Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/688

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Revestiarius I-14c; XI-lS3d Reviczky, Jules, poet VII-561d Review, periodical IV-567d; XI-

Revillagigedo, Conde de, Viceroy of Mexico, aad iSaint-Simoa Xlll-377b

ReviUe, Albert VII-336b; and natiliism X-717a

— Stephen, Bislmi) of Sandhurst Vll-2si;a; XIIl-i:ii;c

ReviUout, Eugene X~177a

Revised Version of the Bible II- 142d: glcjssea Vl-587b_

Revisionism, Socialism XIV-63d; 64c

Revista Agustiniana (Ciudad de Dies), periodical VII-2S.5d

— Catholica, periodical VII-155a; XI-689b

— Catolica de Cuestiones So- ciales, periodical XI-t>90d

— de Estudios Franciscanos, pe- riodical XI-690d

— do Conselho Central, periodical VI-145d

— ^Eclesiastica del Arzobispado, periodical Ill-37b

— Europea, periodical VIII-741a

— LuUiana, periodical X-749c

— Mercedaria, penojical X-I97d

—Popular, perioelical II-290C; XI-090i

— Social Hispano Americana, pe- riodical II-290C; XI-(J91a_

— Universitaria, periodical XIII- 365d

Revival, Catholic, in England XIII-573a

Revivals, Religious XII-743d

Reviviscence, of Sacraments XIII-304C

Revocat, Saint, martyr VI-29a


—Act of (1623) IV-4.38C

Revoil, Georges, in Somaliland XIV-139b

— Pierre-Henri VI-96b

Revolu;ao de Septembro, periodi- cal XI-689a

Revolution, and Anarchism I- 452c; agrarian, and reform I- 227a

—American XV-102b; 163d; and Abenakis I-39c; and Canada ni-234d; and Cherokees III- 646a; clergy, French I-796b; Congress at Mass V-183c; and De Grasse VI-72Sb; and Dela- ware IV-692d; and Fitz-Simons VI-87d; and Germans VI- 476d; Griffin's history XVI- 42d; Maryland II-229b; IX- 759c; and Masonry IX-781b: and Ojibura III-690b; Rhode Island XIII-21a; Rochambeau XIII-lOlc; Sioux XlV-18d; and Spain XIV-184d; Vermont XV-33.3d

— Austro-Italian (1820), Sicily Xin-776c

—ENGLISH (1688) XIII-7b; V- 452b; effect of V-465d; penal laws XI-613d

—European (1848) VI-174c; XIII-238b; Austria II-129c; Baden II-19.5d; 196c; and Bakounin I-452d; BerUn II- 494b; and de Bonald II-648a; in Prussia Xn-528c; and Re- demptorists XII-684a

—FRENCH (1789) XIII-9a; 379a; VI-172d; Academy sup- pressed I-89d; agrarianism I- 22Sa; Antonelli I-5S4b; Ant- werp I-589a; 590c; and Augs- burg II-7Gb; and Baden II- 195c; Barruel's works II-310b; Bastile, fall of the XIII-9d; Belgium, annexation of II- 395b; and Berne II-.30Sd; Bernier II-509C; Bernis II- 51 Id; BrugiSro III-7b; Brutfi dc Kf-iiiur III-24b; calendar 111 7ll)c; Canada, refugees in III 234c; and Capuchins III- 323c; catacombs, desecration of III-512C; Charity, Sisters of III-60tia; 600c; 610a; chateaux, burning of I-228a; Christian Ketreat, Sisters of III-721d; andChurch VII :|i;^lb; and Cis- tercians 111 7sla; Civil Consti- tution of the Cleriiy Xlll-lOd: constitutional clergy, excoin- mUQicatedXIIl-12d; constitu-

tional clergy, statistics of XIII- Ild; congregations, law against VI-179d; confiscation V-422a; criticism, historical XIII-9a; and Cult, religious XIII-14b; Directory XIII-13c; and Do- minicans XII — 368Ed; and Douai V-139d; education, Eng- lish XIII-573a; Emery V-401d; England, priests in V-4o3d; Es- tates, Meeting of the XIII-9b; executions XII-568b;^ France, dechristianization of XIII-14a; foundlings, treatment of VI-159d; and Germany VI- oOSb; Hague VII-109b; Haiti VII-114d; Irish XIII-126d; and Italy VIII-234a; and Jews Vni-398a; laicization VIII- 746d; La Rochefoucauld-Lian- court IX-5b; legislative as- sembly XIII-12b; Leroy-Beau- lieuonXVI-33a; literature VI- 200a; Louis XVI XIII-12b; 13a; 13c; Marat XIII-13d; Marie Antoinette XIII-13d; and Masonry IX-781c; Mira- beau Xlll-lOa; Modernism, origin of X-41Sb; and monas- ticism X-476b; National As- sembly XIII-9C; National Con- vention XIII-13b; Necker Xm-9b; nuns, mart>Tdom of II-599a; and O'Connell XI- 201a; St. Omer College XIII- 366b; and Papal States XIV- 265a; Paris XI-lS4a; persecu- tion, d^cadaire XIII-16b; and Pius VI XII-132a; Xlll-Ub; and poor-reliet XII-240a; Pr6- montr^. Abbey of XII-392b; and property, ecclesiastical Xll-lOb; Reign of Terror XIII-14b; and religious liberty XIII-15b; religious toleration XIV-770d; Renaissance XII- 769c ; victories. Republican XIII-15a; Rights of Man Xlll-lOa; Robespierre XII- 14c; Rousseau IV-337a; Royal- ist insurrection XIII-15C; Rus- sia, emigrants to XIII-375c; and schools XIlI-557d; secu- larization XIII-415a; Septem- ber massacres XIII-13b; Span- ish Alliance XIV-184d; de Stael VI-200C; States General XIII-9b; Talleyrand XIII- 10b; and theology, Catholic XIV-595C; Theophilanthrop- ists XIII-16b; Teresian Mar- tyrs XIV-517a; Tournai, Dio- cese of XIV-799b; Tribunal XIII-13c; and Turin Univer- sity XV-95b ; Vendue XI II-13c ; Versailles Xlll-lOb; woman question XV-691d

—French (1830) VI-174b; de (Juclcn X1I-600C

— Hungarian II 849), and Russia Xlll-24'.<d

—Polish 1 l.s(;3) XIII-230a; 25Sd; Russia XIII-236C; Vilna XV- 433c

—Portuguese (1820) XII-304d; (1383-3) XII-307d; (1910) XII-305a

—Russian (182.3) XIII-249b

Revolutions of the Celestial Bod- ies (Copernicus) VI-344b; XV- ls4a

Revue Alsacienne X-640C

— Archeologique 1V-741C

— Augustinienne XI-677C

—Benedictine X-679d; XI-672a; XV-31sd

— Biblique XI-677C; XV-519b; an.l Co.s.iuin XIV-752b; Do- minicans Xll-3i;9a

— biblique internationale XI- 305b

— Canadienne XI-fi72c

— Catholique, and Ontologistic controveiHv .\V-114a

—Catholique de Droit IX 396b; XI-671d

— Catholique de Louvain XI- 67 J b

— Celtique VIII 123b

— chrStienne Vll-336d Contemporaine XI-13-lb -critique XI I9sd

— de Bruxelles lV-66,3a

— de I'Action populaire. Sec Revue Verto

— de la Jeunesse XI-677C; XII-

368Hd — de I'art Chretien X-525c; XI-

672b — de I'ensiegnement Chretien II-

10.3c — de rOrdre Premontre et de ses

missions XI-.304b — de Philosophie X-749c; XI-

677c — de philosophie positive IX-

296b — des Deui Mondes XI-134b;

XVI-,33a; Brunetiere Ill-lOb — des Facultes Catholiques de

I'Ouest I-190a; XI-677C — des questions historiques VI- 334b; IX 7:!4b: XI-f,77c; XlV-llOd; Allar.l I-317b — des Questions Scientifiques XII -322b; Carbonnelle XI- 671d — des Sciences ecclesiastiques II-712b; IX-730a; Bouquillon II-716a — des Sciences philosophiques et theologiques X-749c; XII- 368Hd — des Societes Commerciales

IX- 390b — de Strasbourg \II-536b; 3:;<id — d'iustoire de I'Eglise de

France XI-677d — d'histoire ecclesiastique \'I-

323c; lX-39i;b; XI-672a — d'Organization et de Defense

Religieuse XI-676d — du Clerge Franjais XI-G77d — du Nord VII-150d — du Tiers Ordre XIV-645a — Generale XI-072a — Internationale de Theologie

VI-771b — Jeune XI-672a — Mabillon XI-677d — Medicale IX-396b; XI-071d — Moderniste Internationale X-

41Sd — Neo - Scholastique IX-393d; 396b; X-749c; Mercier XI- 671d — pratique d'Apologetique XI-

677d — pratique des societes civiles

XI-671d — protestante, periodical VII-

530d — sacerdotale du Tiers-Ordre de

Saint Franfois XI\-642b — scientifique II-104C . — Sion Vll-364b — Sociale CathohquC' IX-396b;

XI-671d — theologique VII-336d; XI-

671b; XVI-67b — Thomiste X-749c; XI-677c;

XII-369a; XIV-702b — verte XI-677d Rewa, school XVI-40d Reward, eternal, belief in VI- 702b; African savage I-185b; deism lV-680c; of Just, Thom- ism xn'-667d; and merit X- 202c Rewbell, Jean - Frangois, Di- rectory X-6SSd; XIII-15d Rewley Abbey II-437d; XI-

365c Rex, Charles B. XIV-331C — Christianissimus, title Vl-ll">9a — GLORIOSE MARTYRUM

Xin-17a — Orthodoxus (John Casimir of

Poland) XII-191b — pacificus. Bull of Gregory IX

IV-39:3a; 671c; 672a — SEMPITERNE CMhlTVU

XIII-17b Rey, poet XII-197a — Abel, and Pragmatism XV-7()a —ANTHONY XIII-17d —Claude, theologian XIII-3S()b — Hospital del, Burgos III-67a —Hospital General del, Toledo

Xn'- 7.39a Reybum, Rebecca III 43l)a Reyersz, Cornells, Dutcli Com- mander lll-i',82d Reyes, Antonio de los, Mistccan

language 1-372C: X-4()<1c —Martin de los 1\ -102d —Rafael, in Coluinl.ia iy-12:ic Reyna, Cassiodore, version of the

Bible XV-371C Reynard the Fox, in romance VI- 191d; (ill.) VI-191d

Reynaud, Jean, and Le Play XII- 162b; and Saint-Simonism XIIl-:i7sb

— Paul-Marie, Vicar ApostoHc of Che-Kiang III-677d; XVI-SOb

Reyna Zeballos, Miguel de, writ- er XlV-2tj:!b

Reynelm, Bishop of Hereford Vll-25.3d

Reynen, C. H. J., Vicar Apostolic of Curacao IV-S70b

Reyner, Bishop of St. Aaaph Xlll-:«3a

— Clement, -\bbot of Lamspring n-4l'.2b; and Baker II-213a

Reynier, Saint XV-S7b

Reynold, martyr V-478a

— Frau von, founcbess IV-245b

— Walter, Bishop of Worcester XV-704b

Reynolds, Governor of Georgia VI-462a

— Anthony X-3G5c

— Christopher Augustine, Arch- bishop of Adelaide I-140b; and Norton XII-284a

— Ignatius Aloysius, Bishop of Charleston V-372d; IX-387c; XIV-1.39d; XVI-83d; in Bardstown IX-:3SSb: and Hew- it Vll-3(19d; Irish immigrants Vlll-137d; in Louisville IX- 3SSa

—John, Douay Bible V-140b; IX-72Sb

—Joshua, on Barfolozzi II-319b; and Kauffmann, Angelica VlIl-(ilOa

—Richard, in Rome Vlll-lSSa

— Richard, Blessed. See Rich- ard Reynolds

— Thomas, Bishop of Hereford VIl-235d

— Thomas, Venerable. See Greene, Thomas

— Walter, Archbishop of Canter- bury III-300a; on Confession Xlil-6.50b

—WILLIAM XIII-18a; version of llie Bil.l.- XV-.376d

— W. R., iait..r XI-673b

Reynoso, Alonso de, missionary X-:i83a

Rey Redondo, Nicolas, Bishop of Tencriffe XIV-307b

Reza (Rhesa), genealogy of Christ VI-410d

Rezanof, Nicolai Petrovich de, and Alaska I-246C

Rezato, Albert, Patriarch of An- tiocli. Sec Rezzato

Reze, John Frederic, Bishop of Detroit IV-759C; Indians XII- 320c

Rezek, Antonin, writer IVHjOOd

Rezeph. .S. r Hcseph

Rezin. .s'.c Ka.sin

Seznicek, Vachiv, writer IV-600C

Rezzac, Abd-el. See Abd-ei-rez-

Rezzano, Francesco, rhymed vei^

sion of Scripture XIII-27C Rezzato, Alberto, Patriarch of

Antioeh lX-477a; XlV-405c;

Brescia episcopate Il-760d Rezzonico, Carlo della Tone. See

Clement XllI — Giovanni Battista, cardinal,

.and Clement XIII IV-35a Rha, Countess of Hapsburg, and

.Muri Alihey X-tM:!a Rhabanus, Maurus. .S't ;' Rabanus

Mauriis .Magnentius Rhadogund, Saint XV-462C RhfEsina ^Theodosiopolis) IV-

627d Rhietia, and Aquileia I-601d; as

Roman province XIV-35Sd:

anil Emperor Valerian XV-


OF Xlll-lSa; map XlV-fac-

iiig 364 .

Rhfetian League, and Spain

XIV 649d Rh»ticus, George Joachim, aa-

tronomer lV-;).3:!b; Xll-oSd Rhieto-Romanic, language XIV-


Rhagius, Joannes. .So- .Esticam-

Rhampsinit in-191a Rhangabe, Michael, Byiantmo

Emperor. See Michael I


Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iUuatrations.