Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/453

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Xn-372d: Rome, Council of (381); sacrifice XIII-317a; Synoptic Goapels XIV-599c: tradition XlV-OOOa

JESUS CHRIST, liymus VII- 420a; Hypostatic Union VII- GlOd: "ii'b; and impanation VII-691b; Incarnation VII- 706b; 714d; and indulgences VII - 7S5a; and infallibility VII-791b; 796d; infancy VIII- 37Sc; St. Luke XV-449a; in- vocation I-142d; Isaiaa VIII- 182d: XIV-o35d; James, St., Epistle of XIV-599a; January devotion X-543b; Jerusa- lem, entrv of I-5ISb; Jewish sources Vill-37.5d; and Jewish worship XV-711d; and St. John the Evangelist VIII- 492b; St. Joseph VIII-.i04c; Josephus VIII-37Ua; 523a; journeys VIII-379d; 380b; 381a; as Judge Vin-.5.52a; S53b; Kant VIII-CGGa; Keno- sis XI-575b; as King XIII- 407b; Kingdom of VII-170c; knowledge VIII-675C; lan- guage in-125b; Lentulus' let- ter I-610b; Law, New IX-72c; Law, Old XIV-603a; as legis- lator, Trent I-566b; litany IX- 290c

—Life of: Adrichem I-161c; by Ava II-147d; Capecelatro XVI-17b; Chinese I-28.3b; Didon, Henri I-G22d; IV-7S2c; Edersheim I-622d; Fouard I- 622d; Lepin IV-497c; Ludolf of .Saxony III-391a: Ottawa II- 283b: Kenan I-li22d; III-714a; IV-495b; VII-.")3i;b:, Da-i-id Friedrirh l-i;22d; IV- 49ob; Veuillot X\"-39.")d; pub- lic life of XIII-407b

— Logia IX-323a: Logos IX- 328d; Lucian VIII-37.5C; and man I-148d; VIIl-.382d; Man- ichffiism IX-593a; .'j94c; Mar- cion IX-647b; and marriage I- 164a; V-55a; and St. .Martha IX-721C; Masonrv' I.X-774a; as mediator VIII-70b; X-llSc

— Merits X-203c; Xn-679b; Duns Scotus XIII-611a; Im- maculate Conception VII- 67oa;andintluU. n.> -\ Il-7s4d

— Messias X-2IJ(I \I\ Viijd; Methodism .\ L--.;7c MiL-^tius I-lSOc; mira.]^ , Iit-i I II- 220c; miracles X-34.jb: as model I- 769a; XIV-616C; Modernism XIV-370b; Mohammedanism X-426b; Monogram X^88c; Monophysitism X^94c; XI- 575c; XV-138b; Monotheism X-501a; Monotheletism X- 503b; Mosaic Law III-713a: multiple office XIII-407a; Na- soriensX-707b; Nathanael, dis- ciple X--11C

—Nativity: date III-724d; 726d; 735c; IV-637a; VIII-.377C; St. Ephraem on XV^6Ia; in Franciscan Crown IV-540b; Hindu parallels n-734a; place II-533d; time XV-404Hd; na- tures X-71Gb; natures, tradi- tion VII-712C; Nestorianism VII-713b; XV-137d; in New Testament XIV-.534d; and Nicodemus XI-66b; novena XI-143d; in Old Testament XIV-142d; 597b; pagansources VIII-375a; parables .\I-4fi0c: Parasceve XI-47tlb; special patronage ot XI-566C

—Passion VIII-3Sld; XI-.530b; and Annas I-537b; devotion to XI-527C; Gospel of St. Peter I-608C

—St. Paul Vll-lSld; XI-.573d; Paulicians XI-58.3d; Paul of Samosata XI-.'>S9c; Penance instituted XIV-.5H7a; person XIV-572d; Peter of Bruvs XI- 781b; Photinus XII-4.3C: and Pontius Pilate XII-84a; and pos-session, demonical II-3S9a; Xn-316c: 3ir>d: Poverty XII- 324b; XV-46.5a: Prayer of. Feast Xn-3.>4b; prayer to XII-346a; Precious Blood XII- 372d; predestination XIV- 58.5a; Presence, Real XIV- 586c; as Priest III-587c; XIII-

407c; Pre-Incarnation appear- ances I-4S0a; Promise, Divine .\ 1 1-4.1.30

— in Prophecy I-5G0d; gloryXIV- 5',)Sa; infancyXIV-597c; names XIV~.597c; nativity XIV-597c; public lifeXIV-597d; Zachariaa XV-741d

—on Providence XII-512a; Psalms IV-644b; public min- istrv VIII-377d; .379b; XV- 4G7b: QnakiTs VI-305d; Ra- ti.. ii:rli-ii, XI\-,-)35c; and Re- .1. i,, \IV-.VS5a

—/,'.,',, \:,rl,r,i I-la; 2c; XII- .ssa. .ill. I\ 4s<1b; XII-737d; IV-.M7b; VI-645a; XII- 736a; XIII-lG9d; Crown of Thorns IV-.540C; Edessa I-43c; V-283a; X~223c; Holy Coat VIl-400d; XII-S8C; 96a; Holy Face XV-362d; Holy Nails X- 672d: Notre-Dame-de-Paris XI-485a; Precious Blood IX- 436b; XII-89b; 373a; XV- 576c; 578a; St. Peter XIII- 372a; sandals XII-519C; XIV- 289c; seamless garment VII- 40l)d; Shroud. Holy XI-608d; XU-9(ia; XIlI-7G2b

— Re-urroitiou .\II-790a: Rit- schlianism XIII-87b; 87d; in Russian songs XIII - 26Ga; 2G7c; and Sabbath XIII-289a; sacraments instituted XIV- 586b; Sacrifice XIII-315d; 316a; sanctity VII-715d; VIII- 384c; Sanhedrin, trial XIII- 445d; and Satan IV-767a; sat- isfaction XII-G78C; Saviour XIII-407a; Schwenckfeldian- ism XIII-598a; Scotists VI- 690c; Scriptures II-543C; Se- leucians XIII-688d; Sepulchre VII-425a; Sermon on theMount II-3G9d;371a;Shammai,. School of Xin-752b; sin XIV-6b; 8a; Socinianism XIV-114b; Son of God .\IV-143a; Son of Man XIV-144d; Soteriology XIV-58.5a: Strauss IV-495b; strength VIII-383a; Suetonius VIII-375b: Supper, Last XIV- 341c; Swedenborgianism XIV- 35od

—Symbolism I-767d; XVI-66d; Ark of the Covenant I-724c; birds II-576d; candles III- 247a; in Canticle of Canticles III-303d; chrism II-226b; fish III-421d: lion I-524d; Sign of the Cross XIII-7SGb

—Tacitus VIII-375b; as teacher III-716d; V-299b; Xni-407b; the Temple XIV-199b; 503d; Temple, Veil of XIV-503b: temptation XIV-504C; 504d; TertullianXIV-521c;Theodore of Antioch XIV-o72d; Theo- dotus X^48d; theology XIV- 597a; 612a; St. Thomas, Gospel of I-GO,sd: Thomism VI-690b; .XIV-r.r,7c; Thorns, Crown of, F.-,,st XlV-7(«ib; Three Days' loNj. .W .Hi.-id: and toleration, rcliEicus Xn-707c; Transfig- uration VIII-380d; XIV-552b; XV-19b; trial VIII-382a

—Tiipes: Aaron I-.5c; Abel I-36b; Adam I-131C; XlV-oOoa; Isaac; Lamb I-221b; Lu- cifer IX-410b; Melchisedech X-157a: Scape-goat II-54d

— Universalists XV-18IC; virgin birth XV-448b; virginity, coun- sel of XV-4.58C; and Virgin Marj* XV-4G8b: and washing of feet XV-.i.17c; and wells in Scripture XV-.581C; will VII- 7l.-.b: :,ii.i nilrhrraft XV-674C; wor^liip X\- 71()d

—Christ, Brethren of II-767a

— Christ, Soldiers of II-88b

—College, Cambridge I-274a; III-213C; 21.5b; (ill.) Ill- facing 214

—College, Oxford XI-368d

• — ^.Crucified, Sister of. See Marie- .\nne Piedocourt

Jesus et Marie, Sceurs de l*In- terieur de. .Sec Int^rieur de J^.sus et Marie, Sceura de I'

Tesusiab. See Ishoyahb

Jesus Justus, and St. Paul VII- 33.';d

— Ught VIII-769b


38.5c: IX-47Gb; in Canada 111-

239d: in Spain XlV-176a; in

United States VI-275b — Mary and Joseph, college,

Tunja XV-90C Jesus-Mass, Durham Rite V-

214b Jesus Nazareno, hospital VII-

4,s7d —Psalter XII-27Ga; 3.52b; 426d Jesuyab. See Ishoyahb Jeta (Yota), town. Palestine III-

157d; 346b; VI~441b Jete, Phojnicians in I-4G5C Jetebatha VI-441b Jethela VI-441b Jether, mountain, Juda ^'I-441b Jethlah. .Sec Jethela Jethnam \ I-441b Jethraam, sun of David IV-643b Jethro. S>'>' Kaguel Jethson \l-441c Jetons .\-n:ia Jctte, H.'Icium, Convent Sacred

Ihart .\l\-112c Jelte, Rosalie, foundress X-354a Jetter, John \-t77b Jet I hi ur. .Se, Iturea Jeu, in (;ii...<ticism VI-.596b Jeu de Paume XIII-9C Jeudi gras XIII-76,3d Jeune, Sir Francis XIII-(;.)9a Jeune Lorette, Notre-Dame de la.

Jeunes Economes, Association des XI -4 '.12c

Jeunesse Frangaise, Association Catholique de la IV-24Ga; XI- 494a

— prevoyante du diocese de Paris Xl-in4c

Jeuo, Divine Name VIII-:i30a

Jevons, F. B., Animism I-.52Sb 529c; on fetishism VI-53d 57d; on Totemism XIV-789c 793c

— W. Stanley, political economist XII-215d

Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, on Antichrist I-561C; on Bonner II-676C: and Dorman V-135b; and Feckenham VI-25C; and Harding I-493c; VII-135b

Jewels. .See Stones, Precious

Jewish Antiquities, Josephus VIII-.522d; Josephus codex I-394b; illuminated MS. IX- 626c; illustrator VI-162a; See Antiquities

Jewish Encyclopedia V-417b.

—War, Josephus VII-10.>c; VIII- 522d

JEWS AND JUDAISM VIII- 386a; 399b: Abraham I-52d; Abraham's Bosom I-55d; ab- stinence I-67c; 72d: Abyssinia I-77b; Abyssinian Church V- 233d; Adam I-131d; adultery II-549b; advowson I-170a; affinity I-I78a; Africa I-lS5b; 190a; XIV-27Sd; 280c; agri- culture II-550d; Albigensian- ism I-268a; Alcimus I-273d; Alexander VI I-290b; Alexan- dria IV-45c; Alleluia I-319c Alpha and Omega I-332c Alsace-Lorraine I-342a: 342c 34.3a; Altar I-.301a; .362b 3Glc; Altar-horns I-354b: am- bo I-3S2a; Amen I-107b; 409a; America XI\-279b; Ammon- ites I-431c; ampullffi I-440a: amulets lHI44a; angelologv I-477b; 481a; Antichrist I- 560d; SClb; Antioch I-.568C; 570c; .Antiochus IV, King of Syria IX-493d: apocalyptic writings I-601d: Apocrypha I-601d; IV Machabccs I- 605d; Apologetics I-fi20b; VII-25Gd; Apostolic Constitutions I-637b; Arabia I -671b; army II -555c; art XIV-499C; asceticism I-768C; 771c; XII-742d; a,she3 I-776b: Asia I-779c; XIV-279c; Asia Minor I-787c; astrolatr>' H- 29c; astrolog>- II-21c; 23c; 29c; Athens I I-43b ; VI-737b ; atone- ment II-.54C; Australia XIV- 27Sb; Austria VIII-398b; Aus- tro-Hungar>' II-I37a; azvmes II-171d; Babylonian captivity II-lOc; 551c; III-317a; 318a: baptism, children II-271b;

baptism, forceful XIV-702b; baptism, types II-260a; Barba- rian kings VIII-390d: Bar- Cocheba XII-404c: Barnabas H-299b; Bartolocci II-3I8a; beard II-3G2d; betrothal II- 538b;.549b:XV-4G4Gb;4G4Hb; Bible VIII-4.5b; Biblical an- tiquities n-54Sb; Bohemia II- 614c;l)OVS. legi.slalion XV-465d

-Bur»aMI~.549d; IlUlSb; and Christian burial III-72a; feasts I-201a

-calendar Ill-l.Wa: 166d; Cal- lixtus XIV-7G2a: Canon of Old Testament IIl-2(i7c; cap- ti%-ities Ill-ol.ia. liirntes III- 329b; cat. tIi, ti, \ ;,,;,, ,.,.nser in-519c: ,r ,,-,,,^1,,,. .1 liooks III-520a; . l,:,,,i,„i_. I-,176b; charity III-.')93b; eliastity III- 638d; China III-679d: choir III-693d; Christianity III- 491d; 699d: 712c; 713d; 716d; VIII-399b; 400c: 536c; XIV- SS8c; 772b; XV-712b; Chris- tians XV-470d; and Church VIII-103C; XIV-762a: 768a; cisterns XA'-oSld; civil year XI-19d: Clement VI IV-24c; coins XI-153C; commerce II- 551b: concubinage II-549c; Constantinople XIV -633c; Creation I-130c; IV-470d; XV-707C: crusades VIII-392d; dancing I\'-(ilSc; XII-742C; dead, pray I i.t 1\ iria; Ded- ication, fe:] ' I \ ' : ill Deity IV-685d: ! IV-

71.5b; Dpiiik III. I\ 7Ji.|i:\'III- 398b: dining euston.s I-56a; dispersion I V'-77.5d ; divorce I I-.549b; doctor V-72c; Dosith- eans V-136d: dress II-550b; Ebionites \'-242d; education V-298d: Ejivpt V-343b; 351c; XIII-72:!b; XIV-144a; XV- 40.5b: Eluhim V-393a: Emana- tionism \'-:i09a: Emanuel I, King of Portugal XII-303a: emblems I— 14.'ia: emperors. Christian VIII iiUOd; England VIII-39Sa; IX-343b; 344c; Epiphanius XIII-394a; era in-lG8a; eschatolog>- XI- 391d; Esdras V-535c; Essenes V-546b; Esther V-549d: Ethi- opia V-5G9b: ethnological classification XII-626c: Eu- rope XIV-277d; 27Sc: exegesis V-701b: exorcism I-142d: V- 709d; lasts III-lG7d; Fatalism n-23d; festivals II-556a; III- lG7d; Finland VI-77b; firma- ment VI-79d: first-born VI- 81b; First-Fruits VI -82a: flagellation VI-92b: food II- 550a; France VI-187c; VIII- 398a; Frankfort VI -238b; French Assembly Xlll-IOa; fringes VI-307d; (jabriel. Arch- angel VI-330b; Galatia VI- 338b; Gaza VI-400d: genealo- gies VI-409c; Gentiles VI- 422c; Germany I-342c; VI- 495b; Gnosricism II-327b: VI-594a; Good Friday VI- 643d; Granada VI-723b; Greece IV-776b: VI-737b; 743d; VIII-386d: St. Gregory the Great VI-785d; Gregory IX XIV-764C; guilds, Spanish VII-72b; Hadrian VII-104C; Hellenism ni-715b: IV-776b; high-priesthood I-5b; Hippos VII-362C: history VIII-386a: holocaust VII-39Gd; Hoogstra- ten VII-464d; hosannas VII- 473a; Hugh of Lincoln VII- 51.5c: Hungary n-1.3.5c: VIII- 398b: Hymns VII-597a; Hys- sop Vn-612a; images, venera- tion of VII-664d; mimortalitv vn-6S7d: incense I-361C; VII- 716d; India VII-724c; 728c: Indiana VII-742b: Indians I- 416b; infidels VIII-2d: In- quisition, Spanish I - 62.5a: XIV-783b; Italy VIII-226a: 398c: Jubilee Year VIII-534b: Juda VIII-536C; Judaizers VIII-537b; judgment. Divine VIII-550b: Jehovah I-58d; Justinian I VIII-.';79d; St. Justin Martyr VIII -581d; Kabbala VIII-590a; Kalib I-

Roman numeral indicated volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.