Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/515

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LUCERNE, papal nunciature XIV-363C; Passion Play XI- 533a: periodicals XI-091C; and Protestants XV- 143b

—Reformation IX-107C

Lucero, Gonzalo, missionary X- 40Sd

— Juan, Bishop of Salamanca XlII-391d; chapel of St. Bar- bara XIII-392a

— Juan Agustin, Bishop of San Carlos de Ancud XIII-426C

— Lorenzo, missionarj* XI^45b

Lucerren. .SV*-' Lucerne

Luchaire, M., on Hugh Capet VINolSd; on Philip 11, reign of Xn-2b

Luchelto da Genova iLuchinoi. .S' -■ (■ambi:iso. Luca

Luchesius of Poggibonsi, Blessed XlV-642a

Lucia, and Abelard I-36d

— Francesco di, on St. Philo- mena's martyrdom XII-25b

Lucia. See Lucy

Lucian, confessor IV-584b

— Bishop of Beauvais. martyT II-377d; XI-l89a; relics XV- 400b

—Bishop of Carthage III-387a

—Bishop of Ipsus VIlI-98b

— Saint, Bishop of Viviers XV— 493d

Luciani, Sebastian. See Piombo, Sc-ha^tian del

Lucianic Creed I-81d

Lucianic MSS. of the Bible IX- i)i;»b

LUCIAN OF ANTIOCH, ST. IX-J09b; XIV-401d; I-70Sc; Xl-70a; altar I-34()a; and Arius I-718d; and Asterius of Cappadocia Il-lSb; on Chris- tianity, spread of I-7SSb; and "Epistle to Diognetus" V-9b: and Eusebius of Nico- mcdia V-e23b; at Heliopolis XIV-403a; and Septuagint XIII-724a; and New Testa- ment III-277a: XIV-532a

— of Caphar Gamala, and St. Stephen's body 11-7293; XI- 322b

— of Samosata, priest. See Lu- cian of .\ntioch, Saint

— of Samosata, satirist XIII- 422a; and Byzantine literature III-119C; Celsus the Platon- ist III-!90c; on Christ, Divini- ty of VII-711C; and Christians I-298a; Il-UOd; VIII-375C: and Ignatian letters VII-646C; medieval study of IX-33C

— of St. Teresa. See Travers, George

— the Syrian, Saint. See Lucian of .\ntioch. Saint

Lucianus, and Dionysius of Alex- andria \-9d

— imperial chamberlain, and Theona.s XIV-622d

— Donatist anti-pope XI-262b

Lucia of Caltagirone, Blessed XIV-(;43d


Lucidus, nrcdestinationist VI- 19c; ancf Aries, Council of I- 727b; and Faustus of Rioz XII- 377d; and St. Mamertus IX- 580b: and i^eiuipelagianism II- 100b: XIII-705C

— Joannes, monk, and Gregorian Calendar IX-249b

Lucien, and Congregation of the Cross of Jesus IV-539b

LUCIFER IX-410a; IV-764a; and astronomy II-30b; 31a; fall I-542d; and our First Parents IV-7(i7a: and the Incarnate Word IV - 76.5c: Mechtild of Magdeburg on X-107a; rank IV-766C; sin of IV-76.Ta

Luciferians IV-2.59d: and the Eucharist V-.T89b; and St. Uilarv IX-221d: and St. Jerome VIII-342d; and St. Lucifer of Cagliari IX-410C; origin XIII-.i33c; and Theo- dnsiiis IX-llOd

LUCIFER OF C AGLIARI, SARJT I,\-tliib: J.ib: 2i-.c: III-MCia; XIII-47.'ia; and Ari;inism VII- 9d; and St. Athanasius III- 139c; and Alexandria, Council

of Il-lSa; exile IX-21Sb;

XIII-693c; and St. Hilary of Poitiers VII-349d; and Liber- ius V-G14b; Luciferian Schism III-139d; VIII-342d; XIII- o33d; Meletian Schism V- G14c; X-I62c; and Milan, Council of IX-21Sb Lucilius, Bishop of Verona XV-

3iUd — Caius, poet XIII-737d Lucilla, and Caicilian II-36.5b; V-123a; and the Donatists V- 123b: and the poor V-124d Lucina, Saint, identity III-514c: IX-4I0d: and Marcellus I IX- Mia: an. I mnrtvrs III-512C; St. I'v' !..Mh -f'lll-513a — Cliri-ii II, i,i:,ii..n. and Beatrice

.•~ii,,,.i IS- \l\ :id —CRYPT OF L\-410d; III-

41Sd: .',l:ib: r.lla — /n-.<,-..- I\- .-..Ta; cross IV- 521b; EurlKiiist V-.591b; VW- 490c: (ill. I IX-411b Lucis Creator optime hymn XV-

3S2c — largitor splendide, hymn I-

392c — Gratianus. See L>Tich, Dr. — ^John. See Lucie, John — ^Louis, and "Centuries" III-

535b LUCIUS I, SAINT, Pope IX- 411b: XII-27:ia: epitaph III- 514a; VIII-43d: relics III- 473a; XVI-71C; and Stephen I XIV-288a LUCIUS n. Pope IX^12a; XII- 274a: and Basilica Sessoriana XIII-169d; and Lesina, Dio- cese of IX-191b; and Portugal XII-298C; and Pullen XII- 563b; and Rome, attack of XIII-168d LUCIUS ni. Pope IX^12c; XII- 274a; on bigamy II-563d; and Cuenca, diocese of IV-562c; and Dublin, Diocese of I-730c; and heretics Vni-29b: and Holy Office, Congregation of XIII-137a: and Humiliates XII-250C; XIV-6;37b: and Joachim of Flora VIII-406d; and Lucca IX— J06a; St. Mag- dalen, relics of XIII-719a: and Modena, cathedral X-4I3a: and Waldenses XV-.52Sc; and William the Lion VIII-41Sb — Bishop of Alexandria, and

Arianism I-667d —Saint, British King V-379b: VI-579C; and Chur III-743c; Eleutherius I-642d: V-378d: and Gwent XV-534b; identity XV-.582d — Saint, Bishop of Cyrene IV-

— Saint,Bishopof Theveste XIV-

634c — Scipio, and MUan X-298d — of Cyrene, prophet III-.5S9C Luck, Diocese of. Sec Lutzk — John Edmund, Bishop of Auck- land II-li8C: 44Sc Luckie, Father, missionary II-

7S9c LUgON, DIOCESE OF IX-»13a: Lazarist seminary X-361c; Lor- raine, Bishop Jean de VII-74C; map Vl-facing 188: monastery IX-41.3a Lucon, Louis-Henri- Joseph XVI-

— Cams, anthropology V-501c; and atomism II-51c: 53d; and deaf, education of V-316b; on Epicurus II-41d: and evil V- 052a: and immortality VII- (i8.Sb; M.S. XII-178a: and .Ma- terialism V-407b: X-42b: 7I.3d; Pessimism XI-74f)d: Polignac on XII-212d; on teleology XIV-J7.5b

Luculanum, castle, St. Severinus, tomb of II-122a

LucuUus, Lucius Licinius, and Cvzicus IV-.WSc: and Nisibis XI-S4d: and I'ontns XII-2,34c; and .Sinope XI\*-I4b; and Tenedos XIV-.50fid; and The- mi.icyra XIV-.5fiOc: and Ti- granesof \rmenia XIII-691a

—Villa of VI -243b

Lucumonies VIII-219a

Lucus Victoria, synod IV-641a;

X \-.-,s:\d LUCY, SAINT, martyr, Syracuse IX-414a; XIII-7"74b:" XIV- 397b; in art, Tiepolo (ill.) I.X- 414; in art, Vanni XV-273a; feast. Trier III-163b: .Sigebert of Gemblours on XIII-7S3d; United States, churches dedi- cated to XI-565b

—I, martyr, China VIII-714a

— Alciati i-t04c

— Godfrey de. Bishop of Win- chester XV -i;;50c

— of Narni, Blessed, stigmatic XIV-29ob; 290a; X-704a; and Ercole of Ferrara IV-121b

Lud., abbr. I-24d

— King of Britain IX-341C

— Vautrin, and America XIII- 34.">c: and Waldseemiiller XV- .531b

Ludden, Patrick Anthony, Bishop of S.\Tacusc XIV-39Sb

Luddi, Ambrose, Bishop of Assisi I-soic

Luder, Peter VII-540d; and Schedel XIII-525b

LUderitz, merchant, and Africa IV-Gllb

— Andrew, Abbot of Bursfeld III- 85b

Ludewig, J. P. von, encyclopedia V-416a

Ludgate, London, destroyed IX- 345b: fire IX-342c; origin IX- 341c

LUDGER, SAINT IX-415a; X- 635a; 637a; biography, Alt- fried XV-nSOb: mona.stery III- 19b: tomb XV-.'.sHb: a.s .\bbot of Werd.-n X\-.->,sna

Ludgerianum Collegium, semi- nary X-030d

Ludham, Robert. See Ludlam, Robert

Ludi Bozhi. See Khylsti

Ludicus, Bishop of Kruszwica XV-6Slb

Liidiger, Saint. See Ludger, Saint

Liidinghausen, town, church, Gothic X-ti.39c; school, agricul- tural XIII-589a

Ludlam, Robert, Venerable, mar- tyr V-476a; and Garlick VI- 3S6a

Ludlow, town, battle XV-641a

— Edmund, general, in Ireland VIII-104a; and Wardour Cas- tle I-7R5d

LUDMILLA, SAINT IX-416a: conversion II-122c; 613d: United States, church dedi- cated XI-56.5b: and St. Wen- ceslaus XV-.587c

Ludolf, Abbot of Sagan, on Saint John Nepomucene VIII— I67c

— ^Iargrave of Saxony XV-602b

— Hiob. See Leutholf

Ludolfus, Bishop of Ratzeburg XVI-70b

Ludolph, Saint, martyr, feast XIII-77C

— hermit, and St. Norbert XI- 100c

—founder VI-128a

— Duke of Swabia, and St. Bruno III-13d; and Otto I XI-.3.54c; and Ratherius of Verona XII- 651b: and St. Ulrich XV-123C

— of Miinster, and Conrad of Hochstadt IV-258d

—OF SAXONY IX-116a: III- 39 lb: us Biblical commentator IV-lOOb; and Lentulus, Letter of IX -1.54c

— the Carthusian. See Ludolph of Stixonv


Ludovisi, Alessandro, cardinal. See Gregory XV, Pope

— Ludovico, and Gregory XV VII-5a

— Orazto, and Gregory XV VII-

— Villa, and Barbieri II-2S7C Ludovisian College, andWadding,

Luke XV-523d Lud's-Town. See London Ludus pro Patria, painting. Puvis

de Chavaniics XIl-.",s.5d Ludwig, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm,

phv.siologist IX-141a; X-139b:

and Muller X-628b


— Otto, dramatist VI-527C

— Mission Association, Baden II-200a: Bamberg II-245C

— of Ortlieb, Prince-Bishop of Basle U-339a

— of St. Eucharius, Abbot, and St. Hildegard VII-352a

— See Louis

Ludwigskirche, paintings, Cor- nelius IV-377b

Ludwigslust, town, Germany, Catholic parish X-llOd

Ludwigsvereine XII-240b

Ludwig von der Pfalz, Elector of Saxony I\'-293a

— .'^fc Louis

LUEGER, KARL, Burgomaster of Vienna IX-117a; XV-llSd; and Catholic Congress I V-244C

Luers, John Henry, Bishop of Fort Wavne Vl-loOd; 4Sla; VII-741d; and Holv Cross, Sis- ters of the VII-406C: and Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ XII-254C

Luffa, Ralph de. Bishop of Chi- chester lll-fl57c; V-433C

Lufft, Hans, printer XV-679b

Lugaidth, Saint. See Lua

Lugalduazaga, deity IV-406d

Lugal-shuggur, King of Shirpula Il-lsOd

Lugano, Diocese of. See Basle- Lugano, Diocese of

Lugari, Giambattista, cardinal XVI-lSa; 19d

Lugdunensis, Codex. See Codex

Liigenfeld, battle VI-486d

Lugentes. See Flentes

Lugidius, Irish bishop, and St. Comeall IV-153a

Lugil, Saint, isee Lua

Luglo, John of. See John of Lugio

Lugni of Coimaught, and St. Benignius of Kilbannon II- 479d

Lugo, town, Italy, and Pius VII XII-132C

— province, Spain XIV-171C

— town, Spain, Eucharistic Con- gress XlV-189d

— Alonso Fernandez de, explorer, Canary Islands III-244a

— Bernardo de, and Acosta I- lOSc

— Council of, VIII-76Id

—DIOCESE OF, Spain IX-417d; XIV-17:ia: cathedral, and Pris- cillian heresy I-153b; and Com- postela IV-lSSd; (map) XIV- facing 200

—FRANCISCO DE IX-418a; on predestination XII-3S2d; XIV- 70Ic

—JOHN DE, cardinal IX-418b; XI-126d; XII-656C: XIII- 62b: XIV-S7d; on blasphemy II-595b; on Communion of children IV-171a; on Coninck IV-253C: on exclusion, right of V-677c: on faith V-753d: on faith, articles of I-755d; on grace, sacramental XIII-.302c: and Jesuits' Bark VIII-373c: and Lugo, Francisco de IX- 418a; on Mass X-lSb; 16b; orders, holy XII-416c; on penance XI-fi22d; on Precious Blood Xn-372d; and Proba- bilism XII-442b; on sin, philo- sophical XIV-7c; on slavery XlV^Oa: as theologian XIV- 594c: 607b: Thomism XIV- 702d: on usury XV-236b

— Pedro Fernandez de, explorer IV- 122c

— Zerbino, Bishop of Feltre II- 424d

LUGOS, DIOCESE OF IX-419b; Vl-7.5.-,d

Lugosium. Sif Logos, Diocese of

Luguat, and SI. Darerca IV-635C

LUgumkloster XIII-543b

Luhith. See I.iiilh

Luhmu. Ste Lachmos

Luhr, John 11. IV-.56a

Luidhard, Frankish bishop, and Queen Bertha Il-Sld; and Celtic Kite IIM9.!d

Luidprand of Cremona. See Liutprand of Cremona

Luig I, King of Portugal. Set Louis

Luini, Aurelio IX-120C

Luigi. See Louis

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.