Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/584

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New Antwerp, mission (ill.) IV-

229d —Archangel, Sitka VI-772C Newark, Delaware, college I-321C — New Jersey X-791a; Irish VIII-136a; Italians VIII-204a; Poles XII-211a — Ohio, earthworks VII-748b;

Rumanian Greeks VI-751a — Ontario. See Niagara-on-the-

Lake —DIOCESE OF X-779d; 792d; Armenians XIII-82a; charities XII-247b; Charity, Sisters of Ill-eOSc; erected VII-517d: X-7S0b; XI-643b; Eucharist ic society I- 154a; hospital XII-2o8a; Italians VIII-206b: and Louvain I- 425a; parish, first X-780a; pro- tectory XII-492d; St. Mary's Abbey II^52c; seminaries XIII -701a; Slovak churches XIV-5.5C; statistics X-781a; XV-176d; svnod X-780C New Atlantis (Bacon) II-193C — Baltimore, Pennsylvania, con- vent III-365C NEWBATTLE X-7Slb Newbo, monastery X-790a Newbold, William R., spiritism

XIV-223a New Braunfels, Texas XIV- 546c: Germans VI-480d; settle- ment XUI-425b; XIV- 549b — Britain, Connecticut. Arme- nians Xni-82a; population, foreign X-298c — Brunswick, province, com- merce III-22SC —Education III - 240d; XIII- 56Sd; schools I-o05a; III-237b: XII-600a — History: possession of XI-

136c — Legislation: marriageable age I-208d; Masses, bequests for X-30d; prohibition I-5(>4d — literature. Catholic periodical

XII-673b — Population: Indians III-229d; CathoUc Indians X-383d; Irish VIII-1.50a; 151a — Statistics: Acadian III-237b: ecclesiastical III-242c; educa- tional III-231b; religious III- 241d; school XII-599d — Brunswick, New Jersey, Hun- garians in VII-546a — Brunswick, Diocese of. See

Chatham. Diocese of — Brunswick, Diocese of. See St .

John, Diocese of Newburgh, New York, Germans

VI-475d Newbury, Vermont, English XV-

35.5c New Caledonia, island. Church m XI-200c; climate X-781c; eth- nology X-782a; geography X- 781c; LeWrate IX-694d reli- gion, primitive X-782a; trad- ins post ll-792b —CALEDONIA, VICARIATE

APOSTOLIC OF X-7S1C Newcastle, Diocese of. See Hex- ham and Newcastle New Castle, Delaware IV-692c;

Xl-G39b —Maine, Church in II-705d ^ Newcastle, Wyoming, mines XV-

725b — on-Tyne, England, training

scliool IV-343d —West, convent XIII-57SC New Catholic Association. See

CathoUc Association — Church. See Swedenborgians — Church Union, publishers XIV-

350c New-chwang, treaty port III-

0S3d; fiSOb

New College, Oxford III-ri57b;

XI-369a; Catholic fellows VI-

164c; foundation lV-109b;

XV-G41d; Mass, daily IV-108d

Newcomb, Simon, astronomer

II-26c; and Hell, Maximilian

VII-212a; world, ago of the


New Congregational Methodists

X-241b — Corbie, abbey. See Corvey —England, Church in II-703C; Greek Catholics VI-747b; nun, first I-320d

— History: aborigines I-4Hb: and Ailleboust I-235b; charter abolished V-130c; colonization I— 41oa: divorce I-l()4b: slavery aboUtion XV-4o6c; Thanks- giving XIV-555d: United Con- federation XV-159d; witch- craft XII-S67d; XV-677b

— Religions and Sects: Albanian Orthodox VI-774b; Baptists II-279C; Episcopalians XII- 494a; Presbyterians XII-394a

• — Population: French Canadians VI-272b; migration X-293d

— England Antislavery Society, XV-l(i9d

— England Catholic Historical Society Xll-L'ssc

— England Emigrant Aid Society XV-17l)d

— Era, periodical IX-493a

— ^Deer, abbey, foundation IV- 674d

— Devotion. See Common Life, Brethren of the

— Forest, England XV-643d

Newdigate, John XIII-668b

— Sebastian, martvr XV-630C


— Church in X-7S2c; fishermen, mission to II-104d; statistics III-23Sb

— Education X-7S2d; geography X-782b; Harbor Grace VII- 133c; map Ill-following 238; St. John's XIII-3S6b; schools XIII-571C

— History: Cabot, John III-127a; Cartier. Jacques III-392d; dis- covery X-782b; possession III- 233d;" settlement X-782c; Vin- land 1-4 19b; Seal of Confession XIII-661b

— Methodism in X-240a; Popu- lation III-229b; X-782c; Shea, Sir Ambrose XIII-754a

—France XIV-439a; Calli^res, Governor III-lS3a; Charlevoix III-631C; Denonville. Gov- ernor IV-732C: Frontenac, Gov- ernor ^T-310b; and Wisconsin XV-662a

— France, Company of, estab- lished III-232a

— Freeman, periodical, Canada XI-673b

Newgate Prison, London IX- 342c ; Adelham in 1-14 lb; Bark- worth at II-296d: Barrow, Venerable William, at II-309d; Gordon Riots VI-650c; (ill.) VI-650b ; statue V-294C ; builder IX-343b

New Georgia, Solomon Island XIV-138C

— Gesa, church, Naples X-683d

— Goa. .See Panjim

— Granada. See Colombia

—GUINEA X-783a; Church, mission V-54b; X-784d; cli- mate X-7S4a; ethnolog>' X- 7S4a; fauna X-784d; geogra- phy. Kaiserwilhclmsland VIII- 592d: history, German VI- 513d; industries X-784b; leg- islation, divorce IX-696b; re- ligion, primitive X-7S4c; sta- tistics X-784C

— Guinea, Dutch, Prefecture Ap- ostolic of X-785a

—Hall, convent III-296d

Newham College IV-S9C

NEW HAMPSHIRE X-785a; church, missions X-7S7d; Church, publications. Catholic XI-692C; education X-7S5d; geography, area X-785b; geog- raphy, physical X-785b

— History: civil X-786b; early religious laws VIII-677b: ec- clesiastical X-787b; penal laws XI-017b; Seal of (ill.)_X-7.S5c; slavery, abolition of XV-169b; state XV-157d — Legislation: bequests, chari- table X-7S9b; charities, incor- poration of X-788d; divorce X-788d; liquor traffic laws XIV-491a; marriage X-788d; prisons and reformatories X- 789a; religious X-788c; taxa- tion X-788d; wills and testa- ments X-789a — Population: French Americans VI-273a; French Canadians VI-273d; Irish VIII-134b

— Resources: agriculture X-785c; commerce X-7S5d; industries X-7S5C; minerals X-7S5d

— societies. French VI-276b; sta- tistics X-7S9b: XV-17i>b

— Hampshire College, Durham X-7,S(5a

— Hampshire Confession, Bap- tist II-278C

— Hampshire Grants, Vermont XV-355C

— Hampshire School for the Feebleminded X-786a

— Harmony, community IV— isld; XlV-69b

— Haven, Connecticut IV-253d; 639d; convent X\-554a: Laz- arists in X-367d; Seminary, Congregational IV-241a


— Helfta, nionasterv ^T-534c

— HoUand, Australia II-113d

— Holland, Prefecture Apostolic of II-11.5d; VIII-14Gb; XIV- 3i;5b


New International Congress, and Socialism XIV-03c

— Ireland Review, periodical XI- 6S2d

Newitchwannock. See South Berwick. Maine


— Church in: Greek Catholics VI-747b; missions X-792c; population. Catholic X-792d; publications, Catholic XI-692c ; Rumanian Greeks VI-751a; Ruthenian Greeks VI-47Sa; temperance XIV-491b

— Education X-79-ih; geography, area X-790a; geography, phy- sical X-790b; government X- 791a

— History: American Revolution X-791d; arbitration I-6S5b: civil X-790c; and Dutch X- 791b; early religious laws VIII- 677b; ecclesiastical X-792a; seal (ill.) X-790c; slavery, abo- lition of XV-169b; state XV- 157d

— Legislation: adoption I-148a; cemeteries X-794a; divorce X- 793c; marriage X-793c; oaths X-793b; punishment, capital XII-569C; religion X-793a; wills X-794a

— Population: Bohemians II- 621a; foreign X-29Sb; French VI-273a; Germans VI-176b; Hollanders VII-394b; Hunga- rians VII-545d; Irish VIII- 134d; 130a; Italians VIII- 204a; Negro XII-028b; Slovak XIV-55C

— Religions and Sects: Baptists II-2S0a; statistics XV-17_6b^

— Jerusalem, amethyst XIV- 305c; bervl XIV-305d; car- buncle XIV-306a; chalcedony XlV-30flb; chrysolite XIV- 306d; chrysoprasus XIV-306d; emerald XI\'-307b; sapphire XIV-30SC; monastery XI-77d; of Mormons X-571d; Miinster I-446b; X-63fia — Jerusalem, Church of the. See

Swedenborgians — Jerusalem. .See Voskrcsensky — Kelpatrick, seminary XIII-

700d Newkirk, New York, Germans

Vl-47.5d Newland, Wales XV-533b New Learning, .s'ee Renaissance —Lights, XII-394C — London, Conn' elieut. .Summer

School Xl-222d; XIV-334C — Loreto, Our Lady of. See

Lorette — Madrid, Missouri, mission X-

401d Newman, Charles Robert X-795a —Eliza HaU I-324b — Francis, on Resurrection V-

75Sd — Francis William X-79.')a — Jemima X-795a —John X-794d

—JOHN HENRY, cardinal X- 794d; 800c: I-81b; Achilli trial IX-211C: X-797d: and Allies

I-324b; on St. Ambrose I-385C; on amplification VII-444d; on AngUcan Church V~44Sc; on AngUcan Orders I-494C: 496b; on ante-Nicene Christology I- 708b; on St. Anthony I-555a; on Antichrist I-5Glb; antiphon translation I-32Gc; .^pocabiJae XV-l69d; Apologia X-796c: 798d; on Arians n-37b; At- lantis XI-682b: on St. Augus- tine and Luther ni-203a; on St. Basil II-332b; 333a; on BeUasis II-414b: on Bible VII- 760a; on Bible, Challoner's Version of V-140d; Bible, Douay II-142c; on British CathoUcs V-154b; Callista III- 84a; cardinal-deacon, creation X-800a; and Caswall III-417b; Cathedra Sempiterna X-799b; Chalcedon, Council of V-636d: Christ on the Waters II-578d: on Church I-649b: on Church and State II-37c: on classicism XII-765d; on colleges, influ- ence of IV-109a: on conscience IV-269a; V-215d: conversion V-43b: X-797b; XV-671d; and Coffin IV-93d: Xn-686b; and Curtis XV-647a; on St. CjTil of Alexandria V-G34a ; on develop- ment I-642c: V-768d; X-795d: on doctrine III-716b: Xlll^d: epitaph X-800b; and Faber V- 740c; on Faith and private judgment XII-496d: on final perseverance X 1-71 Id; and Formbv VI-139b; on Froude X-796a; XI-371C: on God, presence of XII-397a; Gram- mar of Assent II^09a; V- 75.5b; X-795d: on Gregory of Nazianzus Vll-lSb: and Beck- er V11-1S7C; and Hope-Scott VlI-4G8a: on human intellect Vn-7G0d; on Hj-postasis V- 633d; Idea of a University X- 798a: on Ignatian letters VII- 646c: infalUbiUty, papal X- 799b; XV -306b: 307d; in Ireland Vlll-llla; X-797d; XI-205C: on Jesuit education XII-G56C: and Keble X-796a; lay movement X-798C; and Kingsley X-798d; lectures II- 782d: and Leo XIII X-800a; at Littlemore X-797b; and Lockhart IX-321d: 322b; on magisterium of the Church III- 532b: and Manning X-798C: Miracles, Essay on X-795C; and Modernism X-798b; on moral law X-o59c; moral obli- gation XI-190a; Monsell X- 509d; and Moran XIV-367b; Alorley on V-456b ; and Mozley XI-376b; on neo-Phythagor- eans X-746b: on Novation XI- 140d: and Hakelev Xl-173a; Oratory XI-27.3c: amKI'Reilly, Edmund XI - 294a: and O'ReUly, Patrick XI-295a: at Oriel College XI-369b: at Os- cott XI-336a; and Oxford Movement I-503d: X-795a; XI-370a: and Palmer XI- 430d; Parochial Sermons X- 79,5d; patristic writings X- 796c: on St. PhiUp Neri XII- 20c; portrait X-facing 796; portrait at Trinity College XI- 3G9b: on Protestant faith XII- 49Gd: and Pusey X - 793c: XII-582d: "Rambler" X-79Sc: on reason XI 1-67 5b: Rerum Creator Optimo XII-782d; as Ritualist Mll-90b: and Riv- iiict II \!ll 'lib: on Roman Ci \ V c. and Russell

Mil.:, I Kyder XIII-

2Ml(I ■ ! ' I iiMinls. develop- nicnt ..f Xlll L'ii'.id: and Saint John XIIl-3.">4d: on Scripture XI-461b: style V-470a: on Sutri, Svnod of IV-17d: and tlieoloe>-' XIV-596a: titular church .\III-170a: on Tractar- ians XV-G71C: Tract 90 X-


T'K.b ..:i ■ I.:-: .11 XV 440b;

\ I , • !. \ : " b Mil ,-.32c; Y„ -.: .'-,.,nnv XV-

4r,il'li ill w U.I X T'.isc: and Whatelev X-7H,'ic:and Whitty, Robert XV-615d; and Wilber-

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill) = illustrations.