Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/502

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LUy XII-l;>4c; and St. Cather- ine of Siena III-4iSa, and bt. Simplicius XIV-4a

Lilybaeum (Marsala) X-94c

Lily of Canada. See Tegakwitha, Catherine , ,,

—of Quito. See Paredes, Mary

_rf°?heMohawks. See Tegak- witha, Catherine —of the vaUey XII-154C Lima, town, audiencja real (1544) XI-734b; and Cabello de Bal- boa III-126a; and ChiU III- 663a; colleges II-.5U1); con- fess (1847) XI-596d; coun- cil (1582) II-292a; (1583) VII- 488a: Inquisition VI11--3 /a. Masonic Council IX-77ba —ARCHDIOCESE OF IX-255a; and Acosta I- 108c; Counc. of (1582) Acosta at I-lOSa, cathedral (ill.). I.X-255d; Franciscan missions V 1- 29Sd; hospital II-535d; Im- maculate Conception Vll- 680b; Jesuit College and Arriaga I-753a; St. Marks Univfrsity XV-201C- Santo Domingo, convent II-493D, seminary XIV -781a; univer- sity I-705C Limadensis, Didacus, and Luke

Wadding XV-622b Li-ma-hon, and Luzon Xll-i-c Lunana. See Lima .

Liman-Ijkelessi (Seleucia Tra- chea) XIII-690a Liman-port. See Gumushlu Li-

Li^°ol, town, Oyrus IV-590a See of XI-71d; hospitallers at

Li Ma-teu. See Ricci, Matteo LIMBO IX-256a; and Abelard IX-257b; as abyss I-7ob; in Acta Pilati I-lUb; and &'• Augustine IX-25/a; and Bel- larmine IX-258a; and.Bossuet IX-258b; and Catharinus IX- 257d; and St. Gregory of Nazi- anzua IX-256d: as hell VII- 207b; Innocent III on IX-iSJD, and Jansenism IX-257d; Lim- bus Infantium IX-256c; Lm?"



IX-258b; Pms VI on IX-258d, and Protestantism IX-.iO/<i, andpurgatoryIX-256b;and re- demption ix-25f ; in R<"^^°

Catechism XIII-121b. ana Savonarola IX-257d; and Scripture IX-256b; and Suarez I\-2.58c; and St. Thomas IX- 257b; and Zoroaster Il-lSec — ^t Newgate Prison II-296d EiMBOURCS.POL DE IX-259a;

V-734b; XI-399C; 626c Limbroch, Biblical commentator

Limbll'^'of man and anthropoid

Lilburg, P™™f',,^"«"°n5 III-68d; Xlll-llOa; ana Frankfort yl-237a; German prose chronicle VI-520C,

—DIOCESE OF IX-260a; ca- thedral (ill). IX-260d; cathedral, architecture VI 677a; cathedral, reliquary tab- let X-220b; Church in XV- '2000; and beharbeIV-678b;

Franc scan church V-d^ba, map VI-facing..514; Sisters of

nivine Providence V-52d, Vicariate Apostolic VII-390d

—Duke of, and St. Engelbert of Cologne V-429d

—Gottfried IV von, Bishop of


an der Hardt, monastery, and

St roppo Ml-'-75b —Chronicle, X-lOSc .

Limburger Keener, periodical

VII-3'.l-.;d Limburg-on-the-Lahn, cathedral,

Miitrc X 4nc,c Limbus Inf'»n<'"" iX-256c — Patrum Vll-2n7b; IX-256a ^.ParvuUrumVlI-207b Timerick Irclimi . Danish settle- mcut 'at Vlll-lOla; Norse Largo <

kingdom XI-116C; St- fatrick XI-558a; siege of ylll-lOjb, siege of, and Sarsfield Xlli-

— DIOCESE OF IX-262a; and Christian Brothers III-7 10c, college XIII-573b; 578b; Con- fraternity of the Holy Family II-782d; St. John's Cathedral (ill.) IX-262C; Laurel Hill Con- vent XIII-578C; niap VIII- facing 114; and Father Math- ew X^7c; Mercy bchool XUl- 57.Sc- Presentation Sisters XU -397c; Redemptorists XII- 6S6c; seminaries Xlll-'UUD,

—Second Earl of. See Dongan,

Thomas ,-ttt loci.

—Treaty of IX-263a; XIII-125d;

and Catholics XI-615c; terms

-Tr"l^' s'one (ill) IX-262b Limesey, Robert de. Bishop of

Lichheld IX-232C; 232d Limitation, Statutes of, English

law IV-335b . , T, „,

Limited Redemption, and I'res-

byterianism XII-392d Limitours IV-105d Limits, Treaty of X"-22*c Limmi, Assyrian II-8b; IjI-'3-*a Limnffius, hermit V-306d Limoges, town, ej}?™'^^^'-^^'^-

glass working XIV-241d -DIOCESE OF IX-263C; St. Anthony of Padua at I-557b

Council of (1U31) IX-264C; (1032) IV-209a;mapVI-facing

— loseph de, mis,sionary X-388d Limousin, Saint Leonard of. See

Leonard of Limousin, baint Limoui, Convent of, and Arnold

of Badeto I-747b; shrine III-

Limp'o, Balthazar, Bishop of Oporto XI-261b

Limuru, town, Africa VIII-616d

LIMYRA IX-265b .

Lin, commissioner, and opium III-f)S3b

— martvr VlII-714b

LINACRE, THOMAS I.X-20ob; and English education IV- 109c; and English Renaissance XII-767C; as humanist VU- 'w'b- medical research X- r'5b'- and More XIV-689d: and Politian XII-213b Linares, missionary X-390<1,

-^r^o^lnc'e Mexico X-269b -ARCHDIOCESE OF IX-265d-. XIII-404b; 4Jaa; XlV-i40c, erection XlV--54Sa; map -V- facing 208 . .

—Duke of. Viceroy of Mexico, and missions in Texas XIV-

Lincei. Accademia dei I-S4c; 85a; and Codex Atlanticus, of da Vinci XV-444d; and natural ,r-innces XIII -178b; and William Tempel XIV-481a; and Vatican Observatorj' X\-

Linckf Abbot of Zwcttl XV-771d Linckens, Hubert XIII-306a Lincoln, town, Nebraska char.-

680- IX-facing 266; nave (ill.) IX-267; presbytery of, archi- tecture VI-675a; school of

—chapter houses III-584C; and Grosseteste VII-37C; pilgrim- age to XII-93a; XIII-761a

—DIOCESE OF (Nebraska) IX- 266b; establishment X-733a, table of statistics XV-176d

—Hugh of. Saint. See Hugh of Lincoln . , , -- , ,-„

—Richard, Archbishop of Dublin

—William. Earl of 1-1721)

— Asricultural School XII-493b

-C^lege, Oxford Vl-lOla; XI-

— Institution, Jefferson City X-

-3'-'9h . ^.,, „,j

Lincolnshire Rising XII-S4d Lincoln Use, extent V - 477c,

XIII^79d Lincopia. See Linkoping Linctot, Sieur, at Fort Beauhar-

nois X-328C Linda, William Damasus van.

See Lindanus. William Uama-

LINDANUS, WILLIAM DAMA- SUS, Bishop of Ruremonde and Ghent lX-267c; XIll- UOc; and Cassander Ill-40.jb, and Peter Canisius Xl-iouc

Lindau, town, convent, canon- esses II-464d; convent privi- leges I-9a; m Smalkaldic League XIV-58b

—Jacob XVI-23b

—Paul, German dramatist, VI-

LindaSer, Joseph Andreas, Bish- op of Budweis nl-34d Lindback, Vatican roscarcties

linde:'Justin timotmus balthasar, freiherr

VON IX-26cSb , ,, .

Lindebert, Archbishop o Mainz V-393a; as Abbot of Ellwangen


Lindesay, Robert, of Pitscottie, chronicle of Xin-023c

Lindesmith, E. W- 1-.,?°^ Catho- lic University III-4oba

Lindet, Thomas, Bishop of Ev- reuxV-671c;XIIl-14a

Lindger. missionary X\ -602b

LiSdfsfame, Aidan of. See Aidan

-ANc'iENT"'"DIOCESE AND MONASTERY OF I.X-2Ma; I-50Sb; \'-211b; MI-^^^: apse I-660b; bi9liops.\-211c, Ceolwulf at III-o3/b; and Edinburgh V-285a; foundation I-506b; XI-349b; liturgy of IX-312a; Osbald of Northum- bria at XI-335a

—Gospels 1-51 lb; ^Hd; IV =-7ni;. TV-2fi9d; XV-374d

—Roger IX-270c; and Ven. Wil- liam Thomson XIII-727C Linea XV-Ssb; alb 1-25 lb Linegai, John, Archbishop of Dublin V-176b; and Thomas Burke III-80a Linen, in alb I-252b; and altar I- 355a; 355d; m altar-cloth 1- 3.52a; •359d; in amice I-429a; in antimensium I-563d; 564b; m Apocalvpse I-352b; m Com- munion cloth I-356b; in cor- poral I-355a; IV-38.(c; in fin- ger-towels I-355d; in pall I- 355c; in purificator i-iaoa. in tunic XV-8Sb . Lines, and Cavalieri III-46&a Linga. See Phallus LINGARD, JOHN IX-27pd; on Anglican consecration rite 1-- 495b; Anglo-Saxon Church, last rites IV-662d; on Anglo-Saxon clergy III-292a; on Anglo- Saxon veneration of saints I\ - 173a; on Annates act \-446b on Bangor-is-Coed.X\.-58bb, on Canonical Provision in Eng- land XII-516C; as Church his- torian VII-379a; on confirma- tion IV-219C; on dedication ot churches XI-563b; and Douai Version XV-377a: on Eliza- beth V^4Sd; on Elizabethan Catholics XV-2/b; on Ehza- bethan persecution V-449C, on Garnet VII-84a; and Grad- well VI-718b; history IX- 271d; XII-419a; on John. King of England \ -43, d; on Langton and the barons > Ul-

table institutions XU-^4iD Polish population (1907) statis-

-AbrfhamxV-171c; and Alabama I-241a; Ball monu- ment XIII-647c; and con- federacy XV-171d; and eman- cipSxiI-62Sa;.andEw,ng V-672d; and Georgia Vl-46^c. on P S Gilmore VI-561b; and Archbishop Hughes VII-517b; and Kernan VlIIr627a; and reconstruction X\-173b St. Gaudens statue Xin-647d, and South Carolina XIV-15Ja, statue lill.) XHI-facing 646 ■inil temperance movement \:iV-49la- on Thanksgiving bay xi V-556a; and Van Burcn

-DIOCESE ,OF (E»B}^d) IX- or,6c- \nKc us bells I-4S8C

-M&rfrn VII-521a; IX-266d; Sit ccture VI-674b ; chantry VI--101b; facade V-7-l7b; Gali- lee ni-.577a; (ill.) Vl-tacmg

^7X'^X-269d; ".XV:374d; 375a cover II-2-20a; and St. Cuthbert IV-579b; and Bishop Eadfrid IX-269d; Evange - iarium of IX-623c; facsimile page (ill.) IX-facing 270; his- torv XV-51SC; St. John, Gos-- DelofI-5Uc: St. John, Gospe Sf (ill.) I-310d; 511; script XI-107C Lindle, on Amraphel 1-441C Lindley, on partnership xi

Lindner, ^ Simon, Augustinian


ABBEY OF IX-2,0a. Mil

Lindsay, Lord Alexander, and the

Supplication 1\ -4o9a — Epiphanus, mission III-326a

.CpP of XI-215C

-Sir Walter, and Venerable

lohn Iticram VIII-8C . Lindsey. Benjam^in ,?., and juve-

nil,. (Irlin.pu-nts \Ill-.j8.Sb — Theophilus, Tnitarian congre- gation XV-Lipb Lindulf, Duke of Eastphalia HI

uiins. town. Island of Rhodes line" MRS. ANNE IX-270c; II-200d; XIII-'2/c

5?°n:V-454d;r%V^"llege XV-'^SSc; 234a; and ^V iseman XV-iiVoc -W iseman controversy 'xlV-724a ...

^■°S^Sh^^6^" •

i:iSKrd°es,^7e-'5e?°||hop of

SarlatX-fi04a;XI-668b Lingg, Herrmann von, poet VI-

— Maximilian von. Bishop ot

.\uKsburg II-76d .

Lingoa geral VII^Sc; m BrazU

II-746d Lingon, mart5T\-4,Sa Lin-go-tsen, Leon XIII-o20c Ling-pan-tien-tsun, Chinese deity

Ling Tui Ta Ch'en Xy-96d Linlua franca, in Asia Mmor I-

Linguet. Simon Nicolas Henry, S Baston II-346a; at Reuna XII-729d

Ling-yuen, town, China III-

T in'i^res lean de, physicist XII- Wa anil Saxe Xnl-493d

Link, Wenzel. at Altcnberg VII- 283b; California \ I-»'8a

Linkoping, town, Sweden XIV-


fell:;!, $|y?^^^

and Vcxio XVI-78d LinUaigow. Scotland, Irish popu-

hation VIlI-lo4b —Palace, Scotland (ill.) Mil-

Lilian 'so'ciety IX-140d

^^a-""and'cesa?pino'llr-5iSb; Gfd,'beVfinXIII-60^;and

paiiB<mtoioK>- .xi-\;;°-, 'i.


(,irt XIV-799d Limie, Karl von. Sec Linmcus LiSSI, Nicholas de, astronomer

Linobambaci lV-o91D e^Uma^P^lia^n Galilean Rito VI-362C