Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/430

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Imam, in Mohammedaniam VIII- 190d; X-428b; XII-411a; XV- lOOd

Imamate IX-594b

Imans, definition XI-71Sd

Imar, Abbot of St. James XV- 721c; and St. Malachy I-730b

Imaro, Bishop of Tusculum, and Victor IV VI-244a

Imbecility XI-54ob: and insan- ity VIII-llc

Imbert» Doctor, on mystical mar- riage IX-703b; on stigmata XIV-295a

— Vicar Apostolic of Corea, mar- tyr III-671a; IV-302a

Imbetausius, Bishop of Reims XII-725b

Imbomon, Mount XI— 433a

IMBONATI, CARLO GrCT- SEPPE VII-U74b; and Barto- locci Il-31Sa

Imbramowice Abbey XII-391d

Imbriani, Erailio, jurist Xn-112c

Imbrisimovich, Luke, and Turks IV-512b

Imbros, at Kaunos lII-45Sd

Imbsen, Baroness von XIII-5S8d

Imerethia, Church of V1-754C

Imgrund, Hemy, and Nicholas of FKk XI-r,2d


Imhoff, Konrad XIV-311a

IMITATION OF CHRIST VII- G74d; XV-348d: Amort I- 433a; Arias 1-7 11a; asceticism XIV-618d; authorship XIV- 662c; Azarias II-I67c; Brewer II-778b; and Cajetan III- 145c; Chinese II-4S2c; Cor- neille's translation IV-374d; and Gerson VI-532d; andGon- nelieu VI-634c; and Gran- colas VI-724d; and Henry of Kalkar VII-236c; and Hilton VII-355d; and LaUemant VIII-762d; and Ludolph of Saxony IX^16b; and Spir- itual Exercises XIV-226b; and Thomas It Kempis XIII-300a; Welsh version XV-536d; and Werner II-129b

— of Our Lady (Arias) 1-7 11a

Imla. See Jemla

Imma. See Emma

Immacolata Concezione, Ponti- ficia Accademia della I-S7d

Immaculado Coragao de Maria, at Taubat6 XIV-46.;b

Immaculata, church, Cincinnati XII-572C

— Academy, Washington, D. C. XV-560a

Immaculate, Sisters of Mary. •See Marv Innnaculate, Sisters of

—CONCEPTION, doctrine VII- 674d; IV - 566a; 676c; XV- 464c ; and Agreda, Maria de I- 229d; Albertus Magnus VII- 679a; Alexander VII VII-6S0c; Alexander of Hales VII-679a; Allemand, Louis IX-376d; and Alva y Astorga I-372b; St. Ambrose VII-675d; and An- drada de Payva I^69b

— in art: Bartolorameo Carducci III - 345b; de Carrefio XV- 4S9d; Falco V-770b; Holbein VII-3S5C; and Montailfa X- 520d; Karl Miiller X-629d; Murillo (ill.) Vll-facing 678; X-645a; Reni VI-137b; and Ribera XIlI-32a; at the Vat- ican XV-2S3d

— and St. Augustine II - 94a; VII -676a; and Aureoli II- 111b; and Avignon II-160a; Baius VII-6S0b; Ballerini's work XVI-6d; and Baltimore II-233a; 240d; 241a; Basle, Council of (1439) VII-679d; St. Bernard VII-678d; and Betancourt II~535c; and St. Bonaventure II-651d; VII- 679a; and Charles III of Spain IV-38a; and Chrysologus, Peter VII-676a; and Coimbra I-75.')b; and Comestor, Peter VII-G76b; and controversy VII-(J7Sc; and Cyril of Jeru- salem VII-675d; Denys the Carthusian IV-735C; and Di- vine maternity XlV-oSob; and Dullingcr V-97d; and Domini-


cans VII-680b: and Eadmer V-224a; and Emmerich, Cath- erine VII-676b; and St. Eph- raem VI-676a; Epiphanius VII-675d

—feast I-23Sd; III-162b; VII- C77a; X-543b; XIII -306b; XIV-342d; XV -463b; and communions IV - 774d; and Compostela IV-188d; in Greek Church III-166b; and indul- gence VII-788d; and novena XI-143d; at Paris XI^89c; and Requiem masses XII- 779d; and Resurrection, Con- gregation of the XII-794C; Salamanca, council of VII- 49b; in United States II- 236a; 237c; 238d; and Vi- enna, University of XV^22b

—and Galatino VI-340d; and Geissel VI-405C; and Gregory V VII-680b; and Hippolytus VII-675d; and Irenajua VII- 675d; and Jacob of .Sarug VII- 676b; and John Damascene VII-676a; 676b; and John of Montesono I-236a; VIII-474d; and John of Segovia VIII- 479c; and Justin VII-675d: and Kie£f. Academy of XIII-269C; Maternus VII-675d; Maximua of Turin VII-675d; and Mili- tary orders III-152a; of Nier- embergy Otin XI-72d; Ortho- dox Church VI-753b; XIII- 538d; Passaglia. Carlo XI- 518d; patristic teaching VII- 675d; Paul V VII-680b; St. Peter Damian VII-679a; Peter the Lombard VII-679a; Pius IX VII-S60C; XII-136C; Prague, University of XII- 343c; St. Proclus VII-676a; von Roskovdny II-135c; Scal- zetti XI-637d; Scotus V-197d; VII-679C; XIII-610d: and Scripture VII-675b; and Sed- ulius VII-675d; Seven Simdays XII-276a; and Marie Sibour XIII-769d; and Sixtus IV XIV-32d; and Spina XIV- 216d; and Sully XIV-329C; and Tertullian VH-675d; and Theodorus of Jerusalem VII- 676a; and Theodotus of An- cvra VI-675d; and Thomism VII-679a; XIV-701b; and Tra- dition VII-67.5C; at Trent III- 394d; XV-32d; and Utrecht VIII-293d; and Richard Wace XI-lOGc; and Wadding XV- 522c; and Wirt XV-661a

— Conception, confraternity X- 18c; 115c; XIV-124a

— Conception, confraternity for the dead XII-574b

. — Conception, cathedral, Albany I-257C; IX-488b

— Conception, church, Baltimore II-233b

— Conception, churches, Belgium XI-564C

— Conception, cathedral, Brook- lyn Il-SOlb

— Conception, church, Caron- dclet 1II-655C

— Conception, church, Chicago lll-655a

— Conception, college, England XI-133b

— Conception, cathedral, Harbor Grace, Newfoundland VII- 133d

— Conception, cathedral, Kings- tni, VIlI~6.59c

— Conception, cathedral, Linz IX-270a; (ill.) IX-275

— Conception, college, Louvain. .See .\mcrican College, Louvain

— Conception, cathedral. Mobile, Ala. I-242c; X-410d; 411b

— Conception, church. New Or- leans, built XI-13a

— Conception, College, Ohio VII- 41SC

— Conception, Greek cathedral, rhiln.lflriliia VI-74Sa

— Conception, church, Portland, OrcKon XI-293b

— Conception, church, Ports- mouth IX-5S.5b

— Conception, church, Rome III- 32.'-,c; relics VI-3.1C

. — Conception, Monastery, St. .\uKUstinc

— Conception, church. Savannah

XIII-488b — Conception, seminary, Sigu-

enza XIII-788c — Conception, college, Sligo V-

395c; XIII-700b — Conception, seminary, South

Orange, New Jersey XIII-701a — Conception, cathedral, Tanana-

rivo, Madagascar (ill.) IX-511 — Conception, churches. United

States XI-564d — Conception, college, Washing- ton, D. C. III-456b — Conception, Canons Regular of

the. See Canons Regular of


ulate Co


— Conception, Congregation of the, Austrian Benedictine VI- 682d

— Conception, Congregation of the, Benedictine ll-450d; and Dungal VI-682d

— Conception, Congregation of Cistercians of the. See Ci.ster- cians of the Immaculate Con- ception

— Conception, Congregation of the. Great Bend. Kansas XIV- 640c

— Conception, Daughters of the. See Christian Charity, Sisters of

— Conception, Ladies of the II- 6S4a

— Conception, Little Office of the. See Little OiEce of the Immac- ulate Conception

—CONCEPTION, MISSION PRIESTS OF THE (Mission- aries of Rennes) VII-681b

— Conception, Oratory of the. See Oratory of the Immaculate Conception

■ — Conception, Order of the II- 375d

— Conception, Order of the Knights of the, and Clement XIV IV-38a

— Conception, Orphanage of the. New Orleans XI- 12b

— Conception, Priests of the, at Lourdes XIV-433d

— Conception, Scapular of the XIII-512b


— Conception, Sister Servites of the VII-6S1C

— Conception, Sisters of Provi- dence of the Vll-fisld

— Conception, Sisters of the 11- 684a; VII-408a; 6Sld; X-6S2c; XII-181b

— Conception, Sisters of the, Ar- menian I-739d

. — Conception, Sisters of the, Franciscan XIV-647C

— Conception, Sisters of the, French, in Gaboon VI-329c

— Conception, Sisters of the, at Nogent-le-Rotrou ni-636c

— Conception, Sisters of the, of Notre Dame de Lourdes XIV- 453d

— Conception, Sisters of the, at Rennes XII-773C

— Conception, Sisters of the, Theatine XIV-55Sa

^Conception, Sisters of the, con- vent, Warsaw xni-2t;ob

— Conception, SodaUty of the XI- 767d

— Conception of Our Lady, cathe- dral. M^rida. Venezuela X- 202b

— Conception of Our Lady, Con- gregation of the VH-6Sla

. — Conception of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary, cathedral, Manila IX~.599b

— Conception of the Blessed Vir- gin and Mother of God Mary, Confraternity of the, erection Xin-512b

— Conception of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary, Sisters of the, in Artvin l-76.ia

— Heart of Mary, church, Port- land. Oregon n-213d

— Heart of Mary, Archconfra- temity of VII-169b; feast of X-600C

— Heart of Mary, Congregation

of the Holy Ghost and. Sec Holy Ghost and Immaculate Heart of Marj-, Congregation of the

— Heart of Mary, Daughters of the. See Heart of Mary, DaiiKhter.s nf the Immaculate

— Heart of Mary, Missionaries of the I-191b

— Heart of Mary, Sister-Servants of the. Sit Heart of Mary, Sister-Servants of the Immacu- late

— Heart of Mary for the Conver- sion of Sinners, Confraternity of the, established IX-38Sb

—Mary, Religious of the II-721a

— Mother, Academy of the, Nash- ville, Tennessee ll-599d

— Virgin, Mission of the, Staten Island V-105a


— Absolute Vn-682d; 684a; dog- ma VII-6S4a; 684b; divine Vn-683d; method of VII- 685d; and moral precepts VII- 684b

— Agnosticism VII-683C; and Baianism II-212a; Blondel I-623b; and Campanella III- 222a; division VII-682d; dog- ma VII-682d; history VII- 682b; 6S4d; Hvlozoism VII- 6S2d; in medieval philoso- phy VII-683a; method VII- 685d; in modern philosophy VII-6S3b; Monism VII-683C; X-483C: natural and super- natural VII-686d; and Panthe- ism XI-447d; and Pius X XII- 138b; Positivism VII-6S3C; and Revelation Xlll-ld; Stoicism VII-6S2d; supernatural order XIV-338b; and Theism VI- 615a; and Theodicy XIV-569c; and Theosophv XIV-627c; Thomism VII-685a

—Kelatiie VII-684C; dogma VII-685c; dogma, divine VII- 685b; and moral conduct VII- 685c; the world, life, and the soul VII-685b

Immantatio, ceremony IV-351d

Immanuel (Messias). See Em- manuel

—of Rome IV-1.59a

— Synod, organization IX-459d

Immenss aeterni Dei, Bull of Sixtus V III-522b; VI-382d; VIII-37d; 3Sa; IX-203b; XIll-136b; 141c; 142b; 143b; 144b: 146a; XIV-34b

Immensity, of God yi-617d

Immergriin, periodical, Wams- df.rf Xl-67(ib

Immermann, Karl, German nov- elist VI-526d; on Schadow XIII-519a

Immersion, in baptism II-261d; 273c; 275a; 277a; III-494c; and Ambrosian Rite I-403a; and Baptists II-278C; 279a; Celtic Rites III-S03a; triple I-196a

Immeru II-182a

Immeth. See Imad _

Immigrant, occupation X-298b

—Home, Buffalo XII-207b

Immigration, Belgian and Dutch, As.sociation for the Protection of XIH21d; Bohemians in the United States II-620b; XIV- 51b: Bulgarians in America XIV-51C: and Central Verein 1 1 I :.:;ih. Caiiada. statistics 111 ji'it, ( [.anaiis in America \l\ .'iJn I M n. h Catholics in 1 lui. ,1 siai. ~ \ 1-L'71d: Ger- mans in t iiite.l States VH75b; XV-6i;3c: lireek Catholics in \nieric;i \'U744d: Hungarians in United States Vll-S'lSb; Irish VIII - 136d; Irish, sta- tistics VIII-13,ia: Irish, Wis- con'iin XV-l>(>3c: Lithuanians XVI-.Vtc: Polish in America XIV-."i2c; Polish. Bariynski's work XVI-7d: Polish, statistics Xll-210b: Polish in United Stat.wXn L'04b; Polish, Wis- r.n iii \N I'-ac: Russians in \i , \I\ ,'.2d: Ruthenians

„; \ ; \I\-.i3c; Ruthen- i;i,i III ^^'. :■ f Ian missions XII- 39:sa- Servians in America XIV-54a; Slavs in America

Large type indicates titles af articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.