Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/697

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lengol II-217a ; cardinal-biahops XIV-324d; cardinal protector III-341a; cardinal vicar III- 341c: XVI-lSb: and Centre Party, Germany XV-(356c: Christian Era V-lla; docu- ments IX-203C; expeditors V- 712d; Grosseteste VII-39a: in- come I-034a: and law, canon IX-59b: matrimonial dispensa- tions V-43b: medieval exac- tions II-334d; offices of XIII- 149c; Penitentiaria, Sacred XIII-147b: and petitions XI- 777a: Pius X IX-701b: XI- IG7b: pope's theologian V- lOSa: refcrendarii XII-700a: Rota, Sacra Romana XIII- 20.5d: Secretariate of State XIII-152d: taxes XIV-l46b: Trent. Council of XV-32d; tribunals XIII-147b; twelfth century III-701C; Vatican archives XV-2SSb: 289b: vicesgerens III-342C

Roman d*Alexandre VI-191b

~de la Rose VI-192a; X-250a

-de Rcu (Wace) I-535d; XI- inea; 2U)c; XV-Mlc

— de Tergus XV-i'il2d

— de Troie \ I-191b

Romandiola (Ravenna) \'III-217d

Roman du chevalier au Cygne VI-|-.2i;a

— du Renart VI-191d

Roman Dutch Law, in Ceylon IlI-o4Sd

Romanelli, Francesco, artist II- .ilOb; IX-4Sd

Romanello, Gian Filippo III-307d

Roman Emperor of the German Nation and Antichrist, medi- a^yal drama IX-27d

Romanes, George J., biologist VIII-olc: 52b: Positivism XII- 34b: 313c

Romanesque Architecture V- 259c: arches I-CSSc: facade V- 746c: Germany XIII-t99a: Italy VIII-226a: Normandy XI-lOoc: perfected I-14a: sanctuary XIII-»31d: West- minster Cathedral XV-600b; windows XV-653d: 654a: win- dows, rose XV-653b: 6o3c

—Art, altar-tomb XIV-773d; metal work X-221c: wood- car\'ing XV-ft99b

Roman Forum XIII-17r)b

—Herald, periodical XIII-166a

Romani, Constitution of Paul V I-29d

Romania, periodical XI-498d

Romanian signs VI-347c; X-770b

Romanianus II-S5a

Romanic race XII-626c; Rus- sians XIII-235c: statistics V- fiOSb

Romanina. See Bcnti-Bulgarelli, Marianna

Romanino, Girolamo, painter XI- 4Ula: and Bonvicino II-67SC

Romani Pontifices, Bull of Bene- dict XllI ni-:i40d

— Pontifices, Dcrce of Pius IX I-12SC: XI-143b

— Pontificis, Bull of Martin V XIII-206C

— Pontificis, Bull of Sixtus IV XII-579b

— Pontificis, Bull of Urban VIII IV-193a

— Pontificis, Constitution of Pius V V-61b: IX-117d

Romanis, Humbert de. See Hum- bert of Romana

Roman Literature. See Latin Literature

— Martyrology. See MartjTology, Roman

— Messenger, periodical XIII- 1668

—Nation VI-739b

Romano, Prince of Volhynia XIII 211b

— Antoniazzo, painter XIII-172d

— Diego, Bishop of Puebla XIV- 71 Sb

— Ezzelino HI da XV-inrA

— EizeUno IV da Vn-57d: XI- 386a: and Alexander IV I- 288b: and St. Anthony of Padua I-.557d: and Bartholo- mew of Braganga II-3I.5b: Brescia II-315C: and Gilberts XV-405C; Mantua IX-«lld;

Milan X-299c; Treviso XV- 38d: Verona XV-361b: Vicenza


— Filippo Giove XIV~557d

— Giulo. .S(v- Giulo Romano

— Pietro IX-i:i2c

Romanoff, Alexis XIII-248a

— Anastasia XIU-246b

— Filarete, Patriarch of Moscow XIII-2i;2c

Romanorum Pontificium, Brief of Pius X VI-279d

ROMANOS, SAINT XIII-154a: II-;!2:th; III-120C: IV-303c;

)i:)b: V-!(i2c: VII-599a; X-

177c; 712d

— Mesonero XI-690a

—PONTIFICES XIII - 154c: I X - 1 7 1 b : G08a: XV- 313c: cloister IV -61b: collection of money IV- 106a: XI-538d: XII-470d; monastery X— 459a: parish XI- 502a; United States II-238C

Romanovitch, Daniel, Russian prince Xni-2.Ma

Romanowicz, Thaddeus XI - 6S7d

Romanowski, poet XII-200b

Roman Processional. See Pro- cessional. Roman

—RITE XIII-15.5b; 64d; VI- 763b: IX -23b; 65c; and African Liturgy I-194a: 195d: Agnus Dei 1-22 la: Alexandrine parallels I-305c; aliturgical day I-314a; Alleluia I-319c: VI'-71Cb: altar I-359b: 365b: altars, private 1 1 1 - 576b; Amalarius of Metz I-376d: 377a: and Ambrosian I-395a; 400b; Amen I-40Sc: in Anglo- Saxon Church I-510d: anti- phonary I-576d: Basilians use II-324b: Canon of the Mass III-255d: Creed IV- 479b; 479c: Cross, adoration of the VI-6»3d: dedication of Churches I-334a; Deus in ad- jutorium meum intende IV- 761b; Durandus the Elder V- 207c: and Eastern Rites VI- 357c; Epiklesis V-502b; epistle IX-196C: in France I-279a; 578c; and Gallican Rite IX- 795d: genuflexion VI-426d: Georgian ChurrI,, ^ \I :.-,:.d: Glagolitic VI-:.7..,i, ( ;l .-..ln u- Missal (facsiinil' ■ M\ I'd; Go,spcl VI-662a; fr:i<-^ \1- 71,5a; Gregory the Great VI- 782d: host (ill.) VII-t96: im- ages VII-670a; In\-itatorium VIII-89d: Ite Missa Eat VIII- 2o3b; K^Tie Eleison VIII-715d; language XIII-6SC; 70d; Lauds IX-38b; I.avabo IX-44C; les- sons VII-193d; Lenten feriae XII-589a: liturgical hooks IX- 297c; 300c: Matins X-51c; in Metz VI-358C: in Milan I- 39.5c: Missal X-354d: None XI-98b: Orate Fratres XI- 269c; Oremus XI-295b; origin I-396d: Postcommunion XII- 318c; predominance X 1 1 1-536a : Prime XII-424d: and Prop- aganda. Congregation of XIII- l.ific: Psalms Xll-543b: Re- quiem Mass Xn-777c; 777d: Resurrection, Congregation of X 1 1 - 7 9 4 d ; and Rites, Congregation of XIII- 144b: Ruthenians use VI-755d; salt XIII-404a; and Sanhedrin XIII - 44.5a: and Sanim Rite XIIH79d: Slav- onic I-.58.3a: XlV-Jlb; 4Id; in Spain X-filla; XIV-18nd; supplication I - 305b: sur- vival of lll-t9.3c; in Syria XIV-405a: Terce XIV-5I5b; in Toledo XIV-756b: versicles

Romans, France II-i96b; XV-


XIII l.-.r,a; ,\I-.-,71d; arrangf- XIII i:.7d; authenticity XlII-15sb; Canon, place in XIII-638c: character XIII- 157a; circumstances of com- position XIII-I6nb: Clement I on IV-1.5c: contents XIII- 1.57d: critical views IV-)96b: XIlI-159b; date XIII-160b;

faith and works XIII-161b; Godeau's paraphrase of VI-623a; integrity XIII-1.59a: and James. Epistle of lll-162b: La Peyr^re on XII-370d: Nac- chiante. Giacomo on X-667b: occasion XIII-157b; Origen on XI-307C; purpose XIII-383b; Salmeron on XIII-403a: salva- tion XIII-161C: Soto on XIV- 152d

Roman Seminary XIII-132a: 133a: 165b: XVI-71b: and Ac- cademia della Immacolata I- 87d; and .Accademia Teologica I-86C; Anerio at I-47od: and English College V^73d

—Senate I-97d: XIII-291a: XIV-747C: last decree VIII- 421d

— Standards I^6b

—Synod (430) XIV-600d; (484) I-105d: (799) XlV-fiOOd

Romanticism X-149d: Brazil XII-311b: Danish IV-731b: English V-f67a; French VI- 200d; German VI-525a: .525c; XIII-5I8d; at Heidelberg VII- 198a: origin III-641a; Portu- gal XII-309d: sculpture XIII- 593a

Romanul, publication VI-751b

Romanum decet. Constitution of Gregory XV Xll-4.56d

— decet Pontificem, Bull of Inno- cent XII Vni-23a

Roman Universal Inquisition, Congregation of the Holy. .See Holy Office, Congregation of the

ROMANUS, SAINT, martyr XIII-16.)a: IX-474d: XII- 284d

—SAINT, monk XIII-163C

ROMANUS, Pope XIII-163d; Xn-27.3d

— I, Byzantine Emperor III- 107d: 108b; 109d; V-283a

— n, Byzantine Emperor III- 107d: 108b

— HI, Byzantine Emperor III- 107d: lOSc; X-27,3b

— IV, Byzantine Emperor III- llOa: IV-llOb: VII-322b

— cardinal VI-797d

—chanter III-618d: VI-347C

— disciple of Theodosius of .^nti- och XIII-26C

— grammarian X-492b

— Jacobite monk. See Theodo- sius. Monophysite Patriarch of Antioch

— mart>T II-468b; XII-S18a

— mystical personage I-578C

—Bishop of Albano I-256a

— Bishop of Apros XIV-577d

— SAINT, Bishop of Auxerro XIII-16.3d; 719d

—SAINT, Abbot of Condat XIII-163C: 341b; V-59,8a; X- 490d

— Saint, Bishop of Le Mans IX- 143b

—Bishop of Lesbi IX-190b

—Bishop of Ravenna XII-666C

— Exarct of Ravenna VI-784b: X-69C

—Bishop of Reims XV-68b

—Bishop of Rochester XIII-102b

—SAINT, Bishop of Rouen XIII- 16.3d; 209b

—Bishop of Selymbria XIII-693a

— Adrianus IX-393a: XV-425c


—OF CSSAREA, SAINT, mar- tvr XIII-16.3b

— of Sutri, Saint X-750d

— of Tusculum, Pope. See John XIX (XX)

—the Melodist, Saint. See Romanos

— the Singer, Saint, .See Romanos

— Ponfifex, Bull of Boniface VIII XI-43.5d

Roman World, periodical XIII- 16fia

Romany. .See Gypsy

Romanzi, Francesco Ubaldo, Bishop of Lacedonia VIII- 732d

Romaric. Saint I-752b: IX-363a; XII-7fi4b: XIII-34.5b

Romaricus, Saint. .See Romaric

Roma Sotterranea, Bosio II- 693d; III-70fib; Browmlow III-

SlSa; 707b: De Rossi I-e90c;

III-517d; 707a; IV-741d; X-

337c: Kraus III-707c: VIII-

699c: Northcote XI-lllc

Romatiana (Remesiana) XI-52b

Rombaut, Saint. See Rumold

Romberg, Moritz Heinrich X-

140c Romblon, Church in VIII-323d ROME XIII-164a; VIII-219b — Churches: Madonna del Divino Amore XIII-175c; national XIII-175C: Our Lady of Sacred Heart of Jesus XIII-173a: patron saints of XI-563a: Sant' Elena, Cappella Santa di XIII-172a; Santissima Nome di Maria XIII-175a: Santiss- ima Trinit4XIII-l 73d: Santis- sima Triniti dei Monti XIII- 175c: Santissima Trinity dei Monti (ill.) VIII-231C: San- tissimi Concezione XIII- 171a: St. Adrian I-375c: S. Agata dei Goti Xni-174a: St. Agnes (ill.) I-facing 214: S. Agnese al Circo Agonale XIII- 174a: S. Agnese Outside the Walls XIII-170a: S. Agostino XIII-170b: St. Alessandro (ill.) I-363a: SS. Alessio e Bonifacio IV-40,^c: S. Alessio suir Aventino XIII-174a: S. Alfonso XIII-170C; S. Ambro- gio della Massima XIII-170C: St. Anastasia H54b: XIII- 174a: S. Andrea della Valle XIII-170c: XIV-oS7c; S. An- drea delle Fratte XIII-170c: S. Andrea de Quirinale XIII- 170c: S. Angelo in Pescheria XIII-170C: S. Anselmo XIII- 170d: S. Apollinare XIII-174a: Santi Apostoli IV-345d: XIII-170d; S. Balbina IX- 405c; XIII-174a; S. Bartolo- meo all' Isola XIII-I70d: S. Benedetto in Piscinula XIII- 174b; S. Bernardo alle Terme XlII-170d: S. Bonaventure XIII-170d; S. Camillo XIII- 170d: S. Carlo XIII-170d: S. Carlo ai Catinari XIII- 170d: S. Carlo al Corso XIII-I70d; S. Caterina dei Funari XIII-174b: S. Cecilia XIII-174b: S. Cesarco IV- 405c; XIII-174b: XIV-709d: S. Claudio dei Borgognoni XIII-170d: St. Clement I- 362c; 382a: XIII-171a; Coii- stantinian XIV-371a: S. Cosi- mato in Trastavere XIII-174b: Sts. Cosmas and Damian XIII- 171b; S. Costanza Xlll-UOa: St. Crisogono XIII-171b; S. in Gerusaiemme XIII-169d: S. Cuore al Castro Pretorio XIII- 171b: Santi Domcnicho e Kisto XIII-174b: S. Eligio dei Fer- rari XIII-174b; S. Eu.scbio XIII-174b: S. Eustacchio XIII-174b; S. Vrantvai-i Ro- mana XIII-171b: S. Fmiii-.sro a Ripa XIII-171b: S. Fran- cesco di Paola XII I- 171b; Clcsd (ills.) \II f:iril,i; I.U: XIII-

171c;Xn fiirinr ^i,s7d:Gesa eMariitXIll 1.1c -^ fliacomo inAuguHii XIII 17!b;S. Gio- acchino XIII-171c; San Gior- gio in Velabro I-363C; XIII- 1 70a ; S.Giovanni a Port a Lat ina IV-105C: S. Giovanni Caliliita XIII-171c: S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini XIII-174C; SS. Gio- vanni e Paolo XIII-I7IC: S. Girolamo dei Schiavoni XIII- 174c: S. Giuseppe a Capo le Case XIII-174C: S. Giuseppe dei Falegnanii IX-.579d; XIII- 174c; S. Gregorio al Cello Xin-171d; .S. Ignnzio XIII- 171d: S. Isidoro Xin-I71d; .'<t. .lohn Lateran (ill.) Vl-facing 342: IX-14b: XIII-169d: .St. John Lateran, apse (ill.) IX- facing 14: St. John Lateran, cloister (ill.) IV-facing 60: St. LawTence Outside the Walls XIlI-170a: St. Lawrence Out- side the Walls (ill.) Il-facing 326; St. Lawrence Outside the Walls, baldachinum (ill.) II- facing 216; San Lorenzo in Damaso XIII-lTOb; San Lo-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page: a, b. c, d, quarter of page.