Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/503

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Linse, Leo, Abbot of Fort Augus- tus IHo3b; V-317d: VM4i;b Linseninanii, Franz Xaver von, Bishop of Rotti-iiburc XIII- 208b; at TiilMngin rnivcrsity XV-S4a; Tul.inKiT Tlicolo- gische Quartalsnhiilt XI-i;7Sa Lint Damasus van der lX-2ij7c Lintel, in architecture y-262d; and church windows XV-b53d Linteum, veil Ill-otUa — pectorale, in Solemn Ponti6cal

Mass ol Pope XII-233C Linton, M. L., St. Louis Univer- sity Xin-364a; Western Tab- let XI-695C —William S. I-426d: 427d Lintra, Barthelemy Pierre de,

theoloKian XIV-373b LINUS, SAINT. Pope lX-272d; I-blla: XII-272d, and Ambro- sian Rite I-401d: birthplace XV-503b; chronolog>- IV-13b; and Claudia IV-7c; epitaph III-ol2b; Marcion III-5o3c Linz, ton-n, battle (1626) II-126b; peace of VII-o54c; statistics IX-273b-, university XV-197d; Wordle XV-709d

— DIOCESE OF IX-273C: cathe- dral (ill.) IX-274; Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (ill.) IX-275: and Gasser von Valhorn VI -392b; Jesuit foundation XlV-lOla; press in XI-670b: Redemptorists in XII-686a; statistics of religious orders II-136d

Linzer Qtiartalschrift, periodical VI 1-34 8a

— Volksblatt, periodical XI-670a

Linzolo, mission XV-115b

Lioba, Saint IH63b; and St. Boniface II-6.57b; Rudolf of Fulda XIII-218b; in Germany XIV-563d; mission II-154c; and St. Thccla XIV-563c; and Wimborne XV-648a

Lion, in Apocalypse I-524d; 526c, 596b; in Arabia I-663c; and 6%^! spirit I-332d; of St. Jerome 1-5 I7a; mechanical, and da Vinci XV-441d; in Mithraism X-403d; in Physiologus XII- 68d; ship III-683b; symbolism I-524d; 7fi7d; III-647c; in Temple ni-C47a; winged I- 516c; XIV-376C

— Jacques, Venerable, at Reims Xll-729d

— John, martyrdom V-i76c

Liond, Annonay, and Sisters of Providence XV-494d

— Therese, and Sisters of Provi- dence XV-494d

LioneUo, Nicolo, in Udine XV- llSc

Lionessa, Fabio della, in Flanders XI-lfi3c

Lionne, Hugues de IX-372a; and Louis XIV VI-.50.5c; as papal foreign secretnrj- IX-375a

Lion of St. Mark, Carpaccio III- 37.3d

Lions, Monsignor, Vicar Apos- tolic of Kwei-chou VIII- 714b

Lipa, town, founded IX-59Sd

—Diocese of XII-1.5d: XVI-36a: table of statistics XV-177C

Lipanes, Indian tribe X-720a; XH03b

Lipari Islands VIII-209a; XIII- 772b; 772d

Lipau, battle II-616C; VII-5S9b; and Hussites X-.562d

Lipetsk, battle XIII-244b

Liphardus, Saint, and Abbey of Meung-aur-l^iire XI-319a

Lipik (AquK. BalissK) IV-607b

Li Ping-heng I.\-747d

Lipomanus, Aloisius. See Lip- pomano, l-ui^i

Li-pou, Chinese Bureau of Rites XIII-52ld

Lipp, Joseph von. Bishop of Rot- tenburg .\ni-2asb

— Maria Magdalena VII-l.>8b

Lippay, George, Bishop of Vesz- prem XV'3!t2c

LIPPE I.X-27i.a; X-6,36c; church in IX-27r,d

— Bemhard V of. Bishop of Pa- derborn XI-.3S4C

— Simon I, Lord of. Bishop of Paderbom XI-384b

— Simon III of. Bishop of Fader- born Xr-.3M4c

— Detmold, State IX-276b

Lippershey, Hans VI-343b; and telescojie II-26a

Lippert, and ancestor-worship I- S2Sb; and fetishism VI-53b; and matriarchy XV-689C

LIPPI, FILIPPINO IX- 277b; 279a; Apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Bernard (ill.) Il-facing 498; in L.lteran Gallery, Rome XIII- lli.JC: painiiim^. religious XI- 40<lb; pMrtr;iil lX-277

— FILIPPO IX-J7sb; and Botti- celli I1-7USC: St. Maria Sopra Minerva. frc.r,.c.^ XIll-I72d;


painting.s, roli^^ious Xl-399c;

in Prato Cathedral Xll-117d;

in Rircanii Palace VI-68Sd;

toml) XlV-232d — Lorenzo, humanist, at Pisa

Xn-112b — RaffaeUo, Franciscan VI-2S7b Lippi-Ugguccioni, Ricovero del,

Servite XIII-736a Lippo Dalle Madonne. See Scan-

nabocchi — Di Dalmasio. See Scannabec-

LIPPOMANO, LUIGI, Pi?hop of Verona IX-L'7!ld: .W .iil2b; as hagiographiT \"I1 l(i7a; I'apal nuncio to I'darul .XU-l'.lla; 708b; and Salnurou XIII- 403b; at Trent XV-33C

— Pietro, Bishop of Bergamo IX- 280a

Lippovans, in Rumania XIII- 227c

Lipps, Theodor, as aesthete XII- 33b

Lippstadt, monastery, Evangelical Confession at XV-602d; 603b; Lutheranism at X V-603b ; 603c; and Westphalia XV-604d

Lips, Sign of the Cross on XIII- 7.86a

— Josse. See Lipsius. Justus

LIPSANOTHECA IX-2S0b; III- 343a; XVI-18d; and Cardinal Vicar of Rome in-343b

Lipschiitz, Jisrael, on Mishna XIV-437d

LIPSIUS, JUSTUS IX-280b; 392d; on Acidalius I-105a; on Arabic Gospel of the Infancy I-607C; Hilary of Poitiers, edi- tion of IV-454C; life, by Mirje- us X-351d; and Ortelius XI- 329c; at Padua University XI- 387d; portrait IX-facing 280; and Put.eanu3XII-5S4a; sodal- ity, as member XIV-91b

—Richard Adelbert Vll-lOSa; on Abgar I-OlOb; on Acts of Sts. Peter and Paul 1-61 Id; on Divine Attributes II-64a; on early popes I-286a; on Gala- tians VI-336d: on Gnosticism VI-592d

Lipski, Bishop of Cracow, and Monita Secreta X-487C

— Andreas, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-68Id

— Mathias, Bishop of Minok X- 333d

Liptina, Council (743) II-658a

Li Pu ni-606a

Liqanos, missionary V-568d

Liquefaction, of blood of St. Jan- uarius Vni-295c

Liquid, compressibility of, and Dcspretz IV-755d; equilibrium of. and Clairaut XII-6.3a; mo- tion of, and Euler XII-63a; and eucharistic host VII -194a ; and Pascal Xll-fiOc; of Leo- nardo da Vinci XII-.52d

Liquor, alcohol in I-274b

— legislation, in Alaska 1-24 7d: in British Isles XIV-487a; New York Tax Law XI-39d

— traffic, in Alabama I-244a; in Canada II-149a; State regula- tion of XIV-486d

Lira, value VIII-229b; X-335d

Liranga, mission station XV- 11. '.c

Lirioso, Bishop of Tortosa XIV- 78.')C

Liripippium (Liripipe) IV— i20b; VI I -164c

Lirot, missionary VIII-713a

Lisa, Manuel, 'of St. Louis X—

517b: XIV-19a Lisani, Persian poet XI-720C Lisboa, town. .See Lisbon — Felix, sculptor IX-660C — Marcos de. Bishop of Oporto

X 1-26 lb Lisbon, town, and Albuquerque I-270d; Xn-297d; Gusmao at VII-89d; Edward Kavanagh in VIII-612d; masonic council in IX-776d; national library IX- 282c; Postal Act of, and Congo IV-230a; universit\- IV-95c

— PATRLARCHATE OF IX- 281c; VII-324d; XII-305c; AuEiLstinians VII -288b; Bri- giltines II-786d; and Clement XI XI-552b: Dominican con- vent, James Arthur at I-755b; ecclesiastical history IX-282d; English College IX-2S3c; XII- 230b; 2.30c; XIII-572b; Irish College VIII-1.39d; XI-205d; XII -230c; Irish ecclesiastics (1795) VIII-162C; Jesuit Col- lege Xn-054a; map XIV- facing 200; papal nunciature XI - 161c; Patriarch of. arms (ill.) Vll-facing 242; Redemp- torists XII -683d; Scotch in- stitutions XII-230C; seminaries XIII-700b; 700d

Lisbona, Pietro di. Bishop of Irascati (Tusculum) VI-244b

Lisburn, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, school XIII- 57Sc

Lisfranc, Jacques, surgeon X- 142a

Lisgoole, shrine IV-60b

Lisieux, Amulf of. See Arnulf of Lisieux

— Diocese of II-358d; cathedral II-359a; college Il-358d; col- lege, Adam I-134d; Council of III-485d; seminary V-596d; Dosquet at V-137c

Liske, historian XII-200C

Lisle, town. Illinois, St. Joseph's (jrplmnage n-t;22b; St. Proco- pius College II-621C; St. Pro- copius College (ill.) II-622a

— Ambrose Phillips de. See De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps

L'Isle, Leconte de, poet VI-203a

— Thomas, Bishop of Ely I-246a; \'-396d

Lismore, Abbey of III-385a; XV- 565b

— Book of IX-284d; and O'Curry XI-20.-)C

— DIOCESE OF, Australia IX- 283d; II-117C

— Diocese of, Ireland. 5ee Water- ford and Lismore

— Isle of, Scotland, cathedral I- 706c; mona.stery Xni-631c

—SCHOOL OF, Ireland IX-284b

Lispenard vs. Stewart, and Charles O'Conor XI-202d

Lissa, Bohemian Brethren II- 617d

Lissabona (Lisbon) IX-2S1C

Lissus. See .Me.'isio

List, Friedrich, Malthusianism XII-279d

Lista y Aragon, Alberto, writer, .school of .Seville XIV-201a; Seville, Univcrsitv of XIII- 746c; and I'ardo vAliaga XIV- 204b; portrait .\I\-l'ISa

Liste des Bienfaits du Roi, fund XI-701C

Lister, Christopher IX-28.5a

— Lord Joseph, physician X- 137a: M2b: at Glasgow Univer-



— THOMAS, Jesuit IX-2S.5a; in Archpriest Controversy XVI- 4d

List of the holy oils, document VII-12:ja

Liston, Robert, use of narcosis X-142b

Listra, See VI-738d

Liszt. Adam IX-2S.TC

—FRANZ IX-285b; and Cohen IV-94d; composition, method X-65Sb; as Franciscan ter- tiary XIV-642a: and Kauf- mann, Leopold VIII-610d; as musician XI-27Ia; portrait IX-2S5; syraphonium XIV- 449b; and Thalbcrg XIV-5.54a


Litang. town, Tibet XIV-7I8C

Litania .XII-447a

— Gallicana. See Litania Minor

— Major I.X-2S7a

— Minor IX-2.S7b

— Romana. Sir Litania .Major

Litany. N. el (Leontes) VI-430c;

431a: lX-7iiOa: X-750a LITANY IX-286d; adjuration in I-142d; in African liturgy I-19.5d; Agnus Dei I-222d; in Alexandrine liturgy I-304a; Ambrosian Rite I-395a; 397d; 398a; 400b ; 400d ; Anglo-Saxon, invocation of Our Lady I-510c: ancient I-4S6a; in Apostolic Constitutions, liturgy of I— 571b: of St. Augustine's monks II-82d; St. Aunarius II-108a; Babylonian 1 1- 187c; bidding, in Stowe Missal III-501d; in Celtic baptismal rites III-o03a; Clovesho, Council of IV-69a; in consecration service I-365a; diaconal. in liturgy- of Addeus and Maris I-137a; diaconal, in East Syrian Rite XIV^15b; Durham Rite V-214a; faithful, attitude of VI-425a: in Greek Divine Office I-106b: Greek Liturgj- IV-317b; Irish, of Blessed Virgin XV-463a: in St. James' Liturgy I-572c; Lama- ism XIH09c: Latin-Irish, St. Aileran I-234d; in St. Mark. Liturgj- of I-304C; St. Mark's Day III-554a: in Mass of cate- chumens I-198a: of Moham- medans X-422C: novel, appro- bation III-526a; at papal cor- onations I-9Sd; primitive, re- semblance to acclamations I- 98a: Rogation Days I-ti9d; Roman Emperors, at corona- tion of I-9Sb

— Days, Mass in Bobbio Missal III-502b

— for the Dying, Old Testament names in I-54d

— OF LORETO IX-287C; Agnus Dei in I-222d; at Benediction II— 465c; decrees concerning IX-290b; ,l.-v-I.>i,n :'.ii TX- 288d; earliest ; I .X-

289b; earlv . - i '■ j-.:la;

early use 1\ ^-^li ;. i :, I .X- 2S7d; introdur.-il .V\ -4n4b: Joseph II II-127C: Loreto IX- 2S9c; origin IX-2S7c; papal approval IX-290a ; praises IX- 288b; scriptural IX-289d; spread of devotion IX- 290b

— of Our Lady. See Litany of Loreto

—OF THE HOLY NAME IX- 290c: 2S7c: and Agnus Dei in I-222d

—OF THE SAINTS IX-291a; 287c; ,«ngus the Culdee VIII- 639a; Agnus Dei in I-222d; consecration of cemeteries III- .508b: corner stone XIV-303b: Sts. Cosmas and Damian in- voked I\'— 104a; deacon, in or- dination of IV-6o0d; on Holy Saturday VII-438a; Office of. Primer XII-425b; pope V- 115c; extraordinary processions XII-447d; in Stowe Missal Ill-499a

Litchfield, town, Connecticut, temperance movement XIV- 490c

Literal Contract, in Roman civil law lV-334d

— Method. .Sec Tabellen-Meth- odc

Literarischer Handweiser, peri- odical. XI-67sd:fis0b

Literarische Rundschau fiir das katholische Deutschland, peri- odical Xl-07nb; 6S0b

Literary and Catholic Sentinel, periodical \'-ll.'>c

— Club, London , Artemus Ward II-,804d

Literati, of England, liberalism IX-212C

Literature: Armenia I-738a; X- 211b; Eznik V-739a; Isaac of Armenia VIII-175d; Mcsrob X-2lla: Xerses of Lambron X-754C

— Aasyro-Babylonia II-l7a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.