Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/679

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Records of the EngUsh Prormce of the Society of Jesus XV I-

41c T

Recreation, Buddhist view 1 773a- in churchyard III-o07b. in monasteries XII-79qb

Recti Prudentisque consibi, BuU of I'iu- \l \'I -■'» Id

RECTOR Xll-r.7.-.c-. 40Gd; VII- 32.')b; XI--'.ll_'b; and congrua IV-231C; irremovable, in Uni- ted States II-23Sa: VII -173d: Paris, University XI-496d, and parish XI-i99d; m reh- 2ous orders XII-755a; remov- ability XV-248C; rights of, m United States I-143d; Rome, University XIHrl"?,j,„l^»?; of Stimvhurst XIV -309c in Unit.-il "states and England I-437b; of WaUlenses XV-529a

—Major, Redeniptorist office


676d;I-393c , , ,„ ,

Recumbent Magdalen (Canova)

Recupero, Guiseppe, geologist

Recursus ab abusu. See Appeal

123d; 124'b;:ind Anderson,

James 1— n;7b; Anderton.

RoKcr I-407d Red I-129b; IV-135a; vestments,

in Sarum Use Xlll^Slb —Book of Hergest IX-4Jla Redboum, in l'«-'nd I-2o2d Red Branch, SaKa VIII-119d . Red-chalk style, and Bartolozzi

II-319a Red Cloud, Siou% *'t!,>,l;^, ^'^■

22ai 23b; Portrait XIV -19c -Cross Society, Baden II-199d -Crow, chief n-S^J"},,, Reddin, John H. IV -130c Redditio symboli X-b»b Reddituri, Bull of bixtus V IX-

Re'del^Jolin, Abbot of Buckfaat

—Robert* Bishop of Chichester

— Ro'b^rt.'^iudRC. and Stephen

Gardiner VI-3S3a —Thomas V'-47Sb — WiUiam, Bishop of Chichester

Redeemer, Congregation of the


-KNIGHTS OF THE XII- r,77d \iv-l'-la

REDEMPTION .>^ii-j;;'"*ui'd":

'iia \III-tl)7c; XIV-o3bqi .ie.'.uirv "f XII-079d; Albi- l,-n'-'i on I-2fi8b; of ammals XII-()S2a; St. Anselm on II- ^a; and antipodes l-581d; and Apollinariamsm }-f{??'o2nf. rfs'on" n-?rrar BoSn in'thro"no"uil.8d; Buddhist Xll-llWb; chansniata 111- 5S,Sd; Calvinism I-'"*;,.'."- 2l)0a; XII-iWOc; CathoUcism Il-imd; and Christ IU--l.d; VI-*-.9llb; >-II-'"?'=' J'yI?- XIV-.i36d; and Church III- Tilb- in Clementine Epistle IV-l'sd- Council of Florence on Xn-679b; Council of Rome on I-fll6a; Council of Trent on XII-679b; Uort on III-20.3c; ^^'„Smn-327b;328a;VI-- 59.5b; and grace V I bS9c. b9Uc. Gregory of Toons on V II-21a. Gunther on Vll-SOd; imma- nenoeV absolute VII-fi84a; and Inebriation XIII-31fic; Jan- senism XII-Osilc; and Umbo

ix-^>.b, '■-'•"^il'^.J^

"^rli ' li i- iV, Modern-

ist .v.- •■- -1' '■■^'l' ^'^'- 37(lb M'.'il'T on .\-131a:«- lical ii-->.-,c neerl of XII-678a; Odo on Xi-209b; Ongen on XI-3inb; patristic teaching '•■II-fi7Sd- St. Paul on XIV- o'i'to- Pelagius XI-6aid: Quakers VI -30.^; Quesnel XV-129a; and Redeemer XIl-

6Sla; and Resurrection XII- 792b; retroactive effects XII- liSDd; and salvation XlV-'Oia; Scholasticism II-57d; Scotus on XIII-611b; Simeon XV- 46.5a; and sin XIV-Uc; Sociiii- anism XIV-114d: .ind super- natural gifts -XIN ■•••■'C- ^^\i- denborg on XJ \ '. '■.!. -■. m- holism ll-.'>7i.d. i!.. il<-.: XIV"-5S5a; unn.r-:,! 11 l'"ic: VI-699C; Xll-i.^iib. univr,-,!, Arminian doftr.n. '^■"['^ universal, and .hm-' I'i^'i'^ ' 128b; Valentinus on \\ -2..i.b; and Virgin Mary I.'J^2b

Redemptioners, United States XV-169a


Redemptionists. See Trinitar-

Redemption of Captives, Church of the, N'^iplos I-33.-.C

—of Captives, Order for the. See Merc-edanans


Redemptorist Catechisms, in

Rederijkerskamers, dramatic as- sociation X-3.50b

Redern, Sophier von XIV-3U(>b

Redfield, Isaac Fletcher, on Uni- ted States ecclesiastical courts l-lK")2a

Redford, John, musician X-601b;


Mil 'i.".7b Redforth, Thomas V-4i (d Redfrith, Bishop of Lmdisfarne.

Version of the Gospels XV-

irch Moscow X-596a irdinals III-339C 77l'.b; Talmudic tract



REDEMI>TORISTs" 'xlI-6S3a; o74d; 0S4b; 75Sa; VI-4bSa; XIII-177b; XIV-122C; 124b; St. Alphonsus Liguori I-?34c; and Annunciation l-o43a; Apostolic Schools Xlll-oSOd, in Australia XII-6S6b; in Austria XII-683d; Asbury, Francis Baker II-213c; in Balearic Island II-;222b; in Brazil XII-6S6b; Bridgett II- 7S2d; in Bulgaria XII-b^3d; in Canada III-239b; Church of, New York VI-480a; as Clerks Regular IV-49d;. CofBn IV- 93d; in Congo IV-23ba; 23/b, in Denmark lV-72ba; XII- 68Ga; in Dutch Guiana VU 63a; foundation I-336C; and Francis I II-129b; in.F™iice XII-t)84b; Furnuis ^I-3-«. St. Gerard M,; Hi \T I'-d^ German, in I ' ' ; , ' " . 482b; in Ci.r- - \ 1 -■^■•':; Becker Vll IsHi; ll..:l>^.uer II-129b; IV-44d; Houses o Retreat XII-790c; in Ireland VIII-113d; Xll-OSeb; in Italy VIII-233d; XII-683b; 70/c; and jurisdiction Xll-iSbd; Konings VIII-689d; at ,Matadi XVI-68d; missions l-33ba; missions, foreign X-375b; Neu- mann, John Nepomucene X- 773b; novitiate XII-6S6d; in Ohio 1V-.5.')C; Passerat XI

Red Gate,

—hat, of —Heifer I_


V'III--'tlc and Arcadia l-8oa;

nortralt \il-IW7c

Rediate lesmt XlV-92b


687d; and Thomism XIV -594b

Red Jacket, Seneca chief, portrait

XIII-714a „ ^. .

—Knives. Sec V ellow Knives —Lake, reservation V-189D Redman, Richard, Bishop of Ey. as Bishop of Asaph Xni-33,?a, 333b; date of consecration V 397a; as Bishop of Exeter V- 709a; register of visitations U-

Re'd* Ma_ss, in La Sainte-Chapelle

Redmond, James, Jsu>t. and An- thony KohlmannyiII-fi87a

—John Edward VIII-113b; XI- 180c; and education in England

Redner, Leo, Bishop of Culm

Rednoi, Wolfang, Bishop of Neu-

sohl X-774d Redon, Abbey of XII-7<.3a Redondo, Christopher, mis.sion-

arv m'lrtyr X-390d; XV -4.)5c Redbrferi at Diet of Augsburg

XV-049d „., ,. .

Redpath, Henry Adeney. Biblical

  • ^ , T\--iO(^n- on Pen-

Spanish Government XII- 096a; statistics XII-693d; treaty of 1750 XII-09Sb; War of the Seven XII-698d

Redundans in personam, as mat- rimonial impediment VTI-698a

Redwald, King of East Angles XI-121d: and St. Edwin V- 323d; and King Ethelfrid XI- 348d; and Sigebert XIII-7S3C

— Bishop of York. See Hroth-

Red Wing, Minnesota X-330b;

XIV-19b Redwitz, Oskar yon, poet VI-

527b Redwood, Californian III-172a Red Wood, town, Minnesota

XIV-20C .

Redwood, Francis, .\rehbishop of Wellington XUld; XV-580C; at Second United States Catho- lic Congress IV'-250d Reed, in Bible XII-156a — at Communion III-562b —J., in Ohio III-775d — Thomas B., and A. P. A.

I-427d —William B. III-l',,S4a Ree Indians. .S' ■ Ankara Reese, Edward, niissionarj- in Dioeese of Cincinnati VH79a — John Frederick, Bishop of De- troit. SeeReze ,,.,,, —Thomas, and Cell of Middles- brough X-286b . Reeves, WiUiam, antiquanan, and Book of Armagh I-734a; and Eugene O'Curry XI-20od Refal X-123C

Refaya, Mohammedan associa- tion X-422d; 423c Refectorian, monastic I-l*'^ Refectory, monastic I-13b Referendaries of Favours, ab-


wrcord"nee'rv;i96a; on Pen- tateuch XI-6ooa ?^^f^S^%Td;«;aa; IX-603a; Taensa Indians XI \ -

—River, China. See Song-koi



521a XII • 122h

Philippine Islands

■ isliurg XII-

,l:md XIII-


.; and Putzer

juebcc XIV-

X-.TOSd 1 XV-756b;

XII-.5S4C; ... -c- -- -- 462d; Regolamento l-338a, rules XII-701C; in Russia .XII- 6S3c; S. Gioacclino, Church of, Rome XIII-171C; schism XII- 0S3b; Seelos XIII-681b; m Si- beria XIII-767d; in ^uth America XII-0S4c; in Spain XII-684C; Sporlelli, , Casar, Ven. XIV-23Gb; in Switzerliind XII-684a; in United .States II- 213c; 232c; Xll-JWla; Veith XV-322d: Vienna II-129d: and Warsaw IV-J5b; in the West Indies XII-6M)a ....

Redemptriz Mundi, m Anglo- Saxon Church I-.'ilOc

Redemptus, name X-fi74b

—companion of St. Fulgentius VI 316b

Saint, Bishop of Fcrentino V 1-

— Ic'gendary Bishop of Trani — ^CruVe* martyr III-363C; XII-

Reden, Theodorich von, Bishop of

Liibcck IX-401d Redentore, church, Vemce Av-

665a — church. Vicenza XI-424a



— Russia, M

Reds, political party, Uruguay. See Colorados

RED SEA XII-6S8a; and Albu- querque I-27pc; Dugongs I- 519a; and Hebrews XII-b8Sb, Moses and X-.59.a

Redshaw, Christopher, of Onston Xl^lSa

— Margaret XI-41.Mb

Red Square, Moscow

Reductio ad absurdun origin X-14nc

^^^"/"?."ARAG^k'V°°x!lSr XI-171d; and CI R96d; Church ". life XII-fi94c; -- ' '

Jesuits XII - '" >' . ,^'

XII-097C; ik- - ' ' ," "V; destruction Xll iiima, <■■'" from churches of the Reduc- tions (ill.) XII-698C; discipline XI 1-69.50; economic system oi the XII-fi91b; foundation XI 1- 689c; government Xll-bJ4a, Guarani VII-45c; industries XII-6't2b; Jesuits, expulsion XII-699b' 699c; and labour XII-fi92c ; ma\) Xll-f acing 1 94 ; niche (111.) XIW.9.5d; organi- sation XII-(>90d; penal reg- ulations XII-9'C: I'bi" ■>"" location XII ';'"|d; P"l.MlMmn


preliminary notions XII-<.^8d; products XII-C.91d; and prop- erty XII-691C; rations XII- 692d- Ruiz de Montoya Aiii- 223d; schools and education XII -69.5a; sick XII-69ba. ind Spaniards XII-«96d: and

-of Justice, .Vbhreviators I-29d —of Signatura XIII-149a REFERENDARII XII-700a Reff, Hans, Bishop of Oslo XVI-

Refiection (psych.), and intellect VIII-6Sb; and knowledge IV- 211a; and Locke V-408a;

—Law of, in physics XII^<d, Fresnel XII-65C; HuygensXII-

Refiectors, telescopic, Foucault

VI-157a Reflex VIII-.50C Reform, church. Albero de Mont-

reuil I-259C; and Alexander VI

I-291d —The Society of VI- (42a Reformati. .Sff Friars Minor Reformatio Legum, English V-

REFORMATION XII - 700b; abuses XII-700d; and Advow- son I-169b; Altcld. disputa- tions II-79a; Anabaptists I- 445b; and Anglicanism I-502C, 642b; Antinomianism I-5b4a; 566c; snd Apocal>T)SC I-598a: Apoi-.i .si:isi!.ts I-(i00d; and Ai


.Vpologet- rment II- (iOa: d'Au- a; Audin's


history ii ■■■" — iTi ^us(ro-//u7i9ari/ II-125a; Croatia IV-512b: at Tepl XIV-514a- in Transylvania XII-708a; XV-21b; in Vienna

— OT t^pSm II-265C; 269a: Bu- cer III-25d; BullinBers history

XV-774d; and I*,"- '; ;' \?;°° III-85a;Calv,Ml V...b.XII- 702d; Calviin-n, III ^^b .ajid Canon of Srnpture.s 1 l„-»d. catechisms V-79a; and Catho- lics XIV-444b; causes Ul- 703c; XII-700b: Cenalis III- 519a; censorship of books lii- 521c- Centuriators of Magde- burg III-.5.34C: Chantries, sup- preSiion III-S74a; Charles V Ill-62.5d; 627b; 62**b; «?d Chierigati I-lOTb; I I-6-^8d Christology of ^.I\-fi^i»; clerical and monastic disorder Xll-700d: and Crotus IV- 539c; and culture I-i57b, 7580, and Deism IV-679C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page;

, d, quarter of page.