Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/597

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O'Brien, Cornelius, martjTdom

Vlll-lWb — Cornelius, Archbishop of Hali- fax VII-USc —Daniel, nmrtvrdom VlII-16Sa — Denis, in New York XI-34C — Diarmaid, in Kildare VIII-

637b — Dominic, Bishop of Waterford

and Lismore XV-566C — Donagh, martyrdom VIII-lOTd — Donald, King of Limerick, St.

Flannan, Cathedral of VIII-

642b — ^Donat, Bishop of Limerick IX-

262d — Donogh Cairbreach, King of

Limrrifk 111 4illc: Ennis Ab-

bev Vlll-il42a; Holy Cross

Abbey VlUliild — Donough, Earl of Thomond,

and Keating, Geoffrey XVI-

48b ~F. A. XIV-78C —Frank P. l-243a —James, at All Hallows I-315a — Jeremiah IX-»4(Jb: in Ameri- can Rev.ili.tion Vni-139c — John, Bishop of Clovne, and

RosslV--2d;XIII-202a — ^John, Bishop of Kingston

VIII-659b — John, din^ctor of Sacred Heart

Review X 1-1)940 — M. Agatha, in Chicago X-201a — Matthew, at Albany I-257a; in

Boston II-705b; educational

work XI-2Sb; in New York

XI-21b; and Seton, EUzabeth

XHI-739C —Maurice, Bishop of Emly VIII-

Ifiilc: XI-193d — M. D., in Louis\-ille X-710C — Morgan J., in Brooklyn II-

Snid: at Catholic Congress IV-

2.50d — M. P. in-43.5d — Murrough, at Council of Fiadh-

Mic-Aengus I-730b —Nicholas, in Civil War II-706c;

"CathoUc Observer" XI-694C —P., in Liverpool (1760) VIII-

152a — Patrick, and Keating XVI-4na — Paul, and Lanigan XVI-olc:

at Mavnooth College X-SSd — Tadhg, martvrdnm VIlI-164b —TERENCE ALBERT XI-lU3c;

VIII-167d — Timothy, Bishop of Richmond

Xlll-SIa — W. D. XIV-79b —William, New York XI-21b;

and Poterie (1789) II-704a — William F. X., in Pittsburg

XII-121d — WllUam Smith VI-554d; and

Meagher X-9nd O'Brogan, David, Bishop of

Cloch.r lV-r,na O'Brolchain, at Drrry lV-742d O'Bruadair, Anthony, martyr.

,SVp Broder —DAVID Xl-19.3d O'Bryan, William, and Bible

Christians X-240d Obscurantism VII-541C; and

Abelard I-.39a: and Theodoric

ofChartrcsXIV-575d Obsequies. Sec Burial Observaciones sobre Fisica, His-

toria Natural y Artes Utiles,

perio.linal. Mexico Xl-lisCa Observador Portuguez, periodi- cal, Portugal Observance, Hospitallers of the.

Sec Hospitallers of the Observ-

Observance, Strict. .SVe Strict ()bsen.-anee

— of St. Bernard of Spain, Con- gregation of the III 783a

Observantines. See Friars Minor

Observants VI-2S4d; 291b

Observateur Catholique, periodi- cal X -2(isb

Observation, and T.e Plav XII- l(i2c; and Pestalozzi XI-74:Sa; inscione,. Xni-.'iI7d

Observatore Romano, periodical VI-179d

Observer, periodical, London IX- .34.TC

— periodical, Scotland XI-689d

Observers, in Mohammedan Angelology X-426C

Obsidian, Aztecs and II-lTlc

Obstacle, in Sacraments XIII- 3IMb

Obstetrics, abortion 1-4 7c; 4Sd; 50a: antesthetics I-448c: de- velopment X-I41c: historj' X- 134c; and Semmelweis XIII- 712a

Obstinacy, in character III-586c; assin VII-41.5a

Obszewski, K., at Cracow Uni- versitj- IV-4l',6c

Obuskevitch, Theophan, Greek Catholic Vl-747d

O. C, abbr. I-27d

Oca, See of Ill-lWd; X-721d

O'CadhIa, Maolsheachlainn. See O'Quecly, Malachais

O'Cahan, Bernard, Bishop of Derry lV-743b

— Eugene, marl \r \'11I-Hi7d

O'Cahill, Ambrose «neas, mar- tyr Vlll-ir,7d

O'Callaghan, Ambrose, Bishop of Ferns Vl-4lib

— C. T.. in AlalKima X-411C

—David Xl-llUc

—EDMUND BAILEY XI-194C; .XIll-364b; and Martin IX- 727c

— Eugene XI-194C

— Henry, .\rchbishop of Nicosia, as Bishop of Hexham ai^d New- castle VII-318d; and St. Charles, Oblates of I-40od

— Jeremiah II-706a; in Spring- field XIV-237b; in Vermont n-7(l('>a; XV-ii.-.nd

—Theodore Xl-KUc

O'Camald., al.lir. I-27d

Ocampo, Sebastian, in Cuba IV- 539c

Ocana, town, Spain, convent VI- 378d

Ocania, college, Gonzalez at XVI-41d

O'Caran, Gilbert, Archbishop of Armagh I-73nc

O'Carolan, Bernard, martyr VIII- 167a

— TORLOGH XI-195b; tomb Xlll-lsOc

O'Carrighy, Thaddseus, martyr- dom Vlll-ic,7d

O'Carroll, Maelsuthain, and Bri- an B.,ru \ lllHl27d

— Tatheus, shrin.- VIII-()41c

O'Cart., abbr. I-27d

O'Cassidy, Rory I -)33d

O'Cathain, S., writer VIII-124a

O'Cathan, Bishop of Ferns VI- 45c

O'Cavanaugb, Bernard, in Hart- ford VII-144b; in Springfield XIV-237b

O. C. C, abbr. I-27d

Occam, William. See William of Ockham

Occasion, cause XII-789d

Occasional Conformity XI-90d: Act XI '.iTa

OCCASIONALISM XI - 195c; IH-41,4c; IX-5Sld; X-4S4b; of Avieebron II-157a; Avi- cenna II-158b; and Cartesian- ism XI-19Sd: Clauberg, Jo- hannes XI-195d; Forge. Louis de la; Goulincx, Ar- nold XI-196a; Lotzc, R. H. XI-19nc; Malebranche. Nich- olas XI-19nb; and Monism X-4S4b; Soul, Conception of XlV-15lib

OCCASIONS OF SIN XI-196d: proximate XI-197a; remote XI-197a

Occitania. See Lyons, Domini- can Province of


Occo, Adolph X-136a

OCCULT ART, OCCULTISM XI-197d; in Africa I-184b; and Agrippa of Nettesheim I- 232a; in Alaska I-248b: and astrology II-23c; in Babylonia XI-19sa; and Mme. Blavatskv XIV-627a; Buddhism XI- 199a; in Chaldea XI-19Sa: of Celts XI-199b; and Christian- ity XI-I99C; in F.gvpt XI- 198d; of Greeks XI-199a; of Indians XI-iy8d; among Se- chelt Indians Xm-671b; of Jews XI-19Kd; in Middle Ages XI-I99d; in Mithraism X- 403d; and mystical theolog\'

XIV-621b; of Romans XI- 199a: and superstition XIV- 339c; of Teutons XI-199b: and Zoroastrianism XI-19Sd — Compensation. See Compensa-

Occupation, and ownership IX- Nlb; XlI-lt)Oa

OCCURRENCE XI-200a: of feasts I-39Sd; of offices IV- 15.5d; rules XI-200a

O. C. D., abbr. I-27d

Ocean, Greek deity, in cosmogony IV^lOd; worship IV-683d

Oceania, Augustinians VII-287d; candles I-346d; dioceses V-5c

— (IrotiTaphy XI-200b; Caroline Islands XVI-68b; Fiji Archi- pelago W'l^Oa; Guam XVI- .s:id; Mariana and Caroline Islands XVI-82C: Mariana Islands XVI-68d; Solomon Islands XVI-85a

— Good Shepherd, convents of VI-64Sb; Marists IV-lOla; missions XI-J90a; .statistics X-376a;MaryImmaculate,OI> lates of XI-186b; and Propa- ganda XII-!o7b: 457d: Propa-

.if the Failli.


XIV-i;7sb; L>7',ib. L'Mb


Oceanica. See Oceania

Oceanos. See Ocean

Oceanus. .See Ocean

O Cearbhallain, Toirdhealbhach. .S, e ) )'C'ar()lan. Torlogh

O'Cervallan, Odo, Bishop of Cloizlier lV-r,Oa

O'Cervallen, Gervase, Bishop of D.rrv IV-74LM

Ochastegius, tribe Vll-5fi6c

Ochino, Bernardino XIII-781a: api)slasv lll--322d; and the Hef.,rination X1I-707C; as Uni- tarian I1I-19SC

Ochoa, Anastasio Maria XIV- 203c; contributor, Diario de .Mexico XI-686b

Ochozias, King of Israel VIII- lUOa; 65.5b; 656a; C57b; and Beelzebub II-388d; idolatry II-176C; and Josaphat VIII- 503a; ships I-792C

—King of Juda VIII-199a; 347b; 6,54b; 656b; 657b; XIII-416a; Baal worship II-I76d; chronol- ogy in-734a; date Vni-658b; and Elias V-382a

Ochran, and Phegiel I-775a

Ochrida. See Aehrida

Ochsenfurt, Abbey of XIV-563c

Ochus, King of Persia. See Ar- taxcrxes III; Darius (Nothus)

O'Cillene, Cormac. See Cormac MaeCuillenan

Ockham, William. Sec William

of (lekham O Clavis David, antiphon XI-

173b O Cleirigh, Eoghan XV-83a O'Clery, Conary VI-lli4a — Michael XV-550C; and Acta

Sanctorum Hibcrniie I-Uld;

annals VI-163d: xni-3,53a: in

Irish hagiography IV-99d; in

Irish literature Vni-120c —Peregrine VI-164a O'Colgan, Clement, martyr VIII-

lllsa O Comhraidhe, Eoghan. See O*


O Conaire, P. VIII 12.3d O'Conarchy, Christian, .Abbot of

Mellif„nt X-lOsc — Malchus, .\bbot of Mcllifont

X-insc O'Concannon, T. Vni-124b O Conchubhair.Fedhlimidh, King

of ronn.iuKtit XIII -190d; inia O'Conel, Thaddeus, inartvr lll-

29.-,d O'Connell, Sister Anthony XIV-

28c — Bernard J., in Colorado IV-

1.30c — D ANIEL.emancipator XI-200d ;

V-37b; Vlll-lOSa; XI-C16b;


XIII-125a: Balmeson II-224d; and Bianconi 1 1-54 Id; and bish- ops .XV-3y3d; and Burke III- 80d; Catholic Emancipation XI-l,S0b; XIII- 129b; 130d; XV-394b; and Christian Broth- ers XIII-41a; and Croke IV- 514b: and Doyle V-151b; and "Dublin Review" XI -673c; 6Sld; and Duffy V-187a; and Dupanloup V-202d ; funeral ora- tion XIV-5.5Sa: XV-343d;and Hand I-314d; heart of VIII- 158d; and MeGeeIX-493a; and Mae Hale IX-199b: on Father Mathew X-4Sa; and O'Logh- len XI-248d; portrait XI- facing 202; and Schaepman XIII-519b; and Shell XIII- 754c; on temperance movement XIV-4S9b: tribute XI-202a: and Wiseman XV-671b

— Daniel, Vicar Apostolic of Madras IX-515C

— Denis Joseph, Bishop of Rich- mond, as Bishop of Sacramento XV-240a; at American College, Rome I-424b; Catholic Uni- versity of America, Rector of III^56a; educational work V- 305a; in San Francisco XIII- 442c: and Van de Vyver XV- 270c

— Eleanor, Sister of Charity of Nazarclh X-72.5a

— Eugene, Bishop of Sacramento, and Alemanv XIII-441b; at All Hallows 'I-SlSa; as Vicar Apostolic of Marysville XIII- 294a

—John XI-202b: and Duffy \'- lS7b: and XIII-7o5b

—Mary XI 202b

— Maurice Xl~200d

—Maurice D., in Iowa VIXI-97b

— Richard, Bishop of Kerry VIII-62Sa

— Thaddeus, martyrdom VIII- lfi7b; and O'Quecly XI-264C

— William Henry, cardinal. Arch- bishop of Boston II-707a; X-29b; XVI-18a; at American College, Rome I-424b: as ed- itor XI-694C: as Bishop of Portland XII-2S8c; and S. Clement, Chm-ch of XIII- 171a

—Monument, Dublin XIII-647a; (ill.) XI-20Ib

—Schools, Dublin XIII-41a; 57Sb

O'Connor, Alphonse. See O'Con- nor. Richard Alphonsus

—Andrew, sculptor XIII-648a

—Arthur, lawyer XV-234d

— Charles, at Irish College, Rome Vin-1.5,Sc

—Cornelius, martvr Vni-167b

—Daniel, in India VII-592d; XIII-385d: .3S6d

— Denis, Archbishop of Toronto XIV-782b: at London IX- 353d: at St. Michael's College II-32.5C

— Hugh, King of Connaught IV- 510a

— James, Bishop of Omaha X- 519a; 732b; 733a: XI-249d; and Drexel, Kathcrine II- 599b; and Wolf, G. D. XV- 682c

■ — John, general, in Peru VIII- 157c

— John, pioneer, Syracuse Dio- cese XlV-:i9Sb

— John J., Bishop of Newark X- 7S0d; at .-Vmcrican College, Rome H24b; at Louvain Col- lege I-42.5C

— M. Agnes X-201a

— M. C, and Knights of Colum- bus VIII-li70d

— Michael, Bishop of Ballarat


— Michael, Bishop of Pittsburgh VIII 142c: Ol.Sd; XI-r>94a; 79.5b: XII-122b; XIV-646a; and American College, Rome I-42.3C; at Baltimore II-233d; contributor XI-(>9.5d: at Eric V-518d; and P.assionisls XI- S24c: and Wimmer XV-648d

— Myles P., benefactions III- 4.5.5d; 436a; VIII-143b; XV-

— Patrick, martyr VIII-166C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b. c, d, quarter of page.