Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/668

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Pulotu, in Polynesian mythology IV-689a ^ , .

PULPIT XII-563d; ambo I- 3Sld; 382b; Amiens cathedral CUl.) Xll-facing 562; Bergamo cathedral (ill.) Xll-facmg o62; carved decoration XV-701C; Messina cathedral (ill-) .^■- facing 216; Pisa baptistery (Ul.) Xll-facing 562: Pisa cathedral XII-1 10b; S. And^a, church, Pi3toia (■ ;, H^"i^^ ' Trier cathedral (iH-) Xll-fac-

Pulpitary, in Dominician Rite XIII-76a

Pulpitum Xlll-lSld

Pulse, in Bible XII-lo6a

Pulsers, J., and American Col- lege. Louvain I-425C

Pultowa, Little Russians in XIII-234d; ownership XUl- •'37a; and Sweden XIII-3/oa

Pulusha, deity IV-6S8c ,

Pulvis Cardinalis. See Jesuits

— comitissae. See Jesuits' Bark — lugonis. See Jesuits Bark — patnim. See Jesuits Bark Pumbedita ni-317a; Jewish

sihool I-779d; VIII-392a Pumpelly, Raphael, on Jesuit mis- sionaries I-719C Puna, BoUvia II-16oa: 6_28a —Island, Ecuador \-?|i"=;,f': zarro at V-279a; Xll-Ulb, Valverde at XV-26ob Punch, periodical, Doyle, Rich- ard V-lold; Ward, Artemus II-

p^'Sation of Ems. See Ems,

PunSTi°n cathedral chapter

Punctisi'constance, and Lavoisier

— Emii'ie, mother of Lavoisier

Punctuation, CaHovingian XI- 4llTd; Hebrew X-36c; in Latin M.-^S. Xl^OOd; Syriac Xiv- 4iJ9d . „ __ .

Punctum, music X-ibbd PungUovo, Cathanst III^36b Punic, language I-194b; inscrip- tions XIII-710a; wars X-21bd, XIli-llHic; 774a; XIV-o2oc PunicaU, town, India I^-^'O Punic War, Second \ I-4b4b Puniet, de, BenecUctine, on Aqui-

l,.ian Rite XVI-4a Punishment V-565b; of abduc- tors I-33a; accidental, ot hell VII-211b; of African savages I-185b; for apostasy I--^?- St. AugusUne II-98b; by bish- ops II-587b; canonical degra- dation IV-677d; and Cathari III-437a; and Church 111- 528a; Confucianism 1V-220C, corporal, in medieval schools III-351C; corporal, in Russia XIII-250a; deposition IV- 737d; ecclesiastical lll-i>^|°' in Egyptian religion V-34»a, Emery V-402b .

—Eternal: and Albigensians 1- 268a; and Athanasian t-reed II-33d; St. Gregory of Nyssa I-599C; New-Testament doc- trine XIV-536d; Origen I- 599d; and Titus of Bostra XIV-746C — J>f 6re, for witchcraft XV-676b; future, and deism IV-^80c; o heretics XIV-769b; interdict as VIII-73d; and pope XII- 269c; and sin XIV -9c; by stripes, Jewish T.almudic tract XIV-437b; substitute for 11-

— Temporal: and baptism II- 268b; and extreme unction \- 728a; satisfaction for X-2U3t>; and sin, and indulgences VII- 783b; Universalism XV-lsia, and Wessel XV-.590b

of the wicked, and Thomism

XIV-667d; vicarious II-58c; vindictive, and canonical age I-207C ^ , .,. .

—CAPITAL XII-565d; and Albi- gonscs I-2G8b; and alchemy l-273a; and Anabaptists I- 445c; and apostasy I-625a; argumenta for XII-569b; As-


Syrian XII-566a; and attainder II-60a; banishment XII-5boc; black cap II-578a; and blas- phemy II-o95c; and Bogomili II-69'7a; burning XII-5b(C; and Church XII-567d; cruci- fixion IV-518C; XII-567b; dis- section XII-568b; and eccl^ siastical courts I-Sp2c; VI- 154b; by electrocution Xll- 569c; Great Britain II-114a; Greece XII-566a; by guillotine XII-368C; hanging Xll-obSa; and heresy I-268c; 269c: 371b; 385d; 446c; and heresy, bt. Augustine's views .ll-?ff' interdictio aqua et ignis XU 566c; and irregidarity V Ul- 172d; Jewish I-178a; Xll- 566a; legitimate V^6ob; in Middle Ages XII-567b; in Old Testament XII-565d: by poi- son XII-o66b: in Portugal XII-307a; in Reductions ot Paraguay XII-695d; Rome XII-566b: and Sanhedrm XIII^46a; XIV-381b; self- infliction XIV-326d; and State II-138d; stoning X1V--3U80, andThonissen XIV-70ob; un- justifiable XII-568d; and Waldenses XV-328d; witch- craft XV-676a Punjab VII-726a; Mill Hjl, mis- sionaries XIII-587C; Sikhism XIII-7S9a; university, India Vn-727d Punnett, Reginald, on Mendelism

PUNablOCESE OF. Peru XII- 569d; cathedral (ill.) XII-o69

Punon. See Phunon

Punta Delgada, Azores, popula- tion II-169a .

— de Pasados, Ruiz, exploration XII-140d , ,

Quemada, Pizarro s explora- tion XII-140C ^„ ._

PuntiUero, in bull fight III-0.21'

Punto avorio, point lace \ ill

-in aria, lace VIII-729d Pimio, St. Januarius, mu-acle 01

VIII-296b J „ , ,, „TTT

Puontsin hia, and behaU Alii

523a , , ,.

PupU, Apostolic schools, coiidi-

tions XIII-585d; Roman law

I-313d' „ ^ „ ...

PupiUa Oculi (.de Burgo) \-<8d,

Xlll-OJlb ^ „

Pupping, Franciscan house 11

Puquinan Indians, habitation

VII-75Sb Puranas n-734c Purbach (Purbachius), George

von. See Peuerbach, George

Purcell, Edmund, editor XI-695b

—Edward, bank IH-JJab

— Henry, composer 1X-321C, -v

—John, Bishop of Clo>Tie IV--72d —John, Bishop of Ferns \ F746a -JOHN BAPTIST, .archbishop

Purgation, canonical, in Carmel- ite rule III-359b

Purgative Way I-769c; XIV- 254d; 616c; .St. John of the Cross on VnHSlb

PURGATORIAL SOCIETIES XII-372d; Black Penitents Xn-.574b; Conipagnia della Pieta Xll-574a; Death and Prayer .\rchconfraternity Xll- 574b: Immaculate Conception Confraternity XII-574b, In- eolstadt Mass .\ssociation -Vll- 574b; in Middle Ages XII- 573a: Our Lady of Suffrage XII-574b; Perpetual -Adora- tion of the Blessed Sacrament Archconfraternity XII-574d: S Maria in Monterone Xll- 574c; S. Maria in Trastevere

Purgatorio (Dante) IV-630b: 631a: Bolognese II-669b; and Boniface VIII II-668d; Cima- bue and Giotto III-772a

PURGATORY XII-375C; I- 315d; Albigenses I-26Sb; XII- 576a; Cardinal Allen on 1- 323b; St. Ambrose XII-o77a; Anglicans I-643c; and Apostol-

— in AH: Schadow XIII-519a;

Joseph Sibbel XIII-767b —St. .A-ugustine XII-577d; bt. Catherine of Genoa III-4 16b: 446d; Catholicism XII-5(5c; St Clement of .\lesandria Xll- 577a; St. C\i)rian XII-577a: duration XII-578a; errors XII-576a; Ferrara VI-4/c; 112c: fire XII-57Sc: Greek Church XII-576a; Greek Schism VI-765C; St. Gregory of Nvssa XII-577c; as hell VII- 20"7b: Hussites XII-576a; in- dulgences VII-7S4a: XII- o75b- 57Sd; Limbus patrum IX-256b; Mechtild of Magde- burg X-107b; Methodists X- 237d; nature XII-57Sa; Origen XII-577b- and Orthodox Church VI-753b; XIII-538d: Patristic teaching Xll-Siia —Proofs XII-576b; New Testa- ment XII-576d; Old Testa- ment XII-576C —Protestantism on XII-49bD, 576b: in ProtestanUsm, French VII-529d; and sin VII-173d; XlV-lOd; Smalcald .Articles V - 761c . ,

—Souls in: invocation of XU- 27od; 346a; 579c; merit XI 1- 578b; month of X-543a: no- vena XI-143d; prayers for IV-653a: XII-578d; oSOa — St. Thomas Aquinas XIV- 666d: Tertullian Xll-oya; Tradition XII-57,a: ^ aWen- 1PS xn-.">7r,a; X\ -.)2Sd; Wes- 's"xV-.V,-b:/..M,.l,V-762b —ST. PATRICK'S, Inland, pil- grimage XU .-.M'b: IV -60a; XI-55SC; Mane de l'r.ance IX- 667b: pilgrimage to _Xll-9oD

Purisima Concepcion, hospital,

Mexico VII-4s7d .

—Concepcion, mission, Cahfomia ni-lS2d: X-370b; XIII-42,c; XlV^.Wa _

— Concepcion, mission, Texas \l-4l):ib: XIV-547C; 548d; lill.l XIV-.-|49b — Concepcion, seminary, Plasen-

rii Sp:an Xn-15Sa PURITANS Xll-.'iSlb; American IV 24na; .\nfilicanism I-502b; .isr.iiri-in I-772b; classicism XII-7lj7d; as colonists I-11.5a; divorce V-65d; downfall XII- SOOd: English in-198a; in Ireland XIII-61b; in Maryland II-228a; IX-7.5Sa; in New Hampshire X-786d: _XI-;fil.b: Nonconformity XI-9ob ; N ova- tians XI-141a; origin of 1- 167b- the Seekers Xni-681b: South Babylonian IX-591b; m Wales XV-536C; 537a Purity, and eugemcs XVI-39C, in Manichsan cosmogony IX- .593c; Parsee V-530c: St. Paul on XIV-631d — of Action, and mystical theol-

og)- XIV-fi21c .

— of Conscience, and mystical

theolog>- XIV-621C . _, ,

— of Heart, and mystical theol-

ogy XIV-G21C .

— of the Spirit, and mystical the- ology X1V-621C . . Purkh (Nicopolis), .Armenian vil- lage XI-70d Purkyne (Purkynje), Jan t., Bohemian physiologist IV- 600d: X-137b; 13Sd; and cells XIII-592d „ ^ J Purmann, Matthias Gottfned,

surgi-on X-133a

Pumeah, India, mission lli-

155a ... , J

Purple IV-380d: privilege of, and

master general of Crosiers IV -

517a; vestments Xlll-1810

Purpuraria (Madeira) yi-31Sd

Purpurius, Bishop of Limata V-

122c; 124d; and Cfficilian V-

Piirstinger, Berthold. See Ber-

thold of Chiemsee Pursuivants, ecclesiastical IV-

TriHN BAPTIST. ArchOisnop Purg. Can., abbr. I -^

-JOHN P'*^-^'?.,',^™-- Ill- PurgstaU, Joseph Hammi of Cincinnati ^II 57Ua, ill Tf„,„n,cr PurgstaU

774b; IV-ooc; IX-3(8a,

760a; 'and"Ba'din IJ - 201a; and Baraga II - 283a; and Brunner III - i^\.^^, Y'^." Apostolic of Burma XIII-38oa, and Campbell III-83C: conse- cration II-231b; and Ennng V-- 673a; and Fathers of the Most Precious Blood XII-3,4a, Mount St. Mary ?^ -373b, X 605b; portrait XII-570d; and Quinlan, John X-411b; and Rosati XIII-360d; Van den Brock XV-269b; at Vatican Council XV-305b Sir Patrick, martyrdom Vlll-

Purchas Case, result Xin-91b Purdue, John, philanthropist

VII-739a , ,.

—University, Lafayette, Indiana

VII-739a , „j ,^,

Pure Greeks, Rite VI-( o3d: 7o.5c;

Heart of Mary, church. United

States XI .-.iVld —Heart of Mary, Sisters of. .Sec

Heart of Mary, Sisters of the

Most Pure

...•^ — r ^"

ifammcr"' PurgstaU . Purification, Babylonian Ri|e XIII-311C; chronology- VIU- 37Sc; Communion IIl-oMD, XV-564C; in Hinduism ll-i31D

—Jewish XV^65a; and baptism II-260a; Rite of Heifer L-, .bb; Talmudic tract XIV-43.C; and mystical theology- -Xl\-b2ic, and Old Law XIII-296C; sacri-

, fice of XIII-314b .

—and salt XIII^04a: m Zoroas- trianism Il-153b

— of Mary, confraternit

— of^the Blessed Virgin Mary XV-463a . -i- ,1Q..

—in 4r(.- Guido Rem X-413a; Van do Velde XV-270b; V ar- ga8,Lui3DcXV-2/3b

—churches in United States XI- 564d; feast of. See (Candlemas

Purificator IviiiS- J"-"'^^"'


feast XII oSOd; n-:..-.<>c; i..-^ 167d; V-5.'.0a; VIII-40.ia,

PuriseUi,' Juliana of. See Juliana of Puriscll



574b Puruaes Indians y-279a; and

-Vraucanians I-679b . Puruandiro, town, Mexico -V-

2S2d Puruays. See Puruaes Purusha, in Indian cosmogony

IV-llOa , . ,, .

Purves, James, on Justm Mart>T

VUI-oS3b PUSEY, EDWARD BOUVTERIE, Anglican aiviiH- XIT-.-,.s2b; St. ASgustinc. tra„,la„.,ns II-91a: anddeBuck IU-2.c;Cyrdof Alexandria, edition ol 1\ -ouuc, on Eucharist V-580c: Manning on IX-606a: on Newman 1- 504a- X-795c; Old Testament commentaries IV-162d; at Oriel XI-371b; Oxford Movement I-503d: XI-;373b; on Ritualistic leadere_ XUl- 90b: suspended XI-375d — PhiUp Bouverie XII-5S2b PUSEYISM XII-5S-2b: XV-

liOb- German IX-463b Pushan. deity II-730d; IV-685b:

XV-31Sd Pushkin, Alexander, poet Xiu-

271d , , „ Barbara, mother of Ivan Sa- garin VI-334a Pusillanimity, and modesty Al v

Pussort, Henri, and Savary

Pu'ssot, Jean, chronicle XII-726C Pustertal II-122a; and Brixen

PUSTET, family, Cat'>°!;'J?Sa: lishcrs XII-583C; XI-679d; OSOa , „„

— Anton XII-o83c

— Friedrich (b. 1798) xn-583c

— Friedrich (b. 1831) XII-5S3d

—Karl XII-.583d

— Klemens XiI-.TS.3d

— Ludwig XII-583d

Put, Emjck de. ^" Erycius

See Puteanus,

Large type

lost. ruiK