Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/388

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Guerrero, Manuel Amador, presi- dent XI-439a — Pedro, Archbishop of Granada

VI-723d; theologian XIII-

78Sd — Vincente X-266b Guerre Sociale, periodical XIV-

67c Guerric, Blessed, Abbot of Igny

Xn-729d Guerriere, friKate X-SOSc Guerriero, Nicolas, Bishop of

Scala, and St. Alphonso I-336b Guerrini, on Rule of St. Francis

XIV-tV41d Guertin, George Albert, Bishop of

Manchester IX-5S5C; X-788b Guesclin, Bertrand du IXI-692b;

VI-lGSd; XV-214d Guesde, Jules, socialist XIV-

64d; 67b Gueslis, Francois Vaillant de.

See Vaillant de Gueslis Guesnie, Claude IV-634a Guesnoveus, abbot XII-612a Guessmann, scientist VI-452d Guest, socialist XIV-67C Guetee, Abbe XIV-228C Guettard, and Lavoisier IX-52b Gueux, party I-371a; n-401d;

X-114a; 760d — de mer. See Water -Beggars — des bois.. See Land-beggars Guevara, Antonio de, Bishop of

Mondonedo X-177d; XIII-

459b; XIV-199d — John of. See John of Guevara — Miguel de, missionary VII-

285b — y Lira, Silvestre, Archbishop

XV-330C Guevavi, San Miguel de, mission

XlV-tjlb —San Xavier del Bac XIII-164b Guevroc, Saint, Archbishop of

Uon XII-612C Guez de Balzac, Jean-Louis.

See Balzac Guezac, Notre-Dame de. See

Notrc-Danic de Guezac GiJGLER, JOSEPH HEINRICH

ALOYSIUS Vll-iiOd Guglielmini, Domenico, engineer


61c; XV-1S.5C Guglielmo. See William GuglietO, monastery XV-640a Guguin, Robert VI-34a Gugumatz, deity XII-604b Gui. SeeGuido;Guy Guia eclesiastica de Argentina,

publication XI-476a GUIANA VII-62a; aborigines I-

410a; language I-411C — Exploration VII-62b; Charles

Waterton XV-567b — Geography VII-62a; missions

I-681C — ^British VII-62d; boundary dis- pute XV-177b; Jesuit missions

(1912) XIV-103d; St. Vincent

de Paul Society XIII-390C;

vicariate .Apostolic VII-62d — Diocese of, Venezuela XII-

292d; XV-330a; 333b. See

St. Thomas of Guiana — Dutch VII-63a; Donders in

V-129d — French VII-63b; 63a; aborig- ines III-34Sb; colonization I-

414b; II-30Sb: Mother Ja-

vouhey in VI-176d; VIII-

326a; settlement VII-62b Guibaud, John, martyr X-362c Guibault, Pere, missionary IX-

HS9d Guibert, Saint VIII-16d; founda- tion Vl-.l()7d — Chancellor of Germany, at

Basle Assembly Ill-128d — Joseph-Hippolyte, Archbishop

of Paris .XH84d; Tours XV-

2d; Vatican Council XV-SOiJb;

Viviers XV-494a — de Nogent, chronicler IV-545d:

VI-.WOc; 625d; VII-146b;

XIV-132a; Carthusians III-

1.5b; 3S.Sb — of Parma, Imperial Chancellor

XI -.5.5b —OF RAVENNA, nntipope VII-

63b; I-.5S2b; II-4S1C; III-(Wc:

VH91)d; 794d; VII-231C;

Vlll-SCa; XH-274a; 606d; and

St. Anaclm of Lucca I-550d:


and St. Benno II-481c: con- demned II-144C; excommuni- cated II-478b; XV-210C; and Henry IV VII-73d; 231c; and Otho of Lagery XV-210a Guibord Case, Montreal III-509b GmcClARDINI, FRANCESCO VII-64b; VIII-250a; on Alex- ander VI I-2S9c; portrait VII- 64d ■ — Luigi, historian X-760a — Piero di Jacopo VII-64b; por- trait by Filippino Lippi IX- 277 Guichard, Abbot of Pontigny

XII-233d — Bishop of Troyes XI-S9c — Francois-Mathurin, Vicar .Apos- tolic of Kwei-chou III-67Sb; VIII-714b Guichart, Vincent, missionary X-

3S0d Guichet, Cartlmsian III-389b Guida dell' Educatore, periodical

in-:il2c Guidalotti, Benedetto XI-737b Guidarelli, Guidarello XII-665b Gui de Ponthiev, Bishop of

Amiens XI-105b Guides sociaux, periodical XI-

677d Guidetti, editor V-27a Guidi, Alessandro, poet VIII-

251b — Guide, anatomist X-130a — John Baptist, Apostolic dele- gate, Philippines IX-59Sc — p., hagiographer VII-107C — Tommaso. See Masaccio Guidiani, Amata de IX-<3.5a Guidiccioni, Alessandro, Bishop

of Lucca IV-o3a — Bartolommeo, cardinal, in

Lucca IX-406b — Giacomo, Bishop of Fossom-

brone VI-155a — Giovanni, poet VIII-250b — Laura, in Lucca IX-406a Guido, Count of Monteleltro X- 52Sd; and Boniface VIII XV- 221d; and Honorius IV VII- 460b —Duke of Sorrento XIV-151c —I, Duke of Spoleto XIV-233b; 262a; as Roman Emperor VI- 140a; 140c — H, Duke of Spoleto and Cam-

erino XIV-233b —III, Duke of Spoleto XIV-289c — Saint, Bishop of Acqui I-llOc — Bishop of Arezzo II-504C —Bishop of Assisi IV-223b —Abbot of Cherlieu XII-145d —Abbot of Farfa V-786b — .\bbot of Lindores IX-270a — Archbishop of Milan I-286b;

X-300d; XI-55C — Bishop of Nusco XI-171b — Bishop of Osnabriick, and

Henry IV VIII-86C — cardinal. Bishop of Palestrina

VIII-14b — Bishop of Parma XI-506a — Bishop of Piacenza XII-70d — n, .Archbishop of Reims. See

Paray, Cardinal Gui de — nl. Archbishop of Reims XII-

730b — Bishop of Sarsina XIII-478d — Bishop of Teramo XIV-514C —Bishop of Tortona XIV-785b — .Archbishop of Vienne, and

Henry V VII-232d — Aretinus. See Guido of Arezzo —da Pisa, on Dante IV-632a — de Baysio. .Sep Baysio, Guido

de — de Pare, Blessed, Bishop of

Palestrina XI-421C — ^Le Gros. See Clement IV Guidon, Saint, of Anderlecht X-

104b — periodical IX-585b — de la Mar IX-73d Guidonis, Bernard. See Bernard

Guidonis GUIDO OF AREZZO VII 65a; I-7(l2b; II lt;2a; .\V--241b; :it Holv ll.r.iiilMKc 111 •.'0.5a; Mantua i]),pate I.\-612d; on Neuma X-765C; notation 1- 579a — of Bazoches, hymnodist \'II-

603c — of Burgundy. See Callistus II — of Crema. See Paschal III

—of Ferrara VIII-86d

— of Ivrea, as hymnodist VII-

603a — of Mirepoiz, Franciscan XIV-

231d — of Siena, painter XI-398a — Reni. See Reni, Guido — See Guy Guidotti, Antonio, Bishop of Con-

versano IV-346C Guienne XII— 4c Guiffroy. See Guifredus Guifredus of Cerdagne, .Arch- bishop of Narbonne Ill-331d Guignard, Jean, death XIV-,S9b Guignas, Michel (Louis-Ignace),

missionary IX-769d; X-328b;

388a; 389b; XIII-367c; XIV-

18c Guignerus, Saint. See Eguiner Guigneus, Saint, at school of

Aran I-677c Guignolee Collection, Canada

XII-241d Guignoni, Clemente, Friar Minor

VI-2S6d Guigo de Castro. See Guigues du

Chastel Guigues, Joseph-Eugene-Bruno,

Bishop of Ottawa XI-352b — DU CHASTEL VII-66a; II-

501c; UI-38SC; 391a Guiguinto, parish IX-59Sd Guigyes, battle (1814) X-698C Guijarro, Antonio y Aparisi. See

Aparisi y Guijarro, Antonio Guijeno, Juan Martinez. See

Siliceo, Juan .Martinez GUIJON, ANDRE VII-66b — Hugues V11-66C — Jacques VII-66C —Jean VH-66b Guijosa, Jose, missionary III-

178a Guilbert, E. H., Friar Minor

XIV-644C — Thibault VIII-559d GuUdhaU, London (Ul.) IX-350b;

rebuilt IX-343C GUILDS VII-66C — in England: and bachelorship

I-757a; burial III-7Sb; chantry

chapel III-577d; charities

III-599b; craft VII-67C; edu- cation I-509d; VII-66C; XIII-

556b; Hansa VII-70c: London

IX-346d; merchant Vn-67a " — in Flanders and France VII-

67d -^n Germany VI^93b; VII-69b;

Metz X-247C — in Italy VII-71a; literature

VI-520a; XIV-560c; medieval

II-2b; merchant VII-68c;

poor, care of XII-239b; pray- ers for the dead XII-572d:

Rome, ancient I-587b — in Spain VII-72a; universities

I-757d; women XV-691b Guilford, Lord, founder III-720C — Court House, battle (1781) XI-

109b Guilhermy, de, priest X-192C Guillard, Louis, and Clichtove

IV-5Sa Guillaume. See William Guillehno. See William Guillelmotti, cardinal, historian

XII-369b Guillem, Saint, Duke of .Aqui-

tainc, founder X-546C Guillemard, at Convocation of

1845 XI-376C Guillemeau, Jacques, accoucheur

X-134d Guillemin, Prefect .Apostolic of

Kwang-tung VIII-713a Guillen, Juan Francisco, at Sara-

gossa XIII-470b Guillen. See William Guillerman, Vicar .Apostolic of

Southern Nvauza XV-413b Guillermi, Petrus. See Petrus




Guillet, Ambroise-Augustin III-

7S6c — Urbain I-36Sd; III-784C; 7S6c;

IX 19<1c Guillon, AUred (ill.) XI-477d - Laurent, Bi.sbop of Eumenin.

.Icalh 111-671C; lX-5S7a; 74Sb Guillonniere, de la 1V-243C Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace XII-

.5liSc Guillotine .XII-56Sc

Guillonx, Archbishop of Port-au- Prince XII-284C

Guilmant, Feliz-Alexandxe, com- poser XI-301C

Guilt, and vice XV-404a

Guilt-Offering XIII-314C

Guimaraens, Simao de IV-76d

Guimont, Louis, I-539d

Guinaccia, at SjTacuse XIV-395C

Guincestre, Cur6 of Saint-Gervais VII-78b; IX-99b

Guinea, chronicle XII-308a

— fetishes VI-56c

— missions, Franciscans VI-293c; missions, Protestant I-187c; 188a; monotheism IV-687a; negroes I-182d; ordeals VI- 57b; religion VI-54b

— French, Mohammedans in X- 426a; prefecture, map I-facing 180

— See Gaboon, Vicariate Apos- tolic of

Guinegate, battle (1479) III-70a; VHOSb: VII-222C

Guinevere, IcKon.l IX-123C

Guiney, James Rogers Vll-72b

—PATRICK ROBERT VII-72b; in Civil War VIII-140b

Guingalois, Saint. See Win- wallus. Saint

Guingamp, pardon XI-477c; shrine XIII-340d

Guinigi, Bernardino, in Lucca IX^06b

— Nicold, Bishop of Lucca IX- 406b

—Paolo, in Lucca IX^Ood

Guinizelli, Guido, poet VIII- 247a

Guinninus, Bishop of Vannes XV-271C

Guinnisse, Patrick, and Bishop Donnelly I-731d

Guioni, sculptor IV-732b

Guiot. See Kvot

Gui-pago, Kiowa chief VIII-660d

Guipunave, tribe IX-553C

Guipuzcoa, province, Spain XIV- 171c

Guipuzcoana, Compania, Cala- bozo, founded ni-I48a

Guiraud, Saint, Bishop of B^ziers .X-S46b

—Jean, editor XI-677c

Guisain, writer XIII-3S0b

Guisasola y Mendez, Bishop of Madrid IX-518d

Guisborough Priory, architecture VI-675a; founded X-286b

GUISCARD, ROBERT VII-72d; IX-14c; XlV-442c; at Aversa Il-lold; and Byzantine Em- pire Ill-llOd; and Constan- tino Africanus XIII-397b; donation I-lOlb; Durazzo V-209a; Foggia cathedral VI-123b; Gaeta VI-333b; Gi- sulfus III XIII-397a; and Gregory VII VI-793C: VII- 64a; XIV-263C: in Otranto XI-351d; at Reggio XII-717b; sacks Rome XIII-168d; Sa- lerno cathedral VIII-221d; XIII-396C; in Sicilv VII-73b; X-6S5b; XIII-775b; 775c; Tarentum XIV~450d; and Vic- tor III XV-410C

Guiscipocoche, deity XIV-473C

GUISE, HOUSE OF VII-74a; and Catherine de' Medici III- 443b; and Huguenots VII-531a

— Catherine-Mariede*. SeeMont- pensier, Catharine-Marie de* Lorraine, Duchesse de

— Charles de Lorraine, Cardinal of Vn-75c; on Michel L'Hop- ital IX-210b; at I'oissy I-795d; V-37a; portrait VII-76; at Reims XII-726C; at Reims, Synod of XII-730b: Reims. University of XII-72Sb; Saint Bartholomew Massacre XIII- 337b; 337c; St. Michael, Abbot of XV-352a; at Trent, Council of III-610d

— Charles de Lorraine, Cardinal de Vaudemoiit, Bishop of Ver- dun XV-351C

— Charles de Lorraine, fourth Duk.uf VII Slib

—Charles de Lorraine, Duke of

Mavi'tiiic Vll-7sd; and Char-

tres XIV-7li7b

— Claude de Lorraine, Duke of

VII-74b; 76c; 74d; and Bril,

Large type iudicatea titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.