Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/696

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Rogue River Wars XIII-791d ROH, PETER XIII-117a; at

Baden II-197a; aa missionarj'

X-393C Rohais, mother of Vitalis of SaW-

gny XV-4S6b Rohan, Anne de, Princesse de

Gu^m^nde. See Gu^m^n(^e — Armand Gaston Maximilien,

cardinal XV-129b; and Tencin

XIV-505d — Fransoise de XV-425C — Henri de. Huguenot VII-533b:

X-122b; XV-272a — Louis Rene Edouard, cardinal

XIV-314b: and Liebermann

IX-23od;and Marie Antoinette

IX-606b, XIII-395a — William de, missionary VIII-

li.'4a; IX-3S0C Rohan-Chabot, Louis-Franfois-

Auguste, Cardinal de II-525c;

and Gousset VI-(')84d Roharmou, quarries XIV-367C Rohan - Soubise, family XIV-


CHARLES XIII-U7c; on Do- minicans XII-3i;Sa; on True


U7c Rohde, Erwin, philologian VII-

19Sb: on Eugenianus III-119d — Tohann H, Archbishop of Bre- men II-7o7c Rohez, Countship of IV-547b;

.547d Rohling, August, theologian.

Millennium X-310a; on Psal

XII-541b Rohme, Maria Louisa de VI-

■47Sb Rohnert, W. Vni-49c Rohob 1-77 ja; Vl-444b Rohoboth. N.. Kcrlu.lioth Rohr, v., niHM.iiiury X-383d Rohrbach, Jacklein XI-598C ROHRBACHER, RENE FRAN- COIS XIII-117d; VII-378b;

and Gregory XVI Vn-9b; and

Lamennais VII-6SIb; VIII-

764a Rohrer, Bemhard XV-419b Rohrwerk, John XIV-711d Roi, College du, Douai V-139a — College du, Louvain (ill.) IX-

394 Roig, Antonio, writer X-332a Rojas, Cristobal de. Bishop of

Oviedo XI-363d —Cristobal de, painter XV-329a — Esteban, Bishop of Garzon VI-

390b — Fernando de, writer XIV-19SC —Francisco de III-127b —Pablo de X-520C — Sancho de. Bishop of Palencia


DE XIII-ll^a; XlV-199a Rojo, Manuel, Arclibishop of

Manila IX-59Sb Rokewood, Ambrose VI-3SSb —JOHN GAGE Xlll-llSb — Thomas. .Sec Garnet. Thomas Rokitansky, Karl von, anatomist

X-137d; XIV-35b; portrait

X-135; at Vienna University

II-130d; XV-423C Rokyzana, John of. See John of

Rokyzana Roland, Blessed, Cistercian XII-

729d —canon XII-730a — legendarv hero II-682C; IX-

122c; XII-726a; death III-

613c; at Rocam.idour XII-94b —Archbishop of Cashel III-401C —Bishop of RuscUk VII-4na —Bishop of Trcviso XV-39a Roland, Nicolas VIII-444C — de Bussy, Mother, Ursuhne

XV-22,Sb — de la Platiere, Jean Marie

XIII-12d --de Lattre. See Lassus. Or-

landus de Rolando, James, I.azarist X-367C Roland of Cremona, Augustiniam

Xn-3C2c: XIII-610b; on "Sen- tences" XII-3G4a RolandsUed (Konrad der Pfaffo)

VI-51.Sb; Vni-690c: 1X-122C Roldao, navigator lV-145d; death ■ lV-U7i

ROLDUC Xlll-llSb; crypt (ill.)

XIII-USc Rolendis, Saint, oil of XI-229d Rolewink, Werner, Carthusian

II-579d: on Westphalians XV-

602d Rolf, Francis, priest XV-608a Rolfe, John XV-456a Rolfiiik, Werner, physician X-


118d; XI-7S7a Roll, von. Vicar General of Con- stance XV-591a — Joachim, Abbot of Hersfeld

VII-297b RoUe, William XIII-119b — DE HAMPOLE, RICHARD

XIII-I19a: ..n Blessed Sacra- ment XV-4s4b RoUenhagen, Georg XI-583b Roller-board, of organ XI-299a RoUett, Alexander, physiologist

X-139C Rolli, Paolo Antonio I-S5d RoUifer XIII-20Sd RoUiger III-16a ROLLIN, CHARLES XIII-llQd;

acceptant I-95c; at College de

France IV-114a; on Mary de

Sales Chappuis IX-754C; por- trait XIII-120a Rollins College, Winter Park,

Florida VI-118a RoUo, first Duke of Normandv

VIII -7Sla; XI - 104b; and

Franco XIII-209d; and Gan-

telme III-636b Rollock, Robert, writer XIII-

625c Roll of Josue. See Josue, Roll of Rolls (Jew-ish Bible). See Megil-

loth —Eliza XV-312a — Mortuary. See RotuU —SERIES XIIl-!2Ua; and Mac-

Carthv XVl-57b Roloff, F., priest VI^78d Rolph, Frances Xin-120d —John XIII-12ud —THOMAS, Jr. Xni-120c —Thomas, Sr. XIU-120C Rom., abbr. I-2.')C Rom, de, cardinal, Bishop of

Lerida IX-18Sd Roma., abbr. I-23b

Basutoland II-346b Texas III-3d —GiuUo, cardinal XII-676a;

XIV-747d Romsean VI-737a Romxus, Franciscus, Dominican


702c Romagna I-155a; II-639d; 640a;

Acquaviva I- 109b; Albertini

I-263c; Borgia I-292b; CastelU

Ill^OSa; Gil de Albomoz VI-

55Sd; Vatican documents XV-

2S8a; 2S9a Romague, James II-705b; XII-

287d Romagnosi, Jean - Dominique -

Gr^goire- Joseph, publicist XI-

594b; XV-750C Romain, Saint. See Romanus Romaine, Indian settlement X-

512b — oriflamme XI-306a — WiUiam IX-400b Romaiimidtier, monastery XIII-

163c; 341b; XIV-362C Romain-Moutier, church, Galilee

III-,577a Roman, Saint XV-498C — Hieronymilc VI-450d —I, Bishop of Gurk VII-88C —A. B. II-230d — Bartolom« III-377d — Manuel, missionary IX-553C:

579c; XlII-401d Romana, Saint II-377d Romana, Eduardo, President of

Peru IX-25.5b; at Stonyhurst

XIV-310a — Academy I-83d; and Paul II

XI-.579a Romana Ecclesia, Bull of Gregory

XIII XlII-13.-.d RomaniE Sedis Antistes, Encycli- cal nf Gregory XV IX-560b Roman and Greek Catholic Union

VI-719d Romana version, of Psalms X^'-

5 Hid Roman Barbarian Codes IX-S8a


79c: Alexander Natalis I-297a, Antoniano I-5S5a; baptism II- 259d: Bellarini IHllb; on catechizing V-82d; Clement XIV XII-269a; divisions Xin-121b; Dominicans XII- 36SFd; editions and transla- tions XIII-121C; Eucharist V- 582a; judgment, general VIII- 552b; Nev.'man V-79d; priest- hood, universal XII-415b; pur- pose XIII-121b; relics XII- 734c; Sirleto XIV-27c; Trent, Council of XIII-121a

—CATHOLIC XIII-121d; III- 450a; IX-23b

— Catholic Charities Act V-}57a; VII-721b

—Catholic Church. See Church

— Catholic Ecclesiastical College, Russia XIlI-257b

— Catholic Episcopal Corporation, Toronto XIV-7.S2C

—Catholic Oath XIII-12.Jb

—CATHOLIC RELIEF BILL (England) XIII-123c; 573a; V-4.56d; Xl-lSOb; XV-394b; 671b; Bcntham II-483b: Bianconi II- 541d; Curtis I-723b; effects XIII-12.5b; Fox XIII-125a; George III XIII-124C; George IV XI-201d; Peel XIII-12,ia; penal laws XI-C14b; XIII- 123d; Pitt XIII-12.5a; 128c; Shell XIII-754C; Wellington Xni-125a; 130b

—CATHOLIC RELIEF BILL (Ireland) Xlll-I2.'.b; 41a; V- 454b; \lll-ln7a; XV-394b; Anglesey Xlll-131a; Canning XIII-130b; Castlcrcagh XIII- 128a; Catholic Association XIH-126b; 129d; 130a; Cath- olic Committee XIII-126c; 129a; Cornwallis XIII-12Sa; Dublin conventions XIII- 127a; Dundas XIll-127a; Fin- gall XIII-129C: Fitzgihbon XIII-l27b; 12Sd; Fitzwilliam XIII-127C; Foster XHI-127b; George IV XIII-129d; Gruttan Xin-127c; Kenmare XIII- 126c; Keogh XIII-126C; Ma- ginn XVI-59b; O'Connell XIII-129C; Orangemen XIII- 127d; Pariiament XIII-126d: 128c; 130d; Peel XIII-130b; Pitt XIII-127a; provisions XIII-131a; Roman rescript XIII-129C; Trov XIII-128b; anti-Vnionists XIII-12Sb

— Catholic Relief Bill (Scotland) XI-614d; Xin-621b

— Catholic Teetotal Union, Lon- don XIV-4S9C

— Catholic Total Abstinence So- ciety, London Xl\'-4S9c

— Catholic Workman's League Vn-97b

Romance language VI-l90b; XIV-l92a

Romanceiro, in Portuguese litera- ture XIII-307C

Roman Chant. See Plain Chant

—Church VII-424C; IX-22d

— CoUar. See Collar. Roman

— CoUege XIII-132b; 16,5b; and Accademia della Itiutiaculata Concezione I-87d; Acosta I- lOSd; Allegri's MSS. I-319b; Baker II-212b: Bellarmine II- 411d; Boscovich II-691C; Clav- ius IV-9b; and English College V-473d; St. Francis Borgia VI- 214d; 21.5d; Gregory XIII VII-2d; St. Ignatius Loyola VII-(i4.3c; Jesuits lX-168d; XlV-lOla: olworvatory- 11- 691c; Xlll-I65c; .\\ -3l(lb

—COLLEGES \lll-131b; IV- l!ld:XVl-71b;!iluMinil :i7l)c; American College l-423b; VII- 51Sa; Anima College I-514C; 515a; Armenian College IX- 172a; XIII-l3,5d; Bede College XIII-134C; 7l)0d: Belgian Col- lege Xlll-l.'i.ia; Bohemian Col- lege Xlll-13.-ic; Cnnipo .<iinto de Tedeschi, German College of XIII-13.3d; Canadian College 1II-240C; XIII-13.-)d; 379d:

Capranica College XIII-132a: Clementine College XI-380a; English College I-322d; V- 472c; XIII-365d; 700d; Eng- lish seminaries XIII-700d; French Seminary XIII-135b; German - Hungarian College XIII-132d; Greek Melchite College XIV-404C: Greek Pon- tihcal College XIII-134a; II- l>Tian College XIII-135b; In- ternational Benedictine College of St. Anselm I-17a; Irish Augusfinian College XII-458C; Irish College VIII-157d: 162c; XIII-700d: Leonine Apostolic College XlII-136a; Lombard Seminary of SS. Ambrose and Charies XIII-132d; Maronite College XIII-135a; Pius IX, Seminary of XIII-132c; Polish College XlII-135a: Portuguese College XIII-305d; Premon- stratensian College XII-390d; Roman College VII-2d; Ro- man Seminarj- XIII-132a; Ru- thenian Pontifical College XIII-134b; St. Anthony, Col- lege of XII-458b; St. Fidelia, College of XII-458C; St. Isi- dore. College of XII-4o8c; St. Louis of France, College of XIII-135C; Sts. Peter and Paul Seminary XII-458a; XIII- 132d; S. Maria dell' Anima, German College of XIII-13.3C; Scots College XIII-134C; 579a; 700d; seminaries XlII-700b; South American College I- 425d; Spanish College XIII- 135d; student life Xlll-lSld; studies XIII-131d; system Xin-131c; Vatican Seminary XIII-132C

—CONGREGATIONS XIII- 136a; abbre\-iations I-22b Apostolic commissions IV- 164c; appeals I-654a; 6D4b 655b; archives of I-696d; au- diences, pontifical II - Benedict XIV 1 1-4 35d; Bishops and Regulars XIII - 142b; censure III-530d; 632b; Cere- monies XIII -14Sc; code XIII -137a; and consis- tories IV-2S5C; Consistory XIII-139b; and constitutions, papal IV-321d; consultors I- 13Sd; Council XIII-141b; on cremation IV-4S2b; decrees I-123b; IV-670c; VII-370d XIII-136d; duties VII-722a Ecclesia docens XIII-604a. Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs XIII-145d; Fabric of St. Peter XIII-146C; German congregation A"II-3a; Holy Office VIII-37C; XIII-137a; Index XIII-143a; institution XIII-136b; jurisdiction XIII- 136d; Loreto Xin-I46b; num- ber XIII-136C: officials XIII- 136d; origin XIII-136b; and Pius X Xll-i;isd; preparation for i.tlKc ill l-ssb; Propaganda Xlll-U-'d. j.iiMii-ations XIV- 612d; Kflifinns XIII-142b; and religious orders XIII-755C: Rites XIII-l44b; Sacraments XIII-140b; Sixtus V XIV-34b; Studies XIII-146a; teaching authority XV-1 la; and Triden- tine decrees XIII-Hlc; Vati- can sessions X^■-301c

— Congregations, Acts of. See Acts of Roman Congregations

— Congregations, Advocates of. See Advocates of Roman Con- gregations

— Congregations, Agents of. See Agents of Roman Congrega- tion

—Creed I-li3()d; fi31a; XIV- 522c

-CURIA XIII-147b; VII-»24c: IX-20:ia; abbreviators I-2Sc: .\gents of Roman Congrega- tions I-209d; annates I-537c: Apostolic Camera I-633b; Xin-1.52d; Apostolic Chan- cery XIII-149C: Apostolic Da- taria XIII-1.52a; Apostolic Sig- natura XlII-149a; appeals I- t;55c: assistants at the throne I-S(12a; auditors II-70d; Cam- era of Cardinals I-634b ; Camer-

Large tj-pe indicates titles of articles; other types, topicg treated; (ill.) = illustrations.