bishop of Pesaro XI-

^Biilop'of" Teneclos XIV-506d --Bishop of Utrecht^ \II-.00a —Saint, Bishop of \ lenne Ml — Georgius. Sec Gregory of Floreria, archive, Vatican XV-

Flores, missionary XIV-722C Flores Luis, martyr IV-IU^O Flofel. Maiuel Maria, writer

-vi^nclo? President of Uru-

-Kn^a^lilatthew of West- minster) XV-597d; (Roger of Wendover) IX-126b, Xlll

-Serlphici (d\\remberg) I-700<i;

III-335C .

Floresta, Diocese of x\l-^oa Flores Temporum, chronicle \ 11-


VlI-2N5b; XlV-2UUa, r^s pafla Sagrada IIl-243a; works

Floriallnses S« Fl°"?°.?, Floriacum (Fleury) y-lO-'^.o,.. Florian, Saint, martyr Il-Ulc,

-ArVblJhup of Aries Xy^jSa —Saint, Bishop of Chur lU-



|!i|;yi^B£»opof.esi -a Siniia,*Bi3hop of Siena XIII-

culture VI-1 16a: area \\-\Y^: Catholic population vl-llJf. church in Vl-Uia; in Oi\il War VI-ll"a; commerce and SustriesVI-116b;DeSotos exploration iy-/o3d, dioceses VI-llSc; divisions \l-lloc. divorce VI-120C: ecclesiastical organisation II-232b; educa- tion VI-UVc; Franciscans VI- 300a; French Americans VI- 273a; geography Vl-Ufb. t;". dillo expedition of ll-l"-":, hiswry Vl-116b; holidays, legal Vl-120b; Huguenot settlement

T .i.K. TnMinn misSlODS ID A-

Florin, coin XI-154d; (ill.) XI- facing 152; value X-335C

Henry, version of the BiDle

Florin^l: Gnostic XV-408d; and St. Irenajus VI-oOlc, All

Floris V, Count of Holland VII-

lOSd —Adrian IX-393b — Frans IV-llb ,

—of Wevelinkhofen, Bishop ot

Utrecht XV-246b .

Florissant, mission, Missouri A-

Floius^ (Flour), Saint, Bishop of Lodeve X-546b; 54hd; XIII- 34 7d

—Jeremiah, Prefect Apostolic of

New Holland II-115d; VIII- _Th?mas Xl-lla; XIII-358a Fly-Sheets, Methodist X-^A'JO Fo, legend XIl-89d Foalan, Saint. See Foillan Fochaber, Augustine DuSus de.

Abbot of St. James XV-(21(1 Foeddog, Saint, Bishop of Ferns.

See Maedoc. Saint Foederis Area, title I-'-24c Foedus Ottonianum, in Bamberg

II-24r,b Foelan, Saint. .S'fe Ipillan Foesius, Anutius, physician A-

129b Foeticide Vlll-ld FcEtus, animatiou of \ 111-1/ ic,

death of I-16d; 49d-

FLORHS, deacon of Lyons \ I I-16d; 49d-

Eriugena V-520c; as liturgist VI l-oa^<o:i _ ^ _._^ ^,_^^

YII_7SK»: XIII-72a; martyr-

Eriugena V-a;:uc; aa n^u.^..,. XII-7S8a; XIII-72a; martyr ^i^ 1X-741C; XV-235b; on Mass IX-792a; poem X-bl4b — Gessius, procurator ot Juclca \7iTi-sr,nh: .lews, treatment ot

I_414b; Indian missions --- 3S4b; Indian "?d'5'.<>° "" foci institutions }\:}^^A^.rZ: liquor, sale of \ I-120d,. mar riage laws VI-120c;.missionary efforts Vl-USb; missions VI- !X o-h^V^-mb name. fe^^Catilr^gl^^cUng^n-ind; negro population (190U) All ?XS. '_„:, r'„.v,n o denomine

tions VI-U9a; Oglethorpe VI- ^Ub; physical characteristics VI-ll.^c; Ponce de L«on XII 22Sc- population Nl-ll<a.


iffiT.atYo-n^a^^^cti^t^V?^ 120a; resources VI-116a; seal

Sii:Ull^;^l^™= -Ff 5^rvi7'3?i; uS

Indians Alv '*»»■, yv-

Stalcs acquires xl:'/.^-. 3;,^.

166d ; univcr.,ity V I-l 1 1 d , B«n

op Verot J'^-'oSc -Vicariate ApostoUc of II-233C Floridablanca, minister Aiv

Florldius. Bishop of Segorbe XllI i.'<4b , ., of T.irazona XIV -4n.c FLORILEGIA \ 1 '-l* . „ „, Fforimonte Galeazzo. Bjshop of S«(sa-Aurunca XUl-.ji^a

-Gessius, procuraioi 01 «^-~-^.-

VIII-350b; Jews, treatment ot

XV-380a ,.„-.„

FIosculus, name X-t)<4a —Saint. See Flou Flos Mariae, abbey VI -105b — mundi V-74b Flotard. Carbonarist 111-3J1D Flotation. Galileo's discoveries

VI-343b Flotilda, Saint XII--29C Flotner, Peter, medallist XI 15Sc; silver groschen (ill.) XI-

Flou^'^Saint, Bishop of Orleans

XI-318d Flour, Saint. See Florus St. —adulteration of 1-163?. i;"" charistic use I-349d; y-584d: iSty. offering I-349c; m sacri- fice XIII-314C „. Floiiens, M^^^^ J^^»° P'*"^' FtoSy,°Theodore, psychologist T-278a; XIV-223a; on telep- athy XIV-476C Flovier, Saint XV ^b ,, .__^. Flower, Richard, martyr V-4<i)a,

— -Wiriiam, Venerable. .See Way,

William , . , . . ,.tt

—William Henry, biologist Xii-

Flower-Girl (Verrocchio) XV-

Flower of the field, in Bible XII-

l.i3c , ,

Flower-Pots, for sanctuarj 1-

Flowlrs, in advent I-l«6a: altar

I-3.57a; in Buddhism lu-iiia

—Feast of, in Armeman Church

—5 Saint Francis. See Fioretti Floxel, Saint IV-156a Flovd. family. Maryland II-229b -Benjamin' Rush, conversion XV-157d . ..„

—George Rogers, conversion XV-

— John. Governor of Virginia.

conversion Xy^57d JOHN, missionary \l-l.!^c.

ll-230b — Letitia Preston, conversion

-Rilh^'d.* Sec Flower, Richard — WiUiam Preston, conversion XV-4."i7d . . ,. ,,,.K

Floyer. John, physician X-13bb Fluchformular \Il7<02b Fluck.homilotic writer \II-44,a

Flud. John. "^'S ^'nyf Jo^" .„,

Fludd, Richard. See Flower.

Kiihard . . ■.-ri_AnH-

—Robert, physician Xll-buo. and ast'rologyIl-23b; Paracel- sus, doctrine of V Il-60oa

Flue, NichoUs of. See Nicholas of Flue

Fliirscheim, on single tax I-228b

Flushing, Long Isla-J^^St. Joseph,

Fliite II-.".Ma: ,\-ti57a . Fluttuani. Accademia dei, found-

Flv in I'.itili- I-522d; god of I- M:ia; ll-:i88d; 389b; plague X'll-U3c Flving Dutchman, legend lA-iii'a Flynn. Denis J. X-605d

Fogarthy, Dr., and Popish Plot XI-174C . , , -..,

Fogarty, Michael, Bishop of Kil- laloc VlllH,42c .

Fogazzaro, Antomo, novelist

Foggia.iio^. Italy VIII-222a; battle (1254) VIII-18a; XV-

— DIOCESE OF VI-123b; con- vent I-336d Foggini. tomb ot Gahleo (ill.)

FogUani, Giuseppe Maria, Bishop

of Mod<-na.X-4Ub;4ir,a Fogliano, Martini s portrait ot

IX-731a . ,

Foglio per la Donne, periodical,

Italy XI-683b FogoUa, Francisco, martj-r 111-

(i71c; 74Sa • -• , v

Foi CathoUque. periodical A-


—Philip, missionary lV-56a -R., writer VlU-124a —Thomas, Bishop of Chicago 11-

231c; lll-655a; IV-760a Folgoet, Notre Dame de. See

Notre Dame de Folgoet Folgueras Sion, Bishop ot len-

eriffe XIV-507b FoUgno, Angela of. Blessed. See

Angela of Foligno, Blessed -DIOCESE OF V 1-1 24d; altar

nieop I -37 la; cathedral v 1-


convent of I-585d; Poor Clares

—Gentile da, and Angelo da

Clareno yl-245d — Niccoia da, painter XV -2830 —Madonna (Raphael) XII-643b,

Foli'o'tfGUbert. See Gilbert Foliot —Hugh, Bishop of Hereford Vll-

— Robert, Bishop of Hereford

VII-255d ^ , ^ . Folkbert. See Folchert Folke, Archbishop of Upsala XV-

420b Foidilmid IX-335d Foigny, monastery 11-499D Foila, Saint VI-374a Foiled Arch. ^'<;SSo(M.)l-^m FOILLAN, SAINT VI-123c; 325b- XV-434C; Fosses, mon- astery of X-6S0a; Nivelles, monastery VI-533d Foissac. Dr., and magnetism V 11-

Foix de, cardinal. Archbishop of Arlos Il-lliOa

College de, Toulouse, founda- tion XlV-796b

—Council of (1226) XI-436b

—Counts de. Sovereigns of An- dorra XV-223d „ J i„

—Francois de. See Candale. Francois de Foix. Count of

—Gaston de, at Ravenna XI-

— M. de. See Caulet. FranQOis-

Eticnne — Paulde XIV-7q6c —Pierre de, cardinal, at Com- minges XIV-796d: at DexXV I- 32c;at Vannes XV-271C -Pierre de. Bishop of Tarbea XIV-4.53C . ,t f

—Suzanne de. Belsunce s hfe ol

II-425b Fo-kiao Ill-OfiSc Folcacchieri, Folcacchiero de ,

poet Vlll-246d Folcant, Bernardo, Bishop ol

Pamnlcna XI-»3Sb Folcard. monk, on St. Botulph

II-71I9C ,. ,

Folch, Francisco Sohs, cardinal

X11I-74UC Folchert. and St. Lcbwin IX-

10(>d Folc-land VI-60b , ^ , , ... Folcuin, Abbot of Lobbes lA- 31Sb; on bells II^22d

of Saint Bertin, annals 1-53BD


VIIl-25(lb; IX-l;12d Folere, Andrew, .Minim X-32.>d Foley, Daniel, in Baltimore 11-

231c —HENRY XVI-tla — Honora Xll--^^c -James XIH I'l.a; XV -240b -John Henry, .sculptor \I - fil7a- Vtkin.T'n s life ot ll-olO —John' Samuel, Hisliop of De-

troii I1-231C; lV--6l)a; 2.50a —Maurice Patrick, Bishop of

Tuguegarao XV-86a —Michael, writer V 111-1241)


Folkething, Danish nr'Y'\-,v! Folkevennen, periodical AlV

Folk-law, Danish ly-??,^^ Folkmar, crusader l\-o4bb —Bishop of Paderborn Xl73S4a Folk-song, as Church music A

Folkunger, chronicle Xiy-354d Folkvang, in Scandmavian my-

tholoio- I-775b Follen, Carl V 1-4 /6b FoUes Avomes X-192C FoUia, periodical. Italy XI-685b Pnllis tax IX-644C FoUowing of Christ. See Imita-

tion of Christ „ . ,

Folm«, Provost of Trie enstem

and adoptionism I-lolb. tjer

hoh on VI-472C -Archbishop of Trier XV-212a Folrad of St. Dems, and Pope

Zachary XV'-744d Folz, Hais, draiimtist Vl-S^O^g


tin, lawyer VI-o2b Fonck, Johann I->14d — L., Jind Breviary reform XV I

— MMtin WUhelm, Vicar General


work of VI-.5l)4a; Giorgione,

work of VI-50,5a ,

Fonda dela Caridad. founded

Fonrdil"Lac. Canada, mission

— du Lac. Wisconsin, Carmel- ite convent 111-3650; Van den Brock at XV-269C

Fondi. insurrection (13i») av

FondJfper U Culto yill-236a -Piadoso de las Californias. See Pious Fund ot the Californias Pons canonum y-74d

Salutio. -S"' Ik'ilbronn

Fons'e"ca, /Egidius a^, P'f^ff »- -&"nV'-drX^hKlof

?"'\-n'tveVsty'o;x"miS _ffiiio.""BCC o°f Jesi Vm-

-cllfege of XIII-460b .

-Deodo" da, President of Brazil -Dieglf'de. Bishop of Orense

_Gasp« do Re,8» ■>»- "'"'P "' -Gfovlnnt Bishop of Casf^llam-

nnre dl Stidiia 111-4080

— Joao Vicente da. Archbishop of -Jos'e^Maria^d"' Bishop of _VosfeR^Ei'RO DA VI-125d -juan Francesco de. Bishop of

I'-,lciicKi .\l-41Sb Z["?s^°nM-.""ar"xin-7G6a — PFDRO DA. theologian VI-

ll^wf XIV-702d; and Molina
