Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/431

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XlV-Sla; Slovaks in America

XIV-54C; Slovenes in America

XIV-56a; and Society of St.

Vincent de Paul XIII-390a Inuno, Abbot of Reichenau XII-

723c Immobili, Academy of I-S4b Immodesty, and adultery I-163b Immolatio ni-502a; Vl-362d;

Xn-3S5d Immortale Dei, Encyclical of

Leo XIII II-141b; III-760C;

V-J14a; VI-355b; VII-53Sb:

IX-172c: XII-119d; XIV-

7(i4b; 7fiSa: 771a Immortalis Dei, Bull of Urban


Adam II-99a: and Adventists I-KiGd: of African savage I- 18.5b: and .\lask3ns I-24Sd; animism I-52Sb: and .\rabian philosophy I-621b: 676a: 676d; and Aristotle I-717a: VII- C88b: in Averroism XIII- 784b: and .\vicenna II-1.5Sb; and Brahminism II-733b: VII- fiS7c: XIV-lo3b: and Cajetan III-147a: China VII-687d; Christianity VII-688b; XII- 777a: and Descartes VII-688c: desire for VII-17C: and Domi- nicans XII-363a: DunsScotus V-198b:inEcclesiastes V-245d; Egj-pt V-346b: VII-6S7C: and Epicureanism ^'II-68Sb :Greece VII-687d: history VII-6S7c; and Hume VII-688d: India VII-687C: Japan VII-6S7d: and John of Janduno VIII- 474a: Judaism VII-6S7d: XII- 777a; and justification VII- 6SSd: and Kant VII-68Sd: and I^ibniz VII-688C: IX- 1.37c: Lucretius Vn-6S8b: in masonry IX-772C: and ma- terialism Vn-6S7b: in Menan- drianism XIII-797c: and me- tempsychosis VII-6S7b; J. Stuart Mill VII-68Sd; and Mithraism X-403c: and natu- ralism X-713d: X-7I4C: and paganism VII-687c: XI-39Id: and Pantheism VII - 687b: XI-449d; and Platonism VII-687d; XIV- 153d; and Positiram VII-687b: and pov- erty XII-32Sd: and psychology Vn-6S9a; and religion XII- 741b; and Renaissance XII- 766d; and Resurrection XII- 793c: and retribution VII-6S9c; Socrates XIV-120C: Spinoza VII-688d: Spiritualism VII- 689c ; XI V-223C ; Stoicism XI V- 154a; in Sweden XIV.-348a: symbol Ill-oWd: 693c; Theo- dore of .\ntioch XIV-572C: and theosophv XIV-627c; .St. Thomas on VII-688C

— conditional V-533C; and Arno-

■ bins I-747a

— of soul I-527a; XIV-15.3a; 154d; and St. Augustine II- 86a: and Irish belief VIII- 99b; in Job VIII-llRc; and Leo X I-648a: Mohammedan- ism VIII-191a; and Plato XII-161b; and Pomponazzi

IX - 16.5b; in Scholasticism XIII-oolc; and Theophilan- thropism XIV-624C

— terrestrial, and alchemy I- 272d: Maimonides IX-540d. .See Eschatology IMMUNITY Vfl-690b; clerical XII-4.39a: clerical. and Origans, Council of XI-318a: divisions VII-690b: histork- VII-692a; and Inquisition VIII -.3.3d; juridical origin VII-691C; local VII-690b; personal VII-691a: privilege of XII-439a; real VII-690d Immuration, in Mexico III-507d Immutability, and essence V- 544b; and Theodore of An- tioch XIV-572C —Divine II-6.3c: 64a: VI-Cl,8b Imoda, priest, missirm II-60.3C IMOLA, DIOCESE OF VII-

692d - — Benvenuto da, and Dante IV-

632a — Domenico da, and Monies Pietatia X-536b


FRANCUCCI DA VII-693d — Joannes de, and Decretiils IV-

Impact XII-t>lc

IMPANATION VII-694b; Ba.v- m.i \'Il-ti',tria: Berengarius of T.iurs VII-694C: condemna- tion V-.580a; doctrine \'II- 694b; heresy IV-322b; John of Paris VII-694d; origin VII- 694c; Andreas Osiander VII- fi95a

Imparcial, EI, periodical, .Spain IX-51Sa; XIV-lS8d

Impartial, L', periodical, Nashua VI-27od

— Observer, periodical, Michigan XI-692C

Impassibility, of glorified bod.y VII-174C; and saints XII- 793c

Impeachment, in England II- S9c

Impeccability, of Christ, Apol- linarianism I-615d; and infal- libility VII-797a: and Rome, Council of (381) I-616a; of Vircin Murv XV-«)7a

IMPEDIMENTS, CANONICAL \ ll-li!l.^.b: III-.52Sc; and am- bition 1-3S1C: and infamy VIII - la; irregularity VIII- 170d; public honesty XII-554a

— diriment \'ll-697a; adoption as I-147C; confirmation as IV- 216b; and consanguinity IV- 264a; and legitimacy IX-132b: and solemn profession XI-166b ; spiritual XII-731C

— matrimonial l-767a; VII-695d; XIV-587d; and abduction I- 32b; and betrothal II-o37d; clandestinity as IV-la: IX- 69Sd; and Congregation of Sacraments XIII - 140b; and crime IV^89d: denunciation of II-256d; and heresy IX-fl98b; ligamen IX-244a; and Peni- tentiaria XIII-148C; and Pis- toia ll-69a; and putative marriage XII-584a; Tametsi XIV-441C: and worship V- 37d

— prohibitory VII-696d; to or- dination, bigamy II-561a; to ordination, illegitimacy II- 579d

Impenetrability, and Boscovich II-olc

Impenitence, and damnation VII-210a; and Holy Ghost VII~415a; St. Thomas on VII- 21()c

Impensa Romanorum, Bull of XII IV-204b; VII-129d; 3.54a; XI-:i41a

Imperata IV-l()3d

Imperative, Categorical. See Categorical Imperative

Imperial, Francisco, Spanish writer XIV-198a

— Academy of Sciences, St. Pctt.rshurEXIII-24.'a

— and Royal Franz Ferdinand University. See Prague, L'ni- versity of

— Archseograpbical Commission of St. Petersburg Xlll-242a

— Archaeological Society, Mos- cow XIII-242a; St. Petersburg XIII-242b

— Brazilian Order of Roses, and Wilhelm Temple XIV-4.Snd

— Canal, or Grand Canal, China III-664b

— Charter, Bohemia, and Ru- dolph II XIV-649b

— Delegation, Enactment of (1803) XV-604b; and ecclesi- astical states VI-.508d

- — Geographical Society, St. Potcrshurg XIIl-242b

— Historical Society, St. Peters- Ijurg .\in-242a; 274d

Imperial!, cardinal ll-278a; and St. .•Vnne I-538d: exclusion of V-677C

Imperial Institute, London IX- 34Cb

— Institute of Experimental Med- icine, Russia Xni-242a

— Library, St. Petersburg IV-86a

— Library, Vienna, manuscripts IX-620a

— Mineralogical Institute, St. Petersburg Xin-242a

— PubUc Library, Russia XIII- 242b

Imperscrutabilis, Constitution of Clement XII XV-197d

Imperturbability, and Pyrrho XII-587b

Impetration, X-204a

Impetus Xll-old; 5Gb; and Copernicus XII-54a; and da Vinci XII-52d

Impluvium, Roman n-59a

Importunus, bishop IX-155C

IMPOSITION OF HANDS VII- U9Sa; V-710d: absolution I- 196b: .\lbigensian rite I-269c; Anglican Ordinal I— 492a; bap- tism I-196a; II-273b: and Bap- tists II-2Slc; on catechumens 1 1 1 -4 3 1 b ; and Christianity XV-712a; confirmation IV- 21.5c: confirmation, African Church I-198C; in Congrega- tional Churches IV-240b; in consecration of bishop IV— 278c; in exorcism V-710d; and extreme unction V-720c; and heresy I-44c; 45a; in holy or- ders XIV-587c: in Jewish" sac- rifice XIII-313b; in Manicha;- ism IX-594b

— in Ordination I-494a; 495b; Leo XIII on I-497a; of Non- Catholic deacons IV-651b

— power of III-590C; Protestant- ism I-491b; in sacrament of holy orders Xn-416c; and Sanhedrin XIII-445C; subdia- conate XIV-321a: symbolism XIV-375a: in Syrian Rite, East XIV-417a: and Tertul- lian XIV-524d; and Timothy III-74.Sd

Impost, of arch I-6SSb

IMPOSTORS VII-898d; Alexan- iler of Abonoteichos I-297d; and St. Justin Martyr VII- 699a

Impotency, impediment VI I- 69Gb; G97a; 697b

Impot unique, and Physiocrats XII-68b

Imprecation, in Bulls III-55C: at Jewish paschal feast XI-514a; Mosaic, Amen I-407b. .Sec Cursing

Impressions, in Scepticism XIII- 5 1 7c

Imprestita, definition X-534d

Imprimatur, of books III-525d

Imprimerie Cathohque, founded X-290d

— de Nazareth III-675d

Imprisonment, ecclesiastical III- 528c; XIH36a; and heresy I- 3803

IMPROPERIA VII-703d: Agios O Theos I-211b; Casali III- 396b: Good Friday VI-643b; 644a: Palestrina XI^22b: or reproaches VII-437C

Impropriating V-435c

Impuberty, iiiiperlinient VII-697a

Impulse, and will XV-02.5C

Impulsion, Centre of XII-.59a

Imputation XV-446c: and Cathol- icism VI-704a; and justifica- tion XII-714C; and Protestant- ism VI-703C; 704a; XIV-586a

Imrachor Dschamissi, mosque, Constantinople XIV-317b

Imru'ul Qais I, king of Hira I- GOSd

Ina, King of the West .Saxons V- 472c: 517b; Glastonbury Abbey VIII-647b: and Glastonbury church VI-.579d: and hospital VII-416a; laws of VII-66d; and Rome VI-788b; and schola VII-48.3a; woman, legislation concerning XV~695a; See Ine, Saint

Inagua, island. West Indies, sta- tistics (1901) II-204C

Inama, pioneer priest X-319c

—at Salina. New York VI-480a

Inams, and Xon-Christians in India VII-73.5d

In Anniversario, Mass XII-777a

— Apostolatus culmine. Bull of Gregory .XllI II-lGIa

— Apostoiicfle, Constitution of Benoilict XIVXIII-14SC

— Apostolicse, Constitution of Martin V I-29a


— Apostolical dignitatis solio. Bull of Benedict XIII VIII-449a

Inaros, Egyptian leader, and Per- sians V-343b

In articulo. Decree of Pius X XI- 14.5a

I. N. B., abbr. I-26d

Incamminati, Academy of the, Bologna. See Eclectics, School of the

— Academy of the, Modigliana, Italy X-421d

Incantations, and .\braham I- .55c; in Alandaitc inscriptions XIII -711a: and Simonism Xin-797b

Incapacities, quality of XII- .5Stld

INCARDINATION AND EX- CARDINATION VH-704b: in Inited States II-235c; 238c; 24(ld

Incarna^ao, Antonio da. Bishop of Mylapur XIII-3S4d

INCARNATE WORD, SISTERS OF CHARITY OF THE MI- 705c; ill riltslmrc XII-125d: ill Sail Aiilniiin .\IlI-425d


INCARNATION VlI-70Gb: 715b; X-119a: Abelard II-57b; in Acathistus I-93a: Adoption- ism I-150b; 151a; Albigenses I-268b; Alvarez, Diego I- 374a; Amalricians I-379d; St. Ambrose I-3S7c; Amico, Fran- cesco I-429b; angels IV-765C; Antichrist I-560a; Apollin- arian I-615b; in Apostles' Creed I-631d; St. Athanasiua II-34a; 36d; 40b; and atone- ment II-5.5C; 57a: 57d; XII- 775c; and belief VI-702b; St. Bonavcnturc Il-fi51d; Celsus III -491a; Christianity III- 717b; churches in riiitcd States XI-564C; in C'h n 1 'l- ■ l\'- 41d; and Corim , . , - [. 1.,- matum IV-lii 1 1 ; 11, Council of IliSii. \ I i 7 Mb; Constantinople, t_nuncil of (448) III-555c: controversy on X-494d; and creation IV- 475a; St. Cyril of Alexandria V-63.3b; n.ii'. (i-n, V-70d;Dru- sian V-li;7a: Dm,^ Sr,,ii,s V- 197c; (If.- I. \ll 714d; El- chasai \' :i7Jb; Coun- cil of Vli-713c; Ethiopian re- ligion V-569d; etymology VII- 706b: and Eucharist V-573a; Eutychianism V-633a: florile- gia VI-121b; Gnosticism V- 71a; Giinther VII-85C; 85d; immanence, absolute VII-684a; and impanation VII-694b; and St. Joseph XV-464Hb; and Kenosis XI-575b: Leo I 1II-5.5.5C; IX-156b; Manichffi- ism V-72b; Maximus of Con- stantinople X-78C; Melito of Sardis X-166d; Medalists XV- 757a; Monophysites III-555b; VII-713d; Monothelism VII- 714b: nature of VII-712d; Nes- torius X-75.5b: 7.56b; Novatian XI-140C: St. Paul XI-575a; XV-469b; Paulicians XI-5S.3d: St. Peter Chrvsologus XI- 7li.3a: Philoxenus X-49.3C; Pho- tinus XII-43b; and Redemp- tion XII-67SC: XIII-316C; Rome, Council of (3S1) I- 616a; and Sabellius X-451a; and Sacred Heart VII-164C; and salvatinn XIIl 107a; Su4- rcz XI 'ViJ --.rlenborg XIV :: ■ ' riicnt I-

480a: [\-667d;

700c: I .<• XIV-

761a: anil l.i.-., ., , ,itiu Mary I-.542b: XV-4tj4Hc

—Convent of the, Avila. St. Teresa of Jesus at XlV-516a

—Convent of the, Paris III-3R8b

—Era of the. .Src Christian Era

—Blessed Marie de I'. See Marie de 1' Incarnation, Bless- ed -Sisters of the IX-2fi4d

Incarnatione Domini, De, Theo- <l..rit XIV-572b: 575b

Incarnations, Hindu II-148b; 733c

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.